Read Christmas for the Wolves & a Wolf for Valentine's Day (Grey Wolf Pack) Online

Authors: E. A. Price

Tags: #Romance, #shifter, #Short Stories, #Fantasy

Christmas for the Wolves & a Wolf for Valentine's Day (Grey Wolf Pack) (21 page)

BOOK: Christmas for the Wolves & a Wolf for Valentine's Day (Grey Wolf Pack)
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“Oh, what?”

“There is no cake.”

Kira let out a long breath. “Oh, crap.”

“My thoughts exactly.”

Kira was silent for a few seconds, and Gabe could imagine her biting her plump lip. He felt a bolt of arousal;
what he wouldn’t give to be the one biting that lip.

“I might have an idea,” she said slowly, “hold on.”

Gabe waited patiently as he heard some muffled talking. Moments later, Kira came back on the line. “We’ve got it covered.”

Gabe raised his eyebrows. “Really?”

“Yep, really.”

“So, what do you have in mind?” he asked, curiously.

“Let’s just say it’s coconutty and will definitely go with the pink theme we seem to be cultivating.”

Gabe could imagine her dark eyes twinkling, the way they did every time she had an idea. “I can’t wait to see it.”

“Careful, you’re starting to sound as excited as the groom.”

Gabe paused. “Would that be a bad thing?”

Kira let a few beats pass. “No, it wouldn’t.”

“I’ll see you later, flower. Love you.”

“Me too, Bambi.”



After the manic lead-up to the wedding, the day itself was actually quite uneventful. The ceremony went off without a hitch; everyone agreed that Lilah looked divine in the pink wedding dress, and commended her on daring to be different.

The wedding cake, a mass of pink coconut cakes pressed together into a tower, was drooled over by guests young and old and the delicate pink flowers were charming. Lilah’s three bridesmaids, all her sisters, wore cream dresses.

The groom looked…
uncomfortable, frankly
. He started the day by pulling on his collar and complaining about the tightness of his tux, but the moment he saw Lilah, all of that was forgotten.

The pot luck had been a success, with pack members generously donating huge amounts of food. After the ceremony, the meal, the speeches and a very vigorous amount of dancing, Lilah and Tommy had happily gone back to Tommy’s house. They were spending the night there and then leaving for their honeymoon in the morning. Kira, Nina and Hanna had decorated their bedroom with rose petals and candles.

Most of the guests were leaving; there were just a few stragglers left. Including Kira and Gabe. They danced slowly, clinging to each other.

Kira drew back to look at her handsome mate; she and her wolf swooned at his chiseled features. “You know with all this wedding madness I just realized I forgot to tell you, Happy Valentine’s Day.”

Gabe kissed the spot beneath her ear. “Happy Valentine’s Day, flower.”

“It’s our first one and I didn’t get you anything.”

He chuckled softly. “Don’t worry, I figure we’ve got lots more Valentine’s Days in front of us for you to make it up to me.”

Kira gave him a naughty smile, and her beast almost purred. “Why don’t I make it up to you?”

Gabe cocked a smile at her. “Alright, you’ve twisted my arm.”

She swatted at him and quickly grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the house. He was surprised when she didn’t pull him to her bedroom. They were mated; her parents had no problem with them sharing a bed.

Instead, Kira pushed and pulled him into the bathroom. She turned the water on and began stripping. She looked at him incredulously as he stood gaping at her like a darn fish.

“Pants mister!”

“Yes ma’am.” He nodded and began shucking out of his own clothes. “Any reason we’re not doing this in our room?”

She licked her lips. “I figure we can be as vocal as we want in here.”

Gabe grinned as his wolf panted madly. “I like the way you think.”

She wiggled her butt at him. “I’ll bet that’s not all you like.”

He laughed but hesitated slightly. He bent down and found his pants again.

“You haven’t changed your mind, have you?” she asked with a frown.

His wolf roared. “Hell, no. It’s just, ah, I've been trying to find the right time all day, and with you standing there naked, well, fuck, flower, there isn’t a more perfect sight than that.”

He fished something out of his pocket and got down on one knee. Kira sucked in a breath as her wolf went wild.

He flipped open a jewelry box, uncovering a diamond ring. “Kira Jayne Norton, will you…”

“Oh my god!” she squealed and launched herself at him.

