Christy Miller's Diary (9 page)

Read Christy Miller's Diary Online

Authors: Robin Jones Gunn

Tags: #teen romance, #Christy, #Hawaii, #Little Mermaid/Lille Havfrue, #Copenhagen, #epistolary story, #diaries, #diary, #journal, #Todd, #missions trips, #travel in Europe, #Salzburg, #The Sound of Music, #boarding schools, #Valentine's Day, #juvenile fiction

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Last semester I took 17 units and that was almost too much while working full time and helping in the nursery at church. Then Todd came home and I suddenly had a social life again and 17 units was definitely too much.

If I go to Switzerland, I’ll be gone at least six months. My parents are all for it since it’s apparently an honor to be accepted to this school. But I don’t know if I want to go. I heard my mom talking to Marti about it and I’m sure Marti was all for it.

I’ll see Marti in three days. I’ll see Todd then, too. This is a decision that needs a lot of prayer. As intrigued as I am with the delightful idea of returning to Europe, I don’t know if I’m ready to be away on my own for such a long time.

July 27

DSF, Just a quick hello!

It’s my birthday and I had a pretty nice time with my family. My mom made a nice dinner and we had some birthday cake and presents. It was kind of mild but there’s so much else going on. Katie and I are going up to my aunt and uncle’s for Doug and Tracy’s wedding tomorrow. That’s why I didn’t have a party or anything. Todd said he’d come down for dinner but I told him I wanted to just have some time with my family. I’m hardly ever home anymore. I think my dad appreciated that it was just the four of us. He likes Todd but my dad has this funny idea that birthdays are suppose to be private and quiet instead of big celebrations. I like both at different times.

One of the reasons I told Todd he didn’t have to come down was because he was here last weekend and we were at a picnic with my parents’ Sunday school class. Todd came down for the day and I thought he and I were going to go to the beach. But he found out about the picnic and said he’d rather go with my parents.

So we went to the picnic and he spent the whole afternoon hanging out with all these other families that he didn’t even know, playing volleyball and even horseshoes, if you can believe that. I sat at a picnic table playing Scrabble with my mom and her friend. It was as if Todd and I hadn’t even come together. When we left he was so happy and thanked my parents for the fun day.

I thought about it a lot and decided that since Todd doesn’t have much of a family, he probably never grew up going to family reunions or picnics or camping trips. This is all new to him, and therefore he thinks it’s fun. He has spent most of his life by himself or with his peers. Being around old people and middle-aged and young people all at the same place is a treat for him. Funny, huh?

July 29

Dear Silent Friend,

I’m going to Switzerland. At least for a visit to the school. My ever-eager-to-run-my-life Aunt Marti made arrangements to take me there to check out the school. She assumed Todd would go with us but Todd decided to stay home because he didn’t think he could get the time off work. What’s up with that? Since when did my boyfriend become responsible and dependable? Those are qualities I’ve always wanted in him, but why now, all of a sudden, when we could have gone to Switzerland together?

Katie couldn’t go with me. That’s a long story.

So I invited Sierra. Remember Sierra from the missions trip last year in England? I’m glad she was able to go. This is not a journey I wanted to make with just my aunt. Sierra is a lot of fun to be with and she’ll be good at helping me make the decision of going there or not.

And yes, of course, I will take you with me. And I promise to not lock you in the side pocket of my bag. That’s certainly the drawback of being a dear “silent” friend. You can’t call out and tell me where you are!

August 7

Ciao, DSF!

I know. Ciao is Italian, and we’ve been in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. But it’s the only foreign greeting I could think of at the moment and everyone says it over here. We’re on our way home already from Switzerland. Marti and Sierra are asleep and most of the other passengers are watching the in-flight movie. I had intended to check in with you much sooner on this journey. But you know how it goes. Especially with my aunt. It was a rather stressful, nonstop few days. The bright spot was Sierra. If she hadn’t been here, I don’t know how crazy I might be by now.

So you want to know if you and I are going to be living in Switzerland for a while, do you? Well, the answer is, I think so. I want to pray about it some more, but I’ve pretty much decided this would be a very good thing in my life.

