Chastity (4 page)

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Authors: Elaine Barbieri

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

BOOK: Chastity
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    "Play your cards right, and you won't need no money at all, darlin'."

    "No, thank you! I'll pay for the things I want."

    "I didn't say you wouldn't

    A sudden fury rising within her, Chastity rasped, "I've had just about enough of you!"

    "Sweetheart, you ain't had half of what you're goin' to get."

    "I'm warning you…"

    "You sure are a hot little tart, ain't you, darlin'!"

    The storekeeper grasped her shoulder, and Chastity's breath caught in her throat. Reacting spontaneously to his touch, she clenched her fist and swung it with all her might.

    Aghast, Chastity watched as if in a dream as her blow landed solidly on the storekeeper's jaw. Her eyes widened as he staggered backward, bouncing sharply against a counter before falling heavily to the floor.

    The resounding thud of his body was interrupted by the unexpected sound of applause. Glancing up with a start, she saw a slender, dark-haired fellow who was standing nearby and smiling appreciatively.

"Seems like you put that fella in his place, all right."
The stranger extended his hand. His smile broadened when she accepted it graciously. He continued, "My name's Will Jefferson and I'm pleased to know you, ma'am." Addressing the storekeeper, who was drawing himself shakily to his feet, he said, "Looks like you made a mistake here, mister. This lady wants to buy somethin', and I suggest you let her do it." He paused. ''You do understand what I'm sayin', don't you?"

    Allowing a few seconds for the import of his words to register, the stranger turned back to Chastity. "I'm thinkin' that we both got our points across here. Just in case we didn't, though, I want you to know that I'll be standin' outside the door for a little while, ma'am. If you have any more trouble with him, you just let me know and I'll come back in and settle it for you."

    Aware of the debt she owed this smiling stranger, Chastity replied, "Thank you most sincerely, Mr. Jefferson."

    Turning her attention back to the storekeeper, she paused a moment to regain her poise before requesting coolly, "If you'll show me where I may find the ready-to-wear dresses and women's essentials, please."

    No longer leering, the storekeeper snapped, "They're on the other side of the store."

    "Thank you."

    Walking back out onto the boardwalk with her packages under her arm a short time later, Chastity scanned the street. Disappointed when   she did not see the man who'd helped her, she heard a deep voice drawl from behind her, "I'm right here, ma'am."

    Turning, Chastity looked up at Will Jefferson's friendly smile and even features. Smiling in return, she said, "I can't thank you enough, Mr. Jefferson. The storekeeper is not a gentleman, but to be totally fair, I suppose I can't blame him for jumping to conclusions. I'm afraid my appearance is deceiving."

    "I disagree." Will Jefferson's engaging smile
her. "Any man with any sense at all can see that you're a lady. I think he understands that now."

    The clatter of approaching hooves drew Chastity's attention to the street, where one of the two mounted men called out, "It's time to get goin', Will. It's gettin' late."

"All right."
Looking back at Chastity, her rescuer raised his hand to the brim of his hat. "I have to be leavin', but I admit to feelin' real sorry that we don't have the time to get better acquainted." He paused. ''What did you say your name was, ma'am?"

    "It's Chastity Law" Chastity hesitated, "My name's Chastity."

That's a real fine name. I'd be honored if you'd call me Will."

    "Let's get goin', Will!"

    Ignoring his friend's impatience, he added, "It's been a pleasure, Chastity. I hope we meet again."

  Her response heartfelt, Chastity replied, "I'd be pleased if we did, too."

    Watching as the three men rode down the street, Chastity unconsciously sighed. So, she had met a Western gentleman at last.

    Still staring at their departing backs, Chastity could not hear Will Jefferson's companion snap, "What in hell was that all about?"

    Nor could she see Jefferson's appealing smile vanish as he responded, "Since when do I have to report to you?"

    "You're askin' for trouble messin' with one of them church types."

    "Think so?"

    "I'm sure of it."

    Jefferson's dark eyes narrowed. "She's a damned good-lookin' woman."

    "I told you"

    True viciousness abruptly surfacing, Jefferson snapped, "You don't tell me nothin'! You got that, Walker?"


    "I asked you a question!"

    "Yeah, I got it."

    "I don't hear you."

"I said, I got it!"

    The three men disappeared from Chastity's view.

    The open range
a brilliant gold in the sunlight, stretching out unobstructed to the horizon in all directions. There was no shade.


  Reed's throat was parched. His mouth was dry.

    He heard it then, the familiar thunder of pounding hooves. He heard the sound of gunfire. He heard gunshots bark again and again, driving the stampeding herd into a panicked frenzy as it came suddenly into view.

    The herd was heading directly toward him! He knew what was coming next.

    Oh, God… there she was! She was riding alongside the frenzied animals, leaning hard over the saddle, trying to turn them. She looked up and he saw her face. It was tight with anger as she shouted to him. He spurred his horse into the chase, shouting to her to let the herd go, that she wouldn't be able to stop it.

