Christmas at Candleshoe (20 page)

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Authors: Michael Innes

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1720. 8 Aug. Rupert continues in his learned Humour. At Dinner tonight somewhat tediously instructive on Optics and Astronomy. It now appears that at Padua he and Jack Candleshoe gave 80
between them for a large optic Tube or
, which is like to be delivered presently upon us. Talk of its being set up on the Leads etc. I fear we may be put under some Imputation of Singularity at
should this Extravagance of the Boys’ go forward. They envisage, it appears, much nocturnal Experiment, with Observation of the Movement of Bodies etc.


1720. 12 Sept. In Town still. Supped with Richard Boyle, Son of my ever-lamented Friend, and was afterwards engaged in the Tour of
Burlington House
, now re-edified, enlarged, and adorned with great Curiosity and Taste by him. It is nothing so fine as
, but for a Town House well enough. His Ldship extremely polite in Expressions of Esteem for my dear Boy’s Progress in the Sciences, and Command of the Mathematicals, curious Figures, etc. He spoke of making Interest for Rupert’s Entrance into the
Royal Society,
the principal Body in the Kingdom for Persons expert in Natural Knowledge. Although R Boyle be himself young I listened with Attention and Gratification, all of that Family being famous
and well able to pronounce on Matters of the Sort. Returning by Coach to Scattergood House resolved to review more kindly Rupert’s late Proposal for his
Solomon’s Cottage
(as he and his Jack wd call it) beyond the Park. This Morning a Letter from Rupert respectfully urging Festination in my pronouncing upon the same, the Italian Books, Collections, Instruments, and the like being any Day expected now.


1720. 22 Sept. I find Squire Candleshoe to be not well disposed towards the Project of our two Lads for a learned Retreat of their own in the
Abbot’s Lodging
. He thinks it were better that an Eye should be kept on them, and expresses himself as having small Confidence in the Perspicacity of Mr Drake. Since the Provision of this joint Tutor has been by a good Part more at my Charge than the Squire’s, I have felt myself mightily inclined to take this ill, but have so far restrained any irascible Word in the Interest of neighbourly Feeling. I doubt whether one of inconsiderable Property and obscure Situation, such as is our good Squire, can readily be a Man of liberal Feeling or extensive Views.


1720. 23 Sept. A sultry Day, but with something of
towards Evening. Took Advantage of this to stroll with Rupert to the
Abbot’s Lodging
. The dear Boy again very eager for his Project, urging the Advantages of Seculsion, Retirement etc. in promoting those severer and more advanced Studies to which he and his Friend now wish to proceed. It appears that the Behaviour of
may in the coming Months be examined into with some special Prospect of learned Success. Rupert hath a Plan ready drawn out for the ready converting of the
to this
Solomon’s House
. The Name whimsically derived from that curious Work
New Atlantis
by Sir F Bacon, later First Viscount St Albans. Amusing Particulars from Rupert of many the first Nobles alike of
presently renowned as


1720. 30 Oct. The Work on
Solomon’s Cottage
far advanced. Sundry great Boxes and Crates, unopened here since their Arrival from
, have today gone down by Wagon to their new Abode. Rupert and his Jack in great Joy. For my own Part I take much delight in the Spectacle of two young Men, in whom their Years might licence some Wildness of Fancy if not of Behaviour, thus intent upon the Advancement of Learning. I recall with unaffected Contrition my own Youth, so sadly at Variance with this Sobriety, Usefulness and Good Sense. It is Mr Drake’s Belief that a large Reform of youthful Morals and Manners hath been brought about by the Writings and Christian Example of Mr Joseph Addison, so unhappily deceased in the Course of the last Year. I have questioned Rupert on this, and find that he does modestly confess Mr Addison to be an Example indeed.


