Chasing the Flame: Sergio Vieira de Mello and the Fight to Save the World (106 page)

BOOK: Chasing the Flame: Sergio Vieira de Mello and the Fight to Save the World
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Pan Zhanlien
Parameswaran, Nagalingam
Paris peace agreement:
Akashi reluctant to use his authority under
free movement given to UN by
on Khmer Rouge as one faction among many
signing of
Sihanouk’s mediation and
Supreme National Council established by .
SVDM negotiating with Khmer Rouge to save
Pazhwak, Abdul Rahman
in Bosnia .
in Cambodia
in Croatia
in East Timor
first UN missions .
impartiality as form of side-taking
improving support for
Japanese contribution to
in Lebanon
Multinational Forces used instead of UN
in Namibia .
in .
as projecting credible force
as repeating their mistakes
in Rwanda .
in Somalia .
“triple failure” of
two types of UN intervention .
U.S. reaction to failures of
Pearson, Lester
Perelli, Carina:
asked to come to Iraq by SVDM
as discussing elections with Bremer
on SVDM as “snake charmer,”
SVDM joking about firearms prowess of
as taking SVDM on tour of East Timor siege area
and UN staff resistance to leaving East Timor
Perez, Lorenzo
Pérez de Cuéllar, Javier
Persian Gulf War ( )
Peschoux, Christophe
petro-authoritarian countries
“Philosophical History and Real History: The Relevance of Kant’s Political Thought in Current Times” (Vieira de Mello)
Pichon, Gaby:
as attempting to rescue SVDM
in explosion at Canal Hotel
life after Canal Hotel attack
Loescher and Hilton escorted by
as preparing convoy for SVDM’s August meeting
on training needed for UN security staff
as washing and dressing SVDM’s body
Pitsuwan, Surin
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
Pol Pot
Pomfret, John
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Posner, Michael
Powell, Colin:
on Coalition of the Willing .
on Coalition’s leading role in occupation
on Iraqi participation in security tasks
presentation at UN on Iraqi weapons program
on Security Council Resolution
and Straw’s “day after” occupation plan
on SVDM as Annan’s representative in Iraq
Prendergast, Kieran:
on East Timorese petroleum question
Hooper as assistant of
opinion of SVDM
on SVDM’s role in Iraq
on UN peacekeeping policy
on UN role in postinvasion Iraq
on UN withdrawal from Iraq
Prentice, Jonathan:
in Iraq
as hearing of Canal Hotel attack
on leave from Iraq
as leaving East Timor
life after Canal Hotel attack
on problems in UN’s governing of East Timor
as socializing with SVDM
on SVDM and parades
on SVDM and Timorese independence
with SVDM in New York
and SVDM’s appointment to Iraq
and SVDM’s human rights plan
on SVDM’s interview with Bush
and SVDM’s response to U.S. invasion of Iraq
as SVDM’s special assistant
on Timorese desire for independence
Priest, Dana
Prodi, Romano
al-Qadi, Leen Assad
in Afghanistan
bin Laden
Bush withholding Geneva Convention protection from
in Canal Hotel bombing
in Iraq
SVDM on U.S. approach to
U.S. embassies attacked by
Qazi, Ashraf Jehangir
Quarterman, Mark
Quick Impact Projects
Ramcharan, Bertrand
Ramos-Horta, José:
on Indonesian response to independence referendum
Loescher visited by
on luxurious lifestyle of UN staff
on National Consultative Council
on normalizing relations with Indonesia
on pro-Indonesian militias
and protests against UN rule
on qualifications of UN staff
and Timorization
and UN transitional administration for East Timor
Ranariddh, Norodom
Ray, Carole:
fears experienced in Iraq by
as going on leave from Iraq
in Iraq team
life after Canal Hotel attack
“Ode” to SVDM
and rumors that SVDM would go to Iraq
Raznatovic, Zeljko “Arkan,”
Reagan, Ronald .
Red Zone
rendition, extraordinary .
Rice, Condoleezza
Rieff, David
Rifkind, Malcolm .
Rishmawi, Mona:
as asking Lopes da Silva to help SVDM
at breakfast with SVDM on August
Bremer and
in explosion at Canal Hotel
on Iraq team
Larriera inquiring about SVDM
location of office of
on al-Qaeda in Iraq
on SVDM on human rights
Riza, Iqbal
Robinson, Courtland
Robinson, Geoffrey
Robinson, Mary .
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Rose, Sir Michael:
as briefing SVDM on events in Bosnia
criticism of policy of
on crossing “Mogadishu line,”
on fact-finding tour of Gorazde
on NATO air strikes in Bosnia .
on Sarajevo’s siege .
Silajdžić breaks off contact with
SVDM escaping criticism
on SVDM’s mission to Gorazde
SVDM’s relationship with
as taking command of UN forces in Bosnia
as taking peacekeeping as far as possible
as wishing to commend SVDM’s outspokenness on Iraq occupation
Rosenblatt, Lionel
Roth, Ken
Roulet (Stevenson), Annick
Ruggie, John
Rugova, Ibrahim
Rumsfeld, Donald:
in governance of postinvasion Iraq
on Iraqi rebellion
on looting in Iraq
as Middle East envoy under Reagan
nation-building criticized by .
on success of U.S. invasion of Iraq
too few troops sent to Iraq by
on torture
Russell, John
on East Timorese independence
human rights violations of
on NATO .
as petro-authoritarian country
and Serbia
on U.S. invasion of Iraq
assaults on refugee camps .
East Timorese crisis compared with
in refugee camps
genocide in
Multinational Force to assist refugees from
refugee camps in Zaire and Tanzania n. .
repatriation of refugees from Tanzania
repatriation of refugees from Zaire
SVDM and Bakhet in
SVDM in returning refugees to Rwanda
SVDM named humanitarian coordinator for region
SVDM on refugee camps on Zairean border
SVDM’s discouragement about mission
SVDM slipping into eastern Zaire
UN peacekeepers in .
Zairean soldiers used in refugee camps
al-Saadi, Haider Mansour
Sabal, Dennis
Sabra and Shatila massacres .
Sacirbey, Muhamed
al-Sadr, Ismail
al-Sadr, Mohammed Baqir
al-Sadr, Moqtada
Sadruddin Aga Khan ,
Sahir, Khidir Saleem
Salamé, Ghassan:
arrival in Iraq
barred from meeting with Bremer about detainees
as communicating with SVDM in rubble
on disbanding of Iraqi army
on Governing Council
as identifying SVDM’s body
on Iraq team
on Jordanian embassy attack
on al-Qaeda’s presence in Iraq
as searching for SVDM after explosion
on Security Council Resolution
on al-Sistani
on SVDM as reclusive
and SVDM at Iman Ali shrine
on UN as residual institution
on UN’s dilemma in Iraq
on UN staff listening to Iraqis
Sanbar, Samir
Sanchez, Ricardo
Sanderson, John:
Khmer Rouge stopping convoy
as marginalizing Khmer Rouge
on peacekeeping force behavior .
protests against attacks on Khmer Rouge
relationship with SVDM
SVDM writing thank-you letter to
UN mistaking location for assignment of .
on UN peacekeepers as not enforcers
Sarajevo Group of Authors
Sarmento, Domingos
Savimbi, Jonas
Sawers, John
law and order
Security Council Resolution
Security Council Resolution
Security Council Resolution
Security Council Resolution
Annan on .
and Geneva Conventions .
Iraqi reaction to
Oil for Food Program terminated by .
passage of
Salamé on
SVDM expected to salvage
SVDM seeking clarification on
UN’s standing eroded by
vagueness of
September , attacks

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