Checking It Twice (Crashing Book 2) (3 page)

Read Checking It Twice (Crashing Book 2) Online

Authors: Samantha Wayland

Tags: #Romance, #Gay Romance, #Gay, #christmas, #holiday romance

BOOK: Checking It Twice (Crashing Book 2)
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Erik groaned, long and loud, his hands
flailing at this sides, looking for something to grab onto. He knew he wasn’t
allowed to touch Mike or Alexei without permission.

“Clasp your hands behind your back, Erik,”
Alexei said firmly. Erik actually listened, his hips canting forward in the

Mike moaned and took a few inches of the
shaft into his mouth, his chin dropping and lips stretching to accommodate
Erik’s girth.

Erik swayed before them.

“Michael, I’m going to hold Erik’s thighs
to help him stay still for you, okay?” Alexei asked quietly.

Mike was in no position to give verbal
agreement, but he grabbed Alexei’s hands and placed them on Erik, making his
consent clear enough.

“If you want him to move, that’s okay,
too,” Alexei added in a low whisper.

Mike whimpered around Erik’s shaft, but
didn’t indicate anything else, so Alexei just braced Erik and let Mike set the

Soon his head was bobbing, his whole body
leaning into each plunge to take more of Erik’s cock into his mouth, each
retreat planting him more firmly in Alexei’s lap and ending with a small, shaky
circle of his hips. His hands gripped Alexei’s thighs, reassuring Alexei that
Mike would be able to get Alexei’s attention and tap out if needed.

Erik’s mouth hung open as he sucked in great
lungfuls of air, apparently transfixed by the sight of his cock disappearing
into Mike’s mouth. Alexei couldn’t blame him. It was a fairly hypnotizing

Mike had managed to take in maybe half of
Erik’s length before he gagged and retreated quickly.

Alexei let go on one of Erik’s legs and
threaded his fingers into Mike’s hair. “You can do better than that, Michael.”

He watched carefully, gauging Mike’s
reaction, smiling when Mike immediately plunged again, his head tipped back
further. Alexei tightened his grip on Mike’s head and gently urged him forward.
Mike’s hands never left Alexei’s thighs, never once giving any indication he
might tap out, as Alexei tipped him forward and Erik’s thick shaft lodged in
the back of Mike’s throat.

Mike swallowed once, his eyes fluttering
closed and his cheeks heating to scarlet. Alexei eased him back immediately.


Mike’s only answer was to lean forward,
eagerly, and lift his chin higher.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” Erik said in a
ragged voice above them, his abdominal muscles clenching tight as he stared
down at them with wide, wild eyes. Alexei wondered if Erik recognized he’d said
that in Swedish.

But mostly he concentrated on easing Mike
forward, this time lifting his hips to keep their hips grinding together, to
keep working the plug in Mike’s ass while his throat was filled with Erik’s cock.

Tears leaked from Mike’s eyes, but Alexei
wasn’t concerned. In fact, he was elated. Mike looked like he was in heaven.

He swallowed again, several times, and
pulled a string of curses from Erik that ended with a guttural growl. Alexei
was so fixated on Mike and his pleasure, he was surprised when a hand tapped
his on Erik’s thigh.

Alexei sat back immediately, pulling Mike
with him. The moment Erik’s cock slipped free of Mike’s mouth, Mike let out a
needy, disappointed sound.

Erik swore again.

“Michael, Erik needed to take a break,”
Alexei explained while checking Erik over to be sure he wasn’t somehow hurt. A
steady stream of precome pearled on the head of Erik’s cock before dripping
off. Mike caught each drop on his tongue without touching Erik.

Alexei looked up at Erik. “Too close?” he


Erik had been given strict orders not to
come until and unless Alexei told him to. It was a command he’d often ignored
in the past.

“Thank you,” Alexei said, acknowledging how
hard Erik was trying.

Erik looked a little bewildered. “I don’t
want to disappoint him,” he admitted quietly.

Alexei pressed his face to the pounding
pulse in Mike’s throat and smiled. It was somehow sweet and reassuring that he
wasn’t the only one who Mike could do this to.

He pulled the soft skin against his lips
between his teeth and sucked, knowing it would make Mike squirm in his lap. Alexei’s
cock was so hard that he was a little worried it was going to be damaged
permanently if he didn’t get it out of his jeans soon.

