Read Chasing Mayhem Online

Authors: Cynthia Sax

Chasing Mayhem (21 page)

BOOK: Chasing Mayhem
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me?” She pulled her breast covering over her head and tossed it on the floor. Her nipples grew even more taut in the cool air. Her breasts jiggled. “You couldn’t stop me.”

“No?” He cupped her curves, squeezing and releasing, squeezing and releasing, the pressure divine.

Imee rolled her head back. Her neck cracked, relieving more of the tension within her, leaving space for her mounting desire.

She’d lose herself in his touch, forgetting her darker emotions. For a moment or two or more, all she would be was his.

“You don’t believe I could subdue you, my female?” He grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled.

Pain pricked over her scalp. She sucked in her breath, his dominance bowing her spine.

Mayhem dipped his head, dragged his lips over her neck, collarbone, breast, fastened them around her right nipple, nipping, tugging, elongating her sensitive flesh. His nanocybotics fizzed and popped, a thousand mouths plucking at her.

A cry wound up her throat. She snapped her lips together, muffling the sound.

He licked, sucked, played with her. She couldn’t straighten, his clasp on her hair unrelenting. Instead, she dug her fingers into his shoulders and rocked, grinding against the ridge in his body armor.

It had little impact on him. He was covered from foot to neck.

She wore only the boots on her feet and her thin leather ass coverings. The contact ratcheted her arousal upward, melting her thoughts.

“Mayhem.” Her voice was husky.

“Are you subdued, Imee?” He switched to her left breast, lavishing those curves with attention, with nanocybotics, with his hot, wet mouth.

“No. Never.” She protested out of habit, mindlessly fighting him.

“My stubborn female.” Mayhem chuckled, his lips quivering against her nipple, setting off waves of pleasure. “You can’t resist me.”

“Can.” Imee rode his hips, smacking her body against his, every slap increasing her bliss. “Better. Warrior.” Her ability to speak in complete sentences had vanished, conquered by passion.

“You’re not better in this.” He mouthed over her, drawing her inside his mouth. “In breeding.” Mayhem gazed up at her with dark eyes. “In this, we’re perfectly matched.”

“Perfect.” She panted. His clasp on her was sublime.

He wrapped her hair around his fist, nuzzled his face against her breasts, tilted his hips into her rocking, ensuring more of his cock connected with her pussy.

“You’re perfect.” She dripped, her juices wetting the leather of her ass coverings as she strained against him.

“Surrender, Imee.” Mayhem worked her breast. Her skin hummed. Her nipples ached. “You can’t win.”

“Can.” She burned with wanting, flames of need licking at her curves. “Best.”

Her warrior sucked and pulled, with his mouth and his fingers, ruthlessly coaxing her yearnings higher, showing her body and her control no mercy. Imee battled him, herself, sweat slicking her skin, heat sweeping upward.

It was too good. She shook against him. Too much.

“Need.” Her voice was thin.

“Yield to me.” His words rolled over her, flattening her resistance. “Tell me who you need, who has you.”

To do so would be to admit that he won but Imee didn’t care any more. He
won. He’d won the first moment she sensed him. She was his, in all the ways a female could belong to the male she loved.

She resisted for one, two, three heartbeats.

He licked her nipple with the flat of his tongue.

“You,” she cried, writhing. “You have me, Mayhem. Please.”

“I do have you.” His eyes gleamed with triumph. “I love you, my female.”

He covered his teeth with his lips, parted them around her nipple. Their gazes met. Everything inside Imee constricted. He bit down.

The pinch ignited her release, setting her off. She screamed her capitulation, bucking, smacking her leather-covered clit against the bulge in his body armor. Mayhem’s hold on her hair, on her nipple, didn’t relent. Pain rushed over her skull, across her breast, heightening her pleasure, accentuating the blazing fire within her.

The flames temporarily incinerated her sorrow and her rage, purifying her soul, leaving the calming, cooling gray of emptiness and ash.

She sagged against her cyborg. He released her hair and her nipple and laved the tear tracks on her cheeks with his tongue, murmuring words of comfort.

Imee gradually returned to reality and to the realization of what had happened. “You might have won that battle.” She eyed him. “But you didn’t win the war.”

