Cinderella Christmas (9 page)

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Authors: Elda Minger

BOOK: Cinderella Christmas
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“That he is,” Nick said, coming up behind her. “We can talk later if you want. I know this was emotional for you.”

“No.” Eve turned to face the man she loved. “We can do it now.”
I can be as brave as Maurice.

They sat down on the couch in the suite’s main room, close enough to keep an eye on the bulldog.

She had no idea where to start.

“I need to know why, Eve. All of it. Why the costume, why the deception, why you ran away after that first time.”

She cleared her throat and looked down at her hands. “It’s just like I told you at dinner last night. My girlfriends asked me why I wasn’t dating and I realized that – I had – feelings for you.”

She glanced over at him. His expression gave nothing away, but he didn’t seem angry. Reassured, she continued.

“What I wanted to do – the original plan – was to just get you to kiss me under the mistletoe. Just one kiss, kind of a present to myself. You were never supposed to know who I was. I just wanted to know what it would be like to – “ She took a deep breath. “ – kiss a man I was absolutely crazy about before I started looking for a nice guy after the first of the year. Before I decided to settle.”


“That was my New Year’s resolution, to find some nice guy I could date and maybe marry.”

“Do you want children?”

She nodded her head. “I figured that would come later down the line.”

“So what happened?”

“Oh God,” she said, suddenly embarrassed. “I mean, you were there, things just sort of got – “

“Out of control,” he finished for her.

“I never meant for things to go so far – “

“I’m not blaming you. I had a little bit to do with that part of the evening, if I’m remembering things correctly.”

She nodded her head. “I raced back home, and Nick, you may not believe me, but I was appalled at what I’d allowed to happen between us, I knew it was all my fault – “

“Hey. Two people. Two consenting adults. Why are you choosing to take all the blame?”

Now they were getting into tricky waters.

“Eve? I need to know.”

“Why I ran, or why I didn’t tell you it was me when you started to look for Darcy.”

It felt so strange to talk about herself in the third person, but what about this whole escapade hadn’t been strange?

“Let’s start with why you ran.”

Eve glanced around the suite, as if she could somehow find a way out. She looked over at Maurice and prayed he’d wake up and distract both of them. But her puppy snoozed on, totally content.

“I was ashamed,” she whispered.


“I should’ve been able to keep things under control. It was my fault things escalated so quickly.”

“Not true. What happened that night was chemistry, pure and simple. I don’t know if I could’ve stopped. I mean, if you’d said no, then obviously I would have – “

“But I didn’t. But I didn’t mean for it to go that far – “ She looked away.

“Eve,” he said quietly. He took one of her hands in his. “I need you to be really brave.”

She raised her head and met his eyes, seeing only kindness and compassion in his expression.

“Eve. Who kicked you?”

Oh God. He knows.

She covered her mouth with her hands and started shaking her head
. For a moment, she thought she might actually be sick.

She felt his arms come around her and then she was in his lap and Nick was holding her tightly.

“Eve. You’re safe with me. Tell me. I need to know what’s going on inside you.”

She couldn’t seem to find the words.

“Let me inside, Eve. Let me love you.”

She closed her eyes and relaxed against his broad chest, letting out a long breath. Nick simply held her. Her arms came around him and she felt as if she were holding on for her life.

Maurice chose that moment to wake up with a doggy snort.

“Hang on,” Nick said, moving her off his lap gently and reaching for the puppy. He set Maurice down on the floor. The bulldog puppy stretched, still totally relaxed, and trotted over to his water bowl.

“He’s fine,” Nick said, turning his attention back to her.

“Okay,” Eve said quietly. “I just want you to know that if you – after you hear – if you don’t want to ever see me again – it’s okay – “

“Eve,” he said softly as he sat down next to her. “Just let me in.”

She closed her eyes because it was easier if she didn’t see him.

“I was raised in foster care. But not one of those wonderful families you hear about. From the time I was nine until I was sixteen, I must have lived with seven or eight different families.”

“What happened to your parents?”

