Choices (The Forever series, Book Four) (21 page)

BOOK: Choices (The Forever series, Book Four)
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She nods, “Okay, baby. I love you.”

I grimace as he kisses her but pleased to note he doesn’t
say it back. That, however, is short lived as he murmurs very quietly, “I love
you,” to her.

The feeling of rage starts to bubble up but CK’s hand
tightens on mine, crushing me and it brings me back into focus. He dismisses
Phil and Ty and they wander off much to my relief.

Xane, sensing an atmosphere but fortunately not commenting
on it, turns back around and continues up the stairs. He looks mighty fine
today, I think, as I cast an appreciative eye over him. Dressed in a black
Nico-type suit and a black shirt with no tie, he looks gorgeous. Oh, bad, bad
thoughts, which not unsurprisingly CK picks up on and growls low in his throat
at me. I smile at him innocently and he glares at me.

Reaching a large office that looks out over the casino, Xane
offers me a seat. He sits behind his massive desk and smiles at me, “Introductions,

I nod, “Constantine, you already know.” I turn and gesture,
“Lincoln Anderson, Scott Matthews, Sebastian Gautier, and Devon Savant.
Business, Admin, Legal and Finance,” I add. Yes, it turns out that Sebastian is
a lawyer and a damn good one, no need to add that he doesn’t work for me but as
he does work for CK, I suppose by proxy he works for me. “Everyone, this is
Xane Draconis, House of Dracul and Demon Overlord,” I say gesturing at said

He inclines his head and says, “I wasn’t expecting such a
formal meeting.” He gestures to everyone.

“It isn’t. I just like to have my bases covered – just in
case of…questions, contracts, witnesses,” I add with narrowed eyes.

“By bringing the inner circle? It’s a savvy move,” he
narrows his eyes and scrutinizes me.

“You seem surprised,” I say, slightly affronted.

He chuckles. “There is definitely more to you than meets the
eye,” he murmurs and I hear a soft snickering coming from behind me. If I knew
who it was I would smack them.

“So, tell me, have you ever been to my kingdom?” he asks.

“No, not unless you count the cave type affair where I got
my Powers.”

“Cave type affair?” He laughs and says, “There are many of
those. We will go. I will take you in a bit but right now I am more interested
in what your plans are.”

“Why don’t we start with what you would like my plans to be
and we’ll go from there.”

He looks amused and says, “Okay, I am happy for you to be
our Queen. We don’t have issue with it due to your Dragon heritage.” He pauses
to let that sink in: accepted only because of my Dragon heritage. “However, I
would…prefer…it if you left the day-to-day running of the Domain to me.”

I don’t even have to think it over and say, “Agreed. For

He looks surprised, clearly expecting a harsher negotiation,
but what do I know about ruling a bunch of Demons? “Well, that was easy,” he
comments dryly. “I was expecting that to go a lot differently.”

I smile, “I still have a lot to learn about your kind. I
wouldn’t be so arrogant as to jump in with both feet. You may continue to run
your Domain without interference but you will keep me apprised. I don’t need to
know the small stuff but anything, say, a ‘six and over’ I want to know.”

“Agreed. Weekly staff meeting?” he asks.


“Excellent. I wish all of my negotiations went as smoothly.
Can I take you there now?”

I glance at CK, who nods. Better to get it over with and
then we are free to do as we please.

“Sure, but a quick question first. Does time move
differently there?”

He looks curiously at me. “That’s an interesting question,
but no. Same as here.”

I nod briskly, “Good. That time shift in the Dragon Realms
is a real bitch.”

He laughs out loud, “I know what you mean. You’ve been

“Twice and a trip out due next week,” I say, sensing Devon’s
interest in that but ignore him.

“Be sure to say ‘hello’ to your mother from me. It has been
too long since we saw her.”

“I will. We?”

“My family. I am taking you to see them now. My own mother
is dying to meet you.”

“Well, let's not keep her waiting.” I stand with a smile and
CK follows suit. Everyone has remained silent and impassive during our little
meeting and I am grateful that they have let me sort this out without
interference. Any questions or concerns will be dealt with later by tacit

“Come and find me when you get back. There is that thing you
promised me that I am anxious for,” CK murmurs to me.