“That battle was the war.” Her cyborg appeared smug.

“Was it?” She gazed down at his hard cock.

His smile, instead of dimming, brightened. “We’ll fight another round then.” He set her on her feet and stripped, his haste making her laugh. “I’ll give you the first strike.”

“You’ll give me all the strikes.” She placed her hands on his shoulders and pushed downward. He was a cyborg, stronger, more powerful than she was, yet he didn’t resist, lowering his ass onto the sleeping support. “You’re on the defensive with this round, warrior.”

She slid her palms over the expanse of his chest, down his abs. His stomach muscles rippled, his metal frame not containing his need for her. Her lips curled upward. This warrior was hers and she would bring him to his knees.

She would sink to hers first. She kneeled before him, drifting her fingers over his hips, his thighs, deliberately neglecting the long thick cock jutting toward her. He spread his legs, a silent request to be touched.

She caressed his knees, swirling her fingertips over his skin. “Who are you hard for, Mayhem?” She slid her tongue over her bottom lip.

His gaze tracked the movement, his eyes darkening. “You. Only you, my female.”

Imee lifted her eyebrows. “Aren’t you going to resist me?”

“I’m resisting flipping you onto your back and driving my cock into your pussy.” He folded his fingers into tight fists. “You smell like freedom.” He breathed in, his nostrils flaring. “Like open space, unexplored planets, and danger.”

Fuck. He knew what she liked to hear. She bent her head, kissed one of his knees and then the other. “You taste like metal and male, hand-to-hand combat followed by fucking.”

“Breeding,” he corrected. “Warriors breed. Other beings fuck.”

“And Retrievers?” She dragged her tongue along his inner thigh, tasting more of him. “What do they do?”

“With their males?” His cock bobbed. “Anything they want.”

“They take what they want.” She repeated the act with his other leg, teasing him, enjoying the firmness of his muscles against her mouth. “Their males are the only beings they’d ever surrender to.”

“Their males treasure that surrender.” He lifted his hips, offering his cock. A bead of pre-cum formed on his tip.

She couldn’t resist that delectable offering. Imee leaned forward, flicked her tongue over him, and he twitched. She twitched also, moaning softly, his nanocybotics setting off sparks of bliss inside her, tiny explosions of ecstasy.

“Your touch slices through me, my female. I have no defenses.”

“We’ll have to work on that.” She curled her fingers around his base. That she had to supplement her cyborg’s control thrilled her. He wanted her so much; his machine side couldn’t help him. “We’ll train again and again.” She rubbed her scarred cheek over his length and his knuckles whitened. “Until--”

“Until my processors short-circuit.” His voice was low and deep and arousing.

She’d just come. She shouldn’t need to come again. But that was what her male did to her. “I like it when your processors short-circuit.” Imee followed the veins in his shaft with her tongue, nibbled around his rim. “It makes me feel powerful.”

“You have power. Mine. Everything I have is yours.”

“I don’t need your power.” She poked her tongue into his slit, searching for more of his essence. “I have my own.” She pushed her lips over his tip.

“Yes.” His eyes rolled backward in his head. “Take me, my female.”

She sank lower and lower, filling her mouth with hard cock, stretching around him. Taking him all was impossible. He was too large. She covered his remaining shaft with her hands and sucked.

He made a hurting noise. His ass levitated off the sleeping support.

She released him and he fell with a thump. His flesh glistened. Her mouth watered. She inhaled him again, cradling his shaft with her tongue.

“I have to touch you.” Mayhem cupped her head with his big hands. “You’re so soft, so wet, so mine.”

She wasn’t given an opportunity to reply. He guided her up and down his cock, setting their pace, forcing her to advance and then retreat, advance and retreat.

In this, as with their mission, she followed his lead. For the most part. She couldn’t resist pushing him, challenging him, smacking his shaft with her tongue, varying her suction.

Their relationship would never be tranquil. They were both warriors, fighting the galaxy and each other.

She loved that about them.

She loved him. Her emotions frightened her. But it was a good kind of fear, the fear of knowing she had something to lose, something worth keeping. He mattered to her. She mattered to him.

