Read Chosen: Book 1 in the Ancients of Light series Online

Authors: Heather Fleener

Tags: #romance, #vampires, #vampire, #love, #drama, #paranormal romance, #paranormal, #magic, #ancient, #historical, #supernatural, #witches, #prophecy, #witch, #fire, #conflict, #series, #immortal, #realm, #vampire romance, #spells, #medieval, #chosen, #sorcerer, #lights, #witch romance, #ancients of light, #darks, #warrior of light, #sorcerer of light, #myrrdyn, #kaitriana, #lorcan

Chosen: Book 1 in the Ancients of Light series (18 page)

BOOK: Chosen: Book 1 in the Ancients of Light series
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She grinned affectionately at him and reached
for his hand, giving it a quick pat, “If only all males within
these walls were that reasonable.” As she released her grasp, she
felt the attention of hundreds of eyes. Before Kat turned to
confirm she heard hushed murmurs, noting that the volume in the
room had drastically lowered. A quick glance over her shoulder to
the crowd behind her confirmed that she and Jortha had gained the
focus of many. Those that had not noticed her were being nudged to
do so by sharp elbows from companions. Dropping her voice to a
whisper, knowing full well those gathered would probably hear, she
directed her words to Jortha, “I believe I may have just….dropped
your pan in the fire.”

Yes, that was overheard; brows were raised in
confusion. Jortha prodded her shoulder with a finger, amusement
washing over his pale face, “It is - out of the frying pan, into
the fire - Kaitriana.”

She gave him a disgruntled look and swatted
his finger away, then offered brightly, “Oh yes then, dear Jortha,
your pan is ablaze.” At his quick agreement, she turned to fully
face the now nearly silent gathering, studying them just as
thoroughly as they were her. Taking in the splendor with sparkling
eyes, she was enchanted - ballgowns, tuxedos, kilts, evening gowns,
cocktail dresses and various trappings in between…she even spied a
toga. Instead of clapping her hands in her glee as she was
inclined, she offered a small wave of her hand and a simple,

Her demeanor was innocently engaging and
smiles spread through the crowd though they remained silent. Kat
began to chew on her lower lip as she took a couple of hesitant
steps forward. Noticing a few apprehensive glances in the crowd,
she stretched her hand back and tugged Jortha along with her. She
pulled at a memory, not wanting to flub this, and looked genuinely
pleased with herself when she recalled it. Lifting her skirts so
that her bare toes peeped out for all to see, she offered with a
grin, “Not to worry, I have left my broom
my ruby slippers in Oz, so I am

A youthful looking female laughed delightedly
and stepped forward with an inviting smile. This one looked
thoroughly modern in her evening dress and spiked heels. Offering
her hand in introduction, her tone was imbued with kindness, “I am
Lilleas, or Lilly to my friends.” She gave a conspiratorial wink as
she continued, “Are you a good witch…or a bad witch?” The tall
blonde had ringed curls that fell to her shoulders and the most
fascinating eyes. They appeared lilac in the warm glow of lights
that filled the room from the intricate chandeliers high above.

Kat gave her hand an affectionate squeeze,
appreciating the welcome, “Definitely not bad.” She shrugged
delicately as she continued, “Tonight, I am merely Kat.”

Lilly kept her hand and pulled her towards
the crowd, leaning around as she inspected Jortha, “And is that
your munchkin?”

Kat shook her head hoping her playful banter
would not upset the other witch, “No, more like a flying monkey…but
he is my friend.”

Lilly understood Kat’s intention at claiming
the young witch as such. She knew Jortha well enough and his known
dislike for her species. She had been surprised to see him lurking
at the edge of the gathering, but she thought she might now have a
clearer picture of the reason for it. The female solidified her
friendship with Kat at that moment, announcing, “Then I suppose he
must be my friend as well.” Lilly made certain to speak loudly
enough for Jortha as well as the surrounding vampires to hear.

Continuing to move forward, Lilly dragged her
into the crush of Vampire with Jortha trailing in their wake. The
trio had circled the room before the hour’s end. Kat’s head was
spinning with all of the names and faces that were pressed to her,
though Lilly had remained steadfast at her side throughout. The
pretty vampire had also offered Kat tidbits of information about
the various members of the Coven that would have taken Kat
centuries to uncover but that would prove invaluable to her making
a successful transition to live in Lorcan’s home.
Kat reminded herself sourly, that was what she
decided, and
Lorcan would quit being
such an obstinate ass.

