Chasing Day Series: Chasing Day & Catching Day (8 page)

BOOK: Chasing Day Series: Chasing Day & Catching Day
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With trembling fingers, Chase unbuckled his belt and undid his jeans. He took a deep breath and pulled down his jeans and boxers. Once he pulled them down his strong muscular thighs, releasing his erection, Daylen gasped. Chase looked up and caught her gaze. Her face was a combination of fear and curiosity.

“C-Chase…it won’t fit.” Her voice quivered in trepidation.

Chase looked down at his throbbing dick and had to agree. He and his buddies had all decided once, to measure their junk when they were alone at home and then report back the next day when they got to school. That night, Chase had looked at a dirty magazine to get hard. When he was ready, he’d reached the eight-inch mark on his ruler. And for curiosity’s sake, he measured the circumference with a shoe string, which measured six inches around. The next day at school when they gave their stats, many of the guys had gaped at him in awe. Chase had figured that was a good sign, until now.

“We could still try. I’ll go slow.” Chase offered.

“O-Okay.” Daylen stuttered out.

“Shit! I don’t have any protection! I don’t wanna get you pregnant.” Chase exclaimed in frustration. The opportunity to finally have sex with the one person he’d dreamed of, slipping through his fingers.

“It’s okay, Chase. I’m on birth control.” Daylen whispered shyly.

“Really?!” Chase asked in relief and she nodded in response. He leaned forward, dropping his head to her chest. “Thank God! I didn’t want to stop. I wanna do this so bad it hurts.” He breathed against her soft skin.

The part of him in question that throbbed painfully touched lightly at her soaked entrance. Chase lifted his head and placed his left hand next to Daylen’s head. He leaned forward and kissed her lips softly. Then he pulled back, reached down with his right hand to wrap around his hard length, and positioned the sensitive tip at her opening.

Chase clenched his teeth together as he slid forward. Daylen’s wet canal created excruciatingly good suction around the head and first few inches of his cock. Chase nearly went cross-eyed at the sensation.

“Oh my
!” Chase groaned.

He looked down at her and Daylen’s eyes were wide and lips parted as she took in the feel of him. His thick shaft, stretching her wide. Chase pressed forward and he stopped when he felt her hymen. He pulled back to the tip and pumped forward again, shallowly. He continued to stroke back and forth, never breaching her barrier. He was too afraid to hurt her though his hips ached to thrust deeper.

When he wasn’t able to hold back any longer, Chase looked down into Daylen’s soft coffee brown eyes. She nodded quickly, giving him permission. Chase pulled back to the tip once more and then plunged forward, breaking through her cherry.




Daylen’s eyes pricked with tears the moment he broke through her virginity. Every muscle in her body seized up. It had felt so nice a few seconds ago, but now it felt like fire ripping through her delicate flesh.

“Ow…ow…ow! Chase, it hurts!” Daylen cried out, trying hard to keep her voice down as tears filled her eyes.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Chase bent down and placed soft kisses all over her face. “Ahh fuck, but it feels good.” He groaned as he tried not to move.

He held his body completely still as she tried to adjust around him. Chase kissed the wet tracks her tears made down her temples. His mouth came back to hers and he nibbled on her bottom lip, getting her to open up for him. His tongue stroked against hers, once more sending tingles down her body to her where her body was wrapped around his.

Daylen finally began to relax again. Chase must have sensed she was ready because he pulled out and then lunged back in again. Electric pulses radiated from where their bodies met, out to her fingertips and toes. Daylen gasped at the new sensation.


“Better?” Chase said breathlessly.

“Uh huh.” Daylen moaned as he plunged back in again.

Chase dropped down to his elbows, their slick bodies pressed together. Daylen wrapped her arms around him and he hugged her back. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and shoulder, kissing and biting at her salty skin as he thrust into her hot, pliant core.

Daylen felt his hips speed forward erratically. Chase’s breath came out in warm pants against her neck. She felt a tightness her in belly that kept growing towards something. Then Chase’s body jerked, spasmodically.