He almost toppled over as she planted kisses all over his face. His wolf roared in happiness.

Gabe managed to stand up amid her passionate onslaught. He placed the ring on the counter, and they stumbled into the shower.

She moaned into his mouth as he swiftly lifted her up his body and thrust his thick length inside her. He pushed her against the tiled wall and began driving himself into her again and again. Her claws flexed into his shoulders as her body tingled and trembled in readiness at the upcoming release.

He growled as their flesh slapped together, and her glorious body vibrated around him. Damn, it had only been a few days but even that had been too long.
Far too long
. His wolf howled in agreement. He sped up his movements, and Kira screamed as her orgasm cascaded through her body.

Her inner muscles clutched at him, and she pressed her fangs into his shoulder. Gabe bellowed as he hardened and exploded inside her. Their wolves yapped pleasurably as feelings of love flowed through their bond.

Kira finally released his neck and began licking at his wound as Gabe sank to the floor of the shower. He ran his hands over her skin as they enjoyed the gentle aftershocks of their lovemaking.

Gabe snickered softly. “I take it that’s a yes.”

“Mmmm, that’s a hell yes. When did you get the ring?”

“Yesterday, after the cake emergency. How soon should we get married?”

Kira giggled. “Why don’t we give my family a little time to calm down from today’s wedding, and then we’ll get married?”

“Sounds like a plan; how long?”

“Is two weeks too soon?” she asked fluttering her eyelashes.

“Not soon enough.”


Kayleigh & Don – Camping


“Camping, Don? Camping? This is your idea of a romantic Valentine’s getaway?”

Kayleigh’s eyes bulged as she stared at her mate.

A week ago, Don had announced that he wanted to whisk her away for a romantic getaway on Valentine’s Day, and he was adamant that the location would be a surprise. Kayleigh had been bouncing up and down with excitement for the past week imagining where they might go.
New York? Hawaii? Paris? Nope, he’d brought her out to the back of beyond!

That morning, he’d bundled her into his truck, blindfolded her and after driving for a few hours, including a very strange meal at a Diner where she remained blindfolded, they had arrived.
In hell, as far as she was concerned.

“When you use the words romantic and getaway together, I picture a fancy hotel, a hot tub and room service. Not a freezing-cold tent in the middle of a forest!”

Don grinned as he set up the tent. “Really? I picture the two of us naked, sharin’ a sleepin’ bag and miles from anybody else. Besides, you said you wanted to come campin’ with me, so here we are.”

Kayleigh bit her lip.
God, she could kick herself
. She had said that a few times.

Don was a wolf shifter and a member of the Grey wolf pack who lived in a town called Rose. He was the pack tracker, more skilled at tracking and hunting than any other wolf. While it made her inordinately proud, it also irked her something fierce. It was his job to train other wolves to hunt and track. This meant he often travelled out of town, to the middle of nowhere, to camp with young, lissome, female wolves, to hone their skills…

The two of them had been mated for about two months now, and Don had kept his trips to a minimum, only going away for a couple of days at a time. But it still bothered her. It bothered her that he was away in the first place, but it bothered her more that he was going away with single she-wolves. More than once, she had mentioned that she wished she could come with him on these trips. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Don; she just didn’t trust the rest of the female population.

Her comments sure had come back to bite her in the ass.

“Yeah, I did say that,” she admitted grudgingly.

Don stood up and sauntered over to her. She quivered as she always did at seeing her tall, Texan, drink of hotness coming toward her.

He pulled her into a searing kiss and nibbled on her bottom lip playfully. “You’ll enjoy yourself; you’ll see.”

“Hmmm, yes, I’m sure I will,” she murmured, eyes hooded with desire. God, she’d have agreed to anything while she was in his arms. “Where’s the bathroom?”

Don chuckled. “You have to go in the forest.”

Kayleigh’s eyes snapped open. She looked like she’d been slapped. “What?! You want me to… to… to do my business out in the open air?”

Don nuzzled her neck trying to soothe her by rubbing her bonding mark. The next few days were going to be fun; he couldn’t wait for them to get naked and share a sleeping bag. Kayleigh was human, well a witch, so it might be a little cold for her, but he’d soon warm her up.

Kayleigh tamped down her feelings of lust in order to be outraged. “But… but… but where am I supposed to plug in my hairdryer? Or my curling iron? What am I supposed to use as a make-up mirror?”

