Read Claiming Valeria Online

Authors: Rebecca Rivard

Claiming Valeria (20 page)

BOOK: Claiming Valeria
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And just like that, she gave in. “All right.”

He looked briefly stunned, and then he gave one of his rare smiles.
“Give me two hours. Maybe less.” He gave her a last, hard kiss and strode off.

Valeria let her head fall back against the wall. The old Rui
was definitely back.

Sabela poked her head out her apartment. “He’s gone?” She inhaled
slowly, then quirked a brow. “Someone’s antsy.”

Valeria scrubbed her hands over her face and pushed off the wall.
“It’s just me and Merry, if that’s what you mean,” