Christmas Babies (11 page)

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Authors: Mona Risk

BOOK: Christmas Babies
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“Yours too. Let’s go. We’ll make
it a fun outing. After we apologize to the Hughes.”

“We’re taking my car. Yours
wouldn’t fit the babies’ stuff.” They rushed to the parking lot.

“You mind if I drive while you
call your mother?”

As if she couldn’t drive and
argue with Mom at the same time. The way she always did it. “Not at all.”
Preferring to keep him busy, Madelyn dropped the keys in his hand and settled
in the passenger’s seat. While he started the car, she punched the programmed
number. “Hi, Mom.”

“Madelyn? Calling in the middle
of the day? Are you sick? Did you have an accident?”

“Mom, I’m fine, great. I want to
ask you a favor. I need you to come here for a week. Right away, tonight or

She expected her mother’s gasp,
but not the silence that followed. “Madelyn,” Mom uttered slowly. “Do you
realize it’s December 15? I’ve started the Christmas cooking and baking.”

“I know, Mom. But I badly need
you to help me with two babies. Twin girls.”

“When on earth did you manage to
have babies?”

“What? They’re not mine. I...I am
keeping them for...”

“Tell her their mother’s died,”
Nick suggested. Unfortunately he didn’t know that Mom’s hearing was super

“Madelyn, where are you now?”
Mom’s suspicious tone promised more questions soon.

“In my car. I’m going shopping
for the babies before bringing them home.”

“I heard a man’s voice. Who’s

“My boss, the director of the
clinic.” Frustrated, Madelyn huffed and glanced at Nick. A wide grin brightened
his face.

“Is he the doctor who stole your
promotion? You never said he has babies? Is his wife out of the picture?”

Nick’s laughter burst out loud. If
only Mom could lower her voice.

“No, Mom. They’re not his babies.
He’s not even married—”

“Wonderful.” The word burst like
a triumphant hurrah. “I’m coming tonight. Heather will take care of the

By then, Nick’s shoulders were
shaking hard with uncontrollable hilarity.

Madelyn sighed. “Please, let me

“No need, sweetheart. Two babies
on your hands and a young doctor in your car. Hard to picture. I can understand
you badly need help. I’ll book my ticket and call you with the arrival time.”

With a shrug, Madelyn gave up
arguing. Maybe it had been a bad idea to call her mother but she had no choice.
She wanted these babies so badly. And Mom hadn’t hesitated to come to her
rescue. “Oh Mom, you’re the best.”

A sniffle filled the line. “You
haven’t said that since you left for college. I’m so glad you need me. I love
you, darling. Bye.”

“Bye, Mom.” Madelyn lowered her
head and entwined her fingers.

“Guilt feelings?” Nick covered
her hands.

She nodded. “I’ve been so
engrossed in my work and my career, I never realized I hurt her. She’s dropping
everything to come. Even her Christmas preparation. She’s never ever done

“It’s for a good cause,” Nick
said with a twitch to his mouth.

“Yes, taking care of babies.”

He chuckled. “
young doctor in your car

Madelyn gasped. “You heard the

“Every word of it. Sorry, I
couldn’t help it. But don’t worry, we’ll survive.”

A moment later they stopped in
front of their building, rushed to the Hughes’ condo and explained the
situation. Always gracious their neighbors said they’d give them a rain check
on the outing.

“I’ll be glad to see Barbara,”
Nancy declared. “It’s going to be so much fun taking care of the babies with
her. You can count on me to babysit, Madelyn. I’m dying to have grandchildren
but our boys are not ready to get married.”

In front of the elevators, they
met Maria Fantano who expressed the same sentiments. She couldn’t wait to spend
time with her friend Barbara. “But Madelyn, you should really think about
getting married with a serious man and having your own children.” The old lady
cast a dirty look at Nick.

“She doesn’t like me at all,”
Nick complained when they rode the elevator. “I hope she doesn’t make your
mother hate me.”

“Don’t worry. Knowing Mom, she’s
going to love you.” Madelyn sighed at the vivid picture forming in her mind.

Was there any hope Mom would
abstain from smothering Nick with her affection and lasagna?




