Child of the Loch (Child of the Loch Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Child of the Loch (Child of the Loch Series)
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I sent out waves of help to any and all who would listen. With a burst of energy that I did not know I possessed, I slammed my mind into his using my terror against him so he could feel every sensation every fear of mine. He even felt my pain for a long moment. The
fell back his eyes pained and he ordered the others to stop their torturing as well, while he regained his sanity.

My mind screamed into the night, unsure if my family heard pleas. I was answered as dragons, men and women tore in to the encampment. I am sure I will never know how they found me in such a short time but I could only be grateful that their swords were drawn and their battle cries pierced the night. The
, allied forces of the
, were dispatched with little opposition as swords, and claws tore them into fine pieces and fire burnt them to ash. While others in his garrison lay dead or dying the
, who had come for me lay in a dead-eyed, catatonic state. When Sean went for him, I stopped him with a thought. I would take care of this one myself.

My rescuers freed my bound hands and feet. I immediately went to the fallen enemy, whom I had saved for my own purposes. Questioning stares spoke volumes as I touched his forehead healing his mind. They did not know that fear and time in the Loch had awakened more gifts that lay dormant. As I grew closer to her land, I grew more powerful. I knew I would reach my peak when my rights as Queen were performed.

I took the foul creature by the throat and commanded him through clenched teeth “Go tell your master what becomes of my enemies.” I threw him to the ground and kicked his behind for good measure. The frightened
ran as though a hound of hell nipped at his heals.

When I was finished with the last captor, I fell to my knees in distress, the dragons made unfamiliar sounds, but it was not about the battle that had them reeling. In the fire ring was a putrid meat on the metal spit. The form was
. It was a youngling dragon, a child of the Dragon Hoards. The full realization drew horrified howls of disgust and pain from the fellowship that had gathered. They shared their pains through their bonds and called out in agony for the loss that splintered into their bones. Despair gripped them all when they buried the guiltless life. There would be blood for this offense, they swore.

Our hearts were heavy as we started toward the
lands. It seemed as though we would never smile or laugh again. This war had cost innocent lives before it began.

The tears that fell faded in the journey. The life lost was still a chasm of pain but we filled it with love so that revenge would not over take us. We drew closer knowing that our bonds would someday bring justice for us all.




Days drifted into one another until the castle came into view, despite all that had happened
and I were giddy with anticipation. My father called to an older guard who smiled in recognition.

“So the Prince has returned. What loveliness have you brought with you?” He smiled kissing my hand and rubbing my knuckles seductively.

My father shook his head at the guard and a deep rumble escaped Sean’s throat, so deep I thought I’d imagined it. The guard recognized the sound.

“No offense, Ogre,” he said backing away and running to spread the news of our arrival.

Moments later, we were greeted by prettily dressed maids, who lead us to a room of men. They were hooded in monk’s cloak. They had all their faces hidden save an ancient
who was inspecting my face with scrutiny. I could not comprehend their thoughts that were blurred. I concentrated so hard that my nose bled. I was startled when the oldest man stood and pointed.

“Wash and eat,” he said directing curtly with a wave of his hand.

We left our maids behind and took turns exploring the many rooms of the castle. Despite its medieval décor, it was full of modern conveniences of indoor plumbing and electricity. There was unique blending of the antiquity of the castle and the technology that powered it. Outside in the square, people rode beasts of burden furthering the strangeness of the Castle Loch.

Following the exploration, we were herded into a kitchen and fed a small lunch. I was separated from my group. I was washed and clothed by maids in a ceremonial gown, which reminded me of a prom dress in coral tones. It matched the streaks now apparent in my braided ebony tresses.

I was ushered into my throne room. It was fit for a queen with lavish tapestries and soft colors. I was home, but I missed my companions who later joined me. They were all freshly washed and clothed.

We were ushered back to the room where we began.  My father entered first. He nodded to the men and turned to face us.

“This is the Council of Law, a represent by every allied clan.”

I felt naked before these strangers; these were the noblemen, who would secure my rights as Queen. I would be tested and studied. My documents would be verified to be sure that I was as I claimed to be.

The same old man rose and looked into my father’s face very closely. He touched it lightly smoothing the few errant wrinkles.

“Council Man,
of the
Consortium, brother of Sabina and uncle to
. Please come and assess this man.” His words were not a command as it had been to us. They stepped out of each other’s way bowing with reverence.

did the same as the old man had done. He placed his hands on either side of my father’s head. As he did so the shield he’d placed around the Council dropped. I knew the identities of every man, including those I knew personally,
, and
all occupied seats as did
, the Steward of the Eleven Consortium.

I stood there mouth gaping like a fish, while
embraced my father. He then turned to me. He was taller than the rest of the elves I’d seen, almost as tall as Sean. I remembered that the High Mistress had mentioned that her mate had been a
Magus, though I did not know his name. I saw the similarities between my father and his uncle as well as
slight resemblance to the Mistress.

“Yes, yes, Little One, you know many of the Council. I have shown them to you. Now let me in so I may read your heart.” He stepped close placing his lips to my forehead and hugged me tightly. I didn’t move a muscle as he worked his magic.

