Chasing Mayhem (7 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Sax

BOOK: Chasing Mayhem
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He mimicked the breeding motion, grinding his body armor-clad cock against her ass covering-clad pussy. Her wetness soaked the material, slicking it. Her scent filled his nostrils and his lungs, making him light-headed with lust, with need.

healing me.” Her voice was husky. “I feel good, invigorated, powerful.” Her fingernails dug into his skin. “I need more.” She pulled on his neck and huffed, her strength no match for his.

He rolled onto his back, obeying her silent command, and she straddled him, her eyes glowing with triumph, her pussy positioned on his encased shaft. “I take what I want, Mayhem.” She was a warrior female and he was her prize. “You can’t stop me.”

“Why would I stop you?” He cupped her breasts, weighing them in his hands, and she inhaled sharply, thrusting their bounty against his palms. “Everything I have is yours.”

“You belong to me.” Imee rocked, riding him. “You’re my target. I claim you.”

“We will claim each other.” Mayhem removed the tiny translucent repository she’d hidden in the valley between her breasts. “We’ll breed so hard; you’ll process thoughts only of me, forgetting your past.” He placed the tiny severed finger on the sleeping support beside them.

“I can never forget the past.” Her gaze followed the translucent repository. That finger meant something to her. When the sun rose, he’d uncover its significance, but not in this moment. In this moment, he would bind his female to him.

“Live in the now.” Mayhem pushed her leather top aside and kneaded her bare curves. “Embrace the chaos.”

There was no Homeland, no rules, no future of stifling safeness. There was only his female. He savored the contrast of her tight nipples against her full breasts.

She was a complex being, strength and softness, fire and sadness. Her long black hair flowed over her shoulders. A gun was gripped in her right hand. Grisly mementoes were hidden on her succulent person.

“This changes nothing.” She undulated, the muscles in her stomach rippling.

It would change everything. He wouldn’t share that truth with his target-focused female. Needing to feel her skin against his, Mayhem elevated her sweet ass with one hand and removed his body armor with the other, freeing his arms, chest, cock, legs.

He set her on his thighs, pulled her against his liberated shaft and they both moaned with pleasure, his tip bumping against her concealed clit. Although she remained nearly fully clothed, her leather garments were so thin he felt everything—the lips of her pussy, the temptation of her entrance, the roundness of her ass.

Imee rolled her hips, a slow sensuous movement that stripped his control, and she gazed down at him. Her eyes flared with appreciation. “You’re perfect.” Lines etched between her eyebrows. “Too perfect. You don’t have a single scar.” She covered her cheek with her fingers. 

“I can’t scar.” His nanocybotics healed him too quickly for scarring. “Strangers will always view you as being the fiercer warrior. It will be an incorrect assumption but--”

“Incorrect?” She reacted as he predicted, pointing her gun between his flat pectoral muscles. “I

“Prove it.” He challenged her. “Show me your scars.”

“I have quite a few.” She set her weapon on his chest and stripped, revealing a silver scar under her left breast, another one on her left hip. Removing her boots uncovered wide scars on both calves.

Mayhem’s fingers folded into fists. Some bastard had tried to cripple her. “You’ve been tested and you survived, my female.”

“I made mistakes,” she admitted.

“All warriors make mistakes.” Even cyborgs made errors in battle. “Your scars are beautiful.” He lifted his head and kissed the mark on her hip. “They are unique, badges of courage.”

“I almost earned a new one today.” Her smile was wry.

“Almost.” The memory of the attack threatened to shut down his processors. He flipped her onto her back, needing to be inside her, to reassure himself that she was undamaged, alive.

She shrieked, grabbing his shoulders. Her gun slid with a thud to the floor.


“Open to me.” He nudged his cock between her legs.

She complied, spreading her thighs. Mayhem pushed his tip inside her tight entrance and gritted his teeth. She was so wet, so hot, so right for him.

And she wasn’t passive. His fiery female hitched her hips higher and higher, impaling herself on his thick shaft. Her pussy lips pulled snugly around him. Lines of strain formed around her eyes and mouth.

“Be still, female.” He slowed his progress, not wishing to damage her. “Have mercy on me.”