1720. 7 Nov. This Day was entertained to a Collation by my dear Son Rupert and his excellent Henchman Jack Candleshoe. The Dishes choice but very simple. We drank Water, and later an Infusion of Tea. Their Attendance is to be only one Lad, whom Rupert begged our good Mr Drake to choose upon the strictest Principles of settled Conduct and moral Probity. On the Ground Floor are convenient Offices for this Servant; a Study or Library, plainly furnished but commodious to the Labours of our young Philosophers; and two Sleeping Apartments in a simple Style, having no Ambition of Elegance. Thus it will be possible for the Boys to pernoctate from Time to Time, according to their astronomical Occasions. I highly approve these Dispositions, and Squire Candleshoe is at least so far reconciled to them as to withdraw any vocal Objections. He has offered, indeed, to install (the better to insure the Health and Comfort of our Lads) a motherly Person as Housekeeper and occasional Cook. But this the Boys have positively declined, having a set Fancy, it would appear, that
Solomon’s Cottage
(like the
Abbot’s Lodging
before it) should be wholly
in its Economy. Upon the upper Floor the Roof over one Apartment hath been removed, and the
Great Telescope
is (I suppose) by now there established. But of this Part of their Domain the Boys are jealous Guardians, and I have promised not to profane by any ignorant Inspection the Mysteries of their Science. It is to be hoped that Perkin (for such is the Denomination of their youthful Attendant) will occasionally be permitted to circulate in this higher Region with a Broom.


1720. 12 Dec. My dear Rupert’s twentieth Birthday. Inquired of his Studies, at which, judging by his Absences, he hath been assiduous of late. He replied that he becomes steadily more absorbed in, and delighted with, the Heavenly Movements.


1721. 8 May. I write in the greatest Confusion of Mind and Agitation of Spirit. But let me compose myself, and be systematical. This a.m. early comes Squire Candleshoe in as vast Rage and Incoherence as I have ever known Man evince; and falls to imprecating
and all Spendloves that ever were in a Manner to be excused only as the Issue of plain Frenzy. Eventually somewhat subdued (if not mollified) by my own inflexible Exhibition of superior Breeding, he came within the Bounds of intelligible Sense.
Solomon’s Cottage
, he declared, had its sole Affinity with Aught of that Monarch’s only as a very Mark and Acme of amatorious and venereal Indulgence. Those
nocturnal Experiments
which our Boys had been pursuing in the Interests of
Natural Knowledge

Should these artless Pages ever, at some remote Time, come within the Notice of an other Eye than mine, will it not readily be understood that here the unhappy Writer dropped his Pen? But I continue now. The Lad Perkin, it appears, having received upon the Occasion of some casual Offence too hearty a Drubbing from his Masters, had allowed a Thirst for Vengeance and the Hope of Gain so far to suborn his Fidelity as to bring him before the Squire this very Morning with a substantial Account of a World of licentious Folly into which our miserable Boys have fallen. Of what followed let a bare Note suffice. The Squire (mounting whatever wretched Nag his Stables afforded him, and hastening to the Spot) was in Time to surprise, and drive out while yet in their Smocks, the particular
Heavenly Bodies
which had been engaging the
Attention of our precious Couple, encouraging them, with a smart Thwack upon their ill-guarded Persons, to return to whatever
is properly theirs in
Abbot’s Benison
Benison Parva
. Having then assured the Reprobates of his unfeigned Regret that they were by some
two Summers
beyond the Reach of similar and more extended Castigation, the Squire rode straight on to
Benison Court
, his ill-directed and offensive Rage mounting in him as he approached. Our Interview, I verily believe, might well have come to the Point of Honour and an Affair of Rapiers, had I not steadfastly maintained all of the Reserve, judiciously tempered by Candour and Condescension, incumbent upon a
in a trying Situation.

