Chat Love (19 page)

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Authors: Justine Faeth

BOOK: Chat Love
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I pick up my cell phone and call him, not expecting an answer. Suddenly, I hear him pick up the phone and say, “Hello?”

I look at Danni and Autumn with wide eyes, suddenly nervous. “Oh, hi, Jackson. It’s me, Lucia. How are you?”

Jackson chuckles. “I know it’s you, Lu. I’m well, how are you? How was dinner with your family last night?”

Danni and Autumn watch me with amusement. “It was fine, thank you. I just wanted to let you know that they delivered the painting this morning and it’s hanging on my wall now. Thank you again, I really love it.”

“It was my pleasure, and I’m glad you enjoyed your birthday.”

Danni and Autumn gesture with their hands for me to hurry up and ask him.

I take a breath and ask, “Hey, Jackson, tonight I’m celebrating my birthday with a few friends and I wanted to ask if you’d like to join us. It would be my way of saying thank you for the painting.” Danni mouths the word “Chris,” and I quickly add that he’s welcome to bring his friend from the other night.

He is silent for a minute, and I begin to grow even more nervous.
He probably doesn’t want to go and is trying to come up with a believable excuse. That, or he has a date with some other, more beautiful woman.
My thoughts are running wild as my self-esteem begins to dip.

To my surprise, he asks, “What time and where?”

I look up at Danni and Autumn with a small smile and Autumn gives me a thumbs-up. I quickly reply, “Well, we have dinner reservations tonight at eight at Agave, and Danni reserved us a table at a posh bar for afterward. But if you would rather just join us at the bar that would be just—”

Jackson cuts me off. “I’ll see you at Agave at eight. And tell Danni that I’ll bring Chris along for her.”

We say our good-byes and I tell Danni and Autumn that he agreed to come. Danni is excited that Chris would also be coming, most likely looking forward to the opportunity for more sex. She hurries home to choose an outfit as Autumn and I head for our closets to do the same. At seven o’clock, the usual crew stops by my apartment for a pre-dinner drink. My nerves need steadying, so the alcohol is a welcome relief. I’m wearing the new dress I bought just for tonight, made of white lace and featuring a plunging neckline, with red heels and my hair down.

We toast for my birthday and all my friends hand me their gifts, begging me to open them now. Danni smiles devilishly as I open her gift to me: a vibrator, as well as a gift card to Victoria’s Secret. I roll my eyes teasingly and thank her for the thought. Autumn and Wayne had chipped in to get me a gift card to a salon, and Ian and Corey had done the same in order to get me a gift card to
. I know that I’ll use most of the gifts, with the exception of Danni’s gag gift.

Happy with all of my gifts and already feeling a little buzzed, I get into one of the two cabs our group takes to the restaurant. At exactly eight o’clock, we arrive and spot Skyler, Dave, Jackson, and Chris all waiting outside. Skyler and Dave both look radiant and happy as they stand there holding hands, big smiles on their faces.

I look at Jackson and my mouth falls open. I’ve never seen him look as handsome as he does tonight; he’s more dressed up than usual and even attempted to style his normally messy hair. I step out of the cab and give them all a kiss on the cheek, thanking them for coming. Admittedly, I purposely allow my lips to linger a bit longer on Jackson’s cheek as I inhale his scent. When I pull away he flashes me a sexy grin and reminds me that I look gorgeous.

We are quickly seated at our table, and Jackson selects the seat directly across from me. Because the restaurant is known for their tequila, we immediately order a round of shots for the entire table. We spend several hours laughing, enjoying the food, and drinking as much as we can.

During dinner I could’ve sworn that I felt Jackson’s foot touching mine, casually toying with my ankle and calf and sending occasional shivers down my spine. However, I was also very drunk, and it’s therefore just as likely that I imagined the whole thing.

Before dessert, Skyler and I both get up to visit the bathroom, as we’ve had quite a bit to drink. After we finish, we stand near the mirrors and touch up our makeup. Skyler adds more color to her plump lips and then turns to look at me.

“So who invited Jackson?” she asks casually, giving me a wink.