“I never knew my father. My mother died when I was nine. I didn’t have any relatives so I was put into the system.”

He waited. She took another deep breath.

“From the time I first began to develop, my body got me into trouble.”

“Oh, Eve – “

She didn’t want his pity. “I was removed from a couple of homes because the men said I was leading them on, they couldn’t help themselves, I looked like a woman but I was still this little girl – “

He reached for her hand and she hung on.

“I know I’m kind of screwed up. I ran away from the last home when I was sixteen. I couldn’t stand it any more. I lied, bought a false ID and worked as a waitress until I was eighteen and legally an adult. I went back and finished high school at night, then I began working my way up to better jobs – “

“ – and then those two jackasses. The same thing.”

She nodded her head.

“So I decided that I’d disguise myself on the next job and never get in that kind of trouble again. Only it didn’t work because I started having feelings for you and I didn’t want to end up all alone because having a real family was the only thing I ever really wanted – “

He pulled her into his arms. “Stop, Eve. Stop. I understand everything now. I know why you were scared. Why you ran. It’s okay.”

“I know I’m – damaged – “

“We all are.”

She laughed at that, then said, “But I’ve never really known what a family is or should be. I still remember my Mom, she had to struggle so hard. But sometimes – “

He held her tightly, then said, “The first time I couldn’t remember my mother’s face, it terrified me.”

He got it.

“The moment I realized she was never coming back brought me to my knees.”

He understood.

“I think it’s why I do what I do. In the end, all we have are our memories, good and bad. I want to help people create really good ones with whatever time they have.”

He slid down on the couch so he was lying on his side. Then he pulled her gently up beside him so her backside was nestled against his front. Eve closed her eyes, breathing in his scent, feeling some measure of security in his arms.

“I want to create hundreds of memories with you,” he said, his lips against her ear.

“I’m screwed up,” she whispered.

“Not going to wash with me, Watson.”

“I don’t know how to do so many things, normal things – “

“Normal is highly overrated.”

“I’ll embarrass you.”

He adjusted their bodies so she was turned toward him in the crook of his arm and he was looking down at her. “Really? You’re going to pull that one on me after all you’ve put me through?”

His expression was so amused she started to laugh.

“That’s better.” He kissed her. “You’re beautiful, Eve. I knew there was a missing piece to this whole thing. I’m so grateful you chose to share it with me.”

She lifted her hand and stroked his cheek. “My stomach doesn’t hurt any more.”

“Funny how that works, huh?” That cocky, confident grin she loved was back. “So, when did you know you were crazy about me?”

She punched his arm. “So that’s all I am to you, a source of amusement?”

“Oh, I wouldn’t say that’s
you are.” He lowered his head and kissed her.

She broke the kiss and whispered, “You have an unfair advantage over me.”

“I’d say we’re about even.”

“Do we have to go back home Sunday?”

He kissed her again, then whispered, “I think, Watson, that you and I have to do a lot more sleuthing at this hotel. Cover every nook and cranny. Experience all the extras, have a complete spa day, eat at all the restaurants, take long walks on the beach with Maurice, get him another massage, experience Christmas here – “

“So we can stay? Just a little bit longer?”

“As long as you want. As much as you want. Whatever you want.” He kissed her again and said, “I think you’re the one who has the unfair advantage.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because as crazy as you are about me – and I know you are – you have to know that you have me wrapped around your little finger.”

She couldn’t stop smiling. “Really? You’re not just saying that?”

“Words,” he said, between kisses, “are highly overrated. I think I’m going to have to show you.”

He stood, then picked her up in his arms.

“Show me what?”

“Show you just what I plan to do.”

Chapter Six

Once they were both inside Nick’s bedroom and totally naked, there was one more question he had to ask.

“Did you ever – in those homes -- when those men. Were you ever – “

“No,” she said. “No. I had some really unpleasant moments, but I was this scrappy little kid who screamed and fought. I was a little hellion. You wouldn’t have recognized me.”

“Eve, you survived. I admire that.”

“The worst I came away with was a couple of bloody noses and a cracked rib.”

