Chronicle of Ages (32 page)

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Authors: Traci Harding

BOOK: Chronicle of Ages
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Maelgwn looked down to challenge the theory and was surprised to note something poking out from beneath a rug at his feet.

It was a tray of food from which Inanna had been feeding them both at one stage of the festivities, which must have gotten covered up during their cavorting. There was a small laser knife on the platter that wouldn't even scratch the surface of the NERGUZ module. Then the horrid thought occurred that it might just slice through his wrist if he used considerable force.

‘Oh, please.' Maelgwn appealed to the heavens for another way out, but when no other option presented itself, he shrugged and submitted to the idea. ‘What the heck. I have already been chopped in half today …'

He slammed the laser knife down, hard into his wrist, gritting his teeth as it hit the bone and ground its way slowly through it. Once his hand fell away, Maelgwn was able to rip the NERGUZ module from his person, its penetrative spike tearing additional flesh from his wrist as he did so. To be free of the device felt
like being resurrected from the grave. The question now was what to do with the virtually indestructible piece of hardware.

After restoring his hand to its rightful place, whereupon it healed good as new, Maelgwn tried willing the NERGUZ to Marduk to safeguard — which was a feat he should have been able to execute. When nothing came of his attempts, Maelgwn had to figure that although his physical control had been restored immediately upon the device's removal from his person, his PSI ability was going to take longer to restore itself.

‘There is still one thing I can do.' Maelgwn shoved the band and the small knife into a pocket in his suit jacket and hurried over to the chariot.

Brotherly Love

pon opening up the nose cone of the chariot to take a look at the inner circuitry, Maelgwn was confused. He had no idea what he was looking at. He had thought some knowledge of his invention would come back to him upon viewing it closely, but he recognised nothing of the design. Inanna was still in possession of the crystal, and without being able to see the drive system functioning, it was hard to tell how best to disable it.

‘Here goes nothing.' He reached for the half dozen soft-tube connectors, which appeared to be as important as any part of the system.

his inner voice cried in warning.
If the chariot were to be activated without those feeds, it would blow away
half of this planet. Just below them is a small blue chip. Remove this and you cripple the ignition system.

The small blue chip disconnected from its housing easily, and the untrained eye would never notice it missing. ‘Many thanks, Turan.' Maelgwn acknowledged his advisor as he shoved the chip into another pocket and attempted willing himself back to the vessel he'd arrived on. Unfortunately, movement was not forthcoming. ‘Any more advice?' With eyes upturned to the ceiling Maelgwn deferred to his higher self, who was now deathly silent.

Obviously he could not will open the entrance door to the audience chamber, and if he used the hand scanner — as mortals had to — it would probably only serve to alert Inanna to the fact that he was mobile.

You'll be happy to know, Dragon …
Inanna made a sudden appearance facing the spot in the room where she expected he'd still be.
She turned to see him by the chariot.
How did you get over there?

Another Nefilim appeared next to Inanna, a male who looked remarkably like her. His hair was snowy white and he had the same magnetic blue eyes, pale skin and subtle features that she did. Maelgwn guessed him to be her twin brother, Shamash.

You haven't meddled with my chariot, have you?
Infuriated, she stormed towards him, then noticed the NERGUZ was missing from her prisoner's wrist. Her temper cooled and she backed up again.

Maelgwn grinned in response to her query. ‘Have I interfered with the circuitry of this transport?' He raised his brow. ‘Why don't you climb aboard and find out.' He
motioned to the chariot with both hands, knowing the goddess would not take him up on the dare.

But my plan won't work without the chariot,
Inanna fretted, looking to her male companion to rectify the situation for her.
How shall we get to our Chosen One?

‘Your Chosen One?' Maelgwn couldn't allow the comment to pass.

He's bluffing,
stated Shamash, with a smug look upon his face as he completely ignored Maelgwn's query.
He's removed the chariot's ignition chip, which is now in the top left pocket of his jacket.

Inanna calmed, realising that Maelgwn hadn't shielded his mind from them. Fully functional, the Dragon posed a threat to her, but not if his psychic talents were waning in the wake of his detainment.
Why have you not willed yourself elsewhere, Dragon?
She tested her theory.

Maelgwn didn't have to say anything. Inanna and Shamash already knew the truth and were clearly overjoyed by his misfortune.

I'll take that ignition chip you have in your pocket,
Shamash held out his hand,
and the restraining module and knife you have in your other pocket.

