Cheating Justice (The Justice Team) (36 page)

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Authors: Misty Evans,Adrienne Giordano

BOOK: Cheating Justice (The Justice Team)
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Grey rolled his eyes. “Don’t kid yourself, he was saving his own ass. He knew you and Mitch were on to something. As Tommy’s boss, he had to approve the taskforce assignment. And that’s a potential landmine for him. But bottom line, my feelings about him don’t matter. In fact, I wouldn’t mind putting the screws to him by stealing one of his best agents. Don’t take this the wrong way, but a woman with your looks and skills? I can use that. In a lot of ways.”

. Caroline bobbed her head like a five-year-old waiting for her ice cream. “I’d like that. As corny as it sounds, it would give me something to believe in.”

“It’s not corny.
, I actually understand.”

“So, what do you think? Can you make room for me on your team?”

He hopped off the counter, wandered over to her and stuck out his hand. “Welcome to the Justice Team.”

She shook his hand, staring at him the whole time, because it couldn’t be that easy. Could it? “That’s it? You don’t have to clear me with your boss?”

“I have a couple of calls to make, but no, I don’t have to ask. If this is what you want, my boss won’t give me a hard time about it.”

A beep sounded, then the front door slammed. “Honey!” A woman’s voice. “I’m home!”

Immediately, Grey’s face lit up, all serious G-man reserve vanishing behind a grin. “Kitchen!” Ten seconds later a tall brunette, completely stunning in heels, a tight pencil skirt, and a clingy sweater strutted in. This had to be Sydney, Grey’s girlfriend.

Her laser sharp eyes landed on Caroline. “Hello.” She set the grocery bags she carried on the counter and turned to Grey. “Why is there an attractive female in your kitchen?”

He laughed and dropped a quick kiss on her lips. “This is Caroline.”


What did that mean?

“I only know one Caroline, so it must be.”

Sydney reached across the counter and shook Caroline’s hand. “Mitch talks about you. A lot.”

The sting of jealousy, that ugly blast of heat suddenly prowling inside her, hit Caroline full force, reminding her of all the nights she sat on her sofa, alone and heartbroken, texting Mitch, checking on him, wanting to know if he was safe and where he was.

And never receiving an answer.

was the lucky one. Caroline straightened her shoulders.
This is silly
. Childish even. Mitch was allowed to have friends. Only problem was, Caroline wanted to be the one talking to Mitch.

Sydney went back to unloading groceries. “You’re staying for dinner, yes?”

A banging noise on the glass behind Caroline drew everyone’s attention. She swiveled her chair and found Mitch and one of his cocky grins standing on the other side of the glass door leading to Grey’s deck.

“Come on!” Grey hollered. “Seriously!”

“He does it to annoy you,” Sydney said, eyeballing the steaks she’d set on the counter.

Grey stalked to the door, threw it open and sent it careening off the door stop. “Quit fucking breaching my security.”

Mitch shrugged. “Not my fault you can’t figure out how I do it.”

These two. Such infants.

Sydney rolled her eyes. “I go through this every time. Grey is easy bait.”

Then those dark eyes drifted to her and the heat from her little jealous snit converted to a whole different kind of warmth.

“Look who’s here.” Mitch marched over and kissed her. Long and slow. Right in the middle of Grey’s kitchen. With an audience.

She loved it.

Yes, things had definitely changed.

Backing away from the kiss, he nipped at her bottom lip. “Hey, Caroline.”

How she loved when he said that. “Hey, Mitch.”

“You okay?”

She met his gaze and his mundane question took on its true meaning. What he really wanted to know was if she was okay after eliminating her target. They’d yet to discuss it, and if she had her way, they wouldn’t. He of all people knew the emotional fallout she suffered after an incident. This time though, pulling the trigger meant saving Mitch’s life.

End of it. “I’m great.”

“What’re you doing here?”

Unsure of how much to say, Caroline made eye contact with Grey.

“I just gave her a job,” he said. “On our team. You two will be working together. Any issues with that?”

“No shit?”

“No shit.”

“Um,” Sydney said, “who is staying for dinner?”

“Both of them.” Grey jerked his head sideways. “I need to talk to you a second.”

“Oh, Fed Boy, I love when you want to be alone with me.”

Mitch gagged. “Beat it already.”

Once Sydney and Grey were gone, Caroline spun to Mitch and set her hands on either side of his face. The ugly cut above his eye had started to heal, or maybe she’d simply gotten used to the ugly black stitches and the bruising across his jaw and cheek. “Mitch, you look like a tractor plowed you.”

“I feel like a tractor plowed me.” He wedged himself next to the empty stool beside Caroline. “You’re leaving Donaldson? Grey told you about his rules, right? Top secret and all that crap.”

“He did. I’m ready.”

He tugged on her ponytail. “Ha. You liked going rogue. I knew it.”

“I did, actually. It was for the right reasons. That’s what I like about Grey’s team.” She gripped his T-shirt and squeezed. “And I’d get to see you every day.”

Slowly, he inched forward, his gaze on her, all that amused mischief softening. “I love you, Caroline.”

Years she’d waited for him. Maybe she hadn’t pathetically pined for him, but down deep, after comparing every man in her life to him, she’d hoped he’d come back. “I love you, Mitch.”