“Jesus. So you were hurt.”

“Physically, yes. Emotionally. But never that way.”

He was quiet for a long moment.

“What?” she said.

He didn’t know if he could ask.

“Total honesty, Nick.”

She deserved the same honesty from him.

“You’re exquisitely sexual. I would’ve thought, given what you went through, that you’d have problems in bed. Responding. Trusting.”

She thought about this for a moment, then said, “I didn’t realize it at the time, but I think that’s why I wanted to kiss you. I trusted you.”

She was lying on top of him, his hands were cupping her butt. They were as close as two people could be. Maurice was sleeping on the rug in the main room, so their intimacy and privacy was total.


“I’d been around you long enough to know who you were. You always treated me with respect. I actually think I could have dressed normally around you and you never would’ve taken advantage.”

“I might’ve looked, even thought, but I never would’ve acted on those thoughts.”

“Exactly. I trusted you, I had to trust you before I fell in love with you – “

She stopped and he knew she hadn’t meant to reveal so much.

“Oh damn it, I didn’t want to say it first!”

He laughed and hugged her to him tighter.

“You don’t have to say it if you don’t – “

“Will you stop! Don’t you know you have me completely enthralled? Under your spell? Hell, I’m your willing love slave. And believe it or not, I was waiting to say it, but I didn’t want to scare you off again. I love you, Eve.
Not Darcy. Yes, that naughty elf is a part of you, but it’s you I love and I don’t ever want you to doubt it.”

He felt her cheek against his chest as she relaxed her entire body and lay on top of him.

“What are you thinking?” he whispered.

“That this is the most perfect memory I’ve ever had.” She raised her head and leaned down, kissing him softly.

He caught her up in his arms and rolled over, pinning her beneath him.

“I aim to please.”


They stayed on at the resort through the New Year. Nick called his second in command and told him they couldn’t possibly give this new resort a proper evaluation unless they had more time. Then he said he was taking his Christmas vacation early because he was still exhausted. If anything came up that he had to deal with, they could always reach him and he could handle it via his laptop.

Everyone at Your Best Adventure was totally relieved.

They bought a small tree and decorations and put it up in their suite. A pile of wrapped toys for Maurice grew at an alarming rate. On Christmas Eve, they went to a local church and listened to the season’s music. And they slept in on Christmas, stayed in bed, ordered room service, walked along the beach with Maurice and simply enjoyed the day.

On New Year’s Eve, they had a six-course meal prepared by a celebrity chef, danced to a live band and retired to their suite before the stroke of midnight. Maurice had celebrated the New Year by madly playing with all his new Christmas toys and afterwards having a restful massage. Nick made sure Maurice gave Betsy a generous Christmas bonus along with a two pound box of very decadent chocolates.

“He’s going to become addicted to those massages,” Nick said as he came into their suite, bottle of champagne in hand.

“I know. We’re going to have to bring him up here to see Betsy on a regular basis, he’s mad about her.”

“That can be arranged,” Nick said. He looked so handsome in his tuxedo. They’d gone shopping after Christmas for formal clothing and now could report back at work that the New Year’s celebration at this Santa Barbara resort was nothing short of spectacular.

It had been a mild winter so far, and Nick carried the champagne and two flutes out on to their balcony. Fireworks were set to go off at the stroke of midnight over the ocean. Eve couldn’t think of a better way to end the holiday.

“Twenty minutes,” he called. “You’d better get out here.”

“I just moved Maurice to the floor,” Eve said as she joined him on the balcony. “He’s pretty much out for the night.”

“I have a present for you,” Nick said.

“Oh Nick, it’s too much – “

“Let me spoil you, darling.”

She stopped resisting. Nick was right. Life was too short to worry about the little things.

“I do love surprises.”

“I think you’ll like this one.” He handed her a beautifully wrapped box. Eve carefully unwrapped her present, then opened the box and pushed the white tissue paper out of the way. Inside were the red lace panties she’d left at the Christmas party. Though it had been mere weeks, it felt like a lifetime ago.

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