Church Girl Gone Wild (12 page)

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Authors: Ni’chelle Genovese

BOOK: Church Girl Gone Wild
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Bear crashed into me over and over, perpetual motioning all his bad but so so good sexual energy into me until the nerves in my palms were throbbing. As the saying goes when you don't know what to say or what to pray . . .
“Jesus,” I whispered through clenched teeth unsure of whether I was calling on Him, praying to Him, or just out of words all together.
The pool table rocked and I ain't never felt a good so good that tears ran out the corners of my eyes. I begged him to let me go, make me cum, drop me, and throw me off the mountain. I'd never felt that with Dontay, not with his quick super-fast jackrabbit strokes. Bear roared his way to the top like he'd just lifted an entire car off all four tires. It was powerful and sexy and it shattered me from the inside out.
Mission control; come in, mission control. Is there any damage?
Neither one of us moved for a minute; my brain was trying to assess the condition of my body. My butt was stinging from rug burns from the table, and my legs felt slick and shaky.
Bear smiled down at me. “Explain to me again why you ain't mine?”
“Because you—”
We almost broke our necks as our heads whipped in the direction of the living room. Enzo and Storie were back.
Chapter 17
Dontay The Price of Fayme
“Oh bookie-boo, thank you so much for gettin' my feet done.” Fayme smiled over at me from the vibrating massage chair.
I picked the nicest shop I could find and treated us both to pedis. Real talk, I liked to get my dogs rubbed and massaged all over. There's nothing worse than climbing in bed with somebody and you couldn't sleep because their heels were scratching up the front of your shins all night. Or someone told you to stop moving your feet because the scratching sound they made across the sheets was too annoying. That's exactly what Fayme said the first night we met up.
She was getting her toes done up in bright cherry red. I got up and kissed the back of her neck earning myself a giggle.
“Getting you to dinner and back to the house with this dress intact ain't gonna be easy,” I whispered along the fine hairs at her nape rubbing my lips back and forth across her skin for emphasis.
Fayme shivered. “No, we take Lanvin off, baby; we don't mess that up. But you are gonna be paying for me to get my toes redone if you don't stop. I'm gonna make her mess up,” she replied in a breathless voice.
“Mmm, speaking of messing up.”
I straightened up slowly like she had a gun pointed at my chest and had just asked for my wallet and keys. “How are you doin', Sister Bealiah?” I asked her in a tired, worn-out voice.
Out of all the nail shops in the entire world she had to march her self-righteous self up into this one. I hadn't run into her since we moved and Eva stopped goin' to Deacon's church. If Eva got wind of this from her of all people, she'd take Jada and throw me on child support.
“Step over here for a moment, Dontay James. I'd like to give you a word.” Sister Bealiah's tone was dryer than dry ice and equally as cold.
“What's the matter, Dontay? Is everything all right?”
I gave Fayme a brief nod for an answer before slipping on my coat and following the bluebird of bad news out the doors of the nail shop.
“It's bad enough that we have to see each other on occasion and I have to act favorishly and keep my opinionations to myself,” Sister Bealiah huffed in her dignified tone using her made-up words just the same as she did when preaching. “But, I can't take it anymore and unless you want me to tell Eva about you and Oholah the whoreah in there”—she raised her hand shushing me when I started to interrupt—“you keep your . . . your . . . oh, Jesus, give me the words. You put Lillith over there on a short leash with a muzzle. Get her to leave my husband alone.”
Sister Bealiah spat the end of her tirade poking me hard in the chest with a white-gloved finger. She glared up at me with her eyes narrowed into slits that made her irises look black. This definitely wasn't the way I expected the conversation to go down. I cleared my throat a few times trying to get over my initial shock and awe at Reverend Matthew's old player ass.
The nail lady stuck her head out the door about to go spastic. “You no pay. He no pay.”
I handed her some cash. “Go do her eyebrows, too, or something,” I told her nodding in Fayme's direction. The last thing I wanted was for Fayme to come outside asking a ton of questions.
