Chaste Kiss (27 page)

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Authors: Jo Barrett

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Ghosts, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Chaste Kiss
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Mick offered no response to Miss Cumming's greeting, and William could not devise why she called him Columbo, as it was not his name, but it did not seem to bother the detective. Not overly much. However, it was nearly impossible to discern his emotions as they were rarely reflected upon his face.

"Is she upstairs?” Mick asked.

"Yes. She's working on Mrs. Bondurant's account. Do you have any news?"

He heard hope and worry in the enchanting maid's voice. Isabel was lucky to have so many who cared for her. She would not be alone in her life.

"No. I was in the area and thought I'd check in."

"Debi, I'm calling it quits for tonight.” Isabel stopped abruptly at the foot of the stairs.

William feared she had seen him before he could duck beneath the stairs, then realized it was the detective's unexpected visit that startled her. But did she perceive his presence? He had not dared to get this close since he took his leave of her. Watching from the shadows, he waited.

Her eyes remained riveted on Detective Wise, her fear hung in the very air around them. It most likely interfered with her sensitivity to him. Oh, if only he could hold her.

"Nothing yet, Isabel. You were saying something about going home, I believe,” Mick said.

"Yes, I'm pretty tired. I didn't get much sleep last night."

Debi came out from behind the counter and took hold of her hand. “You go on home. I'll mind the store. I saw Ma'maw at lunch, and she'll be fine until I close up shop."

She smiled. “Thanks, Deb. I'll see you in the morning."

"Sure thing."

"Come on, I'll walk you to your car.” The detective took her elbow and started toward the door.

"And they say chivalry is dead,” Debi quipped.

Mick shot her a glare over his shoulder as they stepped outside. There was a definite tension between these two, but William pushed the thought aside, concentrating on Isabel.

Watching carefully from the edge of the window, he bristled slightly as the detective continued to hold her arm. They must catch the fiend and soon, before he was forced to watch them become more than friends.

Once she was away, followed closely by a guard, it was safe for William to return to the Mick's car. They rode around town for nearly an hour, when the radio blared to life and they were suddenly speeding along the narrow streets. An officer had failed to report for duty at Derrington Manor.

Mick pulled up in front of the manor and made a cursory glance of the area. While he climbed out of the car, William slipped the dagger from its hiding place through an open window. With the dim light of the setting sun, he had ample opportunity to disappear into the hedges with the antique blade.

Once out of sight, he slid the dagger into his boot, and observed the detective from a distance. He couldn't hear all of the words he exchanged with one of the day guards, but knew they weren't favorable in regard to the absent man.

With a final word as twilight descended, Mick started down one of the many garden paths to locate the other day guard and take over his watch. William carefully matched his steps, paralleling his journey through the flowering shrubs, grateful the detective would not leave Isabel with only one man to protect her. ‘Twas a show of true honor to make up for his man's shortcomings. William almost grinned. He did not envy the missing officer's fate if the scowl upon Mick's face was any indication of his ire.

A splash and a scream ripped through the very fabric of William's soul. He rushed to the swimming pool with Mick not far behind.

Coming upon the scene, William's ghostly heart stopped beating for a moment as his eyes caught sight of a guard floating in the water. He was unsure if the man was dead, but could not take the time to see. Isabel was in immediate danger.

Darting across the patio into the bushes, he prayed he would find her safe. With no moon only the light from the house and the low garden lanterns along the path lit the way, but it did not hamper his search. She was near. He could feel her. William wanted to call out, but feared he might give away her hiding place to the one who sought to kill her. If the villainous cur had not found her already.

No, he would not think it. Searching with his feelings, he slowly moved along the path until he came to the place where they had first kissed. The bittersweet memory touched his soul. Quickly returning his thoughts to her safety, he listened closely to the sounds around him. Crickets and other creatures of the night chirped and called in the darkness.

And labored unsteady breathing.

"Isabel,” he whispered.

"William?” her shaky voice called out softly.

"Yes, sweeting. I am here."

