Read Chasing the Storm Online

Authors: Aliyah Burke

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Chasing the Storm (8 page)

BOOK: Chasing the Storm
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His response was muffled before the click of the door reached her. He made no sound as he moved across the carpet, but she couldn’t miss the man who stood before her wearing nothing more than a pink towel. She’d been staring out from beneath lowered lids and it took everything inside her not to allow her eyes to fly open.

He had no right to look that good in pink. Seriously. The six pack was more like an eight and she couldn’t spy an ounce of fat on him. Her mouth dried as she took in the view best she could without giving away that she was awake.

“How long are you going to pretend you don’t see me standing here in this pink towel?”

“As long as it takes for you to move.”

“So you are awake?”

Why did it sound like he was enjoying this?

Maybe I should be asking myself why it is I want to unwrap the towel and see what lies beneath.
Like that would be a good thing to do. Nope, she had no intention of doing that.

“Of course I am,” she snapped. “Someone was knocking at the door.”

He tugged on the blanket and she jerked her gaze up to his face, determined not to focus on anything else with wide-open eyes. But, Lord, that temptation was there to leisurely drag her gaze up and see it so much clearer.

“Why are you in my room?” she asked when their eyes met.

“I was tired and wanted to see you.”

She shook her head. “That doesn’t make any sense. If you were tired, you wouldn’t be seeing me because you’d be sleeping. Try again.”

Her breathing hitched when his towel shifted down, showing off more of that tanned skin. Christ, what did he do? Sunbathe in the nude? Shouldn’t his skin be a bit paler down there?

“All right, I just came here after training. Took my shower and came out here to find you lying there asleep. I joined you.”

More slippage and she wanted to shift against the sheet, but she held herself still. If he wasn’t going to bring attention to it, she wasn’t going to say a thing.
Because you want to see what he looks like. How long his cock is and how thick.

Damn her subconscious.

Struggling to keep her focus on the question she had, she licked her lips. “So we’re not sharing a room?”
Did I sound disappointed by that?

“Do you want to?”

Oh, he just had way too much sexual appeal for her. She was out of her league. Swallowing back the
that dangled on the tip of her tongue, she shook her head. “No thanks. I just wasn’t sure if we were because you brought me here. And there’s all that prophecy stuff. I’m sure we could get a cot or something, if we were.”

His laughter had the towel almost falling off. She was torn between telling him to fix it and giving it the final little jolt needed for it to settle on the floor.

I am not a slave to my desires, I can ignore this.
Yeah right. She’d never wanted anyone more. Her body ached with the need for his touch and ignoring that wasn’t easy in the least.

“Babe, if we’re sharing a room, we’re sharing a bed.” He stepped closer until his legs touched the mattress’ edge. “I’d not be on a cot while you lay in a bed feet away from me.”

“I would take the cot.”

“No. You wouldn’t. We’d be together. Naked. Limbs entwined.” The mattress dipped as he placed his right knee on it. “My tongue exploring every inch of your soft skin.”

She whimpered in the back of her throat. From the flare of heat in his gaze, he’d heard her. He put one hand by her shoulder and leaned close.

“My cock, thrusting into your wet pussy. Over and over until our cries blend as one. I want to feel you come around me. I want your nails digging into my back as I fuck you. I want to lay there while you ride me.”

He straddled her as she lay on her back, his dark hair falling around them. Her entire body trembled at the picture he painted. She wanted that, too. Now. Biting the inside of her lower lip, she fought the urge to buck her hips up into him. She heard the whisper of the towel sliding free and she knew he was buck naked.

“I thought I was supposed to go shopping.”
When did my voice get so breathless?

He bent his arms and brought himself closer to her face. Turning his head at the last moment, he placed light, teasing kisses all over her cheeks and neck. Nose as well, he just avoided her lips.

Her body was strung tight and craved release. Soon. Before she burst into flames.

“Touch me, Taylor.”

Those three words flowed on a thread of begging and command. She couldn’t hold out any longer. Biting her lower lip, she lifted her hands and placed them flat upon his bare chest which was close to hers. His skin was warm and she shivered at the pulses that travelled through her at the contact.

