Cherish her: Laws of Seduction, Book 4 (5 page)

BOOK: Cherish her: Laws of Seduction, Book 4
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“You said you had a client meeting.”

“It got cancelled.” He tells me in a clipped tone. “Instead, I spend the whole evening waiting for my girlfriend, who as far as I knew was lying dead on the street somewhere.””

“Come on James. Aren’t you being a little dramatic?”

“No. I don’t think so.”

“Why didn’t you call me?” At James’s furious glare, I pull out my phone. Five missed calls and three texts all from James jump off the screen. Oops, I had turned it to vibrate before dinner and forgotten to turn my ringtone back on. “Oh.”

“Oh? That’s all you have to say?” James leaps off the couch and prowls over to the kitchen.

“Well, at least I don’t lie about where I’ve been.” The words are out before I can stop them. Way to speak without thinking first, Lainey. I berate myself for bringing this up at an already tense moment.

“Just what is that supposed to mean?”

“Does last night ring any bells?” He can’t miss my accusing tone. I watch as he becomes utterly still. “That’s right. I know about your little rendezvous with Elizabeth.”

“Lainey, it is not what you’re thinking.”

“It’s not? Well, James, since you seem to know what I am thinking, this won’t surprise you.” I can feel myself losing it as I run into the bedroom. I rush into the closet. Frantically, I look around until I spot my favorite weekend bag. Grabbing it, I start throwing in random items of clothing. I feel James watching me, but don’t care.

“Lainey?” I ignore him. He says my name again, but I don’t look up from my packing.

He grabs my wrist. “What are you doing?”

“What does it look like I’m doing?” I hate the sarcasm in my voice, but can’t seem to stop myself. “I’m making the way clear for you and Elizabeth.” I try jerking my hand free, but James holds firm. ““Let me go.”


“No?” I narrow my eyes at him threateningly. If he wants a fight, he can have one.

“No, I am not letting you go until you calm down.” I start to struggle, and James continues. “If you calm down, I will tell you about last night.””

These words make me stop. Seeing that he has my attention, James releases my wrist. “You are so fiery sometimes. It surprises me… in a good way,” he amends hastily. I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him, waiting for him to start his explanation.

He sighs as if bowing to the inevitable. “I was walking into the restaurant when I ran into Elizabeth. She begged me to have a drink with her.”

“So naturally you did.”

“She seemed different. I had a few minutes before the clients were supposed to arrive.”

“Was that all it was? One drink?”

“Yes, it was one quick drink. She’s in therapy now and working through some things. I could see a change in her. She reminded me of the Elizabeth who I started working with at HM.”

“Is she planning on returning to work soon?” I know it is selfish, but I hope she never comes back.

“She didn’t say.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you had seen her?”

James runs his fingers through his hair. “It was a short interchange before the client meeting, and frankly, I forgot about it. Now, I can see that from your point of view, it might look a little different.” His hand strokes my cheek before he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. “I’ll tell you every word that was said if it would help.”

He regards me steadily as I think over what he has told me. “She just wanted to apologize?”

“Yes, like I said. She was different. Calmer.”

I nod my head in understanding. “Did she say anything about the fire?”

“No, she didn’t mention it.”

“Do you think she had anything to do with it?”

“Who knows? If we look at it objectively, Becca is the one who has done things to people. She did something to get Sonja fired. She locked you in and pushed you off a boat. Those are the actions of someone who would not shy away from committing arson. The only thing we can say for sure about Elizabeth is that she developed an unhealthy obsession for me.””

James reels me in closer with the hand that he had moved to the back of my neck. His low, husky voice sends a shiver up my spine. “I may have overreacted when you came in just now.”

I quirk my brow at him.

“Okay,” he amends. “More than a little. It made me crazy not knowing where you were and not being able to contact you.””

I look down at the clothes hanging haphazardly out of my bag. “I should have let you know I was going to Nick’s.”

“Or at least don’t turn your phone off next time.” James chides.

I roll my eyes. “Message received. And no more meetings with stalkerish women without full disclosure.”

“Right.” Picking up my bag, James throws it into the corner. “You won’t be needing that.”

He pulls me flush up against him. A thrill races through me. “I missed you last night.”

“You should have woken me.”

“I’m not that much of a bastard.”

“I wouldn’t have minded.”

“I’ll have to keep that in mind for the next time.” James bends down and nuzzles my neck, making my nerve endings stand at attention. ““I’m also going to have to remember that temper of yours.”

“My temper?” I have never seen anyone who could blow so hot one moment and so cold the next. My temper had nothing on him.

James ignores my jibe. “I have two words for you.”

“Hmm?” I ask through a haze of desire.

“Make-up sex.” He pushes me backwards through the door and into the bedroom. The back of my knees hit the mattress, and I fall backwards onto its softness. James begins unbuttoning his shirt. I watch the slow movement of his fingers until his shirt falls away, revealing his magnificent pecs and abs underneath. “I hear it’s supposed to be fantastic.” Reaching down I grab the hem of my shirt with both hands and pull it over my head. The heat in James’’s stare makes me burn to feel his touch. I hold my arms up and wiggle my fingers, inviting him to come closer.



The end of the week rushes up to meet me like a tidal wave, or perhaps tsunami would be a better analogy. I had finally gotten around to telling James about my mother’s impending visit, and in turn he had informed me that his grandfather was throwing a huge, formal party on Saturday night that we were expected to attend. He insisted that I ask my brother to accompany my mother so that he could introduce them to his family. The prospect of our mothers meeting caused me to break out in hives. At least that is what I blamed for the big, red splotches on my chest and neck.

