Chasing Me (21 page)

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Authors: Cat Mason

BOOK: Chasing Me
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Chase has one hand clutching her towel to her chest, while she tries to grab Bits with the other. “This is not funny, Hunter. I can’t catch that damn dog. Leave it to me to be nice and let him out of the cage because I felt sorry for him.” She huffs. “He came in and snatched my panties off of the bed while I was in the shower.” She lunges for Bits, making him dart around the bed. “Shit!”

Chase bounces across the bed, nearly losing her towel. My dick jumps up and down rooting for Bits to never surrender because this shit is entertaining as hell. The dog sinks his teeth into the black and pink lace, flinging it from side to side as he growls at the offending piece of fabric.

Way to go buddy! It’s a call to all wieners for panty rebellion.

“Come here Bits.” Chase coos, crawling to the edge of the bed. Those perfect breasts nearly bursting out of the top of the towel as she moves. “Let me have it.”
Oh I’ve got somethin’ she can have…
I think to myself. Images of her screaming that as I plunge into her playing like a movie in my head.

Bits hunches down, making it clear he’s going to protect his prize. He lets out a string of barks at Chase, which only fuels her anger. Climbing from the bed she inches closer to him. Like a true boss, Bits dodges her, diving under the bed. “Why aren’t you helping?” She asks, glaring at me.

Taking another pull from my beer I shrug. “I’m content over here in this general area watchin’ this play out.”

Chase looks down at her body. Her nipples playing an erotic game of peek-a-boo with me has me about to launch at her. “You’re such a pervert.” She accuses, reading my mind. Adjusting the towel, she meets my eyes. But I’m glad to see they are more filled with amusement, than anger.

“Did I ever lead you to believe differently?” I wink. “Bits, come here you little dick.” I call to the dog.

He waddles his little furry ass out from under the bed, that bundle of lace still between his teeth. “Whatcha got there, huh?” I say excitedly as he eats it up the attention like a whore at last call. Proudly, he walks over to me and lays them at my feet with a satisfied bark. “You’ve been trained well, my friend.” Leaning down, I scoop up Chase’s panties and toss them to her. “Who’s a good boy?” I ask Bits, patting his head.

“Trained my ass!” She exclaims, “He’s been here one day.”

“Don’t be jealous because he likes me more than you, Tiger Lily.” I shrug, teasing her. “It happens.”

Chase mumbles something about dicks of a feather flocking together and slams the door to the bathroom. Bits barks playfully at me, “Come on, you deserve a reward.” I call to him, heading toward the cabinets in the kitchen to find the treats I bought last night.

Grabbing a handful of these little bacon treats (I may or may not have tried them in the store… They do not taste like bacon by the way. Oh, the lies!) I sit on the couch with my food and my beer, ready to enjoy the orgasmic bliss in a bowl before me. Bits attempts to jump up with me, but his short ass can’t quite make it. “There’s nothing fun about being a tiny wiener is there asshole?”

Chase opens the door wearing jeans and a white t-shirt, pulling a still groggy four year old behind her. “Hey, sleepy head.” I greet when her eyes meet mine. “Hungry?”

Jasmine walks over, flopping on the cushion beside me. “Chase is mad at Bits.” She says, flatly. “He was a bad dog.”

“Nah, he still gets treats.” I say, handing her the tiny bacon looking slivers. “Give him these.”

Chase looks up from the bar, where she’s setting Jasmine’s plate off the tray. “He ruined Italian lace, Bits doesn’t deserve a treat.”

“I’ve done plenty worse and no one has taken away my bacon yet.” I shrug, shoveling in a big bite from my bowl. “Go ahead and eat kiddo.” I nudge Jazzie. “Daisy is coming down soon to see your new stuff. Once you’re done eating you can get everything ready.”

“Yay!” Jazzie yells, running over to the table. “Did you hear Chase? Did you?”

Nodding, Chase grabs her plate. “Yeah, so you better hurry and eat honey.” She encourages, when Jasmine climbs the stool.

Chase walks over, and sits beside me on the sofa. “Results are back.” I murmur. “Xandra is on her way now.”

“I see.” She mutters taking a bite. “So, how do you want this to go?”