“Darlin,’ you don’t need make-up or curly hair out here. I’m the only one who’s goin’ to see you, and you look beautiful.”

Kayleigh wrinkled her nose pushing up her glasses. “Yeah, you have to say that because you love me.”

Don nipped the bonding mark. “No, I have to say that because it’s the truth.”

Kayleigh sighed as warm pleasurable darts shot to her womb. “Kiss ass.”

“Let’s wait ‘til I got the tent up before we start that.”

Kayleigh slapped him as moved back to the tent. Alright, it was just for a few days. She could cope with a few days, right? Who knows, it might actually be fun. Not fun as in having steamy sex in a hot tub, but fun as in… ummm… not freezing to death while sleeping on the ground?

Oh god…


Kayleigh rubbed lotion on her cheek and glared at Don. He chuckled and blew her a kiss.
It had not been a good day as far as she was concerned.

At first it was okay. Don had shifted to his gorgeous wolf, and she had watched as he hunted.
That she enjoyed.
But afterwards, she wasn’t thrilled about cooking their lunch. When he was hunting, she assumed he was just having fun, but no, he was catching their lunch.
And seeing Don gutting Thumper had not been fun.

After that, Don thought it would be a great idea if they went on a hike. He dragged her for miles. He easily loped through the forest as she puffed and panted after him. She managed to fall over and get mud all over her new jeans. Then some unidentified bug bit her on the cheek resulting in a huge red mark. Before, finally, she got whacked in the forehead by a tree branch, so now she had an angry looking bruise.

Thankfully, Don had managed to stop himself from laughing at her. If he had, she probably would have just marched right back home.

At last, it was time for bed.
Which was good because she was exhausted
. And that’s the part that really pissed her off.

It was Valentine’s Day, and she was too tired to even have sex.
How sucky was that?

At least they had made love that morning, and Don seemed content just to sleep. But she was still pissed.

Don, on the other hand, was having a wonderful time. He loved camping, and being out in the middle of nowhere alone with his mate was pure bliss for him. He sort of felt bad that she wasn’t enjoying herself as much as he was, but, in his defense, she had told him numerous times that she wanted to come camping. If she just relaxed, she would probably start to like it. His wolf growled uneasily. Part of him knew she was too attached to her hairdryer to ever fully enjoy it, but he was determined to make the experience a happy one.

He pulled her down into his arms and she promptly fell asleep, lightly snoring. She would have a better day tomorrow.



Kayleigh roughly brushed her hair. It had turned unbelievably frizzy. She needed shampoo, conditioner and a hairdryer, stat. She glanced at her compact mirror.
Ugh, she looked frightful
. At least the bite mark appeared to be fading.

Don had woken at, quite frankly, an ungodly hour, to go fishing. Which meant she sat on a cold rock while he splashed about in the water. He then proceeded to gut and cook the poor fish. Ugh, she discovered that she really preferred her meat pre-prepared, in plastic wrap and sold at a grocery store.

Then, Don had suggested they try and track some animals. Okay, she got on board with that and actually found it kind of interesting. Things were going okay, and they’d actually managed to track a deer together! Kayleigh felt inordinately proud of herself, until, as they were hidden watching the deer, she let out an enormous sneeze. The deer scampered away, and seeing the hungry look in Don’s eyes, she told him to go after it. He didn’t need to be told twice.

She had chosen to go back to the campsite and attempt to do something about her hair.
Ugh, it wasn’t helping.

She froze as she heard a twig snap behind her. “Don, is that you?”

No answer.
Oh crap, what if it was a bear?
As much as she enjoyed the company of her bear shifter friends, she’d rather go skydiving naked than face a wild one.

“Don, if that’s you, this isn’t funny,” she shouted, crossly.

Still no answer. She jumped as she heard some snuffling behind her. She grabbed the flask Don used for coffee and started waving it around.

“Stay away you beast! I have a weapon!”

She frowned as she saw two foxes trot toward her, one white fox and one red fox. They cocked their heads on the side and regarded her.

Kayleigh was in two minds as to whether she should still throw the flask at them, when their limbs started shaking, and the two foxes gradually turned into two men. Two identical twins. Who were now stood before her,
absolutely naked

She averted her gaze, and they both chuckled in unison.

