Claimed by a Demon King (16 page)

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Authors: Felicity Heaton

BOOK: Claimed by a Demon King
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He easily prised the blade from her hand. “The same goes for you, Sable. You are not to engage the vampires. You are here to perform a duty and it is best you remember that.”

Sable scowled at him, darkness more formidable than Grave’s bloodlust entering her eyes. She snatched the blade back and jammed it into the sheath on her thigh.

“He started it. He’s been winding me up ever since he got here and I’m not having a bloodsucker saying crap about me like that!”

Thorne could understand her anger. He wanted to rearrange the vampire’s face as payment for his comment about Sable being treacherous. He also knew better than to go through with it. The vampire was right and it was better to have him as an ally than as an enemy.

He looked over at the doors in time to see the other vampire enter and frowned, sure that the vampire had disappeared. No pureblood vampire possessed the ability to teleport though. It must have been a trick of the light on his sensitive eyes as they had adjusted to the sudden brightness.

He returned his attention to Sable and loosened his hold on her wrist. She didn’t stop him when he stroked his thumb over the bandage around it.

He sighed down into her eyes. “Little Female, you are too eager to fight… too easy to provoke. You forget why you are here and why he is here. My kingdom depends upon the presence of both of your parties and any who break the peace in my home will find themselves in the cells. Do you understand?”

She blinked, shuttering her beautiful golden eyes, and he detected a glimmer of her fear. He didn’t want to be hard on her but it was necessary. Grave was right, and not just about his need to have him as an ally.

This was about his kingdom, not him. It was about his people, both those in his army and those living in his realm.

Thorne continued to caress the inside of her wrist, surprised that she wasn’t pushing him away.

She shocked him further when she spoke.

“I’m sorry. I’ll remember that I’m here on a mission,” the cold edge that entered her eyes chilled him to the bone and he growled when she twisted her wrist free of his grip, “not for pleasure.”

Thorne reached for her but she was already walking away, heading back inside. He curled his fingers into fists, tightening them until his claws dug into his palm and he smelled blood. He hadn’t meant to drive her away with his warning or make her behave coldly towards him.

He didn’t understand why she’d had to draw that line between them again when it had begun to blur.

He heaved a sigh and raised his gaze to the black sky, silently asking his mother for guidance. Was he destined to mess everything up and lose his mate? Whenever she moved a step closer to him, he ended up doing something that made her move a further two steps away.

“The mortal female has spirit.”

Thorne lowered his eyes to the werewolf male. Kincaid had brought his cub with him and the amused glimmer in the younger male’s eyes said that they had witnessed Sable in all her confusing glory.

Thorne muttered, “Too much spirit.”

Kincaid offered a consolatory smile and clapped Kyal on the back, causing the younger male to jerk forwards. “The young lad hasn’t a clue what perils await him in the world.”

Kyal grinned. “I’ve been out in the world.”

Kincaid turned a frown on him. “When?”

The younger male’s smile grew wider. “When, indeed.”

Thorne didn’t want to hear the young wolf speaking of his conquests when he had none to his name. A whelp less than a tenth of his age had more experience with females than he did. Kincaid and the others would laugh if they knew.

“It is good to meet your young cub at last, Kincaid, and to see you again. It has been many years and you wear them well.” Thorne clasped the male’s hand and shook it, and Kincaid covered it with his other one, tangling them together. “I fear the vampires will drive me mad.”

Kyal glared at him and Thorne could sense his displeasure. He didn’t like being referred to as young or a cub, even though that was what he would remain until he had been tested in battle and had gone through the rites. Thorne shifted his gaze to him and the male backed down, averting his eyes and exhaling a sigh.

Kincaid cracked a smile. “That they will. Remember the last war… we were against them that time. Those were the days.”

Thorne nodded and smiled with ease as he recalled going into battle with Kincaid at his side, a cub no older than Kyal and wet behind the ears.

“I remember having to yank on your scruff to save your hide, and more than once too.”

