City Wolves: Paranormal Shapeshifter Werewolf Romance Bundle (Master of the City / Mistress of the City) (20 page)

BOOK: City Wolves: Paranormal Shapeshifter Werewolf Romance Bundle (Master of the City / Mistress of the City)
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. The little female in his arms had given permission. Those words Archer understood, even if he didn’t fully know why he needed to hear them. He was bigger and stronger than the woman so he could take what he wanted…what his body craved. Something held him back though, wouldn’t let him spread her legs and drive inside her.

Not until he’d heard the words.

Now, he had.

With a snarl, he pulled her captured leg higher, keeping her open between him and the concrete wall. With a bend of his knees, he rubbed his erect shaft against her. The slickness of her pussy lips and the musk of her arousal around him almost did him in. That scent, so familiar it teased at his memory, surrounded him and drew him under her spell.

He shook his head, trying to ignore it and fitted the head of his cock against the entrance to her pussy. With a push, he entered her and groaned, dropping his head back. She was so tight, he almost came on the spot. Instead, he paused, lifting his head. Had he hurt her?

“That’s it,” she moaned, expression tight with pleasure. “Please, Archer, more. Give me more.”

Oh, he had no problem with more. No problem at all. Bending to kiss her throat, he pulled back a fraction to push again. His cockhead slid another half inch inside her. Gritting his teeth against the bliss of her intimate grip, he did it again and again. She moaned and wriggled while he did so, bearing down and impaling herself on his cock in a way that nearly stole what was left of his mind. He knew there was something wrong with him, something different, but while she was in his arms, he didn’t care.

Nothing mattered except getting deeper inside her. Deeper and deeper, until he didn’t know where she ended and he began. Until the tension and rage in his body were expended into her silken depths.

His hand tight on her wrists and the other holding her thigh, he worked himself inside her in hard little thrusts until he was seated to the hilt. Balls pressed against her, he stopped for a moment, savoring the throb of her cunt around him. Tight walls clasped him in a firm grip and a wave of protectiveness washed over him. She was so tiny, delicate. He felt like an animal with the things he wanted to do to her, with the force of the need that surged through him.

Not that it stopped him. Her soft pants and moans, the way she clung to him, all conspired to destroy any semblance of control before he managed to muster it. The fury inside saw to that, latching onto his lust and fueling it. Unable to help himself, knowing he should wait until she’d gotten used to his length and width, he pulled back and drove into her. It felt so good he did it again. Then again.

“Yes…like that. Please …” She arched her back and drove herself onto his cock. He swore, his balls ready to explode. If there were medals for sheer eroticism, then this woman would win them. She writhed in his arms, pussy greedy for his cock and her little noises made him feel like a sex god.

“You want more?” he growled, letting go of her hands in favor of cupping her ass and pulling her hips from the wall. Braced between it and his hips, she was caught, at the mercy of his body and anything he wanted to do to her.

“Yes…more,” she demanded. An order he was happy to comply with. With a grunt, he set up a strong, fast rhythm, holding her steady to fuck her even as he admired the sight she presented. Long dark hair cascaded over her shoulders, rounded breasts that jiggled with each hard thrust over a waist that flared out into full hips and voluptuous thighs. Just the sight of her brought more blood surging to his dick buried deep inside her.

“As the lady wishes,” he increased his pace, reveling in the slap of skin on skin and the sounds of sex that filled the small room. Her nails bit into his shoulders, not enough to hurt but more than sufficient to make him growl in need.

“Keep doing that,” he begged, his voice ragged. He looked into her eyes and the fog in his memory lifted. “Reena…”

* * *

e knew her
. The words were backed by recognition in his eyes, which was then overwhelmed by a wash of heat. He flicked a glance down to where their bodies joined and smiled, that quirky little expression she remembered from their night together. It never failed to get her hot.

“Welcome back, handsome,” she muttered, the sound lost on a moan when he rolled his hips against hers. Pleasure was a delicious distraction, but she forced herself to focus on him. “Remember your name?”

“Archer.” He smiled, a wicked glint in his eyes and surged into her again, filling her completely with the thick, hard cock she’d been craving for days. “Want my inside leg measurement as well?”

“Ohhh…No, I think I got that,” she managed and rocked her hips, angling for more penetration. He filled her as no one else had, and it was addictive. So addictive.

“Good. How about this?” His teeth, now human blunt, flashed a wide grin. The soft moan slipped from her lips as he pulled back and filled her again.

“Oh…yes… Shut up and do it more.”

