Choices (The Forever series, Book Four) (7 page)

BOOK: Choices (The Forever series, Book Four)
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"Involved?" he growls. "How so?"

"I don't know. Probably in an I-want-to-kill-you
way," I say offhand, much to the un-amusement of my sire. "Oh calm
yourself," I say to him as he opens his mouth to yell at me some more and
Sebastian snickers, clearly enjoying this. Apart from himself he has probably
never witnessed anyone else tell our sire to “calm himself.” “He has so far
been quite unthreatening. A bit creepy in a stalkery kind of way but not a
threat," I add.

"You think he has been stalking you?" Nico asks,
suddenly rejoining the conversation.

"Not literally, no. More a fact-finding mission it
seems. He has your number," I point to CK with a chuckle. "Called you
a jealous lover." I grin now as Sebastian lets out a loud guffaw, unable
to help himself. He silences quickly at a murderous look from CK though, the
smile still tugging at his mouth.

"It doesn't seem to bother you that this Hunter is
learning about your life, Aefre? That concerns me," he says, choosing to
ignore my comment. "You know nothing of him or his methods. You are too
cocky and it might get you hurt."

"Whatever his methods are, I am pretty sure he can't
hurt me," I say, glaring at his “cocky” remark.

"Pretty sure is not acceptable," he insists. “And
it seems that I have to point out to you that not all of your subjects are as
invulnerable as you are.”

"CK, really. You worry too much. We tested this, no
weapon can hurt me and magick doesn't work on me either. With regard to
everyone else, if he so much as touches a hair on any of my subjects, he’s

"I can never worry about you too much," he says
quietly, coming closer. "If anything happened to you…" he trails off.
"You have your vulnerabilities as well, my sweet," he says carefully,
warning me not to mention my fang and claw weakness in front of the other two.
“You should get rid of the threat before it comes to that,” he adds with a
frown which I return. I am not comfortable with just offing him for no good

But I lose my anger at CK. He is being so sweet and caring
in contrast to how these arguments usually go. "I'm sorry, my love. I will
be more careful. But in the interest of full disclosure, Scott tried to read
him and got nothing. He is magickally blocked. And even though I never gave him
my last name he called me Mrs. O'Dell when we parted before. Plus he is
unbelievably observant," I say. CK grunts at the use of my married name
but I ignore him and continue, "I mean a lot of it he could have got from
a quick Internet search but he clocked your three bodyguards and there just
seems to be more he isn't saying. However, I am not going to just kill him
without good cause."

"Please let Nico and his team do their job, Aefre. I
will feel better if I know you are being taken care of," he responds. “I
understand your need to be sure of your course of action, but don’t let your
merciful side win out.”

"Fine," I give in. I am beyond starving now and I
am getting sleepy. "I need to feed. Now," I say to him.

He holds out his wrist to me as Nico looks away. Curious.
It's not like he hasn't seen it before. But I shake my head. "I need

"Who is Simone?" Sebastian's ears prick up.

"My Feeder. I have missed her for two days now," I
grump. "Scott said she was coming after work but she should have been here
by now." I look at CK imploringly and he looks back at me, worried. He
doesn't know I need human blood every day as he hasn't been around, but he
realizes quickly that I need it and I need it now.

"Nico, can you arrange to have someone brought up
sooner rather than later?" And he holds out his wrist to me again as Nico
pulls out his phone. "Drink in the meantime."

Fangs already dropping, I pull him to me and take a good,
long drink from him. Delicious, but I need more. My eyes go to Sebastian who is
watching us with hooded eyes. They pop open wide at the hunger he must see
there and says, "By all means, however, I do have a policy of no feeding
before sex."

My bloodlust is boiling over right now and it's all I want,
I can think of nothing else and I take a step towards him much to his delight
and CK's fury. "Aefre," he barks at me, hand on my arm. I try to
shake him off but he grips even tighter as the door opens.

"Oh come on, Constantine. If she wants it let her have
it," Sebastian says slyly and Constantine hisses quietly back at him,
"Watch your words, I am not letting her near you on the pretense of a
“fuck and feed”.”