Maelgwn knew it was pointless to resist, as without his own psychic defences to protect him, Inanna and Shamash had the power to completely immobilise him without even lifting a finger. He pulled the chip from his pocket and, on impulse, threw it into the firepit in the centre of the room.

The piece of the chariot never hit the flames — Shamash willed the chip to himself and caught it.
Thank you. Now the band and the blade.

No. The NERGUZ is mine!
Inanna protested.

I just need you to lend it to me for long enough to duplicate the design.
Shamash took his sister in hand to persuade her.
Then you'll have hundreds of the little mongrels at your beck and call.

But how shall I get this one to satisfy my lustful whims?

You're a beautiful and powerful goddess,
said Shamash, as if the answer was obvious.
Torture him into submission.
He kissed Inanna's extended neck and managed to persuade her into favouring his request.

That could be fun,
she admitted, as she transformed into Tory once again.

The Nefilim could assume any form they chose, just as the Chosen could, and Inanna now knew what Tory looked like — she didn't need will-crushing devices to maintain the deception.

How long will you be with my NERGUZ?
Inanna turned to face Maelgwn, and allowed her brother to expose her breasts and fondle them.
We wouldn't want him recovering and disappearing on us.

As Maelgwn watched Tory seducing Shamash, he took great comfort in knowing his real wife was safe back on Gaia. Still, if he didn't think of some way of reversing this calamity soon, the horrid illusion he witnessed at present might well become a reality.

I'll only need your precious toy a few hours
. Shamash held his opened hand out towards Maelgwn.

The NERGUZ and the laser knife tore through the organic fibre of Maelgwn's jacket pocket and flew straight into the Lord's clutch.
Still, I don't know why you bother with this one. He'll never give you what you want.

He has already impregnated one infertile woman,
Inanna enlightened them all.
Why not two?

‘Aquilla.' The news hit Maelgwn like a bullet in the brain.

Oh, don't worry,
Inanna said from behind the guise of his wife.
I did you a favour and terminated it. Now no one need ever know about your little indiscretion.

Maelgwn's blood began to boil, and he realised Inanna felt his rage and thrived on it, but it was beyond his feeble skills to refrain from lashing out.

Before Maelgwn had covered half the ground between the goddess and himself, Shamash willed a change of course for the Dragon, setting him on a breakneck collision with the reinforced metal wall. The velocity of the impact proved sufficient to knock Maelgwn out cold.


Pain propelled Maelgwn back to consciousness. He awoke chained up in the middle of an icy torture chamber, shivering violently as four large Leonine warriors beat him to a pulp. Stripped of his jacket and boots, the organic fibre of his trousers kept Maelgwn's legs as warm as toast, but his upper body and his feet were frozen.

Wake up, lover.
Tory, all rugged up to endure the cold, smiled at him warmly.
It's decision time.

Maelgwn acknowledged the deception to himself, unable to verbalise it, as his face was flattened by yet another blinding blow.

The guards ceased their sport and backed off to give their ruler some room to work. As Inanna moved to
circle the Dragon, she revealed two figures cowering on the ice behind her. Maelgwn strained his swollen eyes to make out Uriah and Durak shivering with cold, for they too had been stripped to their trousers.

There have been a few developments while you were out,
Inanna advised.
My brother is yet to return with your restraint, and I find I must evacuate the city. I am headed for Gaia,
she announced casually and was gratified by the dread that the notion stirred in Maelgwn.
I know you have loved ones there and I would dearly love to take you with me …

‘But?' Maelgwn spat out the word, blood along with it; he was so badly beaten that his genetic structure was taking some time to repair all the damage.

But … you must devote yourself to me,
the Goddess stated her terms.
Worship my personage and my cause only.

Maelgwn began to laugh, which must have been a nervous reaction. Still, the resolute defiance that accompanied his laughter filled him with inner strength. ‘Not of my own free will, Inanna. That will never happen.'

But very soon this entire planet is going to be scattered to the four ends of the universe, my sweet,
she clarified.

Maelgwn raised himself up to look the Goddess in the eye.
What have you done with Aquilla?

Inanna backed away, immediately infuriated by the mention of another woman and her guards moved in to freshen up the prisoner's injuries.

She ordered her thugs back out of the way.
Join us, Dragon.
Inanna's annoyance distorted her voice to the point where it was so harsh and spiteful that one could not define if it belonged to a male or a female.

Maelgwn, barely able to hold himself upright, shook his head.

Join us, or die.

He raised his dark sights to view his tormentor. ‘Then I choose death.'

Stubborn fool!

