Claiming Her (Keeping Her Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Claiming Her (Keeping Her Series)
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He stood looking at her
with those angry cat eyes for what felt like hours, but in reality were only a
few minutes.  When he finally spoke Isabella nearly slumped with the release of
tension.  “Fine.  You go with the flow for a while.”  He grabbed her hips with
both hands and pulled her up against his heat.  “But you should start working
this into that stubborn head of yours . . .”  He released one of her hips and
wrapped his hand around the side of her neck, holding her there while he dipped
his head and ran his lips over hers.  His eyes on hers burned with purpose.  He
spoke and she could feel the words on her skin, and under it.  “From this day
forward there will never be a night when you are not in my bed . . . however I
have to make that come about.”  Then his lips pressed hers and his tongue
slipped inside, past her defenses, tasting of sin and heat.  She moaned into
his mouth and opened for him, wanting what his lips promised more than her next
breath.  Wanting everything he had to give, while she could still have it.  He
pulled back and caught her eyes again, growling the smallest bit in
satisfaction at the look on her face.

“Lucas,” she whispered,
biting his jawline and then licking it.  “What you do to me.”

“I’m going to own
everything you have to give Miley,” he grumbled, then picked her up with an arm
under her knees and one at her back.  “Everything.”  She wrapped her arms
around his neck and buried her face there.  Shuddering out a breath against his
skin, ready and willing to give him all of that, as long as he kept touching
her.  But his next words he spoke directly into her ear and it had her nerves
twanging in a completely different way.  A not so good way.  “Before I’m
through, you will give me all your secrets.  Every last

Her body froze in his
arms and she slowly raised her head while he made his way to their bedroom. 
His eyes still all for her, even as he moved through the room.  “Lucas?” she
asked on a breath of panic. 

He stopped at the door
to the bedroom.  “Open the door, Miley.”

She breathed deep, her
eyes drowning in the heat of his.  “I don’t think . . .”

He interrupted her
softly, his eyes melting out of that hard edge to just plain hunger.  For her. 
“Open the door, baby.”

She opened the door. 
When Lucas made to walk through, his eyes firing with that of a conqueror with
his prize, she stopped him with a hand to his cheek.  “I’ll tell you my secrets
when I’m ready and not before.”  Her hand rubbed down to his neck and curved
back beneath his ear, while his eyes narrowed at the softly spoken challenge. 
She smiled at his perturbed look, leaning forward and running her lips along
the same path, only on his other cheek and ending with a nip on his ear lobe.  “But
you can give it your best shot, Viking.”

He growled and moved
faster, turning to slam the door closed with his shoulder.  He dropped her legs
and shoved her bodily back against the closed door so she was pressed between two
hard surfaces.  He grabbed her waist and shoved her higher, until she was
looking down at him.  Her hands moved to either side of his face and scooped
back into his soft hair, revealing the sharp bones of his face when she pulled
it back.  Isabella heard the little click of the door locking the rest of the
world out.  She smiled into eyes that swirled from blue to gold and back again.

“We didn’t have any
dinner,” she reminded him.

He reached between them
and pushed her skirt up to her waist, his hands going into the back of her
panties and curving around her ass.  “Don’t give a fuck.”  He yanked her
closer, his voice guttural.  His eyes went cat and stayed there.  “Take off
your shirt.”  She wrapped her legs around his waist, her heels resting on his
ass.  Leaning her shoulders back against the door, she worked the buttons on
her shirt while he watched with predatory eyes.  When she had enough unbuttoned,
she worked the cloth from between them and lifted it above her head, tossing it
away.  His eyes were on the lace edging of her bra now, and she waited letting
him look, even as she could feel her breasts swell with the heat he was
throwing off.  “Now the rest,” he said, his voice dropping impossibly lower,
even as she felt the hard spike of heat pressed between her legs get impossibly

She slipped her hands
behind her back as he pulled her forward to make room.  He was watching for the
fabric to drop with an intensity that was almost scary.  She stopped, biting
her lip and trying not to smile when she teased him further.  “You sure you don’t
want to get some dinner first, you know, to keep up your strength.” He snarled
and snapped, his eyes never leaving her soon to be bared breasts.  “Wouldn’t
want hunger to diminish your . . .

He lifted his eyes to
hers, and growled again.  “Take it off, or I shred the fuckin’ thing.”

Isabella fought off the
laugh that was threatening and unhooked her bra.  “Okay, but being testy can be
a sign of hunger, too.”  She pulled the bra off her arms and threw it across
the room, not paying attention to where it landed.  Now Lucas was looking at
her naked breasts and the look in his eyes swept all the teasing from her
thoughts.  She was already struggling with mounting desire when, without any
warning, he leaned down and took a whole breast into the warm cavern of his
mouth and sucked.  Her head banged back against the door, but pain was a
distant concept.  She was beyond caring as the suction and heat on her breast
was causing her hips to jerk and rub against him involuntarily.  Only he pressed
so tight she had no way to get the friction she needed.

“Lucas,” she breathed,
as his mouth moved on to the other breast before he pulled her grasping legs
away from his waist and ripped off her panties.  Then he hauled her back with
hands on her thighs.  She wrapped back around a fully clothed Lucas with her
skirt around her waist and her heels on, nothing else.  The feel of denim on
the soft skin of her inner thighs was mind altering.  She moved her hands to
his shoulders to try to get some traction while her pelvis tilted up in search
of more friction. 

She was so wet he had
to feel it even through the thick denim.  His big hand shoved between them and
she pulled back, thinking he was going for his pants.  It was almost as good an
idea when instead he used that hand to create the friction she was looking
for.  Her head tossed back.
.  She would be lucky if she didn’t give
herself a concussion at this rate.