“I’m a Retriever.” Her eyes glinted. “I have no mercy.”

“You’re a warrior,” he corrected. She was no longer a Retriever. They were voyaging to the Homeland after this. He would never allow her to return to the Humanoid Alliance, to undertake their tasks, to put herself at risk.

Her softness slid up his cock, surrounding him, until her folds kissed his base. He lowered a fraction of his weight, pinning her ass to the sleeping support, raising himself upward with his arms, and he gazed into her brown eyes. “Are you damaged, my female?”

“As if you could damage me.” She scoffed. “I can take anything you give me, warrior.”

“I don’t have more to give you.” He chuckled, amused at her ferocity. “You took all of me.”

She opened her mouth.

He claimed her lips, surging inside her, swallowing her retort. She jabbed his tongue with hers and his shoulders shook with laughter. His female was a joy. They dueled, attacking, retreating, chasing, hunting, their tongues twirling and tumbling.

Her pussy eased around his cock. He pulled out, pushed back in, pulled out, pushed back in, as they kissed. Imee matched his rhythm, giving as much as she got.

Her fingers curled over his shoulders and her legs wrapped around his waist. “Hard.” She gasped against his neck. “Your body is hard, like rock.”

“Like metal.” His frame protected his more vulnerable systems.

“Yes, metal.” Imee brushed her nipples against his chest. “That’s what you taste like.” She licked his neck and he shuddered. Her tongue was rough and wet.

He increased his tempo, pounding into his female. Her warmth dripped between his beleaguered balls. Her fingernails raked his back, leaving trails of tantalizing pain, that burn accentuating his pleasure.

“More. Blast you,” she cried. “Give me more.”

Fraggin’ hole. His female was demanding.

And he loved it. He thrust hard and deep, seeking to give her what she wanted, what she needed. She panted her approval. A slick sheen of sweat covered her curves, making her golden skin glisten.

“Fuck.” She smacked her heels against his clenched ass cheeks. Their bodies slapped together, heat radiating from the points of impact. “More.”

Mayhem growled, ratcheting up their breeding one more level, conscious of how fragile, how human she was, yet wishing to please her. Pressure formed at the base of his spine. His focus narrowed to her.

The bruises on her cheek, her neck, had vanished. She was healthy, whole, his. He licked and sucked every bit of exposed skin he could reach, flooding her with his nanocybotics.

“My female.” His voice lowered with passion. “Mine.” He repeated his ownership over and over, pistoning into her with each declaration.

“Mine. Mine.” Her pitch was higher, blended with his. She drilled her fingernails into his back, digging deeper and deeper, the stinging pain arousing him to the point of malfunction.

Her pussy tightened around his shaft, increasing the friction. “Close,” she informed him, her eyes wild, her face flushed. “Need. Need.”

He bared his teeth and grazed her neck.

“Fuck.” She flung herself upward, smacking her form against his. Her pussy clenched his cock.

Mayhem lost all restraint, howling, driving forward, into her. Hot spurts of cum shot from his tip, hit her inner walls, and she screamed, writhing under him.

He wouldn’t allow her to escape him, pushing even deeper, trapping her against the sleeping support. She clawed at his chest and bucked. He pumped everything he had into her, draining his shaft, his balls, his soul.

Imee came again and again, tears streaming down her beautiful face, her cries echoing in his ears, her fingernails ripping at his skin, her ecstasy and her torment relayed to him.

Mayhem murmured nonsensical words of comfort into her hair, kissed the dampness off her cheeks, covered her with his muscle and warmth.

She quieted, her breathing leveling. He transferred a greater portion of his weight to his arms and looked down at his female. She lay limp and blurry-eyed, appearing as stunned and as blissful as he felt.

This striking, powerful creature was his. He had found the one being he’d spend his lengthy lifespan with.

She was worth any sacrifice. He could tolerate the sameness of the Homeland, knowing she was by his side.

“Did I damage you, my female?” he teased, his heart light.

“You’re not that big.” Imee shook her head, a smile softening her lips. “I’m bubbling all over.” She stretched, her movements sensual, acutely feminine. “And I feel…different, more.”

“You’re no longer completely human.” He kissed her forehead. “You’re more like me.”  

