Chosen (14 page)

Read Chosen Online

Authors: Denise Grover Swank

Tags: #Fantasy, #Comics & Graphic Novels, #General, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Chosen
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Emma’s eyes glazed watching the fire, and she looked lost in terrifying thoughts. She bit her lower lip, looking more haunted than he had ever seen her. Will wanted to ask her what she saw in the flames that caused her such distress, but he knew she wouldn’t answer. Instead, he decided to distract her.

Will stood up. “Jake, let’s get some sticks and roast some marshmallows.”

“Okay,” Jake’s new enthusiasm remained, to Will’s relief. He knew if Jake was happy, the chances of Emma being happy increased.

Will handed the first stick to Jake then sat down next to Emma and stuffed a marshmallow on the end of the twig. Jake’s face radiated as he neared the fire.

“Jake, be careful.” Emma warned.

Jake seemed invigorated by the blaze, his eyes mesmerized by the flames. They widened in a sudden burst of energy and his face lit up in marvel. If Emma was lost in a nightmare, Jake looked lost in an epiphany. His marshmallow caught on fire, but he didn’t seem to notice, his gazed focused on the dazzling sparks.

“Jake, your marshmallow’s on fire,” Will said.

Jake’s face glowed, the illumination of the flames dancing on his face. He took a step toward the fire.

“Jake!” Emma called out, standing up from the bench.

“Huh?” Jake shook his head in confusion. He stared down at the flaming marshmallow. “Oh,” He pulled the stick out of the fire but watched the ball of flames begin to spread down the branch.

Will took it from him and handed Jake his. “Be careful, big guy. You don’t want to get burned.” Will blew out the flames and swiped the burnt marshmallow on the ground. He observed Jake, wary of his change in demeanor.

Emma sat back down on the wooden bench. Will was sure she hadn’t seen Jake’s face. Otherwise, he knew she wouldn’t be so sedate with her shoulders hunched over, her elbows on her knees. Her eyelids drooped.

“Emma, why don’t you go ahead to bed. Jake can stay out here with me if he wants.”

Emma hesitated, darting her eyes between them both.

Jake stood up straight and turned to Emma. “Mom, go inside.” His voice was deeper than Will had ever heard from Jake and he spoke with an authoritative tone. The hair the back of Will’s neck stood on end.

Will expected Emma to reprimand him for his order, but she simply stood up and went inside. He watched in disbelief as she walked into the cabin, never turning back to even check on Jake. No instructions for Will about how long he could stay out, no chastisement to put on a jacket. She just disappeared.

“What just happened there?”

Jakes spun around, his face stoic, his eyes cold. “I told her to go.”

Will narrowed his gaze at Jake, although he wasn’t sure this was really Jake. Something happened to him in front of the fire.

“Sit down, Will.” Jake’s voice was short and cold and he sounded years older than five.

Will sat on the bench, his instincts screaming in protest.

Jake held his eyes in an unblinking gaze as he moved to stand in front of him, their faces a foot apart. “I have a lot to tell you, Will, and not much time.”

“Why not? Why don’t you have time?” Will tried to sound calm.

Jake laughed condescendingly. “Will, if you listen, I’ll tell you what you need to know.” Jake’s face glowed with the light of the fire and his eyes glistened with power.
. That was how he was different. Will unconsciously scooted backward on the bench.

“I won’t hurt you, Will. At least not now. Someday we won’t be friends, but it isn’t today.
Things are changing
.” Jake’s face hardened. He was Jake, but he wasn’t. He seemed possessed.

“What are you talking about, Jake?” None of this made sense. Will started to get up but Jake pushed him down with more force than a normal five year old had.

“For now, you must listen. I need to make sure you are The One. I’m pretty sure you are because everything started changing, but for my mom… I need to be sure.” His eyes softened.


“Will, you have to
. Will you let me be sure?” Jake’s gaze pierced his with a painful intensity.

Will’s mind reeled. “What are you talking about, Jake? Be sure of what?”

“I need to touch you. I need to read you to be sure you’re The One.”

“What do you mean read me? What do you mean The One?”

Jake sighed with impatience. “I’ll touch you and I’ll know. Whether you give me permission or not, I’ll be sure before…” his voice trailed off. “It’ll be easier if you agree. It won’t hurt. Then I’ll explain it all to you.”