It’s not as if I have to prove anything or take off and leave Todd simply because he took off and left me more than once for schooling and missions work. It’s that this is a rare opportunity. Sierra told me to put it in perspective, knowing that if I ended up with Todd, we’ll be together the rest of our lives. But I won’t be able to pick up my life and move to Switzerland just any time I want to. She said to picture myself as an old lady in a rocking chair after all my teeth have fallen out. That’s when I’ll be glad that when I was young and free I took advantage of this great opportunity.

So now we’re flying home and I have to find a way to tell Todd. Do you think it will be hard? Or will he be his nonchalant self and say, “Whatever you want.” That’s pretty much how he acted when I told him about this opportunity. He said “I’ll pray that you make the right decision.” Well, I hope he’s still praying and I hope this is really the right decision.

August 16

Hi there, DSF!

It’s all systems go for me to go to school in Switzerland. Todd said pretty much the same thing Sierra and everyone else has been saying, that opportunities like this don’t come along every day and I’ll be sorry if I don’t take advantage of the chance to go.

I found a verse I’d underlined a long time ago in my Bible and it gave me great peace and confidence that this was the way for me to go. It’s in Psalm 107:29-31.

“He stilled the storm to a whisper;

the waves of the sea were hushed.

They were glad when it grew calm,

and he guided them to their desired haven.

Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love.”

I know this decision hasn’t exactly been a “storm” but I have felt tossed back and forth during this past year or so as I’ve tried to decide about schooling and what I want to do with my life. Or should I say what God wants to do with my life. And then you throw Todd back into that “storm” after he was gone for so long and it’s been pretty unsettling.

I can’t exactly explain why, but this opportunity to go to school in Switzerland has turned into a calming decision. Like those verses, it’s as if God has settled all my storming about with one whisper and He is guiding me to my desired haven. Not that I ever desired Switzerland, exactly. But the seas appear calm as I now sail off in that direction.

Things are peaceful with Todd. He has a few things to tend to in his life, such as school and getting some money in the bank and deciding what he wants to do after college.

I’m not worried about our relationship dissolving like I used to worry in the past. We talked about it and Todd sees this as a season of planting for both of us. It’s hard work to prepare a field and get everything planted in neat rows, just right. But now is the time to do that in both of our lives and the planting can be done better if we’re in separate corners of the world. A season of reaping the harvest will come later.

August 23

Oh, brother, DSF!

Did I sound mature and spiritual in that last entry or what? I’m glad I wrote all those thoughts down and that they were so clear then, because they are definitely not clear now! I’m dying!

This is going to be hard!

In our conversations the past two days, Todd and I have both been hinting at whether or not this is the best way to go. But neither one of us have said, “Maybe Switzerland isn’t such a great idea after all.” That’s probably because we both know it’s the right direction for me, even if we both doubt how great it’s going to be for our relationship.

Katie is the one who took it the hardest. She and I have been best friends almost as long as Todd and I have, which is what? Five years now? Unbelievable. Of course, Katie and I have had our ups and downs, too. But for the most part whenever we’ve been able to do something together, we do it together. She wants to go to Rancho Corona, a private Christian college about an hour from here. I think it sounds like a great school and I think she should go. She’s not sure she wants to go until our junior year so that I can go with her.

We got in this huge discussion about Katie taking the initiative to go to Rancho Corona by herself and she blurted out that she was mad that I hadn’t talked through the Switzerland opportunity with her more thoroughly or sought her opinion about it. I didn’t because everything happened pretty fast. So I told her I was sorry and I asked for her opinion. She said, “I think you should go.”

I said, “What was that all about?” And she said, “I just wanted you to ask my opinion, as if it mattered to you. That’s all.”

So now I may be headed for my “desired haven” like those verses said, but believe me! The waters have not been all calm and hushed lately.

August 29

Oh, Dear Silent Friend,

It’s been another night of good-byes. I’m at Bob and Marti’s and tomorrow Uncle Bob will drive me to LAX and I’ll get on a plane all by myself and wing my way to Switzerland. I still can’t believe it’s happening. Katie and Todd organized a going away party tonight. Of course it was here, at Newport Beach, and of course we all gathered around the fire pit and sang for hours. It was so wonderful! I can’t begin to describe the torturous emotions I felt all night.