She traced his biceps with her fingertips. “Will I have your speed now?”

His female wished to be the best, as he did. “You’ll be faster, stronger, and you won’t age. You’ll never be as skilled at fighting as I am.”

“I’m already as skilled as you are.” Imee rolled her eyes. “This doesn’t change anything.” She didn’t sound as certain of that as she previously was. “You remain my target and, when the sun rises, I’ll capture you.”

“You’ll try.” And he’d enjoy her attempts to subdue him. She would keep his battle skills sharp and his processors functioning.

Imee tilted her head. “A wise being wouldn’t stay in my chamber.”

A being who cared only about the credits, about the task assigned to her by the Humanoid Alliance, wouldn’t warn her target. “I’m not leaving you.”

“You should,” she grumbled.

He rolled with her until she was on top of him, his cock remaining in her hot pussy, their bodies connected.

Menace could find Death and his female, protect them if they truly needed protecting. Imee only had him to safeguard her.

She was his sole priority. 

“You’re mine, my female.” Mayhem kissed her forehead. “Where you go, I go.”

And where she was going was back to the Homeland.



Chapter Six

Imee woke with a jolt out of a deep, dreamless sleep. Her survival instincts screamed a warning. Something was wrong, terribly wrong.

A male hand curved around her left breast. Hot lips pressed against her neck. A muscular thigh was flung over her legs.

Stranger! Threat! Kill!

She rammed both of her elbows backward, slamming into his stomach with all of her strength. He gasped. She rolled to the floor, grabbed her gun and turned. Her finger brushed the trigger.

He knocked the weapon from her hands and tackled her, flattening her body against the floor, extending her arms above her head.

Imee fought, twisting, bucking. He absorbed her strikes without a sound, maintaining his hold on her.

She glanced upward and realized who was subduing her.


A very naked and aroused Mayhem. His cock was hard against her stomach.

“Fuck.” Imee sagged, her face heating. He wasn’t a threat, a male seeking to kill her. She’d allowed him to stay.

Not consciously. After their third round of sleeping-support-rocking sex, she’d fallen asleep, her head resting on his chest, his arms around her.

She hadn’t pushed him out the door as she had all of her previous one-time fucks. In her lonely heart, she realized he was different. She also realized it wouldn’t change anything.

She was a Retriever. He was her target. The future and their fate were set.

“You’re feisty after a rest cycle.” The fool grinned at her. “I like that.”

His hair stuck straight up, defying gravity, and she yearned to run her fingers through the short strands, smooth them down.

She couldn’t. The sun had risen. He was no longer her lover.

“Get off me.” She pushed at his chest.

It was as tanned, as toned, as perfect as the rest of him. She’d never been with a male so hard all over. It was as though he had armor under his skin.

Mayhem kissed her nose. “You’re adorable, my female.”

She summoned a scowl. No being had ever called her adorable. She liked it. Too much. “Did you hear me?”

“My auditory system is functioning.” Mayhem dragged his lips over hers, nibbled on her flesh, sucked on her chin, adding more nanocybotics to her collection.

That collection was growing within her. The bubbling from the previous planet rotation hadn’t faded. It had grown in intensity.

He’d changed her.

That change was more than merely physical. She’d called him by his name, thought of him as a breathing, feeling being, cared for him.

“Please, Mayhem.” The pleading in her voice made her cringe but she couldn’t do this, couldn’t get more attached to him.

He stood, pulled her to her feet. “Imee--”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Saying the words, admitting to her feelings, would make them even more real. She gathered her garments and dressed in silence.

Mayhem did the same, covering his gorgeous body, sculpted muscles, that huge cock protruding from his hairless base. He’d reshaped her form, the memory of him remaining inside her. They were connected.

She was so fucked.

Imee scooped the tiny translucent repository with her sister’s finger off the floor, a morbid reminder of why she had to be merciless, why she had to complete the task before her.

“Which digit of mine would you add to your collection, my female?” Mayhem ran his right index finger over her left arm. “This one?” He waggled it.

“I don’t plan to add anything of yours.” She held the translucent repository upward. “This is a reminder of my mistakes and I no longer make mistakes.” That felt like a lie.

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