I roll my eyes playfully. “I invited him because he bought me a beautiful, expensive painting as a gift for my birthday.” I recount the details of my time with Jackson the day before, explaining the story of the auction and how he had taken me to lunch afterward. After I finish she simply crosses her arms and shakes her head.

“I told you he has feelings for you, but you never listen to me,” she says teasingly. “He won’t stop looking at you, and I’ve never seen him listen so intently to any one person before in my life.”

“Maybe,” I say, putting some red gloss on my lips, “but I don’t trust him.” She cocks one eyebrow questioningly. “We have been getting along well lately, but I can’t help but wonder if it’s all just an act to get me into bed,” I explain.

She laughs. “Lu, Jackson doesn’t need to work you to get you in his bed. If he just wanted a woman to share his bed with, he could choose from the long list of ladies just dying to sleep with him.” Her expression turns serious. “I truly believe that Jackson has feelings for you, and although he may not know exactly what they are, I definitely think there’s more there than just a desire for sex. However, I completely understand your doubts.”

I wave my hand. “Look, it’s my birthday, and I just don’t want to think about it. Tonight I only want to have fun with my friends.”

“I think that’s a good attitude to have. Whatever happens, happens,” she says with a wink.

We exit the bathroom and walk back to the table, and I immediately notice Jackson watching me. We exchange a flirtatious smile and I see Chris whisper something into his ear. He gives Chris a glare, and Chris apologizes with a look of surprise on his face. I cock my head to the side in question and Jackson simply shakes his head, indicating that he doesn’t want me to know what Chris said. I assume that it must have been something vulgar.

The waitress approaches our table, holding a beautiful chocolate cake covered in lit candles. Everyone begins singing and I make a quick wish before I blow out my candles, hoping to find my true love this year. I open my eyes and stare at Jackson, blowing out the candles in one breath.

We all leave the restaurant and head to the bar in three separate cabs. I share a taxi with Jackson, Danni, and Chris, and the latter two spend the entire ride to the bar kissing on the seat next to me while Jackson sits in the front seat, discussing the news with the driver. Occasionally, I notice Jackson stealing a glance at me in the rearview mirror and it makes me blush.

We finally arrive and I jump out of the cab, eager to put some distance between the kissing couple and myself. I remind Danni that she and Chris are welcome to go home early if they’d like some alone time, but she insists that she’d like to spend a bit more time with me, especially considering that there’s a dance floor inside. Jackson hands the driver some cash and then puts his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him when he sees me shiver from the chilly night air.

We wait for the other cabs to arrive while Danni and Chris continue kissing. Jackson is still holding me and I lean into him, closing my eyes and feeling the warmth of his breath on my cheek.

“Are you OK?” he asks. I nod my head, too relaxed to answer. “Are you having a good time so far?”

I look up at Jackson and see his blue eyes focused on me. “I’m having a great time. Thank you again for coming. It really means a lot to me.”

Before we can say anything else, the other cabs arrive. Skyler steps onto the pavement and winks when she notices Jackson’s arm around my waist. I blush and smile, burrowing my face into his shoulder.

When Danni finally detaches herself from Chris’ lips, she leads us to the front of the line and talks to the bouncer as though he’s an old friend. We are ushered inside and led through the drunken crowd to a private table, already set with a collection of bottles.

Griffin is one of the hottest lounges in Manhattan, and it’s known for its beautiful interior and popularity among celebrities. Of course, Danni had no problem getting us a reservation, because she practically knows every important person in the city. I sit on one of the plush chairs and take in the décor, which is designed to reflect the industrial revolution.

Because we have bottle service, it’s much easier to drink. Rather than having to push our way through the crowd to get drinks from the packed bar, we can just mix whatever we’d like directly from the stash at our table. Jackson mixes me a sweet drink and I take a few sips before letting Danni and Skyler lead me out to the dance floor.

Later, we’ve gone through four bottles of vodka and one bottle of champagne, and everyone is dancing. Skyler and Dave are in their own little world as they dance seductively with one another, Danni and Chris are preparing to leave and go to his apartment, Autumn and Wayne are dancing and laughing, and Ian and Corey have both found random women to entertain them. I have no idea how much I’ve had to drink, but I know for a fact that tonight has been one of the best evenings of my life. Jackson and I have been flirting with each other constantly, and I’ve made a point to dance with several of my female friends in order to get his attention. He and I have yet to dance with one another and I desperately want to experience the feeling of our bodies pressed together once again. I am also hoping to receive a birthday kiss from him—or birthday sex.