“You scared the crap out of me,” she told them, grumpily.

“I’m sorry,” said one.

“We didn’t think anyone would be out here,” said the other.

Kayleigh put up her hand to cover the lower halves of their bodies and turned slowly to face them, carefully making sure she didn’t get an unexpected eyeful. “It’s fine; I’m Kayleigh.”

They both smiled. “I’m Garrett and this is my brother, Grant,” the one on the right told her.

They were identical, except for one thing. Their hair. Garrett was blonde, and Grant was a red head. She guessed they were about 18.

“That’s great, boys, but do you think you could cover up? I’m not in the market to see strangers nude.”

They both grinned. “Do you mind if we borrow your towels?” asked Grant.

“No, go nuts.”


Kayleigh breathed a sigh of relief when she saw their dangerous areas were covered. She wasn’t exactly a prude, but it just felt really wrong to look at another man naked. Which was strange, she had been to the pack runs and seen all the men in the pack stripping down to their birthday suits without a care in the world. Maybe she was just used to that, and maybe it was just because these boys weren’t pack.

“So how come you boys are all the way out here?”

Garrett grimaced. “Skulk right of passage.”

Kayleigh raised her eyebrows, and Grant explained. “In our skulk, when a fox turns 18, they have to survive out in the wild for a month to prove that they haven’t lost touch with their animal roots.”

“Really? How’s that going?”

Garrett rolled his eyes. “It’s day four and we’re sick of it.”

Grant clucked his tongue. “It’s not that bad. We’re just having a bit of trouble hunting. Since yesterday morning, all the animals seem to be a bit scared of something.”

Kayleigh’s eyes widened.
Oh god, maybe there was a bear in the forest!

Garrett sniffed the air as his eyes turned orange. “I can scent wolf; that’s probably what it is.”

“Fuck, that’s all we need, you haven’t seen a wolf around, have you?”


At that moment, Don came crashing into the campsite as his wolf. The foxes leapt to their feet as Don jumped in front of Kayleigh and snapped and snarled at them.

The foxes growled back, and Kayleigh yelled at everyone to calm the hell down. Slowly, she knelt down and smoothed her hands through Don’s fur, calming him.

“Guys, this is my mate, Don. Don, this is Garrett and Grant.”

The foxes eyed the wolf warily as Don continued to growl at them.

Kayleigh made soothing noises and tickled his ears. Finally, Don calmed enough to shift and wrap Kayleigh in his arms.

“Mine!” he roared at the foxes.

They both held up their hands and bared their neck in submission to the dominant shifter. Kayleigh cooed at Don and stroked his chest.

“We’re sorry, man. We came across your mate by accident, and we were just checking she was okay,” said Grant.

“We thought there was some kind of predator in the area… we didn’t realize it was you.”

Don nodded stiffly, acknowledging their concern for his mate. “Thank you.”

When the tension diffused, Don, feeling a little guilty over his outburst, offered the foxes the remnants of their fishy breakfast. They eagerly accepted.

Don managed to calm his wolf. When Don was out hunting, he had sensed Kayleigh’s sudden panic, and he rushed right back to her, getting more and more wound up along the way. He should never have left her alone; he was just thankful she was okay.

The foxes told the mates about their unsuccessful attempts at hunting; it involved trying to set a trap for a squirrel…
it wasn’t pretty

“Ooh, Don’s an excellent hunter, I’m sure he could help you.” Kayleigh squeezed his arm and looked at him adoringly.

The twins’ eyes lit up. “That would be great,” agreed Grant.

Kayleigh batted her eyelashes at Don, and seeing those beseeching doe eyes was too much for him. “Alright, I’ll give you a few pointers.”

Kayleigh kissed him soundly, and they set off to hunt. Don insisted Kayleigh come with them; he didn’t want to leave her alone again. Kayleigh had a somewhat better day. Although she was still having trouble getting on board with the whole camping thing,
she was absolutely dying for a warm bath
, watching Don teaching others how to hunt was nice. He was so patient and good with them. It really made her appreciate how important his role within the wolf pack was. She could imagine that, one day, he would teach their children how to hunt…
Yeesh, where the hell had that come from?

BOOK: Christmas for the Wolves & a Wolf for Valentine's Day (Grey Wolf Pack)
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