“I won’t be too long. I am quite looking forward to seeing
what you brought.” I kiss him lightly and to turn to Lincoln. “Fill everyone

“I will do.” He hugs me and whispers, “Be careful, V.A.,

I nod and smile at Scott who is looking fairly concerned and
mutters, “I’ll catch up with you later.” I nod, getting his meaning that he has
things to tell me. I gaze swiftly over Devon who is looking at me curiously.
Probably wondering if I am going to speak to him. I ignore him and direct my
attention to Sebastian instead and jokingly say, “Keep him out of trouble till
I get back.”

He laughs, “Where’s the fun in that?” He comes to give me a
quick squeeze. “Hurry back. He’s already getting moody,” he murmurs and I see
Devon’s eyes go cold. He has clearly met Sebastian in the limo on the ride here
but has no idea of his connection to me. I snicker as I look at CK who isn’t
looking best pleased. Mostly because Sebastian hasn’t let go of me yet. “Maybe
when you get back, we can try again,” he says with a salacious wink and I shake
my head with a smile. I step back and let Xane take my hand. He Astraports us
down into The Underworld.


“They are very protective of you.” He remarks once we have
landed in a very grandiose entrance hall. All dark-paneled wood and Windsor
carpet. Not exactly what I was expecting.

“Yes, they are. To the point of annoying,” I say, looking

He chuckles, “You should be happy. You are very lucky to
have them.”

“I know. I am. I love them all. This is your home?” I ask in
slight disbelief.

“Not what you were expecting?” He snickers as I shake my
head. “It is my family’s home,” he adds.

No sooner as he says that, a man and a woman appear in front
of us. She is stunning: tall with dark upswept hair and the bright blue eyes of
Xane. The man is an older carbon copy of Xane. Must be his parents.

“Xane, darling. How lovely of you to drop by.” She kisses
each cheek.

“Mother,” he says and shakes his father's hand. All so

“This is our new Queen,” he says and places his hand on my
back and I feel terribly self-conscious as they curtsy and bow in front of me,
standing here in my very un-Queen-like black mini dress.

Mrs. Draconis is dressed in a long, flowing black
gown--picture Gothic and beautiful--and looks far more fitting then I do. Mr.
Draconis looks just like how Xane did when he first appeared. Cape, sword, long
boots. It’s a strange sight, I feel like I have been transported back several
hundred years. I wonder idly if perhaps I have? Time travel could be a

“Liv, this is my mother, Xanthe, and my father, Xerxes.” I
shake their hands noting the trend with the “X’s.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I say.

“It is such an honor to meet you,” Xanthe gushes. “We are
thrilled that you have come to our home.”

I smile. Wow talk about a warm welcome.

“Have you joined together yet?” she asks Xane eagerly.

He rolls his eyes at her, “No, Mother. We have only just got
here.” I raise my eyebrows at the “joined together” remark. What exactly does
that mean?

“Well be sure you do. It is important,” she says sternly and
he nods grimly.

It’s quite amusing, actually, the badass Demon being told
off by his mom.

“Why don’t we leave you two alone,” Xerxes says. “You
probably have questions,” he says, his piercing blue eyes on mine.

“I do. I am trying to play catch-up and I fear I do not know
much about your history. My mother threw me in at the deep end I’m afraid.”

Xanthe giggles, “Yes, Tiamat likes to leave others to sort
themselves out. She believes it is the making of oneself.” Sounds about right.

“Well, I hope that I do her proud.”

“I am sure you will, my dear. Xane will be delighted to fill
you in on our history and perhaps you two can get to know each other better as
well.” She tinkles at me, “I am so glad you are here.” She embraces me and I
hug her back.

Xerxes inclines his head and off they go again.

“Wow, they’re nice,” I say with a smile.

“To you, maybe,” he grouses and I laugh at him.

“How do Demons age?” I ask.

He looks startled, “Just full of odd questions, aren’t you?”

“It’s a valid query,” I say in a huff.

“Yes, I suppose it is. I am 868 years old. My parents are
both 1500 years.”

“Are you immortal?”

“No, we die eventually, around three thousand years.”

“Oh, okay. I have seen the Power you wield. You reach your
apex quicker than we do?”

