Chat Love (26 page)

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Authors: Justine Faeth

BOOK: Chat Love
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I turn toward the altar and see Dave wiping tears from his eyes, a spectacular grin on his face. In that moment, I finally understand what Skyler was always talking about, as I see their love for one another shining brightly.

During the ceremony, I try my best not to cry. Still, I eventually feel a lone tear escaping, and as I reach to wipe it away, Jackson’s thumb catches it instead. I turn to see him staring at me with concern. I feel someone pressing something soft into my hand, and I look down to see Karen handing me a tissue.

“I always cry at weddings,” she whispers, dabbing her eyes. “For some reason, I cry more at weddings than I do at funerals.” She smiles and we share a moment of silent laughter, both overcome by emotions. I turn back to Jackson and see him watching the ceremony intently as Dave and Skyler recite their vows.

After the beautiful ceremony, everyone is guided into another beautifully-decorated room for cocktails. The room is decorated in the same style as the reception hall, including flowers, candles, and pictures of the newlywed couple from various points in their relationship.

As I sip a glass of champagne, I stand near a window, taking in the view of the city. Jackson is off talking to Patrick and Caitlin, but I continue to catch him staring at me, and I feel an urge to kiss him again.

After the cocktail hour ends, we are taken into the reception hall and led to our assigned tables. Jackson, Caitlin, and I are sitting at a table reserved for Skyler’s coworkers, and I am pleasantly surprised to see Jackson saving me a seat by his side. As soon as everyone quiets, the band announces the couple’s arrival, leading them in with a joyful fanfare. The pair makes their way to the center of the dance floor, and the band begins playing Etta James’s hit, “At Last.” They embrace and begin to dance as the crowd looks on happily.

A minute or two passes before the band announces an open dance floor, encouraging other couples to join the newlyweds. I watch several couples rise and walk to the floor, and I smile when I catch a glimpse of Skyler; I’ve never seen her look so happy.

“Jackson, do you want to dance?” Caitlin asks, squeezing his bicep. I do my best to ignore her voice, continuing to look away in the direction of Dave and Skyler.

“Lucia?” Jackson asks. I turn to face him, wondering what he wants.

“What?” I ask, not exactly thrilled about the idea of being the only person left at our table once everyone has gone to dance.

“Would you like to dance with me?” he asks. Surprised, I raise my eyebrows and look past his shoulder to see Caitlin glaring at me. I look back at Jackson and see him nervously running his fingers through his hair. Taking my silence the wrong way, he quickly says, “I’m sorry; forget I even asked.”

I quickly place my hand on his leg and answer his question. “Jackson, of course I would like to dance with you.”

His eyes light up and he grabs my hand, helping me to my feet and leading me out to the floor. He gingerly places his hands on my waist as I wrap my arms around his neck, and we begin slowing moving to the rhythm of the music, our eyes locked. I feel the warmth of his hands on my waist, and I take a small step closer to him. He gives me a grin and squeezes my waist gently. I turn and see Skyler staring at us, a massive grin on her face; she winks at me and turns back to Dave.

Jackson and I remain silent as we dance, just enjoying being close to one another.

As the song ends I reluctantly remove my arms from around his neck, but he maintains his grip on my waist.

“Let’s dance some more,” he says.

The band begins playing Ray Charles’s, “Come Rain or Come Shine” and I nod my head weakly, replacing my hands. He pulls me closer to his body, his hands on my back, and I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. I feel secure in his arms.

I open my eyes and look around the candlelit room.

“This place is beautiful,” I whisper, feeling him tense at my words. I lift my head and notice that he is clenching his jaw. His eyes reveal a note of sadness, and I ask, “What’s wrong?”

He takes my hand and holds it against his chest. “Lisa and I were supposed to get married around this time, and it’s just weird to see what it could have been like.”

“I’m sorry, Jackson, I didn’t realize that it was so recent.”

He leans in closer to me, shushing me. “Don’t apologize; it’s not your fault that Lisa was a bitch.” He pulls back and gives me a smile. “It was a few years ago, so I think that it’s time to move on, don’t you?”

I lay my head back down on his shoulder. “Sure.” I lift my head again. “Jackson?” I say nervously. He looks down at me with a smile. “I know it can be hard to move beyond the past, but I promise that it feels wonderful once you do.”