Kat categorized the night as a success. With
the exception of a few jealous wenches that would prefer she leave
Lorcan to them and a few older generation Vampire that had lived
during the era of Alaric and Brisen, she was well received. Most
had embraced her as a welcome addition to their population.

She had taken up residence on an overly large
and incredibly comfortable settee in the center of the room. Seated
next to Lilly, Kat was enjoying stories and sharing a few of her
own with a group of about twenty of the younger set. A large number
of the Coven members remained in the hall, enjoying the camaraderie
that was bolstered by the appearance of the newest vampire. All
realized that her standing as the Chosen amongst the Witch would
serve only to increase their status in the Realm were she to make
this Coven her home. Mindful of such, many elders had remained to
make certain all went well and to witness the girl’s

Hours later, Lorcan shadowed to the steps
outside the keep, uncertain whether or not he was ready to return
to the furious witch. He was still incredulous over the fact that
she had actually turned her magic on him and was not looking
forward to the confrontation that would undoubtedly ensue when he
meted out the punishment for it. Kat was definitely not a meek
little lass to simper and rush to meet his every demand. Her spirit
pleased him but his position also demanded adherence to his
dictates. He expected it of all who resided in his Coven.

His place within the ranks of the Vampire
leadership required a certain amount of deference and obedience to
his authority. The chaos that could result from contrary behavior
could not be permitted. Still, he laughingly could admit to himself
only that he did not know if he really preferred to reprimand her
for using her magic against him or to pat her head and praise her

Puzzling over the lights still shining
brightly through the panes of glass above, Lorcan shadowed to the
other side of the entrance. The evening gatherings rarely lasted
this long, unless there was some cause for celebration. It was a
wonder that the reappearance of Kat in the Realm was enough to
bring this amount of life back to his people. Studying those
gathered, his eyes narrowed when he caught sight of his gorgeous
witch holding court in the center of the room. When he realized
that her immediate audience of nearly two dozen of the younger
vampires was comprised of a large number of unmated males, his eyes
flickered dangerously.

She was a picture with her knees tucked up
under her chin, laughing brightly at some tale that was ending. Her
full skirts were artfully arranged to spill around her; her bare
feet peeped out from the layers of material around her legs. Lorcan
noticed that Jortha sat on the edge of the hearth, close enough to
the group to technically be a part of it. Apparently Kat was
affecting the young witch in a positive way if he was venturing out
of his shell. He would have smiled if he had not been so

His appearance had gone unnoticed thus far,
with the exception of Colm, who had just shadowed to his side. “I
have been keeping watch on her in your absence, Lorcan. There is
much talk of her by both young and old…she has been well received.”
Colm folded his arms over his chest, studying her as did Lorcan,
before offering, “When I asked her she said she did not know where
you were or when you would return. Kaitriana did assert that she
had no doubt you would not take issue with her joining the Coven
this eve.”

Lorcan raised a brow in reaction to Colm’s
report and responded wryly, “I am certain she said exactly that.”
He patted his friend’s shoulder in appreciation of his guard over
the girl. Nodding in her direction, his voice had a hard edge to
it, “I think she looks tired. Wouldn’t you agree, Colm?”

Colm started to voice his opinion to the
contrary but Lorcan had already shadowed and taken up position
behind where Kat was perched on the couch.

Lachlan, a solidly built and handsome young
warrior, was regaling the group with an anecdote from their last
siege at Elkirk’s holding. He stopped midsentence. The young
warrior’s gaze fell pointedly to Kat before darting meaningfully
behind her. She had sensed Lorcan’s presence well before he had
shadowed inside and had been mentally preparing herself since for
what she assumed would be an inevitable confrontation over her
blatant disobedience. Kat smoothed damp palms over the crimson silk
of her dress and swept her legs down off the furniture in the same
motion, being certain to hide her bare feet as she did. One lecture
tonight would be enough.

Turning her head, her eyes did not quite
reach his when she offered Lorcan an overly enthusiastic greeting,
“Welcome home, Milord.” His response was an enigmatic smile that
had her quickly shifting her attention back to the group. Kaitriana
could sense the tension emanating from him. She had the
uncomfortable impression that she was more a naughty Coven member
about to be punished by the fierce ruler, rather than this being
viewed by him as a relational spat between male and female.

