Read Claimed by a Demon King Online

Authors: Felicity Heaton

Claimed by a Demon King (39 page)

BOOK: Claimed by a Demon King
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“Thorne,” Sable whispered and pulled him down to her, merging her lips with his in a kiss that spoke of her love and her need of him, and tore a groan from his throat.

She wrapped her hands around his horns and his groan became a growl of sheer pleasure as a shudder went through him. Everything male in him demanded that he strip her bare and kiss every inch of her until she trembled as he did, until she cried his name so loud and so long during the peak of her ecstasy that all in the castle would know that she now belonged to him.


He growled again, darker this time as needs bombarded him, driving him to seize this chance that she had given him and claim her.

Thorne ripped her black shirt open, spraying buttons everywhere. They ricocheted off his bare chest. Sable gasped and he swallowed it in another demanding kiss, devouring more of her, tangling his tongue with hers so he could taste her familiar, delicious sweetness. He grabbed the hem of the t-shirt she wore beneath her shirt and yanked it up, only breaking the kiss for as long as it took the material to pass between them.

Sable wriggled her arms above her head, pulling both tops off while she continued to kiss him, her tongue stroking his now, stoking his need for her. He groaned and ran his palms down her arms and over her breasts, and it turned into a growl of frustration when his fingers met with cotton and not soft, bare flesh.

“Wait,” Sable snapped but he had already used his claws to slice the thin band of fabric that held the two cups together. She huffed and then shrugged, tangled her fingers into his hair and kissed him again.

Thorne angled his head, deepening the kiss as he brought their bodies into contact, his need to feel her beneath him too great to deny any longer. He groaned into her mouth as she wrapped her legs around his waist, drawing him down into the cradle of her thighs, and thrust gently, rubbing his caged erection against her most sensitive place. She moaned, the sound divine to his ears, speaking to every instinct he possessed. She liked this, loved the feel of him rocking between her thighs, and wanted more.

He would give it to her.

“My female needs,” he whispered and kissed down her neck.

She arched against him in response, a soft whimper escaping her kiss-swollen lips, and clutched his head and then his horns. She steered him lower, over her chest towards her breasts, controlling his actions in a way that would never fail to ignite his primal male instincts to dominate and subdue her. They flared up, demanding he seize control again.

“Damn straight I do,” she murmured and then gasped as he wrapped his lips around her right nipple and pulled the dusky bud into his mouth. “Thorne.”

He loved the way she said his name, dripping with pleasure and need, a plea for more and a praise at the same time.

He suckled her nipple, rolling it between his teeth, torturing the sweet bud until she constantly moaned and his need to dominate was satisfied. She shifted, thrusting her breasts towards him, and the action caused his right fang to nick her breast. Her expected reprimand didn’t come and he groaned, sinking into her as she gasped and moaned again, her pleasure rippling through him. Wicked little female.

Thorne lapped at the tiny cut. The sweet but tangy spice of her blood dancing across his taste buds sent him shooting steel-hard in his trousers. He shuddered and moaned as she chose that moment to gyrate beneath him, rubbing his already sensitive flesh and threatening to make him spill in his leathers.

His instincts flared once more, commanding him to seize hold of her, pin her to the bed and sink his fangs into the delicate arch of her neck, initiating the claiming process and showing her that he was the one in control. He needed to strip the rest of her clothes from her and thrust into her, deep and hard, until she screamed his name and knew his strength.

Until she knew without a doubt that she was his now.

Thorne stifled those darker urges to dominate and possess her, caught her hip and pressed it down into the bed, rising off her at the same time to catch her gaze. His shifted to her neck.

She brushed her fingers across it, clearing the dark hair from her throat, and then trailed them lower, over her chest to her left breast. Her eyes fell there, drawing them down with him, and he didn’t miss the naughty smile on her lips.

“Not quite the traditional place for it, my sweet little fated one,” he murmured and lowered his head, flicking his tongue across her nipple and ripping a husky gasp from her throat.