“Lock your ankles behind me.” His order was low and he easily lifted her from the wall to slide both hands up her back. Sensation coursed through her body as gravity slid her down his cock. He was big, and even though she was slick and wet, she still felt every ridge and vein as he pressed against her inner walls.

“You like this, don’t you, Mistress?” he rasped, lips seeking the spot below her ear that made her melt. “You like being told what to do and fucked senseless.”

She shivered, quaking in his arms. The words reached into her subconscious and triggered that part of her she tried so hard to hide. The part she needed to conceal to make everyone buy into the big, mean she-wolf, alpha of the city act. Only with him could she relax and let go, allow someone else to take the lead, if only for a little while.

“Tell me,” he whispered in her ear, altering his position to slide a hand between them. His clever fingers stroked her clit at the same moment her back hit the wall. She couldn’t speak for the pleasure that coursed through her, spiraling out from her aching clit with each rub. “Tell me. Or you don’t come.”

She bit back her moan, meeting his eyes. The command in them was absolute. “I don’t care that you’re the Mistress of the City. This,” he rocked his hips forward, shoving his cock deeper into her as he stroked her clit, “this is all mine…you’re mine. You only come when I say. Understand?”

“No! Now!” she growled, fighting her and her wolf’s need to roll over and submit to this dominant male.

He slid his arm up her back, between her shoulder blades and grabbed the hair at the back of her neck. Holding her still, he claimed her lips, plundering them with such devastating thoroughness her thoughts scattered. When he lifted his head, she could barely remember her own name.

“Not ‘no’ to me.” His eyes flashed dangerously. Human brown, but just as dangerous as if they’d been amber. Brown meant he completely controlled his wolf just hours into transformation. Unheard of. Sexy as hell. “I know who you are, what you are…you can be all that out there, I don’t care…I’ll obey your every command. But in here with me, you’re mine. And I’m going to fuck you until you scream my name. Then I’m going to fuck you again, because I can. Are. We. Clear?”

She nodded, as much as she could with his hand in her hair, and he smiled. “Good.”

Pressure slicked over her clit again and she bit her lip to keep from crying out. Holding her gaze pinned with his, he began to move. Fucked her with long, deliberate strokes. Prickly heat flooded her veins, little pinpricks of sensation that built the need inside her. Her pussy clenched around his invading shaft, the tension nearly unbearable. Her body quivered as she struggled to hold it in and not to come. He tortured her with pleasure. Drew her responses tight, pushed her almost to the end, only to leave her poised there, right on the brink.

His thrusts became harder, his pupils dilating with desire. She whimpered, the scent of her arousal surrounding them like an exotic perfume. His joined it, an erotic charging of a male in his prime.

“Fuck,” he growled, surging into her. “I love the way your pussy grips my dick.”

The ability to form words was lost under his command not to come. She fought it, but it was no good…the wave was too high. The moan slipped from her lips before she could stop.

“Shhhh, babe,” he soothed, pressing her back against the wall. “Come for me. Come over my cock, let me feel your heat.”

His next thrust was hard and fast, but was all it took. With a cry, she shattered. A million pieces spread like stars in the night sky, each one pulsing with pleasure too bright for even a supernova to contain. It obliterated all else, stealing her ability to breathe. One blinding moment of pure ecstasy enveloped her. Her body tensed, pussy clenching as she came in a liquid rush of bliss.

He barked a cry, his thrusts harder, faster, until the concrete behind her showered them with dust. Each slam of his hips against hers sent new ripples through her pleasure-weakened body. He didn’t last long, just a couple of thrusts before he drove into her and stiffened, throwing his head back and howling his release to the unseen moon far above the basement.

Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, she gathered him close. Closed her eyes as his cock jerked and pulsed deep inside her. It was unlikely for his seed to take root, not with him so new a wolf, but for a moment she allowed herself a small what-if. What if she did get pregnant, what if they did mate…

“Penny for them?” She blinked as he spoke and found him looking down at her. His eyes were warm but satiated and that lazy contentment she’d first noticed—a big cat kind of lazy rather than lupine—wrapped around him again.

She liked this. Liked the closeness. With lover’s she’d taken in the past, things had been short and sweet. She certainly hadn’t stuck about to snuggle in case they started to get ideas, not after the first time. Killing a guy you’d fucked was one thing, but to kill one you’d snuggled with damn near broke a girl’s heart.

But Archer was different.

She leaned her head against the wall and looked him in the eye. “Did you mean that? About out there?”