His hand found home on her bare shoulder and
then slid up to cup the side of her neck, “I see you have found
friends while I have been away.” His easy tone was in direct
opposition to the slightly increased pressure of his fingers on her
skin with the statement. The position of his hold prevented her nod
in answer. Lorcan rubbed his thumb possessively along the length of
her jawline as he skewered Lachlan and the other males with a
stormy gaze.

Kaitriana rose with no warning. Without being
obvious, she wanted to make certain he did not have the opportunity
to strangle her where she sat so she removed herself hastily from
his reach. Walking in the direction of the hearth, she missed the
telling clench of his jaw. Only after she settled next to Jortha
did she lift uneasy eyes to offer Lorcan a faltering smile, “Yes
and dear Jortha has been making new acquaintances as well. Isn’t
that nice?”

Lorcan’s expression remained inscrutable as
he gazed at her but he eventually agreed, much to her relief, “Yes,
it is nice, Kat.”

Jortha took that opportune time to lean in
close to her, but kept his voice deliberately above a whisper,
“Welcome to the fire, Chicken.”

Kaitriana pinched his arm harder than
necessary and took a bit of delight when she felt him twitch in
pain. Her voice was deliberately not hushed either, “I hope they
eat you...”

Lilly laughed, “Lucky for Jortha, few of us
find the taste of Witch to our liking.” Her jest eased the tension
that had filled the group. Rising, she crossed the small space to
her friend and clasped both of Kat’s hands warmly in her own, “It
was so delightful to have you with us tonight. I do so hope you
will make it a habit.” There was a general murmuring of agreement
around them.

Kat gave her response while lifting a
challenging gaze to Lorcan, “I shall.”

For the benefit of those watching, Lorcan
gave her an indulgent smile that masked completely his annoyance
over her behavior. Further rankling him was that the privilege of
introducing her to his people should have belonged to him.
Smoothly, he offered Lilly a genuine smile, “I appreciate your
attention to Kat tonight in my absence Lilly.” When his gaze fell
back on his witch it was icy, “Kaitriana, you should take your rest
now. You have still not recovered fully from your transition.”

Her irritation at being treated like a child
again, and this time in front of her peers, was obvious in her
mutinous expression. She surprised him, however, with her easy
compliance, “I agree, Milord.” Kat offered her friends a warm smile
and brief wave before she disappeared from the hall.




Lorcan nodded a farewell to the group before
taking his leave. Arriving in his bedroom, his arms were crossing
over his chest as he stood in front of the door. He spied her on
the far side of the room, gazing through the large window as though
entranced by the sight of the moonlight dancing on the water below.
The full measure of his irritation was now plainly etched on his
face. He regretted that he had not the forethought to shadow to the
landing so that he could have effectively slammed the door upon
entering the room.

He stalked her, eyes blackening as he tracked
her across the room. Lorcan paid heed this time to the fire dancing
in her palms. His voice was rough with anger, “Understand me in
this, Kaitriana. In my keep and in my Coven, my rules are law. You
would do yourself well to remember that.”

Unflinching, she did not bother to turn when
she responded in a smirking tone, “Bite me, Lorcan.”

Her attempts to use the language of this
generation were generally amusing, but at this moment her insolence
pushed him over. Lorcan shadowed. Before she could draw a breath he
spun her into him. His hand was buried in her hair while the other
arm locked her body against the length of his. Growling, he dragged
her head back and exposed her throat.

Defiantly she stared up at him, her words
disdainful, “That was
an invitation,
Vampire.” She was foolhardy enough to attempt to drive her knee
into his groin, which only served to enrage him further. As he side
stepped, Lorcan dropped his lips to her neck. His menacing
expression caused her to panic and Kat tried to push free. Her
ability to shadow away was hindered by the arm banded around her

Licking at her pulse, Lorcan growled again,
“Be still Hellion, else I’ll turn you over my knee and give you the
punishment your behavior truly warrants.” Panic turned to alarm and
she squirmed in earnest, until she felt the tips of his fangs
pressing against her skin. Stilling, Kat allowed the magic to
beginning building in her palms.

BOOK: Chosen: Book 1 in the Ancients of Light series
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