As cold as it was outside, my nerves and what Sister Bealiah was pretty much ordering me to do had me damn near in a sweat. “Sister Bealiah, how do you know Fayme and um, Reverend Matthews are, I mean—”
“Boy, you think a hen doesn't know when her rooster's crowin' on top of another hen house?”
I almost fell out laughin' at her hen analogy. Sister Bealiah would have given Big Bird a run for his money.
“Matthews and all his foolish improprieties, got him leasin' cars for that pigeon nicer than the ones we own. That old buzzard even got her a credit card. The first statement came to our place by mistake instead of going to the house she's living in. That house was supposed to be fixed up and donated to a needy family. I've seen her little raunchified pictures on his computer. He was trying to tell me the walls had termites, that the place was a money pit. She's the only money pit in the picture.”
I ran my hand down the back of my neck letting out a long breath. Skirting around Eva on top of trying to get Fayme to steer clear of someone else was a damn suicide mission. Sister Bealiah just put me in one hellafied pussy pickle. My phone went off. It was a serious e-mail I'd been waiting on, putting business front and center and all this play relationship mess to the side.
I gave Sister Bealiah a stern look. “All right, you just make sure Eva doesn't find out about this and we're good.”
She stuck her chin up in the air in agreement and stormed past me into the shop almost knocking Fayme over as she came out.
“What was all that, Dontay?” Fayme asked with a look of concern on her face.
My mind went in a million different directions at once trying to find one solid answer. “She just worried about one of my boys sniffing around one of her choir girls. I promised to talk to him.”
“Aww, look at you. Being an upstanding role model, I'm so proud of you, bookie-bear.”
Fayme stood on her toes to kiss me on the cheek and my stomach bottomed out. I wasn't feeling too proud of me at the moment nor was I in any way feeling enthused about competing with Reverend Matthews.
Chapter 18
Eva Hoes and Hoeing
I threw together some Cream of Wheat with a little sugar and butter so it would be ready when I went to grab Jada from Mrs. Kim. She'd usually have her up and dressed by six on Sunday morning, so I could get her fed and situated before we headed out to church. I showered and threw on a cute yellow and white knit top with a matching skirt in the same bright yellow and white. Mrs. Kim knocked on the door just as Dontay got up to get ready. He was never a morning person so his growled good mornings didn't bother me anymore.
He was quiet on the ride to church as usual. I didn't even raise an eyebrow when I noticed he forgot Jada's binky. I was just happy I made it home last night in enough time to get myself showered and in bed before he could walk in and see the guilt all over my face.
Storie and Enzo had walked in and Bear, who was obviously quicker at thinking on his feet than I was, he shoved me out the side door with my bra and turtleneck balled up in my arms so I could finish getting dressed. There I was in the freezing cold praying his neighbors couldn't see over his fence on the side of the house. Storie thought I'd gotten sick and was out there getting fresh air. When he asked where she'd been and why she left in the first place, well she forgot all about little old me.
Dontay nodded off hard beside me, jumping when he snored his own self awake. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the front.
“Wouldn't be so sleepy if you weren't out doing no good last night,” I whispered in a nasty voice. I know what I was out doing, so I could only imagine what he did. Jada snored softly on my shoulder. Her chubby face pressed against my neck had us both sweating. She was sleeping so good I'd be damned if I'd tried to shift or move her. I'd have rather let Jada slobber all down the collar of my shirt and snore in my ear than listen to her holler through the rest of service. After what I did last night I needed a prayer, some forgiveness, and some restraint. My eyes wouldn't stop wandering to the front of every man's pants that walked past me.
How have I never noticed this before? It's like a candy factory with so many different shapes, and colors, and sizes.
Some guys had small bulges while some were huge. Some of their pants looked smoother than me in a pair of jeans. I thought I smelled Bear's cologne and turned to see if it was him. I tried to pull myself together.