He arched an eyebrow. “About you being Mistress of the City and all that?”

“Yeah. Obeying me. It can’t have escaped your notice that you’re not exactly an average wolf. I’ve never seen anyone come through transformation this quickly.”

He lifted her carefully from the wall, the previously forgotten chains clinking as he stood with her in his arms. A shiver worked its way through her as his still solid cock slid back and then deeper into her slick pussy.

“Yeah. I meant it. I’m…was…a soldier,” his lips whispered against the side of her neck. “I’m used to taking orders and I’ll take yours… Everywhere, apart from when you’re naked in my arms. Then I’ll take you. Then, I’m in control.”

He pulled back to look at her. “Deal?”

She smiled and clenched her pussy around him. “Deal. So what next,

The End (For now…)

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Chosen by the Alpha

o matter what happened
, there was always one thing Isla could rely on: the sheer arrogance of male wolves. That, and their overriding assumption all females found them irresistible and were desperate to get them in the sack. Mostly she
desperate to get them in the sack, if only to stop their whining, but she didn't think a sack six feet under was precisely what they meant.

"Liam." She managed a sigh instead of a growl at the young, eager wolf in front of her. This was so what she didn't need, not with the arrival of a delegation from a rival city imminent. "The answer is no. It was no yesterday and it'll be no tomorrow as well."

The young male didn't give any indication he heard her. One shoulder leant against the wall, his posture was all about the hip lead and pelvic tilt, thumbs looped into his belt so his fingers framed his genital region suggestively. Classic position for the horny male wolf.

She doubted he even knew he was doing it. Just as she doubted he realized that if she gave a good yank on the brocade drapes he leant against, he'd end up in an undignified heap on the floor. Not exactly what a young wolf out to impress wanted, now was it?

The urge to yank the drape grew, but she shouldn't. She really shouldn't. While Liam Allan was young, he was also the son of a pack alpha and likely to succeed his father. And in the convoluted world of wolf politics, she couldn't afford to make an enemy of him this early in his life.

Lust burned brightly in his eyes as his gaze swept her figure. Ugh, she needed to take a bath, a week long one. While she never pegged Liam as a creep, having someone she'd seen in diapers look at her that way was...wrong. Just wrong.

"Way I see it, you need a man. Female wolves always do. They're too highly strung without regular sex. And I've been watching don't have a man. Haven't for years." He smiled, seeming smug with his misogynistic reasoning. "You need me, baby. Just admit it and we'll all be happier."

Isla didn't know what to say. Of all the high-handed, insulting, male chauvinistic, fucking bullshit.

"And that is
bollocks. A woman
a man like a fish needs a bicycle. A woman
a man, however, is a totally different matter."

For a moment, Isla thought her mouth had operated without the intervention of her brain. That it had also changed her voice from feminine and sharp to a cultured male drawl as well was interesting. A frown creasing her brow, she turned and what she'd been about to say dried up right there in her throat.

A male wolf stood behind her. Although stood was subjective. Somehow he managed to make standing look like an indolent slouch. Tall and broad shouldered, he was dark haired and dark eyed. No ring of amber showed around his irises, but power wreathed him like a cape, an aura of charisma her inner wolf immediately sat up and took notice of.

“And who the fuck are you?” Liam, eager to react to any perceived encroachment on his “territory,” shoved to his feet and started forward. A growl rumbled from the back of his throat, and the threat hung in the air. The guy in front of her straightened and his expression hardened, taking him from laid back to very dangerous-looking within a heartbeat.

Shit shit shit
. This was going to be a fucking bloodbath.

“Hang on, youngster.” Isla’s voice cracked like a whip in the sudden silence of the corridor. Not the voice of a woman trying to convince a persistent guy to get lost, but the voice of the Captain of the City Guard. One who expected to be obeyed. Without hesitation.

“Huh...he—” Liam’s confusion was palpable and he tried to push past her. Moon save her from idiot men and their territorial urges.

There was no arguing with the hand she shot out and slapped onto the center of his chest. Her fingertips sprouted vicious looking talons. Ones she wasn’t above using if the guy in front of them was who she suspected.

“Stow it, Liam,” she hissed, and turned to the newcomer. The wolves behind him were silent but bristled with tension. She didn’t like the look of them. Or rather she did, and that was the problem. Far from being the normal court dandies, these wolves were all as dangerous as the man in front of her.

“My Lord Delegate, I assume?” she asked with a smile.