Releasing his bite with a soft pop, he
brushed his cheek along Mike’s until they were both staring at Erik’s cock from
an inch away, Mike’s tongue still darting out to catch drops of precome,
licking them directly from the skin. Erik’s dick twitched and swayed with each

“What do you want to do now, Michael?”

“I want him to fuck me.”


Chapter Three


Mike sat in Alexei’s lap, staring at Erik’s
honestly ginormous dick, and waited for Alexei to tell him what to do next. It
was almost impossible not to rub his ass against Alexei’s legs, so he didn’t
bother trying to hold still. He figured not outright bouncing up and down on
the plug was restraint enough.

He wasn’t even a little bit concerned about
his request for Erik to fuck him. He was pretty sure that was the whole point
of this thing, and even if it weren’t, Alexei would tell him what to do. Mike knew
that whatever Alexei
want would be nothing short of mind-blowing.

Alexei’s arms curled around his waist and
he leaned back. When Alexei spoke, Mike could feel the vibrations from his
voice through his back where it was pressed to Alexei’s chest.

“Erik, sit down.”

Erik did. Immediately. But he also sent
Alexei a questioning look, clearly trying to figure out what was going to
happen next. Mike almost shook his head. Erik should trust Alexei. After all
the time they were together, he should
Alexei would take good care
of them both.

The more Mike got to know Erik, the more Alexei
and Erik’s break-up made sense. And not just like this. It was obvious Erik would
never understand Alexei. And could never appreciate the joy that could be found
in just giving himself over.

“Michael,” Alexei said against his cheek.
“Let’s get you undressed.”

Mike nodded and stood gingerly. The moment
he was steady on his feet, he stripped off his shirt while Alexei went to work
opening his jeans. Mike shoved them down and kicked off his shoes and socks

Alexei then rose and stripped down, too.
Mike watched him, saw how he overbalanced to protect his hips while lifting his
legs, and wondered how he could feel so much love, so much affection, and so
at the same time. The stubborn man would not admit his hips now hurt constantly
during the hockey season.

Mike reached out and drew his hand down the
length of Alexei’s erection, pleased to feel the proof of how affected Alexei
was by all this, too. Sometimes Alexei did things purely for Mike’s benefit,
which was fine. Fucking great, really. But Mike preferred it when they both got
off on whatever they were doing. He wanted tonight to be like that.

Alexei kissed him, once, and it was fierce
and far too brief. Then he looked Erik over, appraisingly, and nodded once.

“Michael, Erik likes your mouth too much,”
he said, sounding regretful. Mike was pleased to hear it, though. “But I think
you should spend more time getting to know him while I get you ready.”

Mike nodded, shivering with anticipation
for the “getting ready” part, but knew to wait for the rest of whatever Alexei
was going to say. There would be rules. Limits. Mike
those. He
didn’t want to have to decide what was right.

“You can put your mouth on him, but you
can’t put him in your mouth. Do you understand?”


Alexei smiled and ran a hand down Mike’s
back as he knelt between Erik’s knees. Erik spread his legs until his thighs
pressed to the arms of the chair, his tongue caught between his teeth as he
stared down at Mike hungrily.

Alexei left the room, but Mike knew he’d be
back soon.

He rested his cheek against the inside of
one of Erik’s thighs and stared up at his cock, resting on his stomach. Mike’s
ass clenched at the thought of all of that being inside of him. He

Nuzzling his face to the coarse hair and
smooth skin, he worked his way up Erik’s thigh, switching to the other when it
became too difficult to move because of his own broad shoulders and the
limitation of the chair’s arms. When he came to a stop, just a few inches shy
of Erik’s balls, Erik groaned. Mike sucked warm skin into his mouth and drew
blood to the surface, shifting with Erik when he squirmed in the seat. It
wasn’t until a foot struck Mike’s shoulder that he pulled away and realized Erik
had hooked his knee over the arm of the chair, opening himself to Mike.

“Sorry,” Erik gasped, his foot swinging

Mike smiled and ran his hands up both
Erik’s thighs until they framed his cock and balls, his thumbs pressing into
the meat of Erik’s ass. He pulled the cheeks apart and gently rubbed the swirl
of tight muscles around Erik’s hole while he bent to mouth the length of Erik’s

Erik, apparently, was loud when he was
really turned on. Mike had been too busy trying to inhale his cock earlier to
really notice, but now he could hear the gasps and pleas and even grunts of pleasure
as Mike teased him mercilessly.