Energy shot like lightning from Inanna's fingertips, inflicting Maelgwn with grievous pain. Only when his body hung limp in the restraints did Inanna cease her assault.

Stay here then, and die with the fish. There are plenty more immortal genes where you came from.

Inanna turned to exit the torture chamber, but turned back to add:
And as this immortal ape woman you are so fond of will now be without a significant other, I shall be sure and put her out of her misery. After my brother and I toy with her awhile, of course. It might be interesting to walk around in her skin.

Maybe Maelgwn had just been belted one time too many, but he wasn't following Inanna's meaning. He managed to raise his head, and if he'd been able to see the Goddess more clearly he would have looked her in the eye.

So, even if you do surprise me and survive this day, when you are again joined with your beloved wife, remember to look deep into her eyes, Dragon, for you might just find me there.

Maelgwn gave a muffled cry of protest as Inanna finally departed, her guards falling in behind her.

‘Dragon?' It pained Uriah to move his frozen limbs, but he managed to crawl over to where the warrior
hung, and cowered at his feet. ‘This is all my fault.' He shivered violently as he spoke. ‘I didn't realise the implications … I never suspected the Nefilim were so powerful.'

‘If you are looking for absolution, Uriah,' Maelgwn strained to speak as his throat was swollen and sore, ‘I cannot give it. But I don't blame you for wanting to free your brother.'

Uriah looked up into Maelgwn's face to find it healing rapidly.

‘Still, if we don't get Durak up and mobile soon, he's going to freeze to death and then this has all been for naught.'

Uriah looked back to find Durak keeled over on the ice. ‘Oh, no.'

As his pain subsided, Maelgwn stood up and tugged on his restraints. ‘You are going to have to do it on your own.' Maelgwn decided that his bonds weren't going to give. ‘Get up, Uriah,' he encouraged him. ‘My jacket and boots.' Maelgwn pointed to where they'd been discarded on the ice. ‘Put them on.'

‘But I am completely numb,' he shivered. ‘Nothing will respond.'

‘Your brother is dying!' Maelgwn yelled to get him motivated.

‘I know!' Uriah cried as he pulled himself across the frozen surface towards the clothing.

‘No,' Maelgwn insisted, ‘you have to get up off the ice.'

‘I can't!' Uriah began to sob as he struggled to raise himself.

‘Rubbish!' Maelgwn roared. ‘You got us all into this mess, so you can bloody well get up off your behind and get us out of it!' He didn't really mean what he said, but the abuse riled the lad and Uriah was motivated to raise himself.

Once the boots were on, Uriah's feet and lower legs started working and he ran to put the jacket on his brother. ‘Durak!' He fell to his knees and pulled him into his lap. Uriah wrapped the jacket about his brother and held him tight. ‘Please don't die now.' His teeth chattered as he spoke, yet Uriah felt the warmth of the other body slowly thawing his own. ‘You've survived so much.'

Durak's eyes fluttered open and slowly turned to view Maelgwn. ‘You are one of the Lord Enki's Chosen Ones?'

Maelgwn nodded. ‘Aquilla told me you found Enki's doctrine.' He invited Durak to expand on the subject.

The dying man seemed to be preoccupied with other thoughts, however. ‘You are my perfect embodiment?'

‘I am,' Maelgwn assured him.

‘Then you must find another of the stations Enki built in secret,' Durak mumbled, desperate to impart the nature of his life's work to his Chosen incarnation in the few minutes of life he had left. ‘The station I found was destroyed by Inanna, but there are others.'

The look on the Delphinus archaeologist's face was one of utter hopelessness. Maelgwn wasn't following his meaning but it mattered not. ‘Save your breath, my friend, we are one, you and I. I can recall thy entire life, for indeed it was my own. I shall see to thy dying wish, Durak, fear not.'

The dying archaeologist smiled at this. ‘The light of the Logos is with you. The prophecy is —'

As his brother suddenly sank from his embrace, Uriah tried to revive him by shaking him awake, but Durak did not respond. ‘No, you have to live!' He gathered up the lifeless body and wept bitterly.

‘Damn.' Maelgwn didn't know how to feel upon witnessing one of his own deaths. Still, he knew he must have been of great comfort to himself in those final moments. Right now, he had to worry about this incarnation being dispersed into the universe in all directions for eternity — this was not how he envisaged his future. ‘Put the jacket on, Uriah,' he instructed, but the lad was despondent with grief. ‘Durak's immortal self is right here! Don't you
give up on us now,' he roared, and the lad looked up to meet his stare.

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