Doug and Tracy came. It was the first time I’d seen them since they got married and they both had these happy smiles on their faces the whole time. They were adorable.

Katie cried off and on all night and told me it was as hard on her as it had probably been for me when Todd left. I don’t feel the same intense sadness about leaving Katie. I actually thought tonight that this might be good for her, to have me gone for so long. She’s such a people person. She needs to meet new people and get involved in new groups. She wouldn’t do that if I was still around.

Todd cried a little, too, when we were saying good-bye out on the patio. Everyone else had gone. Todd and I sat close on the low cement brick wall that faces the beach. For a while we just held each other and cried. We kissed three times; one for the past, he said. Then one for the present. Then a long, tender kiss for the future.

I’m crying again. I’ll talk to you later, DSF. I can’t write about this right now.

September 25

Hello from Switzerland, DSF!

I’ve been here three weeks and I have to admit that every time I thought of writing about my experiences and feelings here on your pages, I ended up writing emails to everyone at home.

Uncle Bob was going to give me his old laptop before I came on this trip and I told him I didn’t need it. Boy was I wrong! I may ask him to send it to me after all, because it would sure help to not have to go to the library every time I want to work on homework or check my email.

I’ve written so many details to everyone else about the school and I know I’ll never forget this season of my life, so I don’t know exactly what to tell you.

I like it here. The program is intense. The classes are good. Every time I go to the orphanage, it rips my heart out. So many children. So much pain. You can read the suffering in their little faces. You would think in a modern world, there wouldn’t be so many abandoned children. It’s much harder to be around these children than I thought it would be. I’m learning a lot about myself and my ability to be compassionate.

October 18

It’s Autumn, DSF,

And it’s a beautiful autumn here! I have two friends that I hang out with here at school and they also happen to be my two roommates: Amelia and Sandra. They’re both from Germany but their English is perfect. They were friends before they came here so they’re actually being kind to let me join in with them.

Most of the students go to the bars on weekends. Amelia, Sandra, and I usually go for coffee or sometimes to the theater. The movies are in English and you pay a different price depending on where you sit in the theater. They always sell out on Friday and Saturday so you have to go buy your ticket early.

I’m beginning to feel settled in, pretty much.

Todd has been emailing me a lot. It’s really nice because he’s never written to me before. Except for that coconut from Hawai’i. But in his emails now he’s really opened up a couple of times about what has been happening and what he’s feeling and thinking. I love having this new way of getting to know him. But I miss him so much. SO much. I should be happy, shouldn’t I? Okay. I’ll be happy and content with what I have, which is a lot.

November 4

Happy “Langsam Samstag,” DSF!

That means “Long Saturday.” In Basel, once a month, they have Langsam Samstag and all the stores are open longer so everyone goes shopping. It’s kind of fun. Amelia and I went shopping for little necessities today. I stopped by a bakery that my aunt and Sierra and I had gone to last summer. I was told that every season the Swiss make different kinds of breads and cookies. I bought a fall wreath bread, and I just may eat the whole thing myself! It’s so good!

Amelia talked me into getting some hot moroni from the street vendors. Moroni are nuts. Chestnuts, I think. They roast them in a circular, metal pan that looks like a big wok. You can smell them from a block away and they smell so inviting! The vendors scoop the chestnuts into a cone-shaped bag and you’re supposed to walk and eat them while they’re still warm.

Well, I don’t know if I ever told you, but I hate nuts. I’ve always hated nuts. That doesn’t mean I haven’t tried nuts of all kinds on different occasions. I tried macadamia nuts in Maui on my frozen yogurt. They were pretty good.

So I tried the moroni and I didn’t like them. I gave them an honest try, but I could only swallow one of them. I don’t know why but I just don’t like nuts. Amelia ate all hers and the rest of mine.

November 11

Dear Silent Friend,

Can you keep a secret? Although, I guess it’s not really that big of a secret. Sandra has a boyfriend. They’re actually pretty serious about each other already. Amelia is sad, of course, because there isn’t any special guy in her life. Amelia and I have been doing nearly everything together.

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