Cheryl Holt

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Authors: More Than Seduction

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“The thing that I like best about Cheryl Holt’s writing is that she makes her characters come alive as their stories unfold. You get mad, glad, sad, and sexy as the devil while reading her glorious books that not only are well written erotic stories, but have substance and a good story line concerning the characters’ lives that make them human and realistic. Now this is a writer to watch because she is going places. Ms. Holt delivers stories that you love reading. They are hot and spicy . . . filled with compelling characters that set your heart to racing with her imaginative and titillating storytelling.”



“Will make your skin tingle . . . a blossoming queen of erotic romance, Cheryl Holt comes into full flower in this enticing, sizzling combination of erotic passion, strong characterization, and a finely tuned plot. Readers will see themselves and their secret longings on each page and shiver with delight.”

Romantic Times
Top Pick

“Holt’s delightful, sexy, and—surprise—redemptive romp leaves the reader laughing out loud.”


“The pace is quick, the dialogue witty, and the seduction and sex scenes sizzling.”

Romance Reviews Today


Best Sensual Novel of the Year

Romantic Times

“Cheryl Holt is something else again. I was totally blown away by
Total Surrender,
a tale both erotic and poignant. Sensational characters, and a very compelling read that readers couldn’t put down unless you’re dead! It’s also the dynamite sequel to last year’s
Love Lessons
. . . Don’t miss this author. She’s a sparkling diamond.”


“Cheryl Holt scores big with
Total Surrender.
Following in the erotic path set by Robin Schone, Lisa Kleypas, and Catherine Coulter, she taps into secret fantasies tied closely to a romantic love story.”

Romantic Times Book Club

“A lush tale of romance, sexuality, and the fragility of the human spirit. Carefully crafted characters, engaging dialogue, and sinfully erotic narrative create a story that is at once compelling and disturbing . . . [A] story that is sizzling hot and a hero any woman would want to save.”

Romance Reviews Today

“A deliciously erotic romance . . . the story line grips the audience from the start until the final nude setting, as the lead characters are a dynamic couple battling for
Total Surrender.
The suspense element adds tension, but the tale belongs to Sarah and Michael. Cheryl Holt turns up the heat with this enticing historical romance.”


“A very good erotic novel . . . if you like a racy read, you’ll enjoy this one!”

Old Book Barn Gazette

“Cheryl Holt is very good at what she does.”

Statesman Journal
(Salem, OR)


“With her well-defined characters, even pacing, and heated love scenes, Holt makes an easy entry into the world of erotic romance. . .readers will enjoy
Love Lessons.

Romantic Times

“A very sensual novel in the manner of Susan Johnson . . . Holt does an excellent job of raising one’s temperature.”

Old Book Barn Gazette

“A very sensual book . . . I would recommend it to those of you who like Thea Devine or the later books of Susan Johnson.”


“Hot, hot, hot! The love scenes sizzle in this very sensual romance between two people from different worlds . . . readers enjoying an erotic romance will not be disappointed.”

—Writers Club Romance on AOL

Also by Cheryl Holt

Love Lessons

Total Surrender

Absolute Pleasure

Complete Abandon

Deeper than Desire


“The Wedding Night”

Burning Up


Cheryl Holt

If you purchased this book without a cover you should be aware that this book is stolen property. It was reported as “unsold and destroyed” to the publisher, and neither the author nor the publisher has received any payment for this “stripped book.”


Copyright © 2004 by Cheryl Holt.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

ISBN: 0-312-99283-1
EAN: 80314-99283-5

Printed in the United States of America

St. Martin’s Paperbacks edition / September 2004

St. Martin’s Paperbacks are published by St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

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. . . As the Season moves into full swing, most of Fashionable London will be content with the various activities in Town. However, for those seeking diversion from the ordinary, several of London’s premier hostesses will have their summer homes open in Bath. With such refined entertainment in the offing, the small metropolis promises a delightful escape for relaxation and restoration.

Of course, while convalescing in the country, every discriminating lady will wish to visit Mrs. Anne Smythe’s Healing Spa and Bathing Emporium for Women. Guests are encouraged to let their hair down—so to speak—and rumors of the fun to be had are too naughty and too delicious to mention here.

Needless to say, no gentlemen are allowed!

“Mrs. Magpie’s Snippets”
London Gazette,
May 1813


. . .

“I can’t help you, Lady Eleanor.”

Anne Paxton Smythe stared at the elegant noblewoman sitting across from her, hoping she seemed courteous but firm. She struggled to exhibit a serene smile, but could barely keep from fidgeting.

It was folly to refuse an aristocrat’s request, and she had to wonder if she was putting herself at risk, if all she’d achieved would be rent asunder simply because she’d stood her ground.

From the instant the exalted lady’s coach-and-four had rumbled up the lane, Anne had been wary. She’d recognized that nothing good would come from the visit, and now that an outrageous entreaty had been tendered, she could tell that her intuition was on the mark.

Assistance was out of the question.

“At least hear me out,” Lady Eleanor cajoled.

“You can’t change my mind.”

The warm June breeze fluttered the curtains, and a titter of feminine laughter wafted in an open window. The voices were sultry and relaxed, and they conjured images of summer nights, of lovers, intrigue, and romance.

Uneasy, Anne shifted, praying that her guest hadn’t heeded the sounds, but they were difficult to miss. Over the years, she’d grown accustomed to the odd articulations, had listened to so many strange utterances that she didn’t notice the occasional outburst of pleasure. Yet, to anyone else, they might appear peculiar, disconcerting. Downright lustful.

She blushed. “As I was saying . . .”

The giggling came again, from very nearby, and she glanced up as a naked female tiptoed by on the outside walk. Like a forest nymph, her hair was down, and her voluptuous breasts were exposed to the afternoon sunshine. A second woman, as naked as the first, darted along behind.

Extremely dismayed, Anne peeked at Lady Eleanor, but her chair was positioned so that she couldn’t have seen.

Praise be! There was no way she could explain the spectacle, and the last thing she needed was to spur the prim, proper paragon into a swoon!

Exuding calm, she rose. “Would you excuse me?”

“But I just arrived, and I—”

“I’ll hurry.” She departed before Lady Eleanor could command her to stay.

Placid and graceful, she slipped out, but once she was down the hall, she ran to the rear door. Her friend and aide, Kate Turner, was trimming flowers in the garden, unaware of the indecent romping. After much frantic pointing from Anne, Kate nodded in comprehension and meandered down the shrub-lined path to confront the recalcitrant duo.

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