She appeared from behind the tree and hurried to him. “Oh, William. I thought you'd gone.” She skidded to a stop before him, tears spilling from her eyes. Although clad in the mere swatch of fabric she called a bathing suit, he knew she shivered from fright and not the cool night air.

"I have been here all along, love. I could not leave you.” He focused his thoughts and swiped the tears from her cheeks.

Her eyes slid closed as a tremulous smile fell upon her lips. She looked at him and drew in an unsteady breath. “He's here. The guard tried to stop him. I didn't know what to do, so I ran.” Panic edged her voice.

He ached to take her in his arms, to hold her tight and protect her from the evil lurking in the dark, but the deed would take far too much concentration, and he did not wish to be caught off guard by the madman.

"'Tis is all right. I will not let him harm you."

"Don't move!"

"Mick,” she gasped and spun around. “He's here somewhere. He hurt Officer Casey."

William faced the man he had spent the day with, surprised to find Mick's gun leveled on his chest.

"I said don't move,” Mick growled.

"He sees you,” Isabel whispered.

"He is a most perceptive man. ‘Tis likely the dim light. I am not the one you seek, detective."

"Fine. We'll just all go inside and have a nice little chat about it.” Mick stepped cautiously toward him and reached out to take William's arm. “What the—” He stumbled as his hand passed through the specter standing before him.

"As I said. I am not the one you seek."

Mick's eyes widened. “What the hell are you?"

"I believe the word you are searching for is ghost,” William said. “But after riding with you today, I suspect you will find that difficult to believe. You are not a man easily convinced without hard evidence."

The detective hesitantly reached out and passed his hand through William's chest, his gun still raised.

Isabel stepped beside Mick, her trembling hand clutching his arm. “I'll explain it all later, Mick. But right now he's here somewhere. Officer Casey tried to stop him, but he—he—"

"Casey's all right. Just a knock on the head. Pauley's with him and a couple other officers are combing the area,” he explained, still staring at William. “What do you mean riding with me?"

"I wanted to learn what you knew of this fiend who seeks to hurt Isabel. I accompanied you when you left the manor this morning."

"That explains why I felt like I was being watched all damn day.” The detective relaxed and lowered his gun.

William grinned. “I must say you are accepting all of this rather well. I had not expected such an open mind."

"I don't really have a choice, do I?” He returned his weapon to its holster. “And it explains a lot of things. Why you won't allow anyone to touch you, and why you have no past. What I don't understand is how I didn't see you today, but saw you in Isabel's shop before and can see you now."

"I can take on solid form. ‘Tis rather complicated. It seems some are capable of seeing me in certain kinds of light while in this invisible state, when others cannot."

"I'm glad you two are hitting it off so well, but if you don't mind I'd like to go inside,” Isabel said.

William warmed at the distinct irritation in her voice rather than the fear he had heard moments before.

"You're right,” Mick said. “You'll be safer inside. Come on. You too, Ashenhurst."

William nodded, and they started moving down the path.

"You shouldn't have run like that,” a sinister voice hissed from the bushes.

They all stopped to listen and scan the hedge surrounding them. William concentrated on touching Isabel and placed her closer to the detective.

"He can't keep you from your destiny,” the voice continued.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?” she asked tremulously.

"I am the messenger and the deliverer."

There was a long silent pause. Mick retrieved his gun silently as he and William eyed one another, readying themselves.

"Your destiny is here!” The madman hurled himself from the bushes closest to Mick, a large knife catching the light.

Mick's gun went off, but missed its target. Grappling with the madman, they struggled for the knife as William pushed Isabel away from the scene. The attacker's blade came down swiftly, plunging into Mick's shoulder.

Isabel screamed as the detective fell to the ground, unmoving. The madman lifted his wild eyes to her, not seeing the specter standing between them, then lunged.

Without thinking, without concentrating on using his energy to stop the lunatic, William became solid and blocked his path. Startled for a moment at the suddenness of his appearance the fiend stepped back, but quickly recovered and flung himself at William with renewed force. They struggled, man against man, while William prayed he could overpower him before being banished to Purgatory. Isabel's very life lay in his hands.