Kincaid laughed and Kyal’s blue eyes lit up with interest, and Thorne was glad for their company and the distraction from his thoughts.

His gaze wandered back to the doors as he told Kyal of Kincaid’s victories and failures in the last battle they had fought together.

If he couldn’t win Sable over in reality, he would have to try something else.

He would show her they belonged together but would do so in a place where she felt safe and in control.

He would win her heart in their dreams.


able whirled in the wet alley to face one of the three male vampires, her blade a silver arc in the darkness. It sliced through his throat and crimson flowed down his chest from the yawning cut. She quickly spun to face the remaining two and palmed the hilt of the short blade, preparing herself. She had already caught them with her throwing knives, embedding two in each thigh to slow them down, and had shot one with a specialty toxic dart.

That one was fading fast, his eyes losing focus by the second. She would take him down first, leaving only one.

Her heart pounded, adrenaline thundering through her veins. She cried out and launched herself at the poisoned vampire. He swiped at her with his claws and she ducked, skidding under his arm, and came up behind him. She swung her arm backwards, slamming the blade to its guard in his side, and then tugged it out, spun on her heel and brought it down again, clutching it in both hands.

The blade slipped between two vertebrae on his upper back and she twisted it. He unleashed an agonised roar and dropped to the ground.

The final remaining vampire moved so quickly she couldn’t track him. He was behind her in an instant and she turned as fast as she could, bringing her arm up to block the attack she could sense coming.

He was too fast.

He sank his fangs into her throat before she could get her arm across his neck and she shrieked as he pulled hard on her blood and she could feel it all rushing through her veins towards him.


Sable kicked and flailed and the male laughed as he released her.

Her knees gave out, hitting the wet tarmac hard enough to jar her spine, and she slapped a hand over the wound as she stared up in horror at the brunet towering over her, looming in the shadows.

The King of Death.

His crimson eyes held hers, their elliptical pupils stretched thin and irises practically glowing in the darkness. The shadows clung to him like a lover, wrapping around him and turning his pale skin stark in contrast.

The corner of his bloodstained lips tilted into a smile.

Tears stung Sable’s eyes and she bit her tongue to stop herself from begging for her life.

“Pathetic mortal,” Grave spat at her and grinned to reveal his fangs. “I said you could not win against me.”

Sable’s heart pounded and missed a beat. Blood pumped from between her fingers, streaming down her chest.

He edged a step closer and she shook her head.

“And I warned you to keep away from her.” A deep voice boomed around the alley and Sable’s heart missed a beat for a different reason.

Strong hands grasped the sides of Grave’s head from behind and twisted it at a grotesque angle. The vampire’s expression froze in one of horror. Her saviour released him and he dropped to the ground.

Sable knelt on the wet pavement, staring up as the shadows parted to reveal the most beautiful sight she had ever beheld.


He towered above her, immense and dangerous, his horns curled around and flaring forwards like a ram’s and his leathery dragon-like wings furled against his bare back.

“Sable,” he whispered and held his hand out to her. She slipped hers into it without hesitation and he gently pulled her onto her feet and into his arms.

Sable didn’t have the strength to fight him. She nestled against his bare chest, using all of her strength to battle the flood of tears that threatened to burst the dam holding them back, and kept her other hand over the ragged wound on her throat.

Thorne pressed a kiss to the top of her head and she closed her eyes, shocked by the intensity of the warmth and alien feelings that flowed through her. She felt safe, protected, and loved.

“Let me see,” Thorne murmured and slowly drew back.

Sable pulled down a deep breath and peeled her hand away from her throat. Thorne’s dark eyebrows drew down above his glowing crimson eyes that held a beautiful look of concern.

He leaned in. “Let me make it better, my sweet.”

She didn’t stop him. She tilted her face to one side and closed her eyes as he licked the wound. Each careful, tender sweep of his tongue soothed her and chased away the pain radiating from the puncture marks. She mourned the loss of contact when he finally pulled back.

“There. All better.” He brushed the backs of his claws across her cheek and she looked up into his eyes.