Will wondered if he was hallucinating. He’d known guys who finally cracked under the pressure and saw things that weren’t really there. After everything he had gone through with this job, maybe that was what was happening now.

“You’re not hallucinating, Will. This is very real.”

Will’s eyes widened. “How did you know what I was thinking?”

“I can read your thoughts,” Jake said with a playful smirk.

“Your mom told me you couldn’t read minds. She got completely pissed when I kept asking if you could read minds.”

“It’s new. It’s part of the changes. I only found out about it yesterday.”

“What do you mean just found out about it? Can you talk to your mom in her head? Can you talk to me?”

“I can speak to my mom but not you, not yet. I can only hear you.”

“Why? Why are things changing?”

“Because of you. Now will you let me read you?” The flames of the fire silhouetted Jake, making him even more intimidating.

Will was terrified. He was out of his element.

Jake smiled, his expression softening. “I’m sorry, Will. I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m not used to this power yet. He said it would come with fire; I just didn’t realize this was how it would happen.”

Will’s eyes narrowed. “Who told you?”

“I don’t know who he is but since you showed up in the parking lot that first night, he visits me while I sleep. He told me that I would get power from fire. When I stood in front of the fire tonight, I felt it. I’m having trouble controlling it.”

Will shook his head. “What else does he tell you Jake?”

Jake’s face grew stern again. “He says you are The One, but I need to know for sure.”

Agreeing felt like stupidity, but Will found himself nodding anyway. “All right.”

Jake took a deep breath, leaned his head back and closed his eyes. He reached out and touched Will’s forehead with his left palm and placed his right hand on Will’s left forearm. An electric power surged through him. He fought to break contact, but his body refused to move. Panic spread through him, following the wake of electricity. It crashed with a suffocating intensity. He gasped for breath, drowning in terror. Both surged in waves, rippling from head to toe with decreasing intensity until it became a dull undercurrent. Heat poured through his arm, searing his flesh. Emotions and sensations churned and separated as if being sorted through a sieve, measured. Anger, sadness, happiness, love swirled in a cesspool of pain and death. An avalanche of emotion suffocated him. Jake’s strained voice echoed in the night, speaking a language Will didn’t recognize, but understood in his mind.


The land will fall desolate and cold

As it waits for the promised ones.

God resides within the queen

While she hides among the people of the exile land

Hunted for that which she must lose

One who is named protector, The Chosen One,

Shall be a shield, counselor, companion

The elevated one will arise from great sorrow

In the full moon after the summer solstice

His powers will be mighty and powerful

He will rise up to rule the land

The supplanter will challenge him

But only one will be overcome

By that which has no price


Jake withdrew his hands. Will’s forehead and arm tingled from the broken contact. Sweat beaded his brow. Will’s consciousness convulsed as he struggled to regain control. His chest heaved, sucking in deep breaths to clear his head, as if it were possible. Jake stood before him, his eyes dark and wild. An aura of pale red light surrounded him. Jake’s gaze bore into Will’s and a slow smile erupted.

“You are The Chosen One.”

Will’s arm throbbed. He lowered his head to see dark markings on the flesh of his forearm. He rubbed it with his thumb but it didn’t smudge.

“It’s your mark.”

His head jerked up to face Jake. “What?”

“It is the imprint of The Chosen One.”

The fire cast a dim light, making Will narrow his focus on the marking. He could make out the outline of a three-pointed spear with a short curved handle. He rubbed it again, the mark tingling with a residual current.

“Yes, it’s like a tattoo. It’ll prove that you are who you claim to be.”

“I don’t claim to be anyone. I’m not a chosen anything. No one asked me.”

Jake sighed. “Of course no one asked you. You were
. It’s your destiny.”

Will held his arm out. “Take it back.”

“I can’t take it back, Will. It’s done.”

Will stood up and backed away from Jake and the fire, dried leaves and pine needles crunching under his feet. “I don’t know what’s going on here, but I’m not having any part of it. I’m not chosen for anything but pain and death.” Will’s voice choked. His emotions, still tangled in knots, unfurled in spasms. “You say you know who I work for yet you say I’m not bad. You wouldn’t say that if you really knew. You have no idea what I have done, what I am capable of, what I’m doing
right this minute
.” His voice broke and Jake’s outline became hazy through his tears. “If I’m chosen, it’s not for anything good, I goddamn guarantee you.”