Bear cannot happen again but, Lord, if I can just find me a good substitute or teach Dontay how to do that whole pool table power pump
. . . I snapped myself out of my jacked-up dickmatized thoughts.
I bowed my head trying to see who Dontay had the nerve to start texting in the middle of prayer. Frustrated, I gave up when my eyes crossed and started to hurt from straining. When I opened my eyes I noticed a very pretty petite woman sitting down in the empty seat next to Dontay. I didn't remember ever seeing her at any of our services or functions. She kept leaning over to ask Dontay questions; rude heffa didn't even bother introducing herself.
When she covered her mouth with her hand and leaned in to ask Dontay yet another question I elbowed him in between his ribs.
“Are you going to introduce your little friend to your family sitting right here?” I hissed in his ear.
Dontay shrugged before turning slightly in my direction.
“She wanted to know how long service is. Then she asked what section in the Bible we're on because she can't see the words on the teleprompter.”
Something about his answer sounded legit and she smiled politely at me around him before turning her attention to thumbing through her Bible. I talked myself out of being jealous, even though my gut was telling me otherwise. There were a ton of empty seats all over. She didn't have to sit in the one seat that put her damn near in Dontay's lap. Just to be on the safe side I shuffled Jada off my shoulder.
“I've got to run to the ladies' room,” I whispered to Dontay.
“Okay, handle your business.” He whispered his response back a little too quickly and a little too quietly for my liking.
Plopping Jada onto Dontay's lap I hopped up and darted for the double doors before he could try to hand her back or follow me.
How about that? She might not be able to see the teleprompter but anyone can see that Jada is Dontay's twin.
I stood outside the door peeking at them through the narrow glass. They appeared to be having an actual conversation and I could only imagine what was being said. From a distance it looked just as harmless as it could have been dangerous. My temper simmered just beneath the cool exterior of my composure.
Dontay made a gesture with Jada suggesting he was telling the woman who we were or at least who Jada was to him. I was projecting my own guilt at cheating with Bear onto him. Just because I had a slip-up didn't mean he did too.
“You do know the view is supposed to be better from inside the sanctuary?” A deep voice rang out behind me.
I whirled around ashamed at being caught spying. “Brother Hall, I thought you'd be inside listening to the service. Um, I just needed a moment to myself. It was a little stuffy where I was sitting.”
He stared through the door behind me and I could feel his eyes dart to Dontay and the stranger.
“Come take a walk with me, Eva. That's just Toikea sitting beside Jada's father. I don't think she's anyone you need to be worried about. But I get the feeling you may have some things you might want to volley off me.”
I nodded even though I had no clue what he meant and walked through the lobby with my head down. Brother Hall nodded to the few ushers wandering the halls or people headed back inside from the restroom. The sermon quietly played over the speakers in the hallway; it was so low you had to strain to hear it. The auditorium was erupting into applause and cheering so just about everyone was inside or rushing to get back inside so they could listen to the service.
There was something I wanted to discuss with Brother Hall but to say the words out loud was so much more intimidating than whispering them in my head. There was this nagging feeling I couldn't shake. I was scared that he'd judge me or not want me to be a part of the church anymore.
The man deals with drug addicts and homeless people in other countries. This ain't nothin'.
I took a breath to build up my courage.
“I cheated on Dontay and now I feel like I'm obsessed with it.” I blurted it all out together on that same breath.
Brother Hall's expression didn't change. I thought he'd condemn me to hell or make me repent on the spot but instead he looked contemplative, lost in thought.
“Eva, I want you to know that God forgives you and He does not think any less of you for giving in to temptation. The Lord forgives you the moment you ask. Now you just need to get over being obsessed with your sin,” he said.
I took a deep breath. “Well you see, it's not that I'm obsessed with the sin or the fact that I even committed one. It's the sex that I'm obsessed with. Like I'm always hungry, can't stop thinking about it.”
My eyes went back down to the floor. At that point I couldn't, I didn't want to see what he thought about me.