“Guilty as charged.” A smile spread over her mystery wolf’s face. His expression transformed from growly and severe to heart-stoppingly handsome.

Her wolf gave a whine, pushing at her to get closer. She didn’t need to because he closed the gap between them. Walked was not the word. No. Instead, he stalked, his eyes riveted on hers like he was the predator and she the prey. After years of being one of the most powerful werewolves in the room—despite his attitude, even Liam knew she could fuck his shit up permanently if she wanted to—to be looked at that way was unsettling.

It was also sexy as all hell.

He came to a stop in front of her, towering over her. Usually, she was eye level with men so that was something else new. And she liked it.

“And...who would you be, my lady?” He tilted his head to the side, and a strand of long hair fell loose, the rest pulled back and wrapped. She clenched her fist to stop herself reaching out to undo it. Something about the way he held himself suggested he didn’t wear his hair like that often.

“I’m not a lady.” Her voice was raspy, forcing her to clear her throat. Great, how sexy was that? She sounded like an asthmatic frog, right in front of the bloody Lord Delegate. “Isla, Captain of the City Guard.”

Belatedly, she offered her hand to shake. As a city official, she wasn’t anywhere near this man’s social standing, but the only person she’d ever bow to was Reena, so it was all he was getting.

“Nick Trevais,” he murmured, taking her hand and rather than shaking it, he bowed to
and lifted it to his lips. “Alpha of the Trevais pack, Lord Delegate, and a man who very much knows when he’s in the presence of a lady.”

* * *

ick Trevais
, while an alpha and leader of his pack, had always been considered a bit of an oddball. He knew that and didn’t care. What people failed to realize about oddballs was most of the time, no one knew what they were likely to do next…which Nick had figured out worked very well for him indeed.

Like kissing the hand of a very pretty woman when she was least expecting it.

He savored her little gasp and the sudden flare of amber in her eyes as she reacted to his touch. She was tall and slender with blond hair. He couldn’t tell if it was long or short because it was pulled back into a loose bun. Her scent hit him first, wrapping around him like the coils of a seductive serpent ready to lead him into sin. Once he’d seen her, interest flared like a fireworks display, quickly followed by anger at the man attempting to crowd her, trying to persuade her to take him to bed.

Nick’s wolf growled within as he straightened, flicking a look of warning at the younger man. The only man this woman would be taking to bed anytime soon would be him. His expression made the other man pale and Liam backed up with some excuse about getting ready for the ball. Nick let him flee, returning his attention to the beauty in front of him.

“My lord—” He’d managed to discomfort her with the kiss, her cheeks flaming red as she dropped her gaze. Interesting. To have attained the position of Captain of the Guard told him she was as tough as nails, but being thrown off balance by a simple kiss was charming. Utterly charming. As he watched though, she regained her composure and smiled at him.

“The ball is about to begin and I know the Mistress of the City is awaiting your arrival. If you and your partner would come this way?” At that, she stepped back and to the side, indicating he should precede her toward the ballroom. He didn’t miss her glance through his entourage, searching perhaps for a female wolf. She wouldn’t find one.

“You see, I have a little problem there,” he admitted, dropping his voice and moving closer. “Normally I attend these things with my sister…” He didn’t, but back home they were well used to Nick arriving at official functions without a partner. “And she’s recently mated, so I find myself at a loss for companionship. Perhaps, you…”

At that, he deliberately encroached into her space, leaning in to almost run his lips against her throat and breathe in her delicious scent. If she didn’t want him, he had no doubt she would back away or react to stop him in some way. She didn’t, and the heady aroma of her arousal and interest filled his nose.

“Perhaps you could suggest a partner who would be willing to accompany me?” He drew back, but not all the way, his voice pitched so only she heard.

She blinked and swallowed, the amber in her eyes gobbled up by a different sort of darkness. Not salacious but something very human, and very primal. The hint of the blush remained on her cheeks, but she hadn’t backed away, and she met his gaze directly.

“If my Lord wishes, I’m more than happy to accompany you.”

“Excellent.” He smiled and extended his arm. “Shall we?”

His breath stalled in his chest as he waited for her touch and in that instant he regretted the fact he wore evening attire. He wanted her to connect with him, skin to skin. Even so, as her hand made contact with his arm, electricity arched between them. Her breath caught and she looked away quickly, color rising on her cheeks.

With a smile, he covered her hand with his and headed down the corridor toward the ballroom.

BOOK: City Wolves: Paranormal Shapeshifter Werewolf Romance Bundle (Master of the City / Mistress of the City)
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