Chapter Eight

They spent the rest of the
afternoon shopping for baby furniture, clothes, toys and knickknacks. While
Nick stowed them in the trunk and backseat of her Toyota, Madelyn called
various companies to schedule regular deliveries of diapers and ready-made
bottles. “I don’t have time to go shopping every week.”

During the next two hours they organized
a baby area in her bedroom. She was glad he’d insisted on helping her. He’d
assembled the bassinettes, swings, twin-stroller, and chests while Madelyn
washed the new clothes and sheets, filled the drawers, and set the bottles on
the kitchen counter.

“What if they cry at night and
you have to work the next day? You need your rest,” Nick reminded her with

“I’m sure Mom won’t mind staying
with them at night. I’ll sleep in the guestroom when I’m working the next

“Time for a break.” In the
kitchen, Nick filled two glasses of lemonade. “Do you want to eat now, or just
grab a snack with your medicine, and wait to have dinner with your Mom?”

“We’ll wait for her.” She cut
French bread, cheese, and tomatoes. “Help yourself.”

By six, they were finally done. “Where’s
your Christmas tree?” Nick asked.

“Under the bed.” She bent and
slid the plastic box out. “I usually put it in the living room.”

“It’s a small one. We better put
it here in front of the cribs. The babies will love to look at the twinkling
lights.” He opened a folding table and set the tree on it, then moved it to a
strategic place and inserted the plug in a nearby connector.

“How pretty. They’ll have their
own little tree.” Madelyn crossed her hands on her chest. “I love this room.
It’s so beautiful.” Happiness sang in her heart. “If it wasn’t late, I would
have rushed to the hospital to bring Celia and Liana home now.”

He considered her for a moment. “No
hospital rule mentions you can’t discharge a patient at night. That is, if you can
find a doctor willing to do it that late.” He chuckled. “No problem for us. We
have the doctor to fill the discharge forms. And the director to approve it,
although it’s not necessary.”

“Yes, let’s bring them home. Oh
Nick, you’re the best director. Thanks for all your help. I wouldn’t have
managed without you.” Afraid to be overwhelmed with emotion, she bit her lip.

“I’m sure you would have done
great. But I’m glad you accepted my help. It was so much, not exactly
fun but...” He paused as if searching for the right word. “I don’t know how to
express it. I really enjoyed shopping for and assembling these baby things.”

A strange longing glimmered in
his eyes as he surveyed the room. The same longing that filled her heart as she
folded the baby clothes. Would he try the foster father experience at her side?

“We can go to the clinic after we
pick up your mom.” All day long, he’d helped her and he’d also thought about
the extra things that would make her happy.

“That would be wonderful, Nick.
Thank you so much.” She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him.

Sure enough his arms closed
around her. He deepened their kiss and she forgot the world...until he pulled
away. “We have to leave now.”

She eased out of his embrace and
swallowed her medicines.

With the new dose and her lighter
schedule, she hadn’t had any symptoms in the last five days. Nick’s continuous attentions
contributed to her new well-being. And now with the babies living with her, she
hoped her health would continue to improve.


Nick watched Madelyn run toward
her mother. Although on the heavy side and slightly shorter than Madelyn,
Barbara Ramsay had her daughter’s lovely features and green eyes, framed by
short blond hair perfectly styled. She hugged and kissed and patted her
daughter as if she hadn’t seen her in ages.

“When do I get to meet the babies
and the doctor?” Barbara’s eyes scanned the airport impatiently. Nick took a
step toward them.

“Mom, Nick Preston, my boss at
the clinic.”

“Ah, you came all the way to the
airport.” Visibly pleased, she cast a knowing look at her daughter, and then opened
her arms to Nick. He bent and kissed her on the cheek. Barbara beamed. “Nice to
meet you, Nick.”

“Let me have these.” He grabbed
both the carryon and the huge bag she’d dropped on the floor to hug Madelyn.

“Nice guy. Good job, bambina.”
Her whisper wafted to his ears, loud enough to be heard over the din of the

“Mom.” Madelyn’s exasperation
oozed out in the single word.

Barbara Ramsay amused him with
her spontaneous comments and down-to-earth attitude. A typical Italian mamma.
He chuckled at Madelyn’s attempt to prevent her mother from blurting
embarrassing comments. He squeezed her hand and murmured. “Relax. It’s okay.”

Barbara caught his gesture and
smiled with approval.