If only he had kept a clear head. If only he had focused his energies instead of letting his fear for her life rule his actions. He felt the very essence of his being leach away with the continued contact.

The sound of approaching footsteps crunching gravel echoed in the dark. The stalker jerked from William's grasp, the knife still clutched in his fist, and disappeared into the bushes.

William's strength nearly gone, he fell to his knees at Isabel's feet.

"William?” She dropped down to the ground beside him.

"My love,” he whispered, reaching out to touch her cheek.

"No.” She tried to pull away.

"'Tis too late. Kiss me quickly, before I am no more."

Their mouths joined as he wrapped his arms around her luscious body. She was so warm and soft. Just as he knew she would be. His tongue danced along the edge of her lips and although he could not taste her, he knew her sweetness mixed with the salt of her tears. Then he began to fade.


"Goodbye, sweet Isabel.” His fingertips brushed against her lips. “I will love you for all eternity."

"No!” she screamed, as he faded completely away.

Chapter Sixteen

Isabel stood in the doorway of Mick's hospital room. Thank God, he was going to be okay, but she couldn't help feeling responsible.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked her over. She knew how bad she looked. Her uncle's old shirt practically hung to her knees covering her tattered jeans. She looked more like a lost waif than a shrewd businesswoman, but she didn't care. The night before had been full of surprises and none of them good. If only the lunatic hadn't gotten away, perhaps William's sacrifice wouldn't seem such a waste.

"I thought I told you to stay put?” Mick snapped.

She kicked the doorstop, letting the door swing closed. “The walls were closing in on me. And I wanted to see how you were doing."

"I'm fine. The doc says I can get out of here in a day or two, but I doubt I'll be here that long. I've got work to do."

"If you're talking about guarding me, that's taken care of, and you know it."

"Pauley on you today?"

She nodded, realizing he was only asking for the sake of conversation. He knew perfectly well who guarded her.

"He doesn't have a radio stuck to his ear does he?” he asked.

"No. No radio. I imagine he has a whopper of a headache though. Still, he's been overly protective, to be honest. They all have since they brought you in here last night.” She shuddered at the memory of Mick lying on the ground, blood pouring from his shoulder.

"You still should've stayed put."

She picked at the edge of her rolled up sleeve. “You don't think he'll still try anything, do you?"

"I'm not taking any chances."

Walking to the window, she stared outside at the bright sunny spring morning and hugged herself. She rubbed her arms, trying to ease the unnatural chill inside her. Since William had disappeared, she couldn't seem to get warm.

"I, uh, saw what happened to William, Isabel. You want to explain it to me?"

She let out a nervous laugh, a ruse to hide her tears. “I thought you were unconscious?” Although her voice quivered with every word, she looked over her shoulder and tried to smile.

"I was.” A growl escaped from his throat as he rubbed the knot on the back of his scull. “When that bastard stabbed me and shoved me to the ground, my head bounced off one of the garden path markers, knocking me out for a minute. I woke up in time to see him running into the bushes."

His jaw clenched. She knew he took the events of the previous night personally. “It wasn't your fault, Mick."

"I should have been prepared. More alert. If Ashenhurst hadn't been there—"

"It wasn't your fault."

Mick stopped his personal condemnation and let out a heavy breath. “At least we've got a description of the guy. Still can't place him?"

"No. It was too dark and everything happened so fast.” She stared off into space for a moment, remembering the most poignant moment of her life and how she'd never forget what it felt like to have William's arms around her.

"What happened to him, Isabel?"

Mick's soft-spoken question pulled her from the bittersweet memory. “He was cursed, if you can believe that."

"After what I saw, I'm willing to believe just about anything."

She crossed the room and sat down in a chair next to his bed. He took her hand as she told William's story and what happened to him after wrestling with the stalker.

Mick shook his head in amazement. “So he's gone for good. I'm sorry. I know how you felt about him."

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