The thought flew away
with the pain, when he slipped a finger inside and pushed unerringly at the
right spot.  She felt the muscles in her stomach and legs spasm, as he moved
his thumb to her clit and pressed, at the same time rubbing the other finger
over the spot deep inside her.  She came hard.  He pulled back from her breast
with a pop, then marked the underside of her breast with his teeth while she
shouted his name.

When she came back to
the present he pulled her down his body until his mouth was against his mark. 
His hand was still between her legs but this time they were releasing him from
his zipper.

“Lucas,” she whispered
again, with no breath left in her lungs.  She rubbed against the knuckle of his
hands no doubt leaving them wet from her passion.  “More.”

He finished freeing
himself and gave her more.  Pressing the broad tip of his cock inside her, he snarled
against his mark on her.  She felt his teeth clamp down just as he slammed in

Miley’s head went back
  Lucas trailed his hand up her body, claiming her hips and
waist, and then trailed up the side of her breast and neck.  His hand went into
her wildly flying hair and held the back of her head.  Safe from harm, then
with one hand behind her head, and the other clutching her ass, he fucked her
with hard, brutal, banging thrusts.  Miley screamed her next orgasm into his
hair. Then he groaned, sinking his teeth into the mark he seemed determined not
to let fade from her skin.

They were still
twitching and shuddering in each other’s arms, breathing hard, when the outside
door for the suite opened after a short knock.  “Dad?”

Isabella’s eyes popped
open just as Lucas lifted his head from her shoulder. He was still licking her
blood from his lips when he met her wide eyes.  He didn’t seem nearly as
bothered by the interruption as she did.  But then, what did he care if his
daughter walked in to the suite while they were in the next room going at it
like wildebeests.  He was such a guy.  Isabella, however, could feel all the
blood in her body rushing to her cheeks.

“We’ll be out in a
minute, Cleo,” Lucas called through the door.

Isabella hissed out a
breath and started shoving at his shoulders to get him to release her.

“Order dinner for three
while we jump in the shower.”  Then he had the audacity to laugh at her gasp of

They heard the distant “Okay,”
and what sounded like bags hitting the floor.

He smiled full out into
Isabella’s heated face, before brushing a quick kiss over her nose.  “Guess you
get dinner after all.”

















Isabella pushed and
prodded until they took the quickest shower in the history of the world.  Then
she dressed in her underwear, bra, skirt and one of Lucas’ white button ups
that she left unbuttoned on the bottom half so she could use the tails to tie
at her waist.  She left her shoes off, didn’t bother with make-up, just put a
quick brush through her hair, and left it to dry.  Still, she managed to be
several minutes behind Lucas, who had grabbed her amidst her preparations and
laid a hot and heavy one on her that slowed her down considerably. 

She watched in a daze
while he headed into the other room dressed in his slacks, and linen button up
that he didn’t bother to button.  He was also barefoot when she watched his
tight ass saunter out of the room.  Then she had to recover her wits and finish
dressing, alternately glaring at the door and licking her lips for more of his

Isabella finally shook
herself out of it, took a minute to loosen her neck and breathe out her
tension, then walked through the door.  She heard the voices before she fully
opened the door.  Sounded like more than Cleo and Lucas in there.

Her eyes drifted over
Eli, then Shawn, until finally landing on Cleo and Lucas who were standing
together.  Cleo was in cargo shorts that showed off her long golden legs and flip-flops. 
Her top was a soft cotton button up in khaki that came to her hips with darts at
the waist so it loosely showed off her curves.  Her long hair glinted golden in
the sun and was bundled up into crisscrossing braids at the nape of her neck.

She looked long and
curvy and golden all over, beautiful, as usual, and probably had more than one
weapon secreted somewhere on that deceptively fragile body.

Isabella met Cleo’s icy
blue eyes and smiled full out.  Then she rushed forward and met Cleo half way
where they squealed like real girls and hugged, talking over each other, forgetting
about everyone else in the room.

“It’s so good to see
you.”  Isabella hugged her tight and then pushed her back to get another good
look.  Her hands went to both sides of that incredibly fine boned face.  “Look
at you, wow, how can you be even more beautiful that when I last saw you?”

“This is where you
ended up?”  Cleo asked on a laugh at the same time.  “You have no idea how many
times I wanted to break my promise and find you.  It was awful not knowing,
like you were dead for real.”

Isabella lost her
smile, her eyes studying Cleo closely; before she could question the shadows
she saw lurking behind the happy greeting, Lucas growled and she looked up into
angry cat eyes that, moments before, had been lazily satisfied. 
Oh, crap.

“Cleo?”  His voice was
a low rumble of controlled anger.  “How did you know Miley was alive?”

Cleo turned to her
father and Isabella dropped her hands from her face.  The smile dropped off
Cleo’s face when she remembered they had an audience.  Isabella turned so that
they were shoulder to shoulder facing Lucas and the men lining up behind him. 
She blew out a breath and took Cleo’s hand.

“Cleo knew because I
told her,” Isabella said.  Her chin went up and her eyes narrowed when Lucas
growled again.

But he only had eyes
for his daughter at that point.  “You knew Miley was in trouble and you didn’t
tell me?”

“I asked her not to tell
anyone . . .,” Isabella started, only to have Lucas hold up a hand and flash a
furious look her way that had the moisture dry up in her mouth.

“I will deal with you
in a minute,” he bit out. “Right now I want to know why my
decided to leave you hanging in the wind if she knew you were in trouble.”  His
eyes were firing and Cleo stood straighter under the blaze, even as he kept
talking and fanning the flame.  “Why she did not tell me so that I could help
you get out of it.”  His voice dropped and seemed to gain intensity as the
words came from some cold place deep inside.  “She can explain why I spent
thinking you were dead, when she could have told me the truth at any

BOOK: Claiming Her (Keeping Her Series)
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