“Ahh…Daylen!” He cried out, the sound muffled against her neck.

The tension in her center subsided but remained under the surface like an itch that wasn’t scratched properly.

Chase pumped his hips reflexively. Day felt sticky wetness seep from her body with every inward stroke. She rubbed his back soothingly as she listened to his breathing come back to normal. When he had finally recovered, Chase lifted up to look down at her. Daylen stared at his beautiful bruised face and smiled happily at him. She cataloged every minute, every kiss, and every touch, to think back on fondly.

“God, Pretty Day! That was amazing!” Chase looked down at her in awe.

Daylen’s eyelashes dropped coyly and a flush spread across her cheeks.

“Did you come?” Chase asked hopefully.

“Come? What do you mean?” Daylen asked perplexed.

“I love it! You’re so innocent.” Chase kissed her nose. “Did you have an orgasm?” His cheeks pinkened at the question.

“Um…I don’t know. I don’t know what it’s supposed to feel like.” Daylen confessed.

“Aww…man!” Chase’s face looked crestfallen. “Then you didn’t. I’m pretty sure you’d know if you did.” He blew out a harsh breath. “That sucks!”

“Does it matter? I mean, it felt…nice.” Daylen said honestly.

Chase scrunched up his face like he was in pain. “Nice is terrible. It was supposed to be mind-blowing like it was for me. Maybe I should’ve thought of my grandparents.” Chase said deep in thought.

! Ew!” Daylen cringed.

“NO! Not like that. Guys are supposed to think of unsexy things to last longer. If I’d have lasted longer, maybe you would’ve came.” Chase explained.

“Oh. Well…we could always try it again.” Daylen looked up at him from under her lashes.

Chase looked down at her in surprise. “You want to…again? Even though I sucked?” He asked in disbelief.

“You didn’t suck! It felt really good! Well…after the painful part was over.” Daylen reassured him.

“If you say so. Hmm…we could get cleaned up and I can try something some of the guys were talking about and I saw in a porno movie.” Chase suggested.

“O-Okay,” Daylen said cautiously, not sure what he was planning on doing to her.

Chase slowly pulled out of Daylen’s tender flesh and she hissed in response. They both looked down at the same time. Chase’s flaccid shaft was covered in the evidence of her virginity and his semen, but so was her white blanket.

“Oh no! My mom is gonna kill me! I have to try to get this off before it stains. They both scrambled off the floor. Daylen hopped into her pajama bottoms and shrugged on her tank while Chase pulled on his jeans and ogled her creamy body as she got dressed. They both tiptoed quietly to her bathroom. Chase grabbed a washcloth and cleaned himself off, as Daylen scrubbed the signs of their lovemaking off of her blanket. Once she was done and after several stolen kisses from Chase. Daylen shoved him out of the bathroom with the now clean blanket, so that she could clean herself up.

After she had cleansed her thighs and tender cleft, she grabbed a large dry towel to bring back to her bedroom. She didn’t want to make the same mistake twice. Daylen opened the door to her bedroom and found Chase looking at pictures of them throughout the years. The photographs were pinned to her corkboard, on the wall over her desk. She closed the door and leaned against it, clutching the towel in her hand nervously.

Her stomach fluttered with butterflies, still amazed by what had happened between them. Daylen gazed at his bare muscular back, stained with bruises. Even the discoloration couldn’t take away from the beauty of this boy. And he was hers, at least for this moment in time. Day barely had time to process the transition from best friends to lovers.

“Man, we were little!” Chase exclaimed. “I can’t believe it’s been over nine years since we met. Did you ever think this would happen? What happened tonight?” Chase asked, turning towards her.

Daylen’s words got a little stuck in her throat as she got a full view of his naked arms, chest, and abs. Her best friend, now lover, was a work of pure perfection.

“I-I had hoped,” Daylen admitted. She glanced down at the floor. Unable to hold his penetrating gaze.

She refused to look up, afraid he’d see the longing in her eyes though she heard him move towards her. She saw his bare feet and jean-clad calves enter her line of sight. His fingers touched her chin and lifted up, till she was looking up into his honey-colored eyes.