Jackson goes to the bathroom and I sit on a couch, watching the people around me. I see Jackson emerge again and I rise to intercept him, but I freeze when I see a tall, blonde woman step in front of him and begin to dance. My blood boils as I watch her pressing her body against his. I storm out onto the floor and grab the first man I see, pressing my body against his to match the rhythm of the music. I know I’m being immature, but I want Jackson to get jealous and come after me.

I glance over and see Jackson’s eyes on me, his face revealing an expression of anger. I feel the stranger’s lips on my neck and suddenly, my body goes cold, made tense by the stranger’s touch. I try to pull away but his arms tighten around me, pressing me against his body and hurting me. I desperately look around for my friends, trying to find somebody to help me, but they are all too preoccupied with their dancing partners and don’t notice me struggling against the stranger’s grasp. Soon I feel his hands move first to my butt, and then to my breasts, squeezing tightly and causing me to whimper in pain, though no one can hear me with the music so loud. I struggle to break free, but his grip intensifies and I am forced to remain still.

The next thing I know, the man is falling backward, and I feel warm, familiar arms encircling me. The stranger rises to his feet and charges at my savior, swinging a fist that narrowly misses my cheek. I turn and see Jackson fighting back, and soon the two men are on the floor, fists flying. Bouncers come and break them up, dragging both men outside. I follow them, worried about Jackson.

Outside, two bouncers are holding Jackson, one on each arm. Only one bouncer holds the other man, and both men are cursing and struggling to break free. I hear Jackson yelling and am surprised by the fury in his eyes.

“If you ever touch her again I will break your face, do you understand me?” he yells at the stranger.

I run over to Jackson and put my hand on his arm, trying to calm him down. He looks at me and relaxes, and the bouncers eventually let go of his arms. He quickly turns and apologizes to both men, offering a quick explanation and letting them know that we’ll be leaving. Skyler comes running out with our coats, confused about what had happened. She explains that everything is being taken care of inside, and that it would probably be wise to head home.

I see Jackson hail a cab and he climbs inside, motioning for me to join him. I give Skyler a quick hug and kiss and follow him into the taxi, glad to be leaving. I turn back to Jackson and see his eyes narrow, his jaw clenched. I give the driver my address and he silently takes off.

I turn back to Jackson and touch his arm. He moves away and angrily asks, “What were you thinking? Why did you dance with a stranger like that? Do you know what could have happened to you if I hadn’t been there to stop it?”

I shake my head, fighting back tears. “I’m sorry,” I say quietly.

He snaps at me, “Don’t do that. Don’t start crying. Just take responsibility for what you did.”

I wipe my cheeks with my sleeve and blurt out, “I only did it to make you jealous.” He gives me a puzzled look. “I wanted you to dance with me,” I mumble. “I wanted

His expression softens as he reaches out and gently wipes my tears. “I wanted you too, Lucia. I still want you.” He grabs me and we kiss, both giving in to temptation. He tells the driver that we’ll only be making one stop, and I suggest that we go to his apartment so that we don’t make Autumn uncomfortable. He quickly gives the driver his address and we continue kissing, both excited for things to come.

Chapter 15

I wake up to the sensation of something wet on my face. Whatever it is begins licking me and I feel hot air blowing on my cheeks. I try to push the annoyance away in an attempt at staying asleep, but I hear a little whine and open my eyes to see a large golden retriever staring at me. I scream in surprise and the dog barks.

I hear heavy footsteps running and Jackson bursts into the room, a worried expression on his face. His hair is wild and he’s dressed in pajamas.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, looking around the room for the reason for my scream.

I follow his gaze, examining my surroundings and slowly realizing that I am not in my room. I look down and see that I am still wearing my dress from the night before. I’m in a large bed that I don’t recognize, in the middle of a room with tan walls with a few beautiful paintings hung up. I look over the edge of the tall bed and spot a strategically placed trashcan that I am greatly relieved to see is empty.

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