Read Claimed by a Demon King Online

Authors: Felicity Heaton

Claimed by a Demon King (22 page)

BOOK: Claimed by a Demon King
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He yearned to do it again and cursed his vow of restraint.

He wanted to claim her while desire maddened her and she was lost in her pleasure, before she could consider what was happening and was powerless to resist. He couldn’t though. He would not do it against her will. He wanted her, ached for her to be his, but it had to be on her terms. All he could do was show her that it would be worth it.

She rubbed her legs together and he knew she sought to make the most of the pressure building between them—pressure he had created.

“Thorne,” she murmured and he drew back and stared down at her. She swallowed and trembled in his arms. His beautiful female. Desire coloured her eyes, turning them into liquid pools of dark gold. Her lips parted and she husked, “Touch me.”

He paused to absorb that request leaving her lips, to revel in how she responded to him now, seeking his touch and his kiss, giving herself over to him. Her expression turned frustrated and he sensed her rising need. He frowned, his own hungers coming to the fore, and ran his red gaze down her body, seeking the area that needed his attention.

He released her top and shifted to one side, keeping her bent over backwards and easily supporting her with his other arm. He skimmed his fingers down her torso and she shivered beneath the light caress.


He lowered his gaze and his hand at the same time, and she arched and moaned as he covered her mound, palming her through her trousers. She rocked into his touch and he felt her need. It pounded through him, a demand he couldn’t ignore. She needed more. She needed him.

“My little fated mortal needs,” he growled and fisted the material blocking his way to her.

She grabbed his hand, stopping him before he could rip her trousers away.

“Reality… remember,” she said in a desire-drenched whisper. “Buttons are good.”

He watched as she popped them all for him, slowly revealing more smooth, toned skin for his hungry gaze. He ached to replace her hands with his own and know his female intimately at last. When she had tackled the final button, he knocked her hands away and half groaned half growled as he slid his free one into her trousers.

She wore no undergarments here too. He shot her a curious glance.

“I said I was in bed… naked.” Her sultry smile hit him hard in the chest and sent heat rocketing down to his groin.

“Want you naked.” He pulled her up and shoved her trousers down before she could argue.

He tore her boots off and tossed them across the room, bowling over several candles. Sable closed her eyes and turned her head slightly away. Why? She felt different, unsettled.

Was she thinking about their location? The statue honoured his parents but they were not buried here. They were in the crypt below with the rest of his ancestors.

He pulled her trousers down and threw them aside. He would take her mind off it. Before long, his little female would not be able to think at all.

Thorne lifted her again, clutching her bare backside, and growled as he walked with her to the stone wall. She was hot against him, scalding his hands, making him want to touch more of her, until she had branded her name on his flesh and they were one at last.

She tensed and shivered as he pressed her against the wall.

“It’s chilly,” she said and Thorne shoved her further up it and dropped to his knees at the same time. “Forget I mentioned it… don’t you dare move from there.”

He had no intention of moving from this spot at her feet, at least not until he had tasted his female and she had screamed his name in pleasure.

He pushed her long toned legs over his shoulders, his hands supporting her backside, and looked up at her. The desire and hunger in her eyes heated him through and he could sense that same feeling flowing through her, chasing away the chill of the stone against her back.

He stared up at her—his everything—the woman he would die without. Her expression softened and she reached down and stroked his brow and then his cheek, holding his gaze.

Thorne inhaled deeply and caught the scent of her desire rolling off the neat dark curls at the juncture of her thighs. His body hardened painfully, cock throbbing against his tight trousers. He needed to taste her. Could no longer deny that hunger.

“Want to taste you now.” His tone brooked no argument, showing her that she couldn’t stop him, not this time. She gasped as he delved between her thighs, plunging his tongue into her soft folds.

Sable arched away from the wall and grasped his horns, her legs falling open.

He licked her from core to nub and back again, each hard stroke followed by a soft one. She writhed against his face, her hands tugging at his growing horns and her wildness intoxicating him.