Erik wasn’t loud enough, though, to mask
the unmistakable sound of a cap clicking open behind Mike.

Mike lifted his ass in the air, putting his
arms on top of Erik’s thighs to support and stabilize himself while he licked
over Erik’s tight sac, teasing each ball into his mouth to massage with his
tongue and lips before releasing it to start all over again on the other side.
He buried his nose in the coarse hair around the base of the shaft and inhaled,
reveling in the scent of musk and sweat.

He shuddered when Alexei’s hand brushed
over his ass. He’d been so distracted by the bounty before him, he’d almost
forgotten about the plug. Not now, though. Not when Alexei curled his fingers
around the base and tugged, opening Mike up before pushing it back in again.

Mike moaned his approval as Alexei began to
fuck the plug in and out of him.  Long, firm strokes that sent chills up Mike’s
spine each time his ass stretched to accommodate the full breadth of it, then
clenched closed around the narrow neck, then stretched again as Alexei twisted
it from his body. He panted against Erik’s belly, his cheek pressed to his
shaft, his breath gusting over the head.

Erik squirmed beneath him, his other leg
hooking over the other arm of the chair.  Mike leaned back to appreciate the
view, sucking in a deep breath when Alexei forced the plug back into his ass
and ground it up into him. His eyes fluttered closed and for a moment, all he
could do was ride the waves of sensation streaking through his body.

God, that was good. And he was getting
close. Too close.

He needed a distraction. Immediately.

As much as he wanted to stay right where he
was, he forced himself to tip forward again. He nuzzled along Erik’s shaft and licked
at the head of his cock, reminding himself to breathe as best he could while
Alexei continued to torment him with the plug.

The taste of precome exploded over his tongue,
telling him he wasn’t the only one enjoying what Alexei was doing to him. He
focused there, on that taste, gasping against the sensitive skin when Alexei
tugged the plug from him one last time and it landed with a thud next to his

Mike glanced down to see the towel Alexei
had spread over the rug around him. When had that happened?

He discarded that trivial concern when two fingers
slipped into his body, testing the already well-used muscles of his anus. The third
finger barely registered, Mike was so open. So ready.

He didn’t bother to tell Alexei to hurry.
It wouldn’t do any good, and it might just make him slow down. Mike contented
himself with torturing Erik as best he could within the limits set by Alexei.
He tickled his tongue behind Erik’s balls, testing the seam of skin there, and
Erik slid further down the chair, forcing himself against Mike’s tongue in a
blatant invitation for Mike to go further.

Mike moved back to Erik’s shaft, almost
smiling at Erik’s disappointed whine. Mike liked to rim Alexei, and god knew he
loved it when Alexei rimmed him, but that wasn’t something they shared with
other people. That was just between them, and that’s how Mike liked it.

He moaned against Erik’s shaft when Alexei
spread his fingers, stretching him wide. His legs shook, his cock dripping on
the towel, and he shoved himself back against that delicious pressure.  He
thought about reaching down to grab his dick to try to force back the building need
fueled by the anticipation of getting Erik into him at last. The thought was
lost, along with any others, when Alexei pinched the fresh bite mark on Mike’s
right cheek.

He keened, high and needy.

Alexei leaned in close and whispered in his
ear. “He’s big, Mike.”

“I noticed,” Mike gasped between pants.

“How much do you want to feel it?”

Mike considered his answer, knowing Alexei
wouldn’t accept anything less than the truth, but too far gone into his own
head to be able to know what that was without giving it some concerted thought.
Once he had, though, he knew what he wanted.

“I want to feel it. A lot. I want it to be
like Montreal.”

Alexei’s hand slipped away and he stood.
“Come,” he said, putting a gentle hand under Mike’s arm and helping him to

Mike’s legs felt like Jell-O, but he
managed to stay upright with Alexei’s help. Erik, apparently, was on his own.

“Follow us,” Alexei said as he grabbed the
towel, and whatever was wrapped up in it, and turned toward the kitchen.

Mike had thought they might use the couch,
or the coffee table, but of course, Alexei knew better. They would have been
too low, and made it harder for Erik to thrust as hard as Mike would want him
him to.

