Christmas at Twin Falls (2 page)

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Authors: Dahlia Rose,Tressie Lockwood

BOOK: Christmas at Twin Falls
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Her movements were sluggish, but she did as he asked, and he pulled her atop the car. The entire vehicle shifted, and he froze with her tight against his chest.

“Jeff,” she murmured a small voice that cut him to the core.

“Shh, it’s okay. Everything’s going to be okay.”

Kaleena started when Macauley barked at the pond’s edge. He held her tighter, feeling he breasts press into his chest. This wasn’t the time to notice how soft she was or how good she smelled despite what she’d just been through. He held her still and jumped to the ground. Freezing water sloshed in his boots, and pings of pain shot up his ankles and calves on impact. He winced but waded swiftly to shore.

Once he tucked Kaleena inside his truck, he reached for his phone and called it in to the police department. Kaleena sat on the passenger seat shivering, and he reached in back to grab a blanket to wrap around her shoulders. Her wide eyes pleaded with him, but Cody didn’t want to be the one to tell her. He turned to shut the door and walk around to the driver side, but she grabbed his sleeve.

“Please. We just got engaged today…”

“I’ll go.” Freezing his ass off, he worked his way back down to the overturned car and fought to pull Jeff’s head above water. Cody’s fingers were turning blue, and he couldn’t feel his toes anymore. Not even CPR would bring the man back that lay trapped. His eyes stared unseeing, and his skin had turned blue. Cody swore and climbed out of the vehicle. He made it to the top of the slope on heavy legs and climbed into his truck. Kaleena watched him with her hands pressed together in her lap.

“I’m…I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he began.

She shook her head. “No, that’s impossible. No…No!” Tears flooded her eyes and spilled down her cheeks. He knew she was going to lose it before she began to scream. “No, he just asked me to marry him. I said yes. I told him… He gave me a ring. See? No,

Not knowing what else to do, he pulled her onto his lap and cradled her in his arms. Gently, he rocked her and stroked her back. “I’m sorry, so sorry.”

For a long time, she shouted and cried. Her entire body shook. He thought she might be cold, so he blasted the heat and didn’t let her go for a second. No words could comfort her heart, so he let it come through his hands and his arms. He held her tight because he knew it felt like she would fly apart in pieces. He knew the devastation of loss, and how ironic that she would lose the person she loved most on these icy roads the way he lost his parents. If he hadn’t found her, if Macaulay hadn’t barked, she would have frozen to death. The thing he knew above all else was she must wish she had died with the one she loved.

“I’m not going to let you go. I’m right here,” he encouraged her. “You don’t know me, but I’m here, Kaleena. Everything will be okay. In time, it’s going to be okay. For now, go ahead and cry it all out. Scream if you want. I’m here.”

“Jeff.” The name left her lips with such agony in its tone, it tore at him. He found tissue under the dash and leaned back a little to clean her face. She didn’t fight him. In fact, from the glaze in her eyes, she didn’t know he was there. She sat on his lap so small, and even with red, swollen eyes and a tear-stained face, her beauty shined through.

He pushed her hair back and smoothed it down the best way he could. He found the spot where she’d hit her head, glad the bleeding had stopped. When a buzz began in her pocket, he started, but she didn’t react at all this time. He fished around in her pocket and found her cell phone. The display read “Uncle Cornell.”

“It’s your uncle.” He held the phone out to her, but she didn’t respond.

The buzzing stopped and started up again. If he were her uncle, he’d want to know immediately what happened and that she was safe. He pressed the connect button. “Hello?”

“Who is this?” came a commanding voice through he line.

“Cody Everett.”

“Well, Mr. Everett, where is my niece, and why are you answering her phone?” Cody didn’t miss the implication that if the man didn’t like his answer, there would be trouble.

“Kaleena’s here.” He closed his eyes and shifted her closer to his chest. Her head dipped to his shoulder as if she had no strength to hold it up. “Sir, I’m afraid there’s been an accident.”


Chapter Two


“Bro, are you sure you want to deal with this?” Beau said on the phone.

