Christmas Delights 3 (6 page)

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Authors: Valynda King, Kay Berrisford RJ Scott

BOOK: Christmas Delights 3
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As I took everything in while I waiting to get my room, the
door behind me slid open. I glanced over my shoulder to see Long and Tall walk
in. My breath caught at seeing him head toward the front desk. His shaved head
and brown skin had a light sheen to it. From where I stood his eyes were black,
but I knew from being close up they were the deepest pool of brown with a hint
of gold surrounding the pupils. He nervous, scared even, he jumped whenever
someone walked behind him. It wasn’t noticeable unless you were staring, and I
was. I wanted to walk over and put my arms around him and hold him, protect him
from the world.

I found myself leaving the front desk and walking toward
him. I could tell when he noticed me, his eyes grow big and he had that
surprised expression on his face, again. His body stiffened as I got closer, I
watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallowed hard. My thoughts went
to what it would feel like to caress and kiss his neck, what sounds I could
pull from him. His eyes darted everywhere, mapping out for his escape, but
there wasn’t one.

When I reached him I stood directly in front of him. At
first nothing was said, I just listened to his hard breathing. Breathing that
had nothing to do with being scared, he wanted me, I could see it in his eyes
and his very hard dick that was begging for air. My mind went on a quick trip,
imagining him under me in bed breathing like that. But I was also aware that we
were standing in the middle of the hotel and already drawing attention to
ourselves. But that’s what happens when there are not one but two six foot
seven black men in the same area. I could see people off to the side trying to
figure out if they recognized us and if they should ask for an autograph.

I stuck my hand out. “Hi, I’m Coolidge.” I smiled waiting
for him to take my hand. When he didn’t move to take it I felt a wave disappointment,
then all of a sudden his eyes lit up and he gave a slight chuckle and my body
responded at the sound of his laugh.

He took my hand and shook it firmly, “Coolidge?” he said,
“As in Coolidge Williams from Reese Technologies?”

His response caught me off guard but then the pieces fell
into place. Only one other person would be here that knew my full name, and
that would be River. But shit this couldn’t be River. I pictured River as a
little white guy wearing thick black-framed glasses with messy hair, eating
Cheetos with Babylon 5 figurines all over his work station. Yeah, I know I
stereotyped him and shame on me, but wholly damn this man was fucking fine.

“River?” I heard my voice go up with the question.

“Yes,” he said with excitement.“wow, it’s great to finally
meet you. I feel like we’ve known each other forever even though we’ve never
met in person.” He let my hand go and I missed his touch immediately.

River and I had laughed and joked on tech calls often. In
the three years we worked together before the company had been sold, he rarely
came to the office and if he did it was late at night so we had never met. The
few times that I did ask about him all I was told that per the agreement that
was made he worked from home because of some health issues. I never really
pressed it. The health issues must not be too bad because here he was in
Hawaii. The door to the lobby slid open again as another guest arrived, I
noticed River stiffen up again as people came up behind him then moved around
us to get by. “Maybe we should check in?” I suggested and he agreed, grabbing
hold of his suitcase and rolling it to the front desk. I couldn’t stop staring
at him; I couldn’t get my head around it. Long and Tall was River.


Chapter Five




Adonis was Coolidge; my mind was working in overdrive to
comprehend this. I knew I would meet Coolidge and I was actually excited and
nervous at the same time. When we would talk and work on a bug that would pop
up in our software or coding issues, I would often wonder what he looked like.
His voice was strong and smooth. He made me laugh, and the fantasies I would
conjure up about him were over the top. Now as I listened to Adonis talk, no
Coolidge, the deep richness of his voice vibrated through me. My nerves started
getting the better of me. My body was shaking as my feelings began to overwhelm
me and I was worried he would notice. I just needed to get to my room and calm

He was staring at me, his dark brown eyes peeling away the
layers that reached my soul, I tried to respond to the desk clerk that was
asking for my name but I felt like my tongue was swelling and I couldn’t

“Aloha, sir,” the exasperated clerk called to me again.
“Sir, are you checking in?”