He wanted to bite her neck, wanted to show the world that she belonged to him, but he wasn’t averse to sinking his fangs into her breast and drinking from there too.

His cock throbbed at the thought and he eased his fangs into the soft curve of her breast. She jerked against him, her cry of pleasure loud in the quiet room, and the connection between them overflowed with her bliss. Thorne groaned and gently sucked, drawing her essence into his mouth. Warmth flowed into him, tangy yet sweet, filling his senses until he felt hazy and lost, drugged by the taste of her. He swallowed the small amount and shuddered, a bolt of pleasure shooting down his spine to his cock, tightening his balls.

Gods, he needed more.

Thorne rose over her, pushing himself up her body, and buried his head into the crook of her neck. She moaned and rocked into him, and he growled at the obstruction separating them.

Sable seemed to hate it too.

She grabbed the waist of his leathers and pushed at them, unleashing a noise of sheer frustration when they didn’t budge.

Thorne reached down, never breaking contact with her neck, kissing her and teasing her with light scrapes of his fangs, and shredded the laces on his leathers with his claws. He pulled his cock free, the cool air bliss against his hot hard flesh, and Sable shoved at his leathers again, pushing them down over his hips. She wriggled beneath him, her frustration mounting, beginning to dominate her emotions that flowed through their connection.

He wanted her naked too, pressed against his flesh, bared for him. He wanted to seat himself to the hilt in her body and sink his fangs deep into her neck.

He reluctantly left her throat, swearing he would return soon enough to finish what he had started and satisfy his need to claim her, to bury his fangs into her flesh and draw all that she was into him, linking them forever.

Thorne sat back, grabbed the waist of her black combats and yanked them down without undoing them, forcing them over her hips and her thighs. She giggled and continued to wriggle, shifting her legs to help him. He pulled her boots off and then her trousers, and tossed them all on his floor.

He froze as he stared down at his beautiful female, still holding her ankles. She lay nude and glorious before him, an angel with her black hair spread across his furs and firelight flickering across her smooth skin. The bite mark on her breast dripped a teasing trail of blood that glistened, calling to him, demanding he finish what they had started.

“Naked,” she whispered and every part of him wanted to obey that commanded, craved the feel of her nude against him, her soft flesh pressing into his hard.

He growled and shoved his leathers down to his knees and ended up falling rather ungracefully off the bed. Sable laughed and appeared above him on all fours, her smile contagious.

Thorne’s faded when he caught sight of the twin beads of blood running down the curve of her breast, towards her nipple.

A groan tore up his throat and he kicked his leathers off, shot to his knees and sucked the bloodied bud into his mouth. Sable moaned and inhaled sharply. His horns curled, flaring forwards, and his claws lengthened, the pressing need to have her growing too strong to deny. His wings itched beneath his skin, aching to burst free, and his fangs throbbed with a need to feel her flesh beneath them again.

“Sable,” he growled, low and commanding, warning her that he was close to losing control.

She rose above him, drawing him up with her, and held on to his shoulders. He devoured her breast, licking away the blood and sealing the puncture wounds, and trailed his lips upwards. He wanted her as wild and needy as he felt. Needed her maddened by desire, on the brink of losing control too.

Thorne sank his fangs into his lower lip, drawing blood, grabbed her around the waist and kissed her hard. She pushed against him at first and then moaned, her nails digging into his shoulders. A heartbeat later and she was sucking greedily on his lip, drawing him into her, and the connection that burst into existence between them was staggering, almost taking him down to his knees. He could feel all of her, every emotion that danced through her as she tasted him and experienced the same connection awaken within her, and it awed him.

Because he could feel her love for him.

And it was endless.


He shivered and kissed her harder, clutching the nape of her neck to keep her in place against his lips, to keep her drawing from him. Each drop of blood solidified the connection between them, the bond that would tie them forever once she acknowledged his words.

He wanted to speak them, to complete the bond and the claiming, but needed the kiss more, needed the connection of being inside her.