Brother Hall chuckled. “You don't think I haven't pop-vaulted into the arms of temptation before? I know how you feel, Eva.”
I gasped in shock at the confession my ears couldn't believe. I was still in disbelief when my eyes snuck a quick scan over the delicious bulge in the front of his slacks before looking up into his face. We stood about eye level and he didn't look soft or pudgy like most of the men at this church. His powder-blue Polo shirt strained over his wide, broad shoulders, bulging over his chest, tapering at the waist. I tugged on my earlobe to keep my eyes from going back down there again. You could look at him and tell he took pride in his body like he stayed in the gym, like he could pick me up and bench press me. Slamming me down onto his—
“Listen at that. Service is about over. I hear the closing prayer. Come now, let me get you back. Do set yourself up an appointment to come by and speak to me anytime you need to, okay?” Brother Hall said casually.
He pressed his hand to the small of my back to usher me in the direction of the auditorium. My skin tingled. Biting my lower lip at the thick muscles flexing under the thin fabric of his shirt, I stood back and enjoyed the show as he opened the door for me.
Short, thick, stocky ass, reminds me of Que. I'd wrap my legs around them big shoulders and ride those lips.
Brother Hall turned giving my hand a warm squeeze. “Remember, Eva, anytime you need me you just come by; don't hesitate okay?”
I could only nod. My whole body lit up with want at the invitation he'd just thrown out there into the universe. I'd started to walk in to take my place beside my incomplete family. My kitten was a raging little ball of need and I knew once we got out of there and Dontay took my car, I'd never get the moment back. I licked my lips, took a deep breath.
“Brother Hall, your study. Right now please.” My voice was more of a breathy whisper than the erotic command that I wanted it to be but it had the same effect.
He nodded and abruptly looked toward the stage before turning to lead the way. We speed walked through the halls this time, nothing like the leisurely stroll we took the first time. My heart pumped energy throughout my body. It was the same rush I'd gotten at Storie's. It was fear and anxiety, excitement, and painful need rushing through me all at once. This had to be that high that addicts looked for. My stuff throbbed as I waited for him to unlock his office door. All I needed to do was squeeze and I could have come right there on the spot.
Once inside Brother Hall closed and locked the door. I kicked my shoes off onto the thick royal burgundy carpet, sliding my moist panties down along with my stockings. I was so ready I was practically panting. I let him get the door locked and when he turned around I closed the small space in between us.
Brother Hall's thick well-muscled arms encircled me and held me captive. He liked the same rough shit that Bear liked. I squealed wondering exactly how much time I had to get my teeth into his shoulders. How hard I could bite him before I left a mark in his beautiful smoked amber skin. And then I realized the man was literally holding me captive. As in holding me back, away from him, and staring at me like I'd lost my damn mind.
Hmm, too much?
Maybe it was just a teeny bit too much.
The muscle in the side of his cheek flexed super fast as did his pulse in the side of his neck. He took a few deep breaths through his nostrils.
“Eva, I thought you had some kind of urgent happening you wanted to speak about. You know I am married and I am a man of God. I forgive you and I'm gonna act like you didn't just . . .”
Unable to put my actions into words and just as embarrassed as I was we both nodded in silent agreement.
He let me go and I grabbed my panties and stockings off the floor. I tried putting them on just as quickly as I'd slipped them off and wound up putting a run in my hose. I'd never felt so mortified in my entire life. I tripped over my own feet trying to slip my heels back on and took a few calming gulps of air while he unlocked his office door.
“I'm going to pray for you, Eva. You are beautiful and young; slow down. You are looking for urgent, extreme, and temporary connections with effects that last forever. Forever.”
I stepped out into the sea of churchgoers leaving service. A few of the single sisters glanced in my direction as I stood outside his door. Not about to appear like the rejected woman I was I gave them a smug smile patting my hair before I started making my way toward the auditorium with my head high. The wide-eyed glances they gave me in return before they started whispering let me know I'd at least accomplished my mission in their minds even if my pride was on zero.

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