I turned away from Coolidge and his knowing smile. “Yes,” I
answered; clearing my throat then gave my name.

She found my reservation and in her friendliest voice she
confirmed that I requested a room with a California King bed. She handed me my
room key, “Enjoy your stay.”

I stepped away from the desk and headed for the elevator.
The door opened; I stepped aside allowing a couple to exit before I stepped in
with Coolidge. A sense of relief came over me when I realized that the guy with
him had to be Kelsey our other colleague and hopefully nothing more. I pretty
much figured out that Coolidge was gay; but he would have to be an asshole to
flirt in front of his boyfriend.

The other guy cleared his throat then turned towards me and
stuck his hand out. “Cool here seems to know you but doesn’t seem inclined to
introduce us. I’m Kelsey.”

I noticed how Coolidge rolled his eyes at the use of ‘Cool’.
“River,” I said giving his hand a quick shake.

“River?” Kelsey’s eyebrows arched in surprise. “Our tech
support guy? That’s not possible”

I turned my head to Kelsey. “What?” I asked. “What do you
mean that's not possible, I’m him.” Now Coolidge was staring at me again the
soul searching gaze replaced with boyish guilt.

“You’re River?” Kelsey asked again in a voice not as deep as
Coolidge but now sounding serious.

“Yes!” I said, sounding indignant. “I am River Lawrence.” I
starred at Kelsey

“Why do you say he isn’t River?” Coolidge asked.

Kelsey looked between the two of us and stated as if it was
so obvious. “Because River is white and he’s short.”

My mouth fell open. “I am neither short nor white.” I
reached in my pants pocket and pulled out my wallet, extracting my driver’s
license. Reaching across Coolidge I handed it to Kelsey who actually took it
and examined it as if I were making it up.

“Wow,” he said, handing it back to me.

“Wow indeed,” I said. “Why on earth would you think I was a
short white guy?” I noticed Coolidge trying not to laugh.

Coolidge took a breath. “Sorry, that would be my fault. One
day after you helped us on a coding issue, we were all wondering what you
looked like.” He paused. “Well, I may have suggested that you were some short
white guy in big buggy glasses.” The elevator doors opened and instead of
saying anything I tightened my grip on my luggage and stepped out heading
towards my room. 

I felt a hand land on my shoulder. “River, wait, I’m sorry
it was a long time ago, before I got to know you, well not know you, know you
because we only ever talked on the phone. Besides no one had ever seen you so
it just came out in a joking manner.” He sighed. “Really, I’m sorry.”

I turned towards him, brushing his hand off my shoulder.
“Why would it be funny if someone is short and white?”
What an asshole.

“Well no, that’s not what I was saying, that’s not funny. I
was just saying…” He was stumbling over his words.

“Here I thought you were the smart one over there.” His head
snapped back like I had punched him in the face, which is what I wanted to do.
“If you wanted to know all you had to do was pull the security feed to see me
on one of the evenings I was there working. Yet, you chose the childish route,
laughed at me, judged me, stereotyped me, and talked about me. Being a gay
black man I would think you would be a little more sympathetic.” I turned, not
allowing him to respond and headed toward my room. This was going to a helluva
a long five days.


Chapter Six




I stood there staring at River as he quickly moved down the
hall in search of his room. Kelsey walked up and stood next to me. “Damn, he’s
wound a little tight.” Kelsey’s phone must have vibrated because I didn’t hear
it ring when he pulled it out of his pants pocket to answer it.  He was saying
hello as he turned and walked away to carry on his conversation without another
thought about River.

River’s door slammed shut, I jumped at the sound, like a
gunshot. Sort of symbolic considering that I just killed any chance at all of
getting to know him. Then the oddest thing happened, River’s door opened, there
was a pause and it closed again. Then again and again. What the hell? I wanted
to make sure he was all right but I wasn’t sure that my concerns would be
appreciated. I decided to take that chance and walked to his room. I knocked
and waited. I didn’t get an immediate response so I knocked again, this time calling
out his name. “River, it’s Coolidge, you okay in there?”

“Umm, yes, I’m fine,” came the muffled reply through the
door. He still sounded angry.