Cody sighed and dragged a hand through his disordered hair. “No, I’m not, but I can’t abandon her either.” He glanced over to where they’d taken Kaleena. Through the gap in the curtain, he saw that she sat on the bed, head down and hugging herself. Even while the hospital staff questioned her, she didn’t respond. The haunted expression in her eyes never wavered. Sure he’d like to back out and let someone else take his place in looking after her, but how could he when he’d promised her uncle.

“You seem like a level-headed young man from the sound of your voice and from what you’ve described to me about what happened,” Cornell Morgan had said. “I’m going to trust you to take care of her until I can come for her.”

“What?” Cody had declared. “You don’t know me, and more importantly she doesn’t. She needs you here with her now!”

“I would give anything to be there, but that’s impossible for the time being. What I’m asking you is, will you take care of Kaleena until I can get there?”

Cody had argued some more, demanding to know what he did that kept him from taking a flight out of whatever hole he found himself. From what he could gather, Kaleena’s uncle had a job with the government, one he wasn’t at liberty to share the details about. He mentioned the word agent, and Cody guessed it was FBI or CIA. If he was on an undercover case, even Kaleena’s emotional health wouldn’t make his superiors release him to go to her. Once again, Cody wondered what would have happened if he wasn’t there, if someone else had found her. As he reviewed the conversation, he looked over at her again. Right now, she couldn’t be alone, and from what Cornell had said, she had no other family, no close friends who would be willing to be here for her now. What kind of life had she led? He knew half the town of Huntsford and had his brother Beau too. They didn’t have much in the way of family, but even his hand Henry would help him if he needed it.

“Cody, you there?” Beau called over the line.

Cody shook himself. “Yeah, I’m here. Listen, I can’t abandon her. Maybe it’s because of how Mom and Dad died. I don’t know. She needs someone, and I’m the only one here. I’ll look after her until her uncle comes. Bro, I have to go. They’re signaling to me. Talk to you later.”

He ended the call. When he stood up, the chill of the floor called his attention to the fact that he wore the disposable shoe covers someone had found for him. One of his men would be there soon with a change of clothing, socks, and boots. He’d been examined already for frostbite and given the all clear.

Cody tucked his phone in his pocket and approached the doctor. He ran through potential motels for Kaleena in his mind. Maybe if someone had a room for rent that might be better with less coming and going. Huntsford was a bit far for him to check on her every day what with work keeping him busy.

“How she doing, doc?” Cody asked when he drew up to the man.

Dr. Stevens took his arm and led him out of earshot of Kaleena. He tucked the clipboard in his hands under one arm and gestured while he spoke. “There’s nothing wrong with her physically except for a few bruises. The bump on the head is minor, but she might have a bit of a headache. Nothing a couple of pain pills won’t help. What I’m more concerned about is her mental state.”

Cody looked past him at Kaleena. She really was a beauty, shoulder length hair, pouty, kissable lips, and of course her big, brown eyes. He judged her to be no more than five foot five. The top of her head barely reached his chin, and her figure was not too small but curvy with full breasts.
Stop it, you ass. She doesn’t need you lusting over her at a time like this.
He focused on the doctor. “What do you mean her mental state? I know she lost her fiancé, and she’s probably depressed. Who wouldn’t be?”

“I’m worried about her becoming suicidal. I can’t make an accurate assessment since she won’t talk, but I’d feel better about someone staying with her twenty-four seven—at least for a few days. The shock will wear off, and it will be worse for her. It’s too bad she has no family to be with her in this time.”

Cody got the message. Kaleena could not stay in a motel or rent a room. He had to take her home with him. He ran a hand over his face and rubbed his eyes. Hitching his shoulders and rolling his neck didn’t release the tension. “I’ll take her home.”

The doctor’s eyes widened. “I didn’t mean—”

“What did you mean, doc? She needs someone to look after her, doesn’t she? Who else is available? Name him or her, and I’ll take her to them myself.”

The man hesitated. “You aren’t exactly…”

Cody frowned. “If you’re about to suggest I’ll do something to her in her vulnerable state, I suggest you rethink those words. I’ve never forced myself on a woman or tricked her into sleeping with me. I don’t need to.”

“I would never accuse you of that.”

“Get her papers in order. If you’re not keeping her overnight, I’ll take her now.”