Mayhem drove her downward as he thrust upward to meet her mouth, humping her face with a breath-stealing ferocity. She leaned into him. His heat surrounded her. His balls smacked against her chin. The muscles in his legs flexed, his body becoming even harder. There was no give in his form, no leniency in his ravishment.

His out-of-control hair waved on top of his gorgeous head, a banner of freedom, of love. His eyes were as black as the pigment on his cheeks.

Her lips throbbed. Her jaw ached. She was lost, all of her focus on the male before him, pleasing him, prodding him toward the edge of release. The enemy could attack, the ship could implode, and she wouldn’t notice. He was her world.

She glanced upward, their gazes met, held, and the last restraint holding him together snapped.

“Imee.” He bellowed her name, driving into her. Cum propelled out of his cock, splattered against her battered throat and she screamed, coming as hard as he did.

She sucked. He found release. She came, and sucked harder, drawing more nanocybotics-infused cum from his body. This repeated again and again until she’d drained him dry and he’d splintered her brain into pieces and pulverized those bits under his big boots.

“I love you, my female.” Mayhem slipped off the sleeping support. His knees smacked against the floor and she winced. Her warrior didn’t appear to notice the pain. He pulled her against him, strapping his arms around her, his big form trembling.

“I love you, Mayhem.” That truth escaped her lips before she could stop it.

He stiffened.

She did also. Shit. Shit. Shit.

She was a Retriever. Beings hated her. Saying the words, expressing her caring, her love, put Mayhem at risk. Her enemies would know how she felt, target him to hurt her…as the Commander had targeted her loved ones to hurt her, control her.

“You love me?” Mayhem leaned back and gazed at her.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She feigned ignorance, unable to look at him. “Your hearing system must be malfunctioning.”

“All of my senses are fully functional, my female.” A smile spread across his face. “And my recording system is operational also.”

She frowned, seizing on that as a diversion. “You recorded us while we were fucking?”

“While we were breeding.” He acted as though there was nothing wrong with that. And she supposed there wasn’t. Neither of them was shy about their passion. “You love me.” The male wouldn’t be distracted, fixated on that dangerous phrase. “I’ll play it back to you.” He reached for a personal viewscreen.

play it back.” She knew what she’d said.

“I’ve played it back six times already.” Mayhem pushed her face against his chest. “The personal viewscreen was for you, my female.”

She rested her cheek against his left pec, listened to the triple beat of his cyborg heart, and tried to forget she’d ever said the words.

“What made you fall in love with me?” Her cyborg wouldn’t allow her to forget. “Was it my breeding skills? My fighting skills? That I allowed you to seek vengeance on the humans?”

“You didn’t
me to do anything,” she grumbled.

“It must have been my breeding skills.” Mayhem swung her into his arms and jumped to his feet, impressing her with his strength yet again.

Blasted male.

“You’re an ass.” She balled her fingers into a fist and punched him in the gut.

Skin smacked against skin. Pain coursed up her arm. Her wild cyborg laughed.

He dove onto the sleeping support, twisting in the air to land on his back. She bounced on top of him.

“You love me.” Mayhem flipped a tendril of her hair over her shoulder and placed his palms on her bare ass.

Imee pressed her lips together and drummed the toes of her boots against his shins. Yeah, she loved him but she wouldn’t say the words again. She cared about him too much to take that risk.

“We should breed fully.” His cock must have liked his idea because it hardened, pressing against her stomach. “I want to hear you say it again, louder this time.”

“That won’t happen.”

She was right. She didn’t
it again. Moments later, she screamed ‘I love you’ at the top of her lungs.



Chapter Seventeen

Five planet rotations later, Mayhem watched his female as she paced in front of the main viewscreen, preparing to address her fellow Retrievers.

He’d secured a private transmission channel for the exchange, ensuring the Humanoid Alliance didn’t intercept their communications, and he’d covered his model number once again with black pigment. None of the females on the transmission would know he was a cyborg.

His female had covered her sequence numbers also because they were a team, she’d told him, and because she no longer belonged to the Humanoid Alliance. She had punctuated that statement by throwing a dagger at the wall.

BOOK: Chasing Mayhem
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