Even in my frenzied state, I find that an odd choice of
words but forget about it, as I round on the human that Nico has let in the
door. He looks slightly terrified as he sees me, fangs already down, lips
stained with my sire's blood. He tries to back away but Nico has him in his
strong grip and pulls him forward, closing the door behind him.

"Make it quick," he says to me as he forces the
man to sit and holds him in place to stop him from running as I advance on him.
Constantine not letting go of me, moves forward with me and with a hand on the
back of my head. As I crawl onto the Feeder’s lap, CK’s hand tightens in my
hair. He knows he is going to have to pull me back before I kill this man. I
sink my fangs into his delicious neck and suckle, slowly and deeply for maximum
benefit. I groan as the blood seeps down my throat and it eases the hunger,
eases the bloodlust. I feel stronger already and less tired. It's not enough
though. When Constantine pulls back on my hair I growl in protest as I release
my fangs. "More," I say as he lifts me off the petrified human.

"Get yourself under control, my sweet. You can do
this," he whispers to me, stroking my hair and down my back. I feel my
fangs retract and I relax against him, completely under his spell. How does he
do that? I am pretty sure that I don't have this effect on Devon and Cole. I
blink as my thoughts become clear again and I step back from him.

"Are you back?" he asks, peering at me.

I nod, "Yes. Thank you. Christ, I am going to have to
make feeding regularly a priority. You are too much of a distraction, my
love." I smile at him but he looks back at me, worried.

"Nico, make sure he is compensated well," he says,
meaning pay him to keep his trap shut. "And make sure he gets back to his
apartment without issue," meaning escort him downstairs and threaten him
so he doesn't blab anyway.

As they leave, Simone rushes in, apologizing profusely for
being late. Damn subway. Her timing couldn't be better though as I am pretty
sure I would have scared her off had she got here before, and now I can just
top up my feed at the normal amount and she will be none the wiser about what a
liability I am to be around. We disappear for a bit of privacy, more for her
benefit than mine and I hear CK mutter to Sebastian to keep his own trap shut
about what he saw.

After Simone leaves I feel completely myself again but feel
I have some apologizing to do.

"Sorry, Nico. That was unpleasant and something that
you shouldn't have had to be a part of," I mumble to him and he couldn't
look more surprised if I told him I wanted to turn him and run away with him.

He clears his throat, "No problem."

I nod my thanks and turn to Sebastian with a contrite look.
He leers at me. "No need to apologize to me. I was quite happy for a fuck
and feed. Too bad our sire doesn't like to share," he says in genuine
disappointment and I giggle at him, but remember CK’s words of a “pretense”. Is
he all bluster, I wonder. He wouldn’t be the first one to be all talk, but I
get the impression that it is something else entirely.

"Well I am sorry all the same," I say and he nods
at me.

Turning finally to Constantine I say, "Sorry, my love.
You must think you are dealing with a newbie. I should have mentioned this but
as always, when I am around you, there is only you," aware of the intimacy
of my words.

"Oh, Aefre. Just take better care of yourself," he
says gruffly, but I can see he is pleased at my admission. "Now that I am
aware of your…need, I will ensure you are taken care of."

I beam at him, for once allowing him his words without an
argument about how I can take care of myself. He leans down to kiss me with his
made-for-me-smile as he also realizes this.

"Now," he says touching his finger to my lips,
"you asked me earlier to take you out on a date, so tonight I am going to
do so."

"Where are we going?" I ask eagerly.

"That is a surprise. We don't need to leave for another
couple of hours so go and get ready, the old-fashioned way, if you

"But how will I know what to wear if you won't tell me
where we are going?"

"I have taken the liberty of picking your dress out for

"Oh really?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Well you did say this morning that when you came back
here I could dress you up however I like."

"That I did," I say and tilt my head up for a kiss
and he obliges me.

"Now go." He gives me a slight tap on my rear and
I giggle.

"Yes, sir," I murmur. "Join me?"