    But she didn't hear him.

    The terror returned. It squeezed tight inside him, stealing his breath as he pressed his mount to a faster pace, struggling to reach her. He saw her horse stumble, and his heart lurched. He watched her jerk back on the reins, fighting to hold her powerful gelding upright. He saw her struggle valiantly as the animal wavered amidst the battering of the panicked beeves. He saw… he saw her go down!


    The panicked herd disappeared into the distance. The shooting ceased.

    Dismounting in the grainy mist, he dashed to her side. She lay motionless, her body broken and bloodied.

    A frantic plea resounded in his mind.
Don't leave me, Jenny, please!

    "No, I won't leave you, Reed."

    Reed went stock still. The soft voice in his ear was new to the dream.

    "Lie back and rest, Reed." The voice had a familiar ring as it coaxed, "You're sick. Let Dr. Carr

    He strained to open his eyes, but his lids were so heavy. In the slim slit of light finally entering between them he saw her.

    "That's right, rest. Your leg is infected. It won't heal if you don't."

    He didn't care about his leg. He wanted to touch her.

    "Reed, please…"

    He heard another voice. It was gruff. "Here, give him this medicine. He won't take it from me. It'll make him sleep."

    "Drink this, Reed."

    No, he didn't want to sleep. If he did, he'd lose her again.

    "Reed, please."

    He caught her hand. It was warm and alive. He held it tightly.

    "He's hurting me."

    "It's the fever. It's rising again, and he's getting agitated. Talk to him. Calm him down."

    "Drink this, Reed. It'll make you feel better."


    He felt her hand on his cheek, turning him toward her. She leaned closer, her voice a husky whisper. "Drink this… for me, Reed."


For her


    He would do anything for her.

    The liquid was bitter.

    "That ought to do it." The gruff voice again. "We'd get ahead of that fever if he'd calm down. That wound doesn't look as bad as it did yesterday. How'd you say he got it?"

    No response.

    "He'll be asleep in a few minutes. That dose should hold him through the night. I suggest you get some sleep, too."

    The voices were fading. He felt her hand slipping from his grasp and he gripped it more tightly.

    "Reed, you're hurting me."

    He didn't want to hurt her.

    "Let me go."

    "You're wasting your breath. He's not going to let go." The curt voice again. "Don't worry. He'll be asleep in a minute."

    No! He struggled against the oblivion overwhelming him. He fought to open his eyes. He would not let her go againnot this time!

A disapproving grunt.
"He must've heard me. He's panicking."

    "No, Reed, don't struggle. I won't leave. I'll be right here beside you. I promise."

    He felt the bed sink with her weight as she sat beside him. He heard her gentle voice. "Go to sleep, Reed. Please. I'll be right here when you wake up."


   She said she would stay beside him while he slept. She wouldn't lie to him.

    He closed his eyes.

    The darkened hotel room was lit by a single lamp on the nightstand. Outside the window, sounds of evening revelry echoed in the night. Inside, all was quiet.

    Chastity sat on the edge of the bed, looking down at the man sleeping there. Dr. Carr had departed again, leaving her to tend this man who held her hand even as he slept.

    Chastity closed her eyes. Surely she was dreaming! Surely she was not going to spend another night alone in a room with a man she had met only two days earlier. Surely she was not going to continue holding his hand and listening to garbled words of love meant for another woman. Surely she would awaken from this awful dream to find herself in her own familiar room, with the familiar sounds of her aunts bickering outside her door over the direction of her future:

"What's the matter with you, Harriet? Are you insane, urging Chastity to devote her life to working among the Bowery poor? I never heard anything so ridiculous! It would be foolhardy for her to expose herself to an element of human society with which she is totally unequipped to deal!"

"Insane, Penelope?
I suppose Chastity would've been better off marrying the 'respectable' Mr. Bertrand Bowles as you suggested?"

"Chastity made her thoughts adequately
on that subject. She doesn't intend to marry. That opportunity has passed by the board, in any case."

"A good thing, too!
Mr. Bowles was old enough to be her
and he was as singleminded a man as I ever knew! He wasn't looking for a wife! He was looking for a workhorse to care for his wild brood of children while he gallivanted nightly with dissolute women!"

"How was I supposed to know that the fellow had lascivious interests?"

"How could you not know?"

"Because I am not in the habit of exchanging idle gossip!"

"Are you intimating that I am?"

"If the shoe fits!"

Seething silence.

"I refuse to be baited by you, Penelope."

"I'm not 'baiting' you! I only"

"Penelope, please! The point is
Chastity is far too intelligent and resourceful to squander her many attributes in the bondage of matrimony!"

"Oh, you're just saying that because no man ever asked you to be his wife! Although I am unwed, my viewpoint is different because I had no lack of admirers in my youth."

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