“Can you open the door so I can see for myself?”


I sighed, casting my eyes to the ceiling. “ River, I know
you’re upset with me but I just want to make sure you’re okay so open the

“I can’t.”


“Because I just closed it, and it’s locked.” He said this as
if it explained everything.

There was no one around to see the confusion on my face so
it was a wasted look. “Yeah I sort of noticed that. I also noticed that you did
it more than once.”


“Right,” I repeated more to myself than to him, I decided to
play along. “Well, when can you open it?”

“When I need to go somewhere.”

I looked to the right and then to the left to make sure I
wasn’t drawing attention to myself. I mean I was standing in the hall yelling
at someone through their door. “So when will you go somewhere?”

“Tomorrow.” He was sounding annoyed, I was finding pleasure
in teasing him.

“Tomorrow, why are you waiting until tomorrow, don’t you
have to eat?”

“I have to work tomorrow and I have snacks here. I’m good.”
A heart beat passed, “I really need to rest, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

I didn’t want him to walk away from the door. “Wait! River,
will you have dinner with me tonight?” Nothing. “River?”

“I can’t.”

“Why?” Nothing again, I sighed. “River.”

“I’m thinking.”

“Of why you can’t have dinner with me?”


This made me laugh. “I’ll be here at seven.” I waited for
another attempted refusal, there was only silence. I guessed he couldn’t think
of a reason not to go, which meant maybe he was more attracted to me than
angry. I headed back down the hall and picked up my luggage where I had left it
and went to find my room. A warm feeling moved through me knowing I was going
to have dinner with River and I could hardly wait for tonight.


Chapter Seven




With my forehead pressed against the door I listened to
Coolidge walk away. There was no way in hell I was going out to dinner with
that guy. He was an arrogant ass. I mumbled to myself as I walked away from the
door, shaking my head as if that would stress the point. I took off my shoes
and placed them at the foot of my bed. I stripped the bed of its sheets. I walked
over to one of my suitcases, placing it on a small table and pulled out my own
bed linens, duvet and pillows. I continued talking to myself as I remade my
bed, smoothing out the sheets as I went. He was a damn gorgeous arrogant ass. I
beat my pillows, placing them just so on the bed, one wasn’t right so I picked
it up and put it down again. He was a six foot seven inch, two hundred and
fifty pound, mahogany colored, damn gorgeous arrogant ass. I folded the hotel
sheets and covers then placed them on an uncomfortable looking beige chair that
sat in the corner. 

Walking back around to the foot of the bed I saw my right
shoe had moved, I moved it back next to the left, making sure their heels were
even. I finally acknowledged the hard-on I’d been trying to ignore. A hard-on
that I’d had since we left LA, since Coolidge came to my rescue and now it had
complete control over me. I grabbed my toiletries heading for the bathroom to
take a shower. I glanced at the time on my phone, with the five hour time difference
it was still early, I felt like I would collapse I was so tired. I studied my
face in the mirror checking for hair growth. I hate hair on me; I would shave
my eyebrows and lashes if I weren’t so self conscious. Thankfully I had very
little body hair to contend with and what I did have had been shaved off. Being
completely shaven is a fascination for some men, for other it’s a turn off.

I wondered—as I stepped into the shower letting the hot
water wash away this morning’s ordeal—if Coolidge would be turned off or on.
With the shower head set on massage the pulsing water beat down on my neck,
shoulders, and back. I turned around letting the water pound on my dick; my
head fell back as I moaned at the thought of Coolidge on his knees working me
over with his mouth. His thick lips thinning out as he swallowed me, taking me
to the back of his throat, the head of my cock threatening to gag him. His deep
brown eyes staring up at me, begging me for more and I gave it to him. I was
close to going over the edge, my breath came in pants. I wrapped my fingers
around my hard muscle, stroking hard and fast, I squeezed my eyes shut as my
balls tightened up, my body jerked with the first rope of come. I placed a hand
on the shower wall to steady myself as  my release came on fast. I called out
his name as the last jolt rocked me, causing me to lean against the cool tile.

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