Jackson smiles and kisses my forehead lightly. He twirls me around, making me dizzy, and then pulls me back to his chest. I giggle and rest my head on his shoulder again.

“Have you been able to get over your ex-boyfriends? I remember a few conversations where you seemed like you might still be burning a candle for a few of them.”

I pull back to give him a clear view of my face. “If I hadn’t moved on, I wouldn’t be dating anyone. I don’t miss any one of them in particular, as much as I just miss the feeling of caring strongly for someone.”

Jackson raises an eyebrow. “You know, some people think that love is overrated.”

I give him a smirk. “If people really believed that, then we wouldn’t be here at a wedding, now would we?”

He gives me a smirk of his own and twirls me again. The band plays “Close to You,” by The Carpenters and I smile, recognizing the familiar tune. Jackson continues to grip my waist, and I assume that he wants to continue dancing. I would have never guessed that the cocky, self-absorbed Jackson Foster would have a softer side; he is a man who loves to dance and knows how to do it well. Although I’ve danced with him before, it was always while intoxicated, and usually to loud, fast music. This is different; it’s personal, slow, sensual, and warm, and the sensation makes my heart swell.

Jackson places his lips close to my ear, lightly singing the words to the song. He continues as the band begins to play “Wild Horses,” by the Rolling Stones. He whispers the lyrics into my ear and I shiver as a contented sigh escapes my throat.

“Excuse me, Jackson?” Caitlin interrupts, again. “May I have this dance?” We both stop moving and I open my eyes to see her smiling at us, acting as though she has no idea she’s interrupted anything. He looks down at me, his eyes wide, and I can tell that he’s conflicted. I want him to say no, to dance only with me. I don’t want to see him singing softly into her ear, too. He looks away and agrees to dance with her. My heart drops and I step back, watching him put his hands on her firm body as she wraps her arms around his neck, tugging him closer. I turn away, wanting to go and hide, and bump into Patrick. He gives me a smile and nods his head in the direction of the dance floor, inviting me to join him. I smile and nod and he gently takes my hands as we begin to sway.

After a brief pause, he says, “You look stunning, Lucia. You’re truly a beautiful woman.” He smiles at me and I thank him, trying to keep myself from looking at Jackson and Caitlin. From where I’m standing with Patrick, I can see her resting her head on his chest, and as she comes to face me, she smirks triumphantly.
I want to walk over and pull her hair, but I remember that I am twenty-eight years old and meant to be more mature, so I pay attention to Patrick instead. He begins suggesting people that he wants me to book for the show, and I smile and nod politely.

My relationship with Patrick had been less awkward since we had talked about the night when he’d been hitting on me. I now felt perfectly comfortable around him, and I was glad to see that we’d developed a degree of mutual respect for one another.

I turn my head back to see Jackson staring at me once again. He looks angry and his eyes narrow when he sees my hand in Patrick’s. I ignore him, continuing to talk with Patrick. After a minute, I notice that Jackson is slowly dancing in our direction, dragging Caitlin along. His jaw is tense and his eyes are dark with rage. Thankfully, the song ends and Patrick and I part ways, each finding our seat.

I’m startled by the sudden feeling of Jackson’s breath on the back of my neck.

“Why would you go and dance with him? You know he’s attracted to you,” he hisses into my ear.

I snap back, “I danced with him for the same reason that you danced with Caitlin. You know for a fact that she has a crush on you, but that didn’t stop you, did it?”

“That’s different; Caitlin is a young girl who thinks that she is in love,” he says defensively.

I turn my head to look at him, clenching my fists. “Well, she probably thinks that because you slept with her.” His eyes narrow and he opens his mouth to speak, but I cut him off. “Save it.” I rise and stomp away in the direction of the bathroom.

I storm inside and choose one of the stalls, slamming the door behind me. I immediately hear several toilets flushing as people hurry to exit the bathroom, obviously startled by my aggressive entrance. I drop the lid on the toilet and sit, frustrated and confused. I’d known about Caitlin for a long time, but for some reason, I’m on the verge of tears.
Why do I care so much?