"I have business to attend to. I will see you


Disappearing into his bedroom with a slight sulk at his
refusal of me, I make my way to the bathroom. I could really do with a long
bath after the day's events. I am mortified with myself over how much I lost
control before. Vulnerabilities, indeed. Discarding my clothes I step into the
bath and sigh as the water and bubbles lap over me. Closing my eyes I think
back over the last couple of days and I cannot fathom CK's change in attitude.
Does he really understand my choices or is he just pretending because it gets
him back what he wants? It's all very sudden and, not one to question
things--well actually I am one to question things--I have to wonder as to what
his motives are. I feel the tingle go up the back of my neck and I say,
"Glad you changed your mind."

. But it is only me,"
Sebastian says with a slight chuckle.

I open my eyes with a frown and rub the back of my neck.
That is very unnerving.

"It all feels the same at first. It gets easier to
distinguish us the more you are around us all," he says.

"Oh? What do I feel like to you?"

"Not so much a tingle as a fizz."

"A fizz? That's interesting. Is that to all or just

"All, probably. I don't really know." He shrugs
and hands me a glass of wine. "Thought this might come in handy after
your…troubles earlier."

I accept it with thanks and take a sip, "Troubles?
That's one way to look at it."

"You are definitely an interesting creature. Even if
you hadn't asked I would have stuck around to get to know you better."

I smile at him and shift in the water, teasing him. Oh I am
so bad. Really.

His eyes shoot straight to my nipples now peeking out of the
bubbles and I revel in the lust in his eyes.

"I am going to tell you something," he says still
not looking at my face. "Something you need to know."

"Sounds serious," I murmur.

"It is." And his face shows it. I narrow my eyes
at him as he pauses and takes a sip of his own drink. "I have clearly
known him since day one, I have seen every side to him good and bad and even
worse. You think you know him, but you don't. At least not like I do. This side
that you see now? Is one that I have never seen. I have seen him before you,
with you, and after you, and never have I seen him so happy. So content.
Whatever it is that caused your issues before, he has put aside with great
effort. I can see the strain it has on him, but he does it to make you happy.
Do you know that? Do you appreciate what it costs him?" he asks me and I
nod without hesitation.

"Good," he says. "I think you need to
re-evaluate your marriage."

I sit up then, forgetting about the naked issue and snap,
"Excuse me?"

"Your marriage. It isn't in either of your best
interests," he says mildly.

"You have no idea about my best interests. I love my
husband. I am in love with him. Do you know what he is?" I sit back,
trying to gain control of my anger.

"I know he is your charge."

"Yes, he is. My seven-month-old charge that I turned so
we could be together. I am not leaving him."

"He will adapt if you pay him special attention. You
don't need to be married for him to thrive."

"Sebastian!" I stare at him in disbelief. "I
love him. Did you hear me before? I want to be with him."

"And yet you are here playing house with our sire
instead of being with him."

"Playing house? Is that what you think this is

"It is certainly what he thinks you are doing. He gives
you a ring, ignores your marital status like the plague, has you followed so he
knows you are safe and now takes you out on dates! That alone would be enough
to stun me. But he laughs around you. You challenge him and he revels in it. I
see him smile. Do you know how long it has been since I saw that smile reach
his eyes?"

I shake my head, a bit stunned myself.

"Over five hundred years," he tells me. "The
last time you were truly together at
is the last time I saw that

"You came to
?" I ask, confused,
knowing that he couldn't have, or I would have known.

He laughs sadly, "No, we weren't allowed. Even before
Lance took you none of us were even allowed in the same vicinity as you, it is
any wonder how you got to meet Dmitri. No, he came to see me in Rome."

I look down, trying to process all that he is trying to tell

"He wants you, Liv, and I think you need to have him
too. It's clear when you look at him."

"He said he would wait. I need him to wait," I say

"He will. He has no choice if you don't give him one.
He won’t force you. But let me ask you this. I see how much you love him. Do you
really have room for more than that in your heart? Do you really feel for your
husband what you say or is it transference because you thought he wouldn't give
you what you wanted?"

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