“I’d prefer if Jasmine didn’t know just yet.” I whisper, watching Jasmine rip apart her bread. “If it’s going to be a bitchfest like yesterday, I’d rather leave the kid out of it.”

Chase eats in silence, obviously thinking over how this could play out upstairs. “Okay.” She agrees after swallowing her last bite. “About this duet,” Chase’s voice goes a bit shaky.

“Hunter.” Daisy says from the stairwell.

“Daisy!” Jasmine shouts, jumping from the stool. “Let’s have a tea party!” Running over, Jazzie yanks Daisy toward her bedroom. That tiny four year old’s mouth going a hundred miles a minute, while Daisy attempts to keep up.

Once we sit our dishes on the bar, Chase follows me up the stairs. When I stop outside the dining room, she slips her hand into mine. Like she realizes I need that even when I didn’t know. “Aren’t you two the happy couple?” Xandra sneers when we walk into the room. “The internet sure does portray you to be the happy little family.”

“Careful Xandra, your bitter vag is showin’.” I bite out when she stands to her feet. “I called you here to set some shit straight, not fight about things you can’t change.”

“Is that so?” She snaps, walking around the table. Her skirt, if you want to call it that, is short enough to have been Jasmine’s. Xandra flings out her hands. “Well, say whatever it is you have to say. I got my papers, too, so it’s all legally binding. She’s all yours now, just tell me where to sign.”

Chase’s hand tightens in mine. “It’s a damn good thing too!”

“What was that bitch?” Xandra shouts, taking a step closure to us. “Your opinion isn’t needed or appreciated here.”

Releasing my hand, Chase meets Xandra toe to toe. “Listen, that little girl downstairs doesn’t deserve to have you tossin’ her out like a used condom. I would say you’ll regret it one day, but hey, you’re a selfish whore…I can’t say that you’ll even miss her. The little smile that lights up a room when she’s excited or her contagious giggle, those things should mean everything to you. To her
.” Chase says, emphasizing the word, pointing right in Xandra’s face. “It’s those little things you’re givin’ up. I can promise you this though, bitch, I’ll make
damn sure she never misses you. Because there’s nothing Hunter and I want more than to take on everything you’re tossin’ away.”

Chase defending Jasmine chips the walls away even further. If that woman wasn’t in my heart, damn it she is now. She staking claim just as much as I am to my child, as if Jazzie were hers just as equally.

“Hunter, do you always let your pussy take charge?” Xandra asks with a laugh. “Damn, nearly five years sure will change a lot I guess.”

“Xandra, there’s a lot of things I could say to you. I had a speech planned of things to tell you, but it’s useless.” I say shaking my head. “It’s not worth wasting time that I could be spending with Jazzie or Chase, to sit and say things that you aren’t going to even hear.” I reply because, honestly, what is the point in telling her what I think of her? She’s not seeing the bigger picture. “I will say this though. Karma is a bitch, and her twat has razor sharp teeth.” Stepping between her and Chase, I stare down at her. “Fuckin’ her only ends up painful for the dick.”

Xandra gasps dramatically, making me roll my eyes. “Are you threatening me, Hunter?”

“No, I don’t see a need for that unless you show your face around here again.” I reply. “Final papers should be sent to your lawyer’s office. Consider yourself no longer tethered to the kid; we’ll take it from here.”

“Henry, get her the hell out of here.” Chase says when Henry peeks in the room.

Xandra stomps past Henry who just chuckles. “Um, excuse me.” He starts, following behind her up the hallway. “But, shouldn’t your skirt be longer than your vagina?”

“You’re inappropriateness knows no bounds Big Man!” Mack shouts from the kitchen. “I love that shit!”

The door slams violently, echoing through the entire house. Taking Chase’s hand, I pull her against me so that I can nuzzle her neck. The way she stood up for Jasmine amazes me but, honestly, it shouldn’t. Chase pretty much told Xandra exactly what I want to tell her father for running off like the fucking piece of shit he is. “You’re incredible.” I whisper against her skin. “I still keep waitin’ for you to say you’ve made a mistake. That between the baby momma from hell and the ‘Shaftspotters,’ you’re bailin’ because it’s not worth it.”