James was Mr. Solicitous, running out to the drug store for some Benadryl, which improves the rash but at the same time makes me incredibly sleepy. I am barely able to keep my eyes open at work. Praying that the rash doesn’t flare up again before the party, I leave work at six to meet my mother. Sadly, the passing of Labor Day means no more short work days on Friday. We have agreed that my mother will take a taxi from the airport to Jett’s hotel, where she has gotten a room. James plans on meeting us for dinner later.

I receive a text from Jett letting me know that my mother has arrived, and I quicken my pace, eager to see her again. I barely make it through the hotel lobby doors when I am hit with a whirlwind hug from my mother. Laughing, I hug her back before drawing back to look at her. Emerald green eyes the same shade as my own reflect back the same happiness I feel. I look down at my mother’s petite form and note that she’s recently cut her hair. She keeps it in an elegant bob, and never allows it to grow much past her chin. “You look great, Mom. New haircut?”

“Just a trim.” My mother smiles at me with the unconditional love that she has shown me my entire life. It makes me sad to think that James never received this kind of love from his own mother.

“Where’s Jett?”

“He should be down soon. I thought we could have a drink at the bar before dinner.”

“That sounds great.” Several comfortable seating areas are open, and we choose one with a couch and two ottomans clustered around a low-set coffee table. After placing our order, my mother turns to me. “It looks like you’ve been getting some sun despite the long hours the firm is making you put in.”

“The hours haven’t actually been that bad. Of course, that could change. Since I only have one client, a lot depends on what he has going on. It could be the calm before the storm.”

“Let’s hope not.”

My mother’s emphatic tone makes me smile. “How was your flight?”

“It was fine. No delays, which is nice.”

The waitress sets down two glasses of white wine in front of us. I take a sip. It is crisp and not to dry with just the right amount of sweetness. I notice my mother examining me closely. “What?” I ask her.

“You seem different.”

“In what way?”

“I’m not sure. More grown-up maybe. It seems like just yesterday that you were my sweet little girl. Do you remember how you would practice and practice your dance steps for the pageants? It amazed me how focused you were at such a young age.””

I do remember learning dance numbers as a child. My mother had been so pleased and happy when I could do a routine, and nothing had felt better than basking in her delight. “Yes, I remember. Do you still have the video of me doing my routine with Jarod and Jett?”

“Of course.” My mother laughs. “I know they thought it was a big joke to dance around with you, but I think they secretly enjoyed it.”” My brothers had watched me practice my routine so often that they could do the steps too and had started dancing with me. They had over-exaggerated every move, which they thought was hilarious. It had been a lot of fun.

“How is Jarod?”

“Oh, you know. Pretty much the same. Your father keeps him busy, so I don’t see that much of him.”

“Is he seeing anyone?”

“No. There hasn’t been anyone since Ellie. I have the perfect girl for him though, if I could just get him to agree to meet her.”

“I’m sure he will come around eventually.”

“I think you’re right. I have decided to lay off the topic for a while and give him a little time. I’ll make my move when he’’s least expecting it. It’s bound to work.”

I laugh. “Sounds like an excellent plan.” I can’t help feeling a little sorry for Jarod. Not only does he have my Dad for a boss, but he has to deal with my mother’’s attempts at matchmaking.

“Now tell me more about James,” my mother demands.

An automatic smile flashes across my face at the thought of my man. “I don’t know where to start.” I think for a few moments before continuing. ““He’s smart and kind, and he makes me happy.” I reach out and take my mother’s hand. ““I don’t know what Jett has told you about him, but I want you to keep an open mind when you meet him.”

“You do seem happy and… confident. Confident in yourself and in him.”

“I am.”

Jett joins us a few minutes later to find us laughing. “What’s so funny?”

His question makes us laugh harder. “We were just reminiscing about the time you and Jarod joined my dance routine.”

Jett rolls his eyes at our silliness. “Never happened.”

I almost choke on the last sip of my wine. “Hah, Mom’s got the evidence to prove it. Don’t you remember her making recordings?””

Alarm written all over his face, he turns his gaze to my mother. “You don’t still have those, do you?”

“Of course, but I promise I won’t show them to any of your girlfriends.” I watch the relief disappear from his face as my mother adds, ““Until after you are married.”

Jett groans in dismay. “Are you two ready to go to dinner? I’m starved.”

We settle on a tapas restaurant in my old neighborhood, and as Jett charges our drinks to his room, I send James a text giving him the location of the restaurant.

The restaurant is packed, and after a forty-five-minute wait, we are led back to a table. There is still no sign of James. I insist that we order without him. Worried that his tardiness is making a bad impression, I discreetly shoot him a text. My phone pings a few minutes later, and I see that he has responded.

Please start without me. Something has come up. Will try to make it later. XX James

What could have come up on a Friday night? Couldn’t he have given me something to make his absence excusable? If I say he will be later and he doesn’t show, it will look like he has stood us up. Instead, I fix an unconcerned smile on my face and announce that James won’t be coming. That way, if he does show up, they will be pleasantly surprised. I try my best not to let my disappointment and hurt show, but my mother and Jett know me too well. It surely doesn’t escape their notice that I look up every time someone comes in the door. At the end of the torturous meal, my mother places her hand on my arm. “Oh, Lainey, I am sure it must have been something important to keep him away.”

My mother’s understanding words make me want to cry, but I resolutely push back the tears. One glance at Jett is all I need to tell me that he is reveling in his belief that he had called James’s character correctly. My anger at James starts to build. How dare he blow this dinner off? He knows how important it is to me that he make a good impression on my mother. “This isn’t like him. He is one of the most dependable people I have ever known.” I hate the defensiveness that I hear in my voice. He had let me down before, more than once, but I thought we had moved past that.

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