Claimed by the Wolf (5 page)

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Authors: Saranna DeWylde

BOOK: Claimed by the Wolf
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One month to the day after the horror in the catacombs, they fulfilled their promise to each other. Leaves were scattered across the ground like red-and-gold coins, bright and crisp on a beautiful October evening. Torches burned high as the last shadows of dusk fell softly over the wedding party. Trees arched over each other, branches entwined like couples holding hands, guarding them from the rest of the world.

Beth was thrilled to be welcomed so easily among Stefan's people—her people now, too. Luka and Marijka, as well as Konstantin and Daphne, had come to celebrate not only her marriage, but their defeat of the dark forces.

She watched her friends drinking warm spiced wines, eating roasted meats and enjoying the peace and comfort they found in each other. Beth had never had family like this, but she knew she wanted it for always.

“Sneak away with me, wife,” Stefan whispered against her ear.

“Johann is about to give Zoranna's tribute. We can't leave.” She laughed and slapped his hand away from her bodice.

“My grandmother would be the first one to tell us to sneak away. I have something special to show you.” He tugged her hand. “Come.”

“If I had a dollar for every time I heard that...” she teased as she followed him to the

Once inside, he slipped a ring on her right hand and one on her left. Her mother's ring and Zoranna's ring.

“I thought they were lost!”

“I did, too. I found them with Zoranna's journals.”

That was the only thing short of her mother and Zoranna being present that could've made this day any more perfect.

“You should read them, Beth. She knew exactly what she was doing every step of the way from the morning I wandered back into camp with those scratches across my chest. She knew how important you, Luka and even Daphne and Konstantin would be to our people and the world.”

The enormity of what they'd been through slammed home again, but she refused to feel anything but gratitude and joy for the life she'd been given.

“I will. I'd like to know her the way she knew me.”

“You will, but enough of that. Now that I've got you in my
, my queen, it's time to do your duty.”

“My duty, is it?” She arched a brow. “I think, my king, that you'd best consider your next words most carefully.”

“No more talking.” He pounced on her as if he were the wolf and she the prey. They tumbled among the cushions and blankets in a mountain of silk and velvet.

His mouth captured hers and he kissed her deep.

For as much as she loved her wedding dress, Beth couldn't get it off fast enough. She suddenly despised each and every seed pearl button she'd lovingly sewn onto the back. Beth wanted to be skin to skin.

He used his magic to undress her, each button slipping free of its mooring to reveal more of her body to him. She loved that he watched each button open as if he were seeing her naked for the first time.

Her dress slid from her shoulders and danced over to the corner, where it stood waiting for her like a silent sentry.

When he touched her, his knuckles grazing her cheek, it felt like the first time all over again. She locked her legs around his hips, but he rolled, taking her with him so that he was on his back and she was the one in charge.

“I want another do-over, Beth.”

“I thought you said no more talking?” she teased, but straddled him so that her cleft rubbed against his straining cock.

“I mean it. The morning you left when I thought you'd died—do you remember?”

She did. Beth had climbed on top of him, half-asleep, and rode him until completion, then left for work. “Are you saying you want me to leave after?” she whispered, knowing he meant no such thing.

“The only place you're going after this is next to me in this bed while we get ready for round two.”

“Then what do you want?” Beth leaned over him so her breasts brushed his chest and her red hair tangled around their faces.

“You told me you loved me. I didn't say it back, and then I lost you.”

“That's because some part of you knew that you did love me then and you couldn't say it because you meant it.” She brushed her lips over his before trailing hot kisses to his jaw and his throat, down to the scar on his neck where she'd marked him.

Her tongue darted out to lave at the abused flesh and his fingers dug into her hips.

“You know what that does to me.” He arched into her caress.

She shimmied her hips until she'd shifted his cock so it was poised to slide into her. “I do, lover.”

Beth impaled herself on his length, sliding down oh-so-slowly only to retreat and do it again. He drew himself upright and hooked his arms beneath hers to palm her shoulders and guide her down harder on his cock.

She loved being guided by him as he drove himself into her—his hands, his hips, his mouth and his cock all working in tandem to bring them both to the highest peak of bliss. Small cries fluttered from the back of her throat as he hit her core, and she buried her face in his shoulder as all of her senses narrowed in on one thing: ecstasy.

As they crashed back to earth in each other's arms, Beth was certain her ever-after couldn't possibly be happier.

* * * * *

About the Author

Saranna DeWylde has always been fascinated by things better left in the dark. She wrote her first story after watching
The Exorcist
at a slumber party. Since then, she’s published horror, romance and narrative nonfiction. Like all writers, Saranna has held a variety of jobs, from operations supervisor for an airline, to an assistant for a call girl, to a corrections officer. But like Hemingway said, “Once writing has become your major vice and greatest pleasure, only death can stop it.” So she traded in her cuffs for a full-time keyboard. She loves to hear from her readers.

ISBN-13: 9781460326381


Copyright © 2014 by Saranna DeWylde

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