“Sometimes the choices we make are part of the path that takes us to where we need to be.” Jake said softly. “Those choices are in your past and you can’t change them. It’s what you chose to do with what you have now.”

He clenched the fist of his marked arm and held it toward Jake. “I don’t choose anything. I sure as hell don’t choose this.”

“Even not choosing is a choice. You can fight it all you want, but it’s still your destiny.”

“You’re five years old. What the fuck do you know?”

Jake smiled, a mixture of tolerance, kindness and power crossing his face. His hands raised from his sides, palms up to the sky, fingers splayed. As they rose, the fire behind him rose higher, crackling and sputtering in protest. His arms rose over his head causing the flames to do the same, arcing off with a burst of power. Heat engulfed Will, making him stagger backwards. He fell on his ass in the dirt, twigs digging into his legs and pine needles poking his palms. Dark clouds in the sky tumbled, rolling upon themselves as though trying to escape the onslaught of energy. Thunder rumbled and roared.

“I have power that I never knew I was capable of possessing.” Jake’s eyes narrowed, piercing Will as he lowered his arms. “You did that. Your presence released it. I’m Jake but I’m not. I’ve changed into something else. A war is brewing and we’ll be on opposite sides, but not tonight. Tonight I need to show you who you really are.”

Will’s emotions were still a snarled mess. The sins of his past replayed in his mind, putting him on trial all over again. Tears streamed down Will’s cheeks. “Do you have any idea what I’ve done?”

“Yes, I’ve seen it all and some of what it is to come. Good, bad, they’re just words. Who’s to decide what is good or bad? In the end, only the consequences matter.” Jake walked toward Will. He leaned over and put his hand on Will’s shoulder. “You’re destined for great things. Your life will be full of pain but glory as well.” Jake’s eyes softened. “And you will know great love.” He sighed and dropped his hand. “It’ll be easier for you when you accept your fate.”

Will shook his head in disbelief. “This isn’t real.”

“It’s more real than you know. You have much to think about but little time to accept it all. The prophecy will always be implanted in you, use it as your guide. Beware of those who choose to ally themselves with you, they are not all who they seem to be.”

“I don’t understand what’s going on.” Will’s voice lowered. He watched the fire, still dancing out of control.

“A war has begun. It’s lain dormant for centuries waiting for prophecy to be fulfilled. Tonight it begins.”

Will shook his head. “Jake, you’re just a little boy. What do you know of war? I’ve seen war. I’ve wallowed in the utter misery of it. I won’t do that again. You don’t want that, Jake.”

“I may be a boy but the power you just saw is only the beginning. It’ll grow stronger than you can imagine. We have no choice. It’s destiny.” Jake’s voice was heavy with resignation.

“Jake, this is crazy. Let me help you.” Will risked grabbing Jake’s upper arm even though he knew Jake had the power to hurt him. “Let’s go talk to your mom. We’ll figure this out.”

Jake’s eyes filled with tears. “There’s nothing to figure out. Don’t tell my mom. Please. I’ll tell her when it’s time.”

Will sighed. Emma needed to know this, although he had no idea what her reaction would be. It couldn’t be good. “I’ll give you until tomorrow night, and if you haven’t told her then I will.” Will’s voice was sterner than he felt. Jake scared the hell out him, but without this new power, he was still just a little boy.

Jake nodded, and Will pulled him into a tight embrace. Jake stood stiff but eased into Will’s contours after a moment. He laid his head on Will’s shoulder. Will felt his shirt dampen from Jake’s tears and Will laid his head on top of Jakes and closed his eyes. From sheer terror one minute to his heart melting the next. This kid would be the death of him.

“I thought you told me it wouldn’t hurt.” Will said into Jake’s hair, the words muffled.

“I didn’t hurt me.” Will heard the smile in his voice. Jake pulled away, his face softened with regret. “I wish you were
dad, Will.”

Will shook his head. “I’d make a terrible dad, Jake. You deserve better.”

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