“Yes,” he groaned, lowering his hips.

His thick cock rested against her core and she shifted as she tried to widen her legs. Desperate to have him closer still to be able to wrap her limbs around him. He readjusted and she hooked her ankles about him. A faint humming grew in her ears, but she didn’t care. Nothing was going to stop her now. She wanted him. He wanted her. If there were going to be regrets, they would happen later.

“Much later,” she muttered.

“Much later what?”

She shook her head, not wanting to address her thoughts. “Kiss me.”

“Thought you’d never ask.”

And he did. Lord, did he. His tongue thrust hungrily through her mouth as he rocked his shaft against the seam of her pants.

In between kisses that curled her toes and damn near delivered her to orgasm, he stripped her of all clothing. In the back of her mind, she longed to explore him but right now, it was about taking the edge off her need. His need.

He made love to her breasts. The tips beaded tight and with every rasp of his tongue, nip or suck on them she squirmed beneath him. She undulated, trying to get his length where she craved it most. Inside her.

“Tell me,” he murmured against her breast before he grazed the sensitive point with his teeth.


“Tell me to fuck you, Taylor. Tell me the words I want to hear and I’ll do it.”

She tried to argue with him, but her body rebelled against her. It wanted what he had for her. Digging her nails into his shoulders, she leant forward and nipped at his pectoral.

“Fuck me, Cale. Fuck me.”

The rumble came from deep within his chest. She felt as much as heard it as the sound rolled through her. In one swift stroke, he sank fully inside her. She gasped at the feeling and shook from the orgasm that blindsided her. He didn’t give her a chance to get used to him, he just began to move.

“So fucking tight,” he uttered in her ear.

Cale pounded his cock into her over and over again as she rose and fell in time with his strokes. Legs high about his waist, she purred in pleasure when he rolled his hips and slammed in again, repeatedly.

She closed her eyes and hung on for the ride. It was rough. It was incredible. It was just what she needed. This wasn’t about words of love or tenderness. This was intense and fierce.

Another orgasm overtook her and she cried out. He pulled back, slipped his hands to her waist and lifted her. Nose to nose again, he began all over and she trembled, her body not used to this type of passion. The all-consuming kind, and it had consumed her—totally.

She burrowed her face into the side of his neck and rocked with him as he changed speed and slowed. He felt so good inside her and amazing around her. She didn’t want to leave. Their sweat and the scent of sex filled the air.

“Come for me again,” he demanded in her ear.

“Can’t,” she whimpered, body trembling with exhaustion.

“Yes. Once more.”

He took them off the bed and carried her to the shower, remaining deep inside her, each step impaling her farther on him. Soon they stood in the shower, warm water cascading around them and the tiles against her back.

Cale positioned them so the streaming water hit her belly. She watched him. His eyes burned possessively and she liked how it made her feel. Wanted. Desired. His.

“Once more, Taylor.”

Her hands were on his forearms and he continued to stroke endlessly inside her. She’d lost count of how many times she’d come on his cock, but she didn’t think there was anything left in her.

His hands moved over her body and, combined with the water, they brought her back to a hypersensitive state. He held her gaze as he moved one hand to her pussy and exposed her clit to the water. She gasped and tightened her grip on his waist with her legs.


He readjusted her a bit more so the stream was directly on her. His thrusts grew more demanding and she closed her eyes again as the orgasm he’d demanded from her rushed over her. Back arching, legs gripping, internal muscles tightening around him…she screamed as she came. His roar joined her cry as his release pulsed up into her, filling her. If this was how she was to die, sign her up—she was on board.

Chapter Six




Cale leaned against the pillar and watched Taylor interact with some of the children who’d been brought here. Even now, from this distance, all he could think about was the feel of her tight pussy around his cock. He wanted her again. And again.

He’d not seen her for a few hours after she left his arms. Dracen had taken her shopping and they’d come back in time for dinner. Now she was spending time with the children.

Movement at his elbow had him spying Dracen stopping beside him. He might be taller than she was, but she was like a mother to him. Mother and sister.

