Claimed: The Warriors of Nur (9 page)

BOOK: Claimed: The Warriors of Nur
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“This is Retrieval Vessel 374--
The Lost and Found
, requesting inhabitant identification of Escape Vessel 1 of the Science Research Vessel--
Biological Warfare

“This is Dr. Asa Von, clearance code- -Genetic Anomaly”

“Dr. Von, we are preparing to acquire your vessel, please strap in, and remain so until further instructed.”

Asa disconnected the communication and activated the manual pilot.  It was about damned time they showed up.  It’d been over  five days since she’d launched from the
Biological Warfare
.  She’d never doubted they would send a team,; she’d just had no idea it would take so long.  Five days.  Five!  That she’d been drifting, waiting for IAESC to move their asses and send someone to get her—five days since she’d watched as the ship she’d spent the last four months on exploded, taking the six other crew members with it--five days since she’d come to understand just how far a race would go to protect themselves. 

Absently, she wiped at tears.  In the four months aboard ship, the six-man crew had become like family to her.  As the only female, and a scientist to boot, her reception aboard had been less than enthusiastic, but that had quickly changed when she’d jumped right in after an accident that had left two of them down with second degree burns.  Her specialty was in genetic research, but she’d treated them and kept them alive until a med-transport vessel could arrive.  Since then, she’d been treated more like a little sister than a member of the crew, especially once they’d all become aware of her condition.  It was because of that that she was the only survivor.  She’d been shoved into the EP, and launched just in time to have a ringside seat at its destruction.  She thought of the data hidden in the tracking unit on her wrist.  The information stored within it, was the only thing that had kept her off of the IAESC’s MWHR list, a fact she’d became increasingly aware of during the time she’d waited for retrieval. 

“Dr. Von.” She answered the chiming com-unit located on the central dash.

“Dr. Von, we’ve begun the retrieval of your vessel and will be securing you momentarily”

“Thank you Captain-—” She paused uncertainly.


“Zesiro.  Thank you, Captain Zesiro”

“Our Med-Tech will be waiting outside your dock once you’re secured;, she’ll escort you to quarantine.”

“That won’t be necessary.  I haven’t been in contact with any foreign or alien substance since leaving quarantine aboard the
Biological Warfare

“Protocol, doctor. We’ll try to complete testing as soon as possible, but I must insist on the quarantine until they’re complete.”  The audio feed disconnected.

Damn it!  She’d hoped to avoid the protocolled testing.  Oh well, not like they wouldn’t find out anyway.  Besides, there wasn’t a whole lot they could do to her.  Even if she wasn’t protocolled here, she’d have to go through it once they reached Earth.  Eventually IAESC would know her secret, and she’d be grounded.   

The sound of the airlock connecting assured her that she was safely docked aboard the
Lost and Found
.  Time to go.

De’Lhila watched their new guest through the window of the haz-mat suit.  Dr. Asa Von was probably all of 5’7” tall and maybe 145 pounds.  Nice shape.  Rounded hips, full breasts, nice ass.  Physically, just her type, but God was she stiff.  For a chick just saved from floating to her death in the middle of space, she wasn’t very gracious.  Not that she needed a ‘thank you,’ but when she’d opened the air lock, the last thing she’d expected was a rude ‘let’s get this over with.’.  So here they were, in quarantine, with the rude doctor refusing to follow protocol.

“Is this really necessary.  As I said, I had no con--”

“Captain always follows quarantine protocol.”  She interrupted.  “No need for all of us to die just because you don’t want to give a little blood.”

“Hold long does this usually take?”  She watched as the med-tech withdrew five tubes.

“Well that depends on how long it takes us to get back to Earth.”

“Get back to…but that could take days!.”  She sputtered

“Settle in doc., and welcome to the
Lost and Found


De’Lhila typed in her clearance code, stripped out of the haz-mat gear and stored it in the bright red bio-hazard tub right outside the door.  It was a shame such a pretty girl had to have such a stank attitude.  Placing the sample into a sealed container, she stepped into the testing lab across the hall.

“Test these,” she said in greeting.  “Any anomalies or inconsistencies, report immediately.”

Aramis tried his best not to stare, but holy hell that woman was fine, not ‘oh she’s cute, I’d fuck her’ fine, but constant wood, couldn’t fuck her cause I’d come too fast, fine.