Madelyn stiffened and sighed.

Damn. His innocent suggestion had
the opposite effect. He’d better watch what he said around these ladies.

They drove straight to the
hospital. The clinic was as calm as possible with two nurses on duty in the
nursery. “Cheryl, I’ll sign up a discharge form and take the Willis twins,”
Madelyn instructed as soon as they entered. “My mother came especially to help
me. Can you change them?”

“I did, half an hour ago. And
they had their bottles. They’re all ready to go.” Cheryl smiled to her ears. “We
heard about you becoming their foster mother. How sweet of you, Dr. Ramsay.” Of
course the whole hospital had buzzed with the news all day. Nick glanced at
Madelyn. Today, the staff gossip didn’t seem to bother her. Taking the babies
home was all she cared about at the moment.

Cheryl lifted one sleeping bundle
and handed her to Barbara who cuddled her against her generous bosom. “Oh my
God, she’s so precious. We’re going to have a ball with these little dolls.”

Madelyn gave the forms to the
nurse and bent over the second crib. “I’ll take Celia.” There was so much joy
on her face Nick wished he’d brought his video camera to record the moment.

They strolled to Madelyn’s car.
Nick set the car seats. The ladies installed the babies and buckled them in.
“Wait for me. I’ll get my car and follow you.”

“Your car?” Barbara asked.

“I left it at the clinic when I
went shopping with Madelyn.”

“I see,” Barbara said. He wished
she wouldn’t see too much in each gesture.

At home, the babies welcomed
their new room and cribs with screams.

“What’s wrong, sweethearts. You
don’t like it here?” Madelyn worried and picked up Celia again.

“They want a bottle. That’s
what’s wrong, Mommy.” Barbara took back Liana. “Where’s the food?”

“But the nurse said they ate.”

“The nurse is not going to carry
every baby who cries.” Barbara settled in the new rocking chair with her
charge. “Give me the other one and bring two bottles. Trust your mother,” she
added as Madelyn hesitated.

Madelyn nodded and rushed to the

“Don’t let your mother stress
you.” Nick cupped her face and met her gaze. “This is what you’ve wanted so
badly. Relax and enjoy them. You’ll learn on the job.”

“You’re right. I’ll warm the
bottles right away and then grill some steaks for us.”

“How about I order gyros from the
Greek Islands? We can eat on your balcony while watching the boat parade.”

“Great idea. Thanks.”

He chuckled. “Say it with a
kiss.” Without waiting he captured her lips and felt her relax against him.

Baby screams reached them,
followed by her mother’s bellowing, “Maddy.”

Nick released her. Their sighs

“Coming,” Madelyn called.

He couldn’t remember ever kissing
a woman and being interrupted by a baby’s wailing. Two in this case. Life was
changing for Madelyn. And for him, too.


“Here’s din-din, girls.” Madelyn
took Celia from her mother, stuffed the nipple in the tiny mouth, and dropped
on the foot of the bed.

In Barbara’s arms, Liana already
suckled with energy. For a moment, silence hovered in the room, the baby’s
slurping a funny background noise.

“Where’s Nick?” Mom asked as she
raised Baby Liana against her shoulder to burp her.

“He went to his apartment. He’ll be
back soon for dinner.”

“His apartment?” Mom tilted her
head. “Where does he live?”

“On the twenty-third floor.”

“Of your building?” Barbara’s jaw
sagged. “Since when?”

“A week ago.” Madelyn patted her
baby on the back to help her burp. “Mom, do me a favor. Stop analyzing every
one of my words and Nick’s.”

“Sure, sure I’m not saying
anything.” Barbara pursed her lips and arched an eyebrow. “But I’m just saying
that if your boss moves in your building, goes shopping with you, and assembles
baby furniture for you—”


“The man is obviously attracted
to you.”

“Mom, we’re just friends.”

“Oh yeah? Since when does a man
live by bread and friendship only?”

“Let me make it clear. Once and
for all. Nick doesn’t believe in marriage and commitment. And I don’t plan to
get married. At least for a very long time.”

“What? You plan to remain an old
spinster? Listen to me, bambina. You’d be an idiot if you let him slip out of
your hands.”

The bell chimed. Madelyn set a
sleeping baby in her crib and went to the door.

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