When he stepped back, his hand in mine, tears ran down his long lashes.
had seen every step of my life, felt every pain from a broken heart to a skinned knee and every joy from a job well done to my first kiss with Sean. He patted my cheek and then kneeled, careful not to crinkle my gown.

“Long live the Queen,” he announced while still holding my hand.

The members of the Council that I knew came and congratulated me with embraces and words of encouragement. I was the newly appointed Queen of the Loch. I would be tried for a time and then I would be officially crowned. I held all the power and respect of the station, until that day.

We sent word to my mother about the wonderful and sad events. She could not make the journey until we had finished our adjustment period and the situation with James was resolved. We would not put her life in danger as well.

My life as Queen was spent approving contracts between landholders and sealing marriages, but the
commander, who I’d sent back to James, was never far from my mind. I saw every step of his journey to the

I was still in the
mind hiding among his memories and I followed his every move no matter how far apart we were. When he reached Castle
, the
was thrust before a handsome blonde man. It was James, dark magic rippled around him and radiated from his very fingertips. As I looked through the
eyes, I saw that James looked the same as he did when he stood on my porch so many months ago. This was not the same though this was not glamour, through something insidious he had taken the form that he used to lure me to the Loch. The
waited, his heart pounding and his own
fear invaded his nostrils.

James circled him like a panther, “I see you’ve failed and brought a stowaway.” He knew everything but how?

James grabbed the man roughly and stared into his eyes. I could only see the malice as he honed in on the bond. It was as though he psychically took hold of me when he shook the
. I heard a hideous laugh from the east.

“I see you,
you are no threat to the power I am gaining. You and your kingdom will be mine. It has begun,” I let out a cry as I felt the
pain as James snapped his neck with one brutal squeeze of his hand.

Pages and guards rushed to my side. I waved them off and sent them throughout the kingdom.

With the news of the imminent war, we began battle preparations immediately. I sent
to the Dragon Hoards urging them to come and choose their warriors. We needed as many
as possible. 

My father and
rode to the
Consortium. The High Mistress most assuredly knew about the coming events but we would need the
magic to fight against the darkness that was to come our way.

I was about to send Sean and the twins to the Western Wood when Sean did something I never expected. He took my hand gently and sent the twins, Ella and Tine to gather Ogre forces.

“Sit,” he said with just enough force to garner a glare from me. He kneeled before me like a man in prayer.

“Queen, friend, ally….my Josephina, become my mate before this war. We may not live to see the end of it. There are powerful forces at work and if joined we can unite our kingdoms, our gifts and hearts. Tell me you do not feel it too. I will follow you into this conflict in any circumstances but this would be most …favorable.” He had paused searching for the best words to tell me that he wanted me and would follow me, even if I didn’t want him.

I was in shock and awe. We had kissed only once and maintained a gentle and platonic friendship. I was planning a war not a wedding. I could not bear to think of the dishonor if I was not crowned. He would be shackled to a pariah, a failure.

As though he read my mind, he calmly stroked my cheek, “If you will not do this for yourself, do this for your people. If you are united with another, James cannot force you to bond with him. He cannot take your throne without my life for forfeit. I would not give my life or you so easily.”

I thought for only a moment. He made a very convincing argument, though I did not need convincing. I had known for many weeks that Sean was the one I wanted to make my mate soul bond
with  for
all the years of my life.  Sean would follow me into battle and protect my kingdom with his own. We would be one before the war.

I couldn’t think of anything more appropriate to say than to say, “We marry in one week. No frilly things or hearts and flowers.” I was readying for a wedding and a war.

I, then, realized how harsh I sounded when I saw his stricken gaze, I softened my tone and stepped closer, “Don’t worry, my love, there will be time for that later, but right now we must prepare for war.”

His handsome face broke out into a sharp toothed radiant smile and he kissed me for a second time, this time not holding back his true passion from me. He smiled against my lips, before releasing me. Sean would plan a proper Ogre wedding fit for a Queen.

As the wedding drew near, more and more of our allies came from far and wide to train and make ready. With the arrival of the Dragon Hoards and
willing to fight in water and land, 15,000 men and women stood united at the Castle Loch’s gate. All were buzzing with courage and expectancy.

The wedding day came just as set and was attended by all the troops who merrily watched as a ceremony older than time unfolded. The Council of Law officiated.

We would have a traditional wedding where all the Nobles would cast advice and votes before we would be mated. To me it was a strange tradition but I would do what my station demanded.

and the others stood as witnesses as the
stepped forward to offer his advice, “Young Ones, first we must explain to you the gravity of your undertaking. Queen as one of eleven lineages the person who you mate with will be your one and only. It is much like the bond that you share with your dragon, but even as you share joy and pain, when one of you dies the other lives. You will be left with no other to fill the empty space left by them when they are gone. My High Mistress has been alone these last hundred years since My Master was killed. She still mourns him as though he was gone only yesterday. Think on these things.”

BOOK: Child of the Loch (Child of the Loch Series)
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