“Sure, no problem,” he answered, clearing his throat.  “Anything else?”

“Yeah, don’t go into the unit.  She isn’t clear until I say.  Got it?”

“Got it.”  He watched her ass sway as she bounced back out.


What the hell!  Why couldn’t he get his shit together around that chick?! 

He’d been psyched when accepted to the
Lost and Found
for field training.  Avi’Nyla Zesiro had a reputation as one of the roughest, most dogged R&R pilots in the IAESC; field training on her ship was about as real as you could get, and her signature on the bottom of your FTC form practically guaranteed a slot on an R&R team after completion of the program.  His area of specialty was Data Recon and Field Adaptation, the one slot not filled on her crew. 

If he did well enough, he might even get it permanently.  His first few days on ship had been pretty uneventful, with normal systems checks and settling in; the only snag was when he’d accidently locked himself in one of the quarantine units.  He hadn’t known that they were equipped with automatic locking mechanisms that could only be opened from the outside, and he had been trapped until someone had come looking for him.  Hours later.  Aside from that, there hadn’t really been any action. 

TK was…well, who the hell knew what was going on in that dude’s head at any given moment?  He didn’t strike you as crazy, really…just not completely sane.  He was one huge SOB; definitely not someone you’d want to make an enemy.  Captain Zesiro was-—well— best to change the subject.  De’Lhila or ‘Fine Ass D,’ as he referred to her in his fantasies -he shifted, adjusting the instant erection he got just remembering the way she’d looked five minutes ago.  He really shouldn’t be responsible for his behavior around her. How was he supposed to think when all his blood rushed to his cock every time he saw her, and for God’s sake, did the woman own anything that wasn’t a booty short?  If he didn’t get it together soon, he could kiss his ambitions of crewing on this ship good bye.  The one thing he’d learned in his short time onboard was that Captain Zesiro’s crew was tight.  Alienate one…alienate all. 

“So, how’s the good doctor?”  TK lay sprawled on the bed, his arms folded comfortably behind his head.

“Locked up tight…and when I say ‘up tight,’ I mean a stick up her ass.” De’Lhila flounced unannounced through the entrance to his bed room. 

“Shot down, huh?” he laughed.

Flipping the bird, she hopped up onto the large viewing ledge that offered an amazing view of the space they floated in.

“Thought I wasn’t your type, De’”

“Awww…you know I love you, babe…” She pouted, blowing a kiss.

“Yeah, like a funky younger step brother,” he grimaced.

He’d met De’Lhila the first week of recruitment camp at the IAESC, and they’d been friends ever since.  Like everyone else, for Kingston it’d been lust at first sight; that was until he’d witnessed the tazing of a classmate who just didn’t get that no meant no, or in De’Lilah’s case, HELL NO.  He’d been headed back to the barracks after a late workout when he’d stumbled across what he’d thought was another recruit having a seizure; apparently he’d gotten a little too grab ass with sweet D, and she’d sent 440 volts of electricity right through his balls.  She’d calmly looked at Kingston, and with a quietly spoken ‘No means No,’ flounced off, leaving the guy twitching in a puddle of his own piss.  After that, he’d pretty much fallen out of lust and into full blown love.  It’d broken his heart to find out that she batted for the Muff Munchers, but he’d learned to settle instead for friendship, and here they were five years later, more brother and…brother than anything else, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

“So how’s AB?”

Cocking her head, the look she gave translated loud and clear:, ‘Dumb Ass Question.’

“That bad?”

“I don’t know what she’s gonna do if we can’t find her.” She folded her legs to sit ‘Indian Style’ on the ledge.  “I’ve never seen her this….THIS!”

“So…that means we need to find her.” 

“Did you talk to her about it?” she asked anxiously

He returned her ‘Dumb Ass Question’ look.

Sighing, she hopped down, bouncing towards the large bed.  “Scoot your big ass.”  Climbing over him, she lay on her back, and folding her arms behind her head, stared at the ceiling.

“So you gonna make a go for Dr. Tight Ass?” he asked nonchalantly

“I don’t know…maybe.  You?”

“What she look like?”

“Creamy skin.  Like an egg shell kinda tan.  Cinnamon freckles.  Red hair.”

“Nice Ass?” his tone slightly more interested.  He so loved chicks with red hair.

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