Voices drifted from the hallway. Grey and Sydney coming back. Sydney entered the room first, clipping her long hair back. “One of you boys go light that grill. I bought Grey’s favorite rib eyes. I’d planned on freezing the extra ones, but we’ll just cook them all.”

Mitch backed away—darn that—and leaned on the counter, resting on his elbows. “So, Syd. Are you officially moved in here yet?”

“Yes,” Grey said.

“No,” Sydney said.

Okay then. Communication barrier?

Grey grabbed a lighter from a drawer and waved it. “Your stuff is all here. Just say you’ve moved in and be done with it.”

“Not all my stuff. I still have my furniture at my place.”

“Which is stupid. You’re paying rent on a place you’re not living in.”

Oh, Caroline saw where this was going. Leave it to Mitch. He never did anything without a reason. The reason might be half-assed, but he had a reason.

Sydney—Syd—cocked her head, gave him a syrupy smile. “There’s a little thing called a lease. And mine is not up for two months.”

“Excellent.” Mitch smacked his hands together. “Have I got a deal for you.”

“Oh, Christ,” Grey said.

Caroline snorted. She’d missed this. The male banter, the frenzy Mitch always managed to create.

But Syd, being the smart woman she was, leaned in a little, slowly nodding. “What kind of deal?”

“I’ve been apartment hunting all day.”

Always a reason. And, oh, how Caroline’s heart opened up at the idea of Mitch having a home again.

“Everything in my price range is too small—whatever salary your boyfriend is going to pay me won’t be nearly enough to afford anything decent in D.C.—or it’s in a crappy part of town. Plus, I have no furniture. Since you’re shacked up with Greystone here, I figure I can slide into your place and take over your lease.”

“Huh,” Syd said. “That’s not a bad idea.”

Lighter in hand, Grey walked to the door Mitch had come through. “It’s a great idea. I think you should take that deal.”

Syd held up a finger and followed Grey out the door. “Give me one second to talk to him.”

Caroline gripped Mitch’s hand. “A lease. You’re sure you want to do that?”

“I need a place to live, Caroline.”

“I know, but…”

“But nothing. I told you in New Mexico. I’m done running. I want my life back. I’ve been cleared of all charges, and I want my new life to include you. If you’ll have me. And if you will, it means I need a home where you can come and visit.” He snuggled into her neck and licked behind her ear. “A home where I can do naughty things to you. I’m officially back on the grid. Hopefully, with you. Whaddya say?”

What did she say? Please. He’d probably give her a hundred—a thousand—different reasons to want to kill him every day, but life with Mitch would never be boring. She loved him. Good or bad, all those months without him made her realize that wherever he was, a piece of her went with him.

Mitch tugged on her pony tail. “We’re good then? No more Bureau-wear?”

Ah, no more Bureau-wear. “One condition.”


“Since you’re back to living like a civilized person, I want you to cut your hair.”

“That’s your stipulation? A hair cut?”

She returned the ponytail tug. “The long hair is fun, but it’s not you.”

He pushed off the counter and walked to the other side, rifling through drawers as he moved down the length of the island. “There they are.”


Something silver flashed and he tucked his hand at his side until he came around the island and held the item out. She glanced down. Scissors. Oh. My.

He nudged them closer. “Take ʼem, Caroline.”

“You want me to cut your hair? I don’t know how.”

“You don’t have to. Just cut the ponytail and I’ll stop somewhere and get it cleaned up when we leave here.”

“Mitch, I can’t.”

Having heard enough, he grabbed her wrist, turned her hand palm out and slapped the scissors into her hand. “Yeah, you can. I want you to.”

“You’re sure?”

He took the stool next to hers and spun around to give her access. “Yep.”

After this, he’d never let her wear a suit again. And suddenly, the idea of that made her more than a little giddy. She leaned in and brushed her lips against his ear. “Mitch Monroe, wait until you see the wicked boots I bought last month.”


About the Authors

bestselling author Misty Evans
writes the award-winning Super Agent romantic suspense series, as well as an urban fantasy and paranormal romance series. She likes her coffee black, her conspiracy theories juicy, and her wicked characters dressed in couture. When her muse lets her on the internet to play, she’s on
. Read more about her and her stories at

bestselling author Adrienne Giordano
writes romantic suspense and mystery. She is a Jersey girl at heart, but now lives in the Midwest with her workaholic husband, sports obsessed son and Buddy the Wheaten Terrorist (Terrier). She is a co-founder of Romance University blog and Lady Jane’s Salon-Naperville, a reading series dedicated to romantic fiction. For more information on Adrienne’s books, please visit
. Adrienne can also be found on Facebook at
, Twitter at
and Goodreads at
. For information on Adrienne’s street team,
Dangerous Darlings
, go to

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Cheating Justice.
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If you missed
Stealing Justice
, book one in the Justice Team series, be sure to read it today!

Romantic suspense books available by Adrienne Giordano:

The Private Protectors series

Risking Trust

Man Law

A Just Deception

Relentless Pursuit

Opposing Forces

Negotiating Point

Harlequin Intrigue

The Prosecutor

The Defender

Justifiable Cause series

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