The pain was gone.

His eyebrows furrowed.

“I would never let such a thing happen to you in reality, Sable. You do not need to fear him.”

In reality.

Sable frowned.

She was dreaming, and Thorne had walked into it and saved her. He was dreaming too and was here with her.

He had seen her secret fears and how the vampire haunted her.

Sable took a step back but he didn’t let her get further than that. His fingers clamped around her wrist and he pulled her back to him, right against his body. She tipped her head up and found him staring down at her, no trace of anger or irritation in his eyes. They held only the deep heat of desire, the intense look she had come to crave seeing in them.

Whenever he looked at her like that, she felt beautiful and desired. She felt needed.

She felt loved.

And it frightened her.

He wanted something from her that she couldn’t give him. He wanted forever.

Would he settle for now?

The sensible side of her said not to do this, not to give into the desire burning through her, the temptation that came from this being just a dream. It wasn’t just a dream. It was a vision, something they shared. It was as real as reality. She couldn’t keep giving herself to him in this place and expect him to keep his distance in the other.

Yet in this place, he couldn’t claim her. She could do whatever she desired in this vision and there would be no physical consequences. No bruises if they were too rough. No bite marks for Olivia to question. No unwanted pregnancies.

No bond.

She could satisfy her desire for Thorne, scratch the persistent itch to have him, and keep things purely physical.

The temptation was too great to resist.

“Thorne,” she whispered, looking deep into his eyes.

“I know,” he murmured in response, his gaze turning hooded and dropping to her lips. “My female hungers.”

She leaped and wrapped her arms around his neck as his hands caught her backside, holding her in place. Her mouth fused with his, a violent coupling that only served to set her on fire rather than satisfy her. She needed more.

Sable locked her legs around his waist and kissed him harder, and groaned as he nipped her lower lip with his fangs. He sucked it into his mouth and moved with her at the same time, slowly walking.


She groaned as her back hit the brick wall and he pinned her there, his broad muscular body pressing deliciously into hers.

He wanted to do it here, in the alley?

She moaned again, a thrill coursing through her, and she told herself it was just a dream. Not real. Thorne kissed along her jaw and down her throat, devouring it with playful nips and licks that sent fierce achy shivers through her. It certainly felt real.

“Want you naked.” Those whispered words sent more than a shiver through her. She burned to give him what he desired and to feel him hard and hot against her, skin-to-skin. She ached to have him sliding deep inside her, filling her up, giving her another hit of bliss.

Sable released him and tried to pull her top up. She hit a snag when he refused to stop kissing her throat.

“Trying to get naked here, Big Guy.” She tugged his little left horn to get his attention and he groaned. Her eyes widened as it grew in her hand and he flexed his hips, driving the rock hard bulge in his leathers against the apex of her thighs. “Naked.

Thorne practically dropped her. Sable pulled her top off and was about to tackle her leather trousers when she caught sight of Thorne opening his. She moaned, gaze lost in roaming rope after rope of muscles on his stomach and the delicious curves over his hips that led her eyes downwards to the thick pulsing shaft rising out of a nest of dark curls.

He had stopped her last time. He wouldn’t have the chance this time.

Sable wrapped her hand around his length, pulled him to her and dropped to her knees. He went to speak and it came out garbled as she licked the blunt head. He slammed his hands into the wall and brick dust rained down her back.

She looked up and grinned wickedly. He leaned over her, his face screwed up and his fists buried in the wall behind her.

Sable swirled her tongue around the head of his cock and ran her hands over his powerful thighs and he groaned again, his muscles trembling beneath her touch.

“Sable,” he whispered, his chest heaving and fangs flashing between his lips.

She closed her eyes and took him into her mouth, and he shuddered, moaning loudly. She smiled and moved her mouth on him, taking him as deep as she could before withdrawing. He groaned with each stroke of her mouth and swirl of her tongue, and muttered something in the demon tongue that she hoped was complimentary when she brought one hand into play, teasing his shaft and his balls. His trembling worsened and his breathing quickened.

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