I hear two pairs of heels entering the bathroom. Two women, whose voices I don’t recognize, are chattering excitedly.

“Did you see that gorgeous man sitting at table four?”

My ears perk up at the mention of my table. I lean my head against the stall door, trying to hear what the women are saying.

The other woman replies, “Of course; how could I miss him? I think he has a date, though. Did you see the way he was dancing with the brunette in the blue dress? There’s definitely something there.”

The first woman laughs. “Please, just give me five minutes with him and I’ll have him forgetting all about her.” I frown, crossing my arms.

Her friend says, “I don’t know; he looked like he is pretty crazy about her.”

Woman one playfully asks, “How much do you want to bet that I’ll have him eating from the palm of my hand by the end of the night?”

Fed up with the stranger’s cocky assumptions, I step out of the stall, making my presence known. A woman with short, black hair sees me in the mirror and gasps. Her friend notices my dress and her eyes widen as she begins to blush. I walk to the sink and wash my hands, giving both girls a cool stare in the mirror. They look at one another, wondering what I am going to say, as I dry my hands with a towel. I open the bathroom door, preparing to leave, and then turn back to face the women.

“By the way, ladies, he’s going home with me.” I exit the bathroom with my head held high.

I see Jackson waiting near the bathrooms, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He sees me and straightens his posture. As I approach him, I offer an apology.

“I’m sorry for reacting like I did. It’s really none of my business.”

He places a finger on my lips, quieting me.

“Caitlin and I never had sex, OK? She kissed me once when she was drunk, but I’ve never slept with her.”

Relief washes over me. “Honestly?”

He gives me a smile. “I promise. Now, while you were gone, the waiter came and asked for our food orders. I know that you don’t eat meat, so I ordered you the vegetarian dish. Is that OK?”

I smile. “Thank you; the vegetarian dish will be perfect.”

He grins. “Good, then let’s go celebrate this wedding.” He grabs my hand, taking me back to the table.

I spend the rest of the evening dancing, drinking, eating, and laughing with Jackson. When we’re relaxed, it’s almost as if we’re partners in crime. During those moments, I can see the side of Jackson that I really love: a carefree, fun-loving man with a kind spirit.

As the night slowly comes to an end, I am enjoying a piece of cake while watching Jackson dance with the sleepy flower girl. He is holding her little body in his arms, and her arms are wrapped around his neck, her head resting on his shoulder. I smile when I see that her eyes are closed; she looks so peaceful and content. Watching him holding her so tenderly makes me want him more than ever, and, as though he’s read my mind, he turns and winks as he gives the little girl a peck on the cheek.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and I turn my head to see Skyler giving me a hug. I pat her hand and pull out a chair next to me. She gathers her beautiful dress in her hands and sits down carefully.

“Thank you so much for coming, Lu,” she says, beaming with pride.

I shake my head. “Sky, this was one of the most beautiful weddings I’ve ever attended—and I’ve been to a lot; I’m Italian.” I smile and she laughs, thanking me for the compliment.

She picks up a glass of champagne from the table and gives me an inquiring glance. I tell her that it’s Jackson’s, and she immediately gulps it down. “Sorry, but I needed that. He can get himself another.”

Jackson continues dancing with the flower girl, and Skyler smiles as she watches him.

“You know, that man really likes you,” she says

I laugh and shake my head, shoving a piece of cake into my mouth. She gives me a look of disbelief. “Lucia, you are not that stupid. I know that you notice him staring at you all the time, and he’s constantly trying to find excuses to touch you. He’s been looking at you all night with the same expression that Dave has been giving me, and we just got married. Just admit it; he wants you.”

I smile. “Do you really think so?” I ask in a hushed voice. “I’ve suspected it for a while, but I couldn’t ever be sure. Apparently I’m not the only one noticing it, though.” I nod in her direction.

Skyler answers, “I really do, Lucia. I was skeptical too, at first, simply because I know Jackson well. But over time, I’ve seen him growing more and more attached to you, and I don’t think there’s any use trying to deny what’s already obvious.”

I blush and lower my head, excited that my hopes have been confirmed. I feel a little bit dizzy, and I know that I’ve had enough alcohol to make me tipsy. I look up at Skyler again, realizing that I haven’t even talked to her about her wedding.

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