Chase’s eyes meet mine, heating angrily. “I. Love. You.” Pressing her lips to mine, she groans. “I’m prepared to beat that into your head if you need me to.”

“Can you just beat the other head right now instead? It’s been hard as a fuckin’ tire iron ever since you told Bits to ‘let you have it’. I really could
let you have it
right now.” I reply, pressing my body tightly against hers. Once again, I’m running from that serious subject. At least for now.

“Hunter!” Daisy shouts from the basement door. “It’s Jazzie, come quick.”

Releasing Chase, I bolt down the hallway and take the stairs two and a time behind Daisy. “What happened?” I ask, frantically, when I don’t see her anywhere.

“We were playing with the tea set.” Daisy says, tears streaming down her face. “She heard Xandra’s voice and ran into her room. By the time I got in there she had locked herself in the bathroom.”

“Both doors too huh?” Chase says coming up behind me.

“I’m so sorry Hunter.” Daisy sobs, burying her face in her hands.

“Baby momma, calm down,” I whisper softly. She’s right, her hormones are completely crazy. “I’ll go talk to her, she’s just scared.”

Walking into Jazzie’s room, I take in the pink explosion of her stuff strewn everywhere. “Jazzie?” I ask, rapping on the door. “You wanna open up? I need to talk to you.”

“Xandra’s back isn’t she?” The tiny voice breaks my damn heart. “I don’t want to go, please don’t make me.”

“Hey,” I say, attempting to soothe her. “Please come out.” I say when Chase inches in the room. “It’s just Chase and me, I promise.”

“Jazzie.” Chase says, tenderness lacing her voice.

The lock clicks, as the door slides open we meet little brown, tear stained eyes. Jasmine inches out slowly, carrying Bits in her arms. Grabbing her around the waist, I swoop them both up in my arms and sit on the bed. “Xandra was here, she isn’t anymore.” I begin to explain. “We told her we want you to stay here.”

Jasmine’s eyes widen, she sniffles making Bits jump from her arms. Chase walks over and kneels in front of us, gently wiping tears from Jazzie’s face. “You’re not going anywhere princess.” Chase’s eyes meet mine. “No one is.”

Sitting here with the only woman I’ve ever let myself fall for, I hold my daughter until she stops crying. The words ‘I love you’ burning up my throat, desperate to fly from my lips. I can’t believe how quickly things have changed in my head. Days ago, I had planned to give her an explanation, to let her go be happy with Mitch or whoever. When push came to shove, I just couldn’t do it. I can’t see my life being good without her in it
. No Hunter, you wouldn’t be truly living without her in it.

After knowing now what this could be like…to let myself feel this way with someone. To be vulnerable, going back now wouldn’t be anything but existing. Upstairs, I was completely honest. I am still scared that one thing will be enough to have her packing her bags to leave me, but I can’t have that one thing be what I can’t give her. She needs to know how I feel for her. If I can’t come right out and say it, I’ll have to get creative. Luckily, I think I have the perfect idea how. With the guys help, not only will she hear my ‘I love you’ but so will everyone else. Our song.

Shafty Shenanigans.

***Two Weeks Later***


Hunter has been working in the studio with the guys every day for two solid weeks putting finishing touches on the tracks for the album. Old songs that Shaft is known for all polished, mixed with new songs the guys have written that no one has heard. Promotion has begun and the venue is set for the small unplugged set where Hunter and I will perform the duet tomorrow night.

When they’re not in the studio, it is Shaft family time. The privacy of the rental house and the locked gates has been our sanctuary from all the drama. We don’t leave the grounds unless necessary, but never without either Henry or Mack. The media camping outside the gates isn’t unusual to us anymore. We’ve learned to expect it and ignore it. News of the confirmed paternity didn’t take long to hit news feeds everywhere, but Hunter figured it was sort of like a free birth announcement. He even joked on the band fan page that he was registered at all the local sex stores.

During the day, Jazzie runs the show. The four year old diva has all of us women, and even Mack, at her beck and call. We get made up, sit through tea parties and princess movie marathons, only to get dumped the moment Hunter comes through the door. Jasmine even manages to get the guys, even Big Man himself, to wear boas and sip from those tiny ass cups she hands out.

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