“Really? You wanted this?” Chase asked curiously.

Daylen squeezed her lips together and nodded her head.

“How long?”

“S-Since I was nine,” Daylen confessed.

“When we first met?” Chase asked in shock.

“Mmhmm,” She answered quietly. “I mean not sex, obviously. I was
. But…” She left the sentence hanging.

“But you wanted to be with me?” Chase finished for her.

“Yes.” She looked down again.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” Chase asked, incredulous.

“Because we’re best friends! I didn’t want anything to get in the way of that. I didn’t want anything to mess it up. I’d rather have you as my friend, than nothing at all. Besides, you were always the most popular boy at school and I didn’t really feel worthy.” Daylen let the truth spill out.

Chase’s hands grasped her shoulders and he shook her in gentle frustration. “Pretty Day, look at me!”

She looked up and her eyes were immediately trapped in his sincere gaze. He clasped her face in his large hands, holding her in place so she couldn’t escape.

“I’m not worthy of
, but that still didn’t stop me from wanting you. Daydreaming about you. Fantasizing about you, since you walked down the stairs to go to our fourteenth and fifteenth birthday party. I’ve wanted you for four years, but I was too afraid to ruin our relationship too. I didn’t want to fuck it up, cause I know I would.” Chase said passionately.

“Don’t say that. You wouldn’t.” Daylen denied his words, absolutely enthralled that he’d wanted her for so long.

“I don’t even know how we’re going to do this. I have to go back to school in a couple of weeks. You’ll be going to school soon-” Chase was cut off when Daylen placed a finger on his lips.

“We’ll figure it out. Let’s just enjoy the next couple of weeks. No matter what, we’ll always be friends.” Daylen assured him, naively.

“When did you become so grown up?” Chase stroked his thumbs over her cheeks.

“I don’t know. Tonight, maybe.” Daylen shrugged.

“Come here,” Chase said, pulling her towards his lips.

He kissed her softly, then pulled back slightly to kiss her nose. Daylen rose up on her tiptoes to place a gentle kiss on the cut on his lip. Her tongue grazed the injury and she tasted copper. The move must have made something snap inside Chase because he pulled her to him and deepened the kiss roughly. Devouring her mouth savagely. Only experiencing soft, gentle kisses up to this point, Daylen was stunned by the ferocity of his lips, teeth, and tongue on her.

He pulled her back to the temporary pallet on the floor. Chase removed the towel from her hands and quickly laid it over the blanket, before bringing her down on top of it. He pushed up her tank and the moment her breasts were bared to him, he latched on. Daylen gasped softly and arched her back into his hot mouth, suckling her.

Chase moved between her legs and began to kiss down her soft stomach. He reached the waistband of Daylen’s pajamas and started to inch them down her hips, kissing the skin he bared as he went along. Again, he sat back and pulled the pants down and off her legs. Then he slid down to settle his face between her legs.

“Chase! What are you doing?” Daylen asked in embarrassment, as she tried to cover her mound.

His face was in such close proximity to her most private place, she was completely mortified.

“I’m going down on you. I want you to come and I’ve heard this is one of the best ways to do it.” Chase grinned up at her.

“Well, it’s embarrassing!” She hissed at him.

“Just relax.” He kissed her pubic bone, right below her tummy and just above the springy hair of her sex. “You know what’s the best part about having sex with your best friend?” Chase asked mischievously.


“Not being afraid or embarrassed to tell each other what’s good and what’s not. Now help me find your clit, because apparently when I do, you’re gonna love it!” Chase gave his sexy sideways smirk, before lowering his head to her clenching sex.

Daylen let her head fall back and covered her face with her hands, trying hard not to be embarrassed. She felt Chase part her labia and then his breath, as he drew closer. Next she felt his tongue stroke up her slit from bottom to top. Daylen cried out a little too loudly as she shot up, into a sitting position. She clamped her hands over her mouth and looked down at him wide-eyed. Chase lifted his head startled.

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