By the time the doctor was ready to release Kaleena, Cody had received his change of clothes and breathed a sigh of relief to be fully dressed and warm. He strode into the area where Kaleena waited and stopped in front of her.

“Hey, there,” he started, cursing himself for the nervousness. “Are you ready to go? You’ll be staying at my house for a while, if that’s okay.” She didn’t respond or look up. Someone had taken her boots off, so he bent to put them on. He noticed they were cut for style as much as warmth, being black suede with medium high heels. They came up over her knees, and he averted his gaze from her thighs as he zipped them. “Stand up,” he ordered gently but with firmness.

She did as he asked, and she stuck her arm into her coat while he held it for her. He didn’t require her to button on her own. The sooner they left this place, a reminder of what happened that day, the better. Besides, it was getting late, and he didn’t want to leave Macaulay with his friend too long. He would need to stretch his legs and get something to eat.

When they pulled up to the house, Cody turned off the engine to his truck.  “Let’s go inside, Kaleena. I’ll show you to your room.”

He stepped out of the vehicle and walked around ahead of her. He strained his ears for any sign she would follow, and he blew out a breath when she opened the door and walked behind him to the house. Cody knew how to combat depression, or at least how he had done it after he left home. He moved, he did. He would not push Kaleena too hard, but he wouldn’t let her lie still and get lost inside her head either. He considered what the doctor told him. Things might get a lot worse when the shock wore off. He would just have to bear down and deal with it.

He took her inside the house and headed down the hall to the room he would give her, the one next to his. That way he stood a chance of hearing if she had a rough night. When he opened the door to the room, he took in the bland furnishings, all brown wood and no fancy accents. That was because no woman had ever been in his house. He’d had it built after taking over the cattle side of Twin Falls Ranch. No, that wasn’t accurate. There was the one time he’d taken it into his head to hire a maid. Her changes had irritated the hell out of him, so he’d let her go and handled things himself.

“It’s not much, but it’ll do for the time you’re here.”

She walked past him and stopped at the end of the bed. “You don’t have Christmas decorations.”

His eyes widened at the unexpected comment. “In here?”

“At all.”

He scratched the back of his head. “I’m sorry. My brother and I don’t really celebrate it.” The holiday was just a couple weeks away.

“I’m glad.”

He watched as she twisted the ring on her finger. He guessed there’d been a lot of love there.
Who wouldn’t love her?
He shook his head to dislodge foolish thoughts. “Are you hungry? I can microwave something or fix some scrambled eggs. Sorry, I’m not much of a cook.”

“I just want to sleep if that’s okay.”

He nodded and turned to leave. At the door, he hesitated, but she sat on the side of the bed and began removing her boots. He scanned the room one last time and then shut the door.


* * * *


Cody opened his eyes and looked at the clock on his nightstand. Two a.m. He rubbed his temples. A headache pounded at his head, and he wondered why he woke up. Usually, he slept well throughout the night, too exhausted from the physical labor. Then he remembered Kaleena and sat up. That’s what awakened him, a sound from the hall. He hurried to the door and threw it open. Kaleena was sick in the bathroom.

“Kaleena, are you okay?” he called out to her. She didn’t answer, so he checked the knob. She hadn’t put on the lock, but he hesitated. With no clothes to wear, he’d needed to give her something of his. He recalled how she looked in one of his T-shirts, her bare legs and feet uncovered. “I’m coming in.”

She crouched over the commode throwing up, and he hurried to her side to pull her hair back. Tears wet her face as she dry-heaved. She’d refused any food.

“It’s okay.” He rubbed her back, feeling awkward again.

After some time, she struggled to her feet, and he helped her. He stayed by while she washed her mouth and wet a cloth to cool her heated face. When she stumbled turning toward the door, he put an arm around her shoulders and led her to her room.

“I’ll make you tea,” he offered. He didn’t drink the stuff, but he was pretty sure there was some left over from the maid. Coming back in the room, he noticed she’d curled up on the bed with the covers drawn to her neck and her knees to her chest. He sat down beside her. “I didn’t add sugar yet, so tell me when.”

She murmured something, so he took that as enough and handed her the cup. Her hands shook.

“I’ll help you.” He took up a spoonful of the hot liquid, blew to cool it, and guided it between her lips. She drank in silence, trusting him not to burn her.

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