I will not dwell further upon the Day’s Scenes of Reprehension and Penitence. I have had at least the Satisfaction of knowing the sole feasible Procedure to adopt. With a Lad who has thus scandalously comported himself,
and been detected
, there is only one course to take. At three of the Clock this Afternoon Rupert departed with Mr Drake for the University, where he will at once be entered as a Nobleman of my own old College. I trust that his genuine Proficiency in Mathematical Study, if not that in
curious Figures
, will earn him the Regard of the resident Fellows, to whom I have strictly charged him to comport himself with Affability and a reasonably familiar Address. Rupert, I am willing to believe, is truly penitent; nor, after a World of Tears throughout the Morning, was I altogether displeased at his Mode of parting with me. Leaning from the Window of the Carriage, the Rogue had the Impertinence to murmur that, could but Peg (his detected Paphian Girl) make the Journey with him, it would be rounding off his astronomical Studies with the
Transit of Venus


1721. 12 May. Squire Candleshoe, it seems, has taken a Leaf out of my Book (which is indeed proper for him to do), and his Jack is packed off to Cambridge – not indeed with a Tutor of his own, but to be put under the Care of some worthy Tutor of a College. So here should be an End of this troublesome Affair. The Squire and I are to meet presently at
Solomon’s Cottage
(to use the Name which, I fear, must ever adhere to it, at least in local Fame) and agree upon a proper Dispersal of whatever is unsuitably contained there. The Studies of these discreet (yet not sufficiently discreet) Boys have had, as it now appears, genuine Substance; and my Rupert (I suspect) was indeed something further advanced in the Courses of the veritable Planets than in his
Researches. It thus seems not proper or convenient wholly to make away with what is of an authentick philosophic Cast in the Place. I apprehend little Possibility of serious Dispute with my good Neighbour, despite the high Tone of our last Encounter. Since the
Abbot’s Lodging
is an undisputed Part of my own Estate, indeed, the Squire would be on but uncertain Ground were he minded to be disputatious.


1721. 16 May. All is in sad Confusion between Squire Candleshoe and me. I blame myself for taking up, over Matters of small Consideration in themselves, a Position from which it now appears difficult with any Dignity to recede. The Root of the Mischief lies in the good Squire’s having allowed his Jack, during his Grand Tour made in Company with my Rupert and Mr Drake, a larger pecuniary Supply than was at all consonent with the Modesty of his Station. The Candleshoes have ever had a particular Pride or Arrogance in all their Associations with Spendloves – a Consequence of their being (what, as a Man of Candour, I have always been free to acknowledge) the elder Line of that Family from which our Antiquity is derived. This having led our honest Squire to dip deep into his Pocket on his itinerant Son’s Behalf, Jack, it seems, hath on sundry Occasions disbursed more – as on other Occasions indubitably much less – than my own Boy upon those diverse Antiquities and Curiosities with the Acquiring of which the Lads liberally amused themselves upon their
Peregrination. These Objects they later disposed about their detestable
in all the Carelessness of common Ownership, so that it is now scarce possible to make a just Appropriation or Assignment between them.

All this would seem, indeed, of little Moment but for a Circumstance at once flagitious and vexing. For preserving from parental Scrutiny the larger upper Apartment of their Dwelling the Boys now appear to have had this sufficient Reason,
, that it had pleased them to appoint it with all Voluptuousness and amatory Luxury of
Venetian Houses
with which no modest Traveller through that carnal City would willingly hold the least Acquaintance. Once more my Pen would almost drop from my Fingers as I record this shameful fact – mitigated though it be (at least in some minor Degree) by the Observation (which my own sadly irregular Courses in early Life have enabled me to make) that Something more of Imagination than Familiarity hath gone to the framing of this most culpable Extravagance. But now to the Point at special Issue. Among the Embellishings of this rural
for simple Peg and Moll what have the Squire and I fallen upon but three large and erotical Paintings in Oil,
, a Lollia Paulina, a Leda and Swan, and a Diana and Actaeon, all very rich in Colour and splendid in the Flesh – so much so, indeed, as to put the good Squire something out of Countenance, as having small Connoisseurship in graphick Immodesties. When however it did presently transpire that, while the Diana (although very brave with bathing Nymphs, and an Actaeon with his Stag’s Head exceeding quaint) is by one Schiavone (a
of small Regard), yet the Lollia and Leda are by that Tiziano Vecelli or Da Cadore now above all other
Artists hugely esteemed; when, I say, it appeared that our Boys had (at a great and notable Bargain) acquired two such
as the greatest
in the Kingdom might envy them the Luck of, then did Squire Candleshoe pipe to another Tune.

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