Mike shivered as he stood in the middle of
the kitchen, Erik standing a few feet away as they both watched Alexei carefully
clean off the long rectangular table at which they’d just eaten dinner. Alexei laid
the towel across the head of the table and set two chairs by the legs on either

Alexei then hopped up on the table, his ass
perched on the towel and at the very edge of the hard, flat surface. He planted
his feet on the chairs, which were far enough apart that his legs were spread
almost impossibly wide.

“Goalies,” Erik muttered behind Mike.

Mike smiled and held Alexei’s gaze.

“Come here, Michael.”

Mike went to stand between Alexei’s legs,
his hands resting on Alexei’s thighs as he smiled down at his amazing, generous

“Will this be okay for you?” Alexei asked.


Alexei looked over Mike’s shoulder. “Erik,
come here.” Mike felt the heat radiating from Erik a moment before his cock
brushed Mike’s ass and a hand landed on his hip. “You’re going to fuck Michael
now, exactly as I tell you to. Is that okay?”

Alexei’s eyes narrowed on Erik and Mike
could guess from the small movements behind him that Erik was nodding.

“We use our words, Erik. The right words,
unless you don’t want to do this. Then you can go.”

With a great sigh, Erik finally said, “Yes,
Alexei. I want to do this. I consent.”

Mike arched an eyebrow, wondering if Alexei
would do anything about Erik’s sass, but Alexei just smiled and pulled Mike
closer. His kiss was gentle, his tongue slipping between Mike’s lips for just a
taste before he retreated and skimmed his lips along Mike’s cheekbone. When Alexei’s
mouth brushed Mike’s ear, he whispered, in Russian, “There are so many reasons
I love you, my perfect boy. He’s but a pale shadow in your light, and not worth
my time. This is about you and what you want.”

Mike shivered again, his eyes slipping
closed as he pressed his cheek to Alexei’s and slid his arms around his ribs,
cherishing his warmth, his steady presence, his generosity.

“I love you, too,” Mike said in Russian.

Alexei kissed him just behind the ear,
nuzzling him for a moment, then lay back on the table. Mike knew that at least
a quarter of that bright smile was because of Mike’s horrible accent, but
another half or more was because Mike’s attempts to learn Russian delighted

Alexei nudged Mike to the side and held out
a hand. “Erik, for you.”

Erik took the bottle of lube and condom
from Alexei, and Mike was careful to remain out of the line of sight so that
Alexei could watch Erik put the condom on. They wouldn’t be here at all if
Alexei didn’t trust Erik with his, but Mike knew Alexei had to be certain, had
that Mike would be completely safe.

Mike wondered if there was something wrong
with him that something that should have been kind of hot—and maybe a little

just warmed him and made his heart hurt
with how much he loved his boyfriend.

Maybe that was obvious in his smile as he
looked down at Alexei, the tenderness reflected in Alexei’s eyes as he towed
Mike closer again. Mike sighed as their erections slid together and he bent
over and planted his hands on the table on either side of Alexei’s shoulders.

Alexei kept tugging him closer and Mike
happily lay down on top of him, capturing his mouth in a long, hot kiss. He
could do this for hours. Days, even. Alexei’s tongue twined with his, his hands
smoothing over Mike’s shoulders and down his back, rubbing over his spine and
hips, warming him and easing the tension from his muscles.

Mike gasped, though, when Alexei’s fingers
dug into his ass cheeks and pulled them apart. Mike spread his feet, planting
them more firmly on the floor.

Erik didn’t need any more prompting than
that. Almost immediately, two fingers slipped into Mike’s ass.

“I’m ready,” he groaned, way beyond wanting
more preparation. He was ready.

“Shhhh…” Alexei murmured against his lips.
“Erik insisted he should know how you felt, how tight you were. He’s only being
careful, Michael.”

Mike could see how a guy hung like Erik
would have to set some rules for himself, when it came to new lovers. He tried
to be patient, but the feeling of Erik gently testing his already lax muscles,
tugging against his rim before opening him up with both his thumbs, was making
him crazy. His knees shook and he locked them, leaning more of his weight onto
Alexei’s chest. Alexei still had his hands full of Mike’s ass, so Mike took
advantage and dragged his palms down Alexei’s ribs. Nibbled along his jaw and
sucked his earlobe between his lips.

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