He lifted her left leg, holding it tucked close to his hip, and she moaned and reached between them. Her hot hand closed around his length, sending another shiver through him, and brought him down to her core. Thorne groaned in time with her as the head of his shaft wedged into her warmth.

He grasped her hip and drove into her in one hard, deep thrust. Sable shuddered against him and bit his lip, tearing another moan from him. He clutched her as she kneeled on the bed before him and drove into her, relentless and deep, curling his hips to ensure that he reached every part of her. She grabbed his shoulders again and kissed him now, her lips clashing with his as he took her, driving them both towards release. Her breasts bounced against his chest, firm nipples rubbing his skin with each thrust of his cock into her.

Thorne shifted his grip to her backside, digging his claws in as he lost himself to his urges and fighting to hold back some of his strength so he didn’t harm her. She pressed her nails into his scalp and clutched his left horn with her other hand, her kiss as fierce and relentless as his thrusts. He wedged his left knee against the bed beneath her, angling his hips, and she gasped as he plunged deeper, his pelvis slamming against her with each long stroke.

“Thorne,” she whispered, a plea that she didn’t have to voice because he could feel her need, feel her creeping closer to release, and wouldn’t stop until he had brought her to the very edge and sent her tumbling over it with him.

The connection between them relayed everything to him, heightening his own pleasure as their blood mingled, linking them together. He couldn’t take much more but neither could she.

Her nails bit into his scalp as he shoved deep into her, slamming her down onto his length, and she tipped her head back and cried out as she came, her body quivering and milking him, drawing him deeper still.

Thorne’s gaze zeroed in on her neck, his eyes blazing crimson, and he roared as his wings burst from his back, spanning the room, and he sank his throbbing fangs deep into her neck, marking her as his forever.

The first touch of her blood on his tongue sent his balls clenching tight and release boiling up his length. He grunted, blinded by pleasure as he shot his seed into her welcoming body. She trembled in his arms, a high keening cry leaving her lips as she joined him, climaxing again.

The feel of her flexing and clenching around his cock, and her quivering beneath his grip tore another release from him and he groaned into her throat, shaking all over as his length throbbed within her, his seed pulsing from him. A thousand fiery sparks skittered over his flesh with each pulse, searing his bones, and he could feel Sable tremble in time with them, could sense her experiencing the same blissful release.

Thorne drank deep of her blood, drawing the life giving essence into him, ensuring the strongest bond possible existed between them. His cock continued to throb within her, spilling himself as she quivered around him, sending aftershocks of pleasure rippling through them both. His knees loosened with each one, with every tiny orgasm that detonated within him and within her.

When he finally released her and drew back, her dazed gaze met his, a broad smile playing on her bloodied lips.

His blood.

He kissed it away, mingling them once more, and then forced himself to draw back so he could say the words that would complete their bond, linking them in eternity.

Thorne cupped her cheeks and kept her gaze on his, not giving her a chance to look away as he had in their vision. He stared deep into her golden eyes and whispered the binding words in the demon tongue.

She stared blankly at him, her gaze holding his, never wavering. He could sense her nerves and uncertainty as if they were his own. He had to say it in the demon tongue, as was tradition for a mating, but now he could speak to her in her own language.

“Sable… do you consent to become my mate, to take all that I am and give all that you are, in the eyes of the gods and eternity?”

Her eyes glittered, relief and happiness pouring through their link, together with her love for him.

It took a single word to make him feel he was the luckiest, and no doubt happiest, male in all the realms.



horne was in Heaven.

Sable lay in his arms, tucked close to his side, with her right leg hooked over his and her head on his chest. Her warm breath skittered across his pectorals and her fingertips traced patterns on his skin.

They had lain like this for hours, exhausted from their lovemaking, sated and content to share the silence. The fire burning in the grate crackled.

He wanted to stay like this forever, never leaving this cocoon of warmth and contentment.

He needed to remain here, with his fated one in his arms, held close to him. Her heart beat softly, a gentle rhythm against his side, and she wriggled closer, until every inch of her lay flush against him.

BOOK: Claimed by a Demon King
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