“Thanks for taking her shopping.”

“I had some other things to pick up in town. Besides, I think it did her some good. Hard for anyone to be stripped of everything you know.”

He thought about that damn purple bag she’d always had with her. They’d not even been able to bring that. “It’s been a rough few days for her.”

“I’d say not only her.”

“I don’t have a choice—I’m one of the Guardians.”

“Still doesn’t mean it can’t be rough for you.”

He put his gaze back on Taylor. She wore jeans and a long sleeved shirt as they played ball outside in the cool evening. “Where are Roz and Aminta? Aren’t they coming back soon?”

“Doesn’t look like it. From what it sounds like, they have found their artefacts as well.”

“So that’s three of us. Or have you sensed yours?”

“Nope, nothing here. Tiarnán hasn’t either. Not sure about Billy.”

He could hear the frustration in her tone. “Do we know any more of what’s supposed to happen?”

“No. Lian is being more tight-lipped than usual and he’s not even giving riddles. It’s odd, I don’t know what to make of it.”

“All we can do is be alert. And kick ass when the time comes.”

Dracen rubbed her upper arms. “Yeah, something like that.”

No disguising her disbelief and worry. He wrapped an arm around her waist and brushed his lips along her temple. “Lian’s trained us well, Dracen.”

“I know. I’m just not sure. I mean, if all of us sense the artefacts at the same time, how can we be there for one another?”

“We can go to them if they need us.” It disturbed him how nervous this was making her—Dracen rarely got flustered. “Taylor is here and safe. The others will be fine as well.”

Taylor began heading their way. Dracen pasted a smile on her face and nodded. “You’re right.” She had composed herself by the time Taylor joined them. “You work well with children, Taylor. And it’s obvious they enjoy you.”

“Thank you. I like them.” She moved her gaze between him and Dracen. “Am I interrupting?”

“Heavens, no. I was just saying hi to him. I’m off to get a few things done. If I don’t see you again before tomorrow, have a great night.” With a wave, Dracen walked away.

Taylor looked at him. “Are you sure I didn’t interrupt anything?”

He bent his head and pressed their mouths together. His body roared in response, but he kept his arousal in check. “Positive. Come on.”

“Where are we going?”

“To see Tiarnán and Billy.”

“Right, Wolvie and Gambit.”

He paused and shook his head. “What?”

“Well, Tiarnán is so serious, he is like Wolverine. And Billy is light-hearted and a flirt. Like Gambit. Or Iceman.”

“We’re not mutants.”

“Right. Powers, big mansion, evil fighting you. I can’t imagine why I keep making that comparison.”

“Come on, woman.”

He was glad she wasn’t freaking out about what had happened between them. Especially when he’d thought she would at least try to avoid him after. He hadn’t been sure how their sleeping together would have been taken. Quite the opposite.

She walked beside him as he led them through the mansion. Her amazement was infectious. He found himself smiling along with her as she took in the decor and other things lying around. Things he’d not really paid any attention to—they were just part of the house. But Taylor was impressed. Not with the money spent on the items, but on the items themselves.

“What is it about this stuff that you like so much?” he asked as she stood beside a Ming vase.

“Really? Think about it. Back in a hard time, one most of us now wouldn’t survive in, they were creating such works of beauty. We have all this technology now and it’s a machine that does it. These were made by hand, painted by hand. I mean, how did they make the colours? The porcelain?” She shrugged. “It’s so interesting to me to see how now, with all our so-called advances, we don’t seem to create such beauty. Not without putting it in a computer and having a machine do it for us.”

“Do you have an ancient art degree?”

“God no. I didn’t go to college. My grandmother didn’t think it would be necessary for me to do so. I had money, well she did, and she figured I’d marry money. No sense in filling my head with nonsense learning from books.”

“Feel free to use the library as much as you like. And I’m sure Lian would love to talk with you about some of the items here.”

Her smile brightened his soul. “Thank you.”

Swiping his finger along her cheek, he responded in kind. Then continued on the way to their destination. He pushed open the door and waved her in before him. They were the last to arrive.

BOOK: Chasing the Storm
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