Chocolate-Covered Crime (25 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Hickey

BOOK: Chocolate-Covered Crime
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“Well, your problems still don’t add up to the things I’ve done. And now, it’s all about to come to an end. If Larry doesn’t kill me, I’ll be going to jail. But it’s been one wild, fun ride.”

Sherry leaned forward and lowered the wick on the lamp. “We’ve got to save the oil. Larry won’t be back until breakfast, and he only fills the lamp for about an hour of light.”

“We’ll be stuck in the dark?” I jumped to my feet. “For hours.”

My heart leaped into my throat, beating a primitive rhythm of fear. “Are there rats in here? Bugs?”

“Scared? Afraid your God won’t save you?” Sherry whipped the blanket from beneath me, scattering the remains of our dinner, and knocking me flat on my tush.

“Larry didn’t leave the blanket last night. I almost froze to death. He must have forgotten to take it in the middle of all your questions.”

The way she yanked that blanket, I doubted her arm was broken. Maybe bruised, or a ploy to gain sympathy. Something I had in short supply. I rubbed my aching tailbone. “Yes, I’m scared, but God promises to watch over those who love Him.”

Sherry wrapped the quilt around her shoulders and scooted to place her back against the wall. “Sure He does. That’s why you’re locked down here. Or are you going to feed me that hogwash about how God didn’t put you down here?”

“He didn’t. Larry did, and I ain’t dead yet, as the saying goes. I’m sorry your heart is hardened against God, but I still believe He’ll get us out of here.”

I stood and stared at the trapdoor over our heads. A thin beam of light outlined the edges of the weathered wood. Was it indoor light or moonbeams? “If you let me stand on your shoulders, I might be able to push that open.”

Sherry stared for a moment at the trapdoor. “I guess it’s worth a try.” With a groan, she pushed to her feet, letting the quilt fall into a pile on the ground. “Let’s do this while the light lasts. And make it quick. Even as little as you are, this isn’t going to feel good on my arm.”

Sherry stood about a head taller than me and squatted to enable me to climb onto her shoulders. Having been imprisoned down here for a couple of days, she smelled rank.

“What are you, twelve feet tall?”

She laughed. “Not that tall, but I am full-figured. Plenty of handholds for you.”

I held my breath and thanked the Lord no one could see my ungainly ascent as I attempted to climb without her greasy hair brushing against me. With my short legs finally wrapped around her neck, Sherry attempted to guide me to stand on her shoulders.

“Take my hand. Use me as balance.”

I swayed and flailed my arms. “Give me your other hand, too. I’m going to fall!”

“No, you aren’t. Be still. Besides, I told you I was injured. Weren’t you a cheerleader? I seem to remember you getting tossed in the air by a couple of Barbie dolls.”

“That was a long time ago, and you weren’t on the squad. You have no idea how to be a stable base for me.”

“How hard can it be? I’m twice your size. Just hang on.”

“Stop.” I reached for the wall. “Let me use the wall as leverage.”

We teetered and swayed our way over until I leaned against the damp dirt enclosure. “Okay, I’m ready to stand. On the count of three. Okay? One. Two—”

With her good hand pressed against the heels of my feet, Sherry heaved. I tottered forward then backward and grasped for the wall. My fingernails raked as I fell, leaving them filled with dirt. I hit the ground hard enough to knock the breath out of me. On my descent, I managed to hit the lamp, shattering the glass and spilling the oil. The quilt went up in flames, highlighting a leaping Sherry as she demonstrated a shadowy dance in order to avoid the hungry fire.

“You didn’t—wait until—I said—three.”

“Just great, Summer!” Sherry grabbed a corner of fabric that wasn’t burning and whacked the blanket against the ground. “Now we’ll have no light, and the fire will burn up all our oxygen. We’re going to suffocate.”

With tears of pain in my eyes, I clutched my stomach and fought to catch my breath. This latest escapade of mine was too physical for my taste. Falling over in chairs, getting dragged from cars, now this. I seriously contemplated giving up the crime-solving business.

Only after the last of the fire flickered out, leaving us in darkness, could I smile. God always provided a way. My absentmindedness might have finally amounted to something.

My cell phone, with its new GPS tracker, was in my purse. In the trunk of Larry’s car. The car that brought me here.






“This is what hell will be like.” I wasn’t aware I’d spoken out loud until Sherry cursed.

“Would you lay off the religious garbage? We’re in dire straits here.”

“All the more reason to call on God.”

I pushed to a sitting position then crawled until I found Sherry. Again, I sat as close to her as humanly possible without sitting on her. Our dirt prison grew as cool as a refrigerator. “Hell will be dark and absent of life. All we’re lacking is the gnashing of teeth.”

“Summer, I’m warning you.”

“How long have I been down here?”

“Most of a day. You were unconscious for a while when Larry dropped you in.”

“What’s taking them so long?” A whole day! Surely, Aunt Eunice called Joe and Ethan the moment Larry ushered me out of Summer Confections. How long did it take to trace someone? Did Larry leave us and drive somewhere else?

I battled the despair threatening to suffocate me. Never having been a fan of the dark, and now locked into a place that smelled of dirt, burnt quilting, and the contents of our toilet bucket, I struggled to control my breathing
. Okay, God, I’m handing my fear over to You. On the count of three. One, two, three—

“Did you hear that?”

I leaned forward, straining. There. A whine and scratching at the door above us. Dirt rained on my head. “It’s Truly. I’m here! Ethan!”
Thank You, Lord, that my silly puppy likes to play hide-and-seek.

A gun boomed over us, and I gasped. Running to stand beneath the faint glow from the door, I jumped, trying to stretch my five-foot-two-inch frame. Another gunshot.
God, help them! Please don’t let Ethan be hurt.