“By “we” I am going to assume you mean Vampires and not
Dragons,” he says with a pointed look. “Yes we do. However, I, as first born
son to an Overlord and now Overlord myself, I am the most Powerful of all
Demons. I am able to do things that others can’t,” he says proudly.

I nod as that makes sense. “So tell me your history. Are you
born or made?”

“Born. Come this way.” He takes my hand and leads me over to
a massive painting at the foot of the stairs. It is of a huge black Dragon. Not
unlike Tiamat, or me, but with bright red eyes.

“This is Dracul. He was your mother’s son.”

I stare at him wide-eyed but stay quiet, wanting him to

“Before your mother was cursed, he was born to her a Prince.
But as you know, the Dragons are ruled only by females and so he would never
rule the Dragon Realms. He came to the Earth Realm and fell in love with a
human. They had a child and that child was the first Demon. Once some of the
other Princes heard of this, they too abdicated. There were six in total and
they came here to The Underworld, to rule and start a new race. They each had
many children and so the population began.”

I stare in wonder at him and ask, “So we are linked by my
Dragon heritage. Six Dragons. Six Houses, then?”

He nods, “Yes.”

“Is Dracul still alive?” I ask hesitantly.

He shakes his head. “No. As it turned out full-blooded
Dragons cannot live for extended periods outside the Dragon Realms. The
atmosphere is different, almost toxic to them. Five died and the sixth went
back home and survived.”

“Oh,” I say sadly.

He doesn’t seem too concerned though and carries on with his
tale, “So the families are expected to have many children. I myself am the
oldest of twenty-one.”

“Twenty-one? That’s a lot.” I quake in my Louboutins at
that. I freaked out when CK mentioned having just one. And that isn’t even a
child I will bear myself. Mrs. Draconis is one brave lady.

“So how many children do you have?” I ask.

He walks us up the stairs, hand-in-hand. “None. Yet. I am,
however, the proud uncle of fifty nieces and nephews.”

“How come you don’t have any of your own?”

“I am not so inclined. I like my life Earth-side. I like my
freedom. It is my mother’s greatest wish for me to settle down,” he says and

“And how does that work?”

He laughs, “Not like the Vampires. We are free until we
choose to unite ourselves and then we remain true to that chosen one.”

“Forever?” I ask in horror. This whole true-to-one business
is really a ridiculous concept in my opinion.

“Yes, forever.” He looks at me slyly, “My mother is
delighted that you have been made Queen and aligned yourself with our race. She
thinks you will make the perfect wife for me and the perfect mother for her

Err, what?

I stop dead in my tracks. “There are three things wrong with
statement.” Holding up my left hand I say, “First things, I am already
married.” I hold up my right hand and say, “Secondly, I am promised to another
if and when my marriage ends and thirdly, children? I am a Vampire. We don’t
procreate. At least not in that way.”

“Nice ice,” he snickers at me. “Keep your pants on. I said
it was my mother’s wish. Not mine. Although it is worth pointing out, you are
not just a Vampire. Not anymore. Your ability to bear children may depend
entirely with whom you are trying to procreate.”

He pushes open a heavy door and leads me inside as I gape at

Come again? With whom I am trying to procreate? What the
fuck does that mean?

Before I can ask, he lets go of my hand and flicks a switch.
I find myself in a gorgeous library and office, not unlike my own at home in
Los Angeles.

“Come,” he says. “We need to join together.”

“Err, yeah. What exactly does that entail?” I ask warily.

He laughs, “Nothing that will offend your little Vampire
sensibilities. We need to do a ritual.”

“A ritual? What for?”

“You are Queen of The Underworld. A conduit for us all. Do
you really not know any of this?” he asks in bewilderment.

“No, I told you Tiamat handed me the Powers and sent me on
my way. Everything I know I have learned by myself.”

“Okay, then. We need to do a ritual which will activate, for
lack of a better word, your Demonic Power.”

What? This is crazy. But there again I suppose Lincoln and I
did the whole Pairing thing when he made me his Alpha mate, so I guess it’s not
too crazy.

“Okay, where do you want me?” I ask, clapping my hands
together decisively.

He leers at me, “Now that is a loaded question.”

I glare at him, “I thought you had no interest in me.”

“In marrying you,” he says. “I never said I wasn’t attracted
to you.”

BOOK: Choices (The Forever series, Book Four)
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