“Thorne,” she murmured, her head tipped back and shoulders pressing hard into the stone. She looked delicious like that and tasted like Heaven. “Don’t stop.”

He growled against her. She gasped, moaned and rocked harder, lost in an urgent need for release that he could feel pounding through him, demanding he sate it. Thorne swirled his tongue around her aroused nub, teasing the bud, and her breath hitched in her throat, her body twitching as she came alive for him.

“Taste like ambrosia,” he rumbled against her, holding her gaze to show her that he was serious and he had died and gone to Heaven.

She tightened her grip on his horns, a blush burning across her cheeks as she steered him lower. He growled and spread her with his thumbs, his fingers pressed deep into her buttocks.

She bit her lower lip as he speared her with his tongue, thrusting it deep into her channel, mimicking sex. Her need slammed into him through their connection, filling his head with her deepest desires and flooding him with a sense of her thoughts. She wanted him inside her.

His horns grew in her hands.

His ears flared back.

Sable looked down at him, or more precisely his back, and groaned. The skin on his back was writhing, the two long scars where his wings hid shifting. They wanted out. She moaned again, flexing against him, and he shared her thoughts, knew she relived their first joined dream and how his wings had burst free when he had been above her, inside her, possessing all of her.

“Thorne,” she moaned and he licked upwards and flicked her bud with the tip of his tongue. She gasped and undulated her hips, riding his tongue, shivering with each brush and swirl. “More.”

He shifted one hand lower and she stilled. “Want to be inside you.”

“Be gentle,” she whispered and he knew her fears too. She didn’t need to worry. He would keep control and keep his claws in check for her. He would never hurt her.


She smiled down at him, her pleasure flowing through him, telling him that his female liked to hear such things. He would tell her other sweet things if she would listen and it wouldn’t drive her away from him. He would tell her of his feelings for her and how she had captivated him, and not because she was his destined mate.

He would have fallen for her beauty and spirit had she not been his fated one.

He slowly inserted one finger into her, wiping the smile from her face and replacing it with a moan of bliss. She was hot and wet, slick against him and scalding him, making him want to venture further. His own groan joined hers as he moved deeper and then withdrew, pressing his finger over her a rougher spot as he did so.

A loud moan left her lips.

“My female enjoys this.”

“No shit.”

Thorne grinned at her profanity and the feelings roiling within her, and within him.

He delved his tongue between her petals again as he pumped her slowly with his finger, taking her higher with each stroke and each swirl, and him with her. She tipped her head back again and rocked on him, no longer in control of her actions, her body taking the lead as she sought release. He loved that moment when it seized control and how she responded so sweetly to it, giving in to the wildness that lived within her and giving herself over to pleasure.

He groaned again and licked her harder, thrust deeper, needing more of her as his cock throbbed against his leathers, tight with a need to be inside her as his finger was. He wanted to feel her with it, to slowly bury his length in her and have her wet heat encasing him, linking them as one.

She cupped her breasts, ripping another moan from him, the sight wicked and wonderful and threatening to push him over the edge with her. She tweaked her nipples, arching into her touch and tightening around his finger.

He thrust it deep into her and suckled her at the same time and she froze, her mouth open on a silent scream as she shattered. Her body pulsed, hot around him, alive with motion even as she remained tensed and still. He slowly swept his tongue over her, his finger stationary inside her, and moaned huskily as he absorbed every shiver and flex of her body around it.

He liked to feel her climaxing.

Thorne drew back and she looked down at him.

“I want you.” His gaze devoured hers and he knew it was dark with unsatisfied desire and need and that she could feel it in him.

Fear prickled across their link. “No.”

His eyes darkened for a different reason and he set her down and rose to tower over her.

“I won’t go that far with you.” She stood her ground and he almost admired her for it because he could feel that deep inside she already thought about him being inside her, desired it as fiercely as he did.