I whirled toward Sherry. “I’ll hurt your lover boy if something happens to Ethan!”

She came to stand beside me. “Way to rely on your God. Got a lot of faith showing right now.”

I bit back another retort. She was right. Ethan was in God’s hands. Hands stronger than any bullet that might be aimed toward him. I fell to my knees and prayed harder than I’d ever prayed before.

Despite what sounded like a gunfight in the Old West, peace descended over me, and I sat down to wait for whatever the outcome.

Sherry joined me. “I can’t picture your fiancé shooting anyone. Guess the police found us.”

“Yep. Joe has shot people before. Your time in here is almost over.”

“I’m glad. My plan didn’t work anyway. I’m just as broke as when I started, and loan sharks can’t get to me in prison.”

“You know, Sherry, in a roundabout way, you’re responsible for several people’s deaths. If you hadn’t played with Larry’s affections, he might not have snapped.”

“You’re probably right. I’ve thought about that the last few days. Being shut down here doesn’t allow for much more than thinking. Nothing can be done about it now.”

I reached over and took her hand. “I’ll pray for you while you’re in jail. I’ll pray that you’ll finally see the light.”

“It can’t hurt.” She slipped her hand free.

Someone shouted something over a bullhorn that I couldn’t decipher. I prayed Joe would be able to talk Larry into the open without anyone being killed. Truly’s scratching at the door had stopped, and I hoped my wiry little terrier was okay.

Time crawled before Truly again scratched at the trapdoor. The pale light of dusk washed over us when the door lifted. The ladder slid down with a thud.



I bolted up, banging my shin on the wooden rung of the ladder as I shimmied up and launched myself into the best place I’d ever wanted to be. The safety of Ethan’s arms. I jumped up and wrapped my arms and legs around him and washed his face with kisses.

Truly yipped and jumped around Ethan’s legs. I laughed and slid down to pet her. “You are such a good girl. Yes, you are.”

“Once we reached Larry’s farm, Truly led us right to you. Good thing you taught her that game.”

I straightened. “I heard gunfire.”

“Larry started shooting. Warnings mostly. He didn’t hit anyone. I think he’d pretty much given up.”

Joe marched over and pulled me into a hug. “Cuz, you’ve got to stop doing this. You’re killing me. We can’t keep saving you every few months.”

“Thank you, Joe, for putting that tracker on my phone. That is how ya’ll found me, isn’t it?” I returned Joe’s hug and headed back to Ethan.

“Yep. Pretty smart, your leaving your purse in Larry’s trunk.” Joe grinned. “Although I think he drove around most of the county before coming home for the night. Stupid signal bounced all over the place.”

My face heated. “That was an accident.”

He laughed. “I never thought otherwise. And it didn’t hurt that you wrote Larry’s name on the counter.” He turned to help Sherry out of the cellar. “Ma’am, if you’ll come with me.” Joe led her to a squad car.

Larry peered from the window of a cruiser parked in front of his house. His head turned to follow Sherry. I was glad to see the love-struck man still lived. I’d add him to my prayer list. He’d have plenty of time to come to terms with God. Larry Bell was going to be in jail for a very long time.

“Are you all right?”

I turned to look into my beloved’s face. “I’ve never been better.”

Ethan caressed my cheek. “Do you think you can stay out of trouble long enough to plan our wedding?”

I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I think so.”


“You look gorgeous.” April straightened my veil. “Only someone with your tiny figure could wear that dress. I hope I look half as beautiful on my wedding day.”

I ran a hand down the satin skirt and glanced at the bouquet of midnight blue roses in my hand. Uncle Roy had searched everywhere for a nursery with the dark purple roses in bloom. Anything for my special day, he’d said.

April Fool’s Day arrived on sun rays, blue skies, and puffy clouds. Flowers bloomed around the grounds of the church as if God smiled, especially for me, on my wedding day.

“Have you seen Ethan?” I raised a trembling hand to tuck a stray curl beneath my veil.

“Afraid he’ll skip out on you?”


“Oh my goodness!” Aunt Eunice slipped through the door, her eyes brimming with tears. “You look like you’ve stepped from the pages of a magazine.”

I turned and held out my arms. “I feel like a princess. A true princess of the King.”

“How’s my girl?” Uncle Roy followed Aunt Eunice. In his hand he held a thin, narrow white jewelers box. “I’ve brought you something.” He opened the lid and lifted a delicate silver bracelet. “Entwined roses. To match your ring.”

Tears sprang to my eyes, and I found myself doing the silly pageant-girl hand flutter to my eyes. “Put it on me.” I held out my arm. “Can this day get any more perfect?”

Uncle Roy crooked his arm. “I know how it can. There’s a very nervous young man waiting for you, dressed in a monkey suit.”

I placed my arm in his. “Then let’s not keep him waiting.”

The organ struck up the wedding march as Joe pushed open the doors.

The sun shone through the stained glass windows lighting my way with rays of color. Ethan smiled at me from the other end of the white carpet runner. I glanced toward heaven and blew God a kiss, before taking the first step toward my soon-to-be husband.






About Spyglass Lane

Spyglass Lane Mysteries is a collection of Christian cozy mysteries—modern-day whodunnits with colorful characters and plenty of wholesome romance.

Discover other Spyglass Lane titles at



About the Author

Cynthia Hickey grew up in a family of story tellers and moved around the country a lot as an army brat. Her desire is to write real, but flawed characters in a wholesome way that her seven children and five grandchildren can all be proud of. She and her husband live in Arizona where Cynthia works as a monitor in an elementary school.


Other mysteries by Cynthia Hickey

Fudge-Laced Felonies

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