Churchill's Empire: The World That Made Him and the World He Made (89 page)

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Shaw, George Bernard

Sheridan, Clare

Sicily, invasion (1943)

Sikh: refugees; troops

Simla conference (1945)

Simon, Sir John

Simon Commission

Simon’s Town naval base

Singapore: Canadian view; defence; fall; recovery plans; US view; vulnerability; WSC on British control; WSC on strength of

Singh, Sir Maharaj

Sinn Féin

Smith, Adam

Smith, Ian

Smuts, J. C.: career; centralized imperialism concerns; Chanak crisis (1922); death; Gandhi negotiations; Imperial War Cabinet; India policy; in London (1942); London mission (1906); Palestine policy; racial attitudes; relationship with WSC; WWII

Socialist Leader

Somaliland: British acquisition; British commitments; WSC in

Something of Value

South Africa: apartheid; Asian population; Boers,
Boers; Chinese workers; concentration camps; Gandhi in; general election (1948); High Commission Territories issue; Lord Randolph’s visit; map; naval policy; racial issues; response to Chanak crisis (1922); Simon’s Town naval base; Uitlanders; WSC’s policies; Zulu rebellion

South African Light Horse

South–East Asia Command (SEAC)

Soviet Union: German invasion; influence; Labour attitude to; summit proposal; WSC on; WWII;
see also

Spaarwater, H. G.

Spears, Edward


Spender, J. A.

Spion Kop, Battle of (1900)

Stalin, Joseph: death; Moscow conference (1944); Roosevelt’s relationship with; Tehran conference (1943); WSC’s relationship with; Yalta conference (1945)

Stanley, George

Stanley, H. M.

Stanley, Oliver

Stanley, Venetia


Star of East Africa

, Calcutta

Steevens, G. W.

sterling: balances; convertibility; floating;
see also
gold standard

Stern Gang

Stettinius, Edward

Stevenson, Adlai

Stogdon, Mr (master at Harrow)


Sudan: Anglo-Egyptian rule; British reconquest; Darfur violence; Dervishes; Farouk proclaimed King; independence (1956); Khartoum fall (1885); Mahdist state; WSC in; WSC’s policy


, Sydney

Sunday Statesman

Sunday Times


Swinton, Philip Cunliffe–Lister, first Earl of

Sydney Morning Herald




tariff reform,
imperial preference

Tehran conference (1943)

Templer, Sir Gerald

Tenzing Norgay

Thawra al-Arabiyya, Al-

Thuku, Harry

Times, The

Times of India

Times of Natal

Tirah campaign


Toole, J. J.

‘Tory Democracy’


Transvaal: Boer republic; Chamberlain warnings; Chinese workers; constitution; election (1907); franchise issue; self-government question; treatment of non-whites; Uitlanders; war; WSC on

Transvaal Leader

, Lahore

Truman, Harry S.


Tullibardine, Marquess of


Twain, Mark

Tweedsmuir, John Buchan, first Baron


U Saw

Uganda, WSC in

see also
Northern Ireland

United Nations (UN): Charter; establishment; Indian independence issue; Palestine plan; Trusteeship Council; WSC’s view of

United Service Gazette

United States: Atlantic Charter; Britain’s relationship with; economic issues; Egypt policy; Eisenhower presidency; fishing dispute; India policy; Iran policy; loan to Britain (1946); pro-Boer feeling; racial segregation; responses to election result (1945); ‘special relationship’; views on Empire; WSC in; WSC’s honorary citizenship; WWI; WWII


Vandenberg, Arthur

Varma, S. S.

Vereeniging, Treaty of (1902)

Verney, Harry

Victoria, Queen: Diamond Jubilee; Empress of India; funeral; Golden Jubilee; reign; view of Mahdi’s tomb destruction


Wahuriu Itote (‘General China’)

Wallace, Henry

War Cabinet: Imperial; WWI; WWII

War Office: journalism rules; White’s career; WSC at; WSC’s army career; WSC’s attacks on; WWII segregation

Warbuton, Colonel

Waruhiu wa Kungu, Paramount Chief

Washington Post

Washington talks (1943)

Wavell, Archibald Wavell, first Earl: dismissal; relationship with WSC; Viceroy of India; on WSC

Wedgwood, Josiah

Weizmann, Chaim

Welldon, J. E. C.

Wells, H. G.

West Africa: Atlantic Charter; British policy; British punitive raids

West African Pilot

West African Students’ Union

Westminster, Statute of (1931)

Westminster Gazette

White, Sir George

White, Harry Dexter

Williams, Francis

Willkie, Wendell

Wilson, Harold

Wilson, Sir Henry

Wilson, Lady Sarah (WSC’s aunt)

Wimborne, Lady Cornelia

Winant, J. G.

Wingate, Orde

Winterton, Edward Turnour, sixth Earl

Wolmer, Viscount,
Selborne, third Earl of

Wolseley, Garnet Wolseley, first Viscount

Wood, Edward,


World War I: armistice; British acquisitions at end of; Gallipoli; outbreak; Peace Conference; US entry; War Cabinet

World War II: British conquests; German invasions; Irish neutrality; Smuts’s advice to WSC; War Cabinet; WSC’s premiership


Yalta conference (1945)

Yane, Boishwerelo

Yorkshire Post

Young Winston




Zetland, Marquess of

Zionism: Moyne assassination; response to 1945 election; WSC’s views

Zulu War





Picture Acknowledgements


Getty: 1, 7, 12, 13, 14, 19–22, 29, 34–36

Mary Evans Picture Library: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 17,

National Portrait Gallery, London: 5

Private Collection: 9

Illustrated London News Ltd/Mary Evans Picture Library: 15

Gertrude Bell Archive: 16

Solo Syndication/Associated Newspapers Ltd: 18, 33

Australian War Memorial: 23 (negative number: 006414), 24 (Unknown ‘Let us go forward together’, c.1940, photolithograph, 76.4 × 51.8 cm, negative number: ARTV02119), 25 (negative number: 013354), 26 (negative number: PO2366_002), 28 (negative number: 128501), 30 (negative number: MED2037)

Kind permission of the John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library and the Curtin Family: 27, 31

Science Museum/SSPL: 32, 37

About the Author


RICHARD TOYE was born in Cambridge, U.K. in 1973. He studied at the universities of Birmingham and Cambridge, and is now an associate professor at the University of Exeter. He has written extensively on British and international history. In 2007 he was named Young Academic Author of the Year by
Times Higher Education
magazine for his book
Lloyd George and Churchill: Rivals for Greatness

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