Her growing fear calmed his rage though and had him backing down. She looked too vulnerable as she stared up into his eyes, a flicker of uncertainty in hers, and it reminded him that she had been through much this day and had been seeking comfort from him.

She had made him vow not to bite her and now her eyes and her feelings told him that she feared she would end up desiring such a thing if they took things all the way.

She was afraid that he would claim her here and now.

He wanted to, with every drop of blood in his body, but he had sworn to himself that he wouldn’t claim her against her will, and if he bonded with her tonight while she was vulnerable and needed comfort, it would be just that. She would never forgive him come the morning when she was thinking straight.

He had already scored a victory tonight and would be a fool to push for more.

It took all of his willpower but he reined in his need to be inside her, but he couldn’t rein in his desire. His body demanded release at his female’s hand.

Thorne growled down at her, roughly took her hand and shoved it against his crotch, against the large bulge caged by his burgundy leathers.

“I will not make you… but I cannot be left like this. I need you. I need my female’s caress. I gave you pleasure. You cannot deny me the same.”

The look in her eyes said she couldn’t deny him. She was already rubbing and caressing, and trembling with anticipation. Or was that him?

He realised he trembled too and with good reason. He was on the brink of knowing a female’s touch for the first time. His female’s touch.

Sable untied the laces on his trousers and pushed the snug leather down his hips, freeing his erection. He growled at the hit of cooler air and then her first caress.

He felt his eyes shine brighter scarlet as his emotions overwhelmed him and his horns curled further.

Thorne grunted as she wrapped her slender hand around him and stroked him, long slow ones that ran from root to tip, brushing the blunt head and sending hot shivers shooting down to his balls. He curled his hips into her touch, chanting her name under his breath, and pressed his hands to the wall on either side of her head.

Sable looked down at her hand on him and he looked down at her. She watched her hand intently as she stroked him, licked her lips and rubbed her thumb over the crown, smearing the pearl of moisture there. He growled and flexed his hips into her wicked caress.

She raised her hands to his chest and he scowled at her until she forced him to turn. She shoved him back against the wall and ran her hands down his body, teasingly exploring his chest and stomach as she dropped to her knees before him.

Sable took hold of his hips and pushed them into the wall, pinning him there. Thorne’s breathing quickened, the rough sound filling the room, and his heart thundered. She meant to taste him as he had tasted her. He groaned at just the thought, his knees threatening to give out. She closed her eyes, leaned in and darted her tongue around the soft head of his cock.

He grunted and tensed as pleasure rolled down his length, causing his balls to draw up. She cracked her eyes open and her gaze sought his. Did she want to watch him while she pleasured him, as he had watched her?

Did she desire to see how she affected him, how little he could restrain himself around her and how her touch was bliss?

She wrapped her lips around him and took him deep into her mouth, and looked up the height of him. He stared down at her, finding it hard to keep his eyes open and keep still as she sucked him. He groaned, clenched his teeth and fought the urge to rock into her mouth, afraid that he would somehow hurt her.

Her gaze darkened and drifted over his bare torso, blazing a trail across his muscles and tearing another moan from his throat. He wanted her to rake her nails over his body, leaving fiery streaks of red on his flesh, marks for him to remember this moment by.

She sucked him harder, pressing her tongue into the ridge on the underside of his length as she withdrew and then pulling him back into her mouth, until the head brushed her throat. He grunted each time she sucked him inside, his hips flexing under her hands as he fought the need to thrust.

He didn’t want to hurt her.

He had promised to be gentle.

She took one hand away from his hip and raked her nails lightly down his thigh. He shuddered and tipped his head back, his horns flaring forwards and fangs dropping as his lips parted.

The first roll of his balls in her fingers in time with her sucking had him growling. The second had his hands flying above his head and his hips pumping, a string of dark curses leaving his lips at the same time. He clawed at the stones, arching his hips towards her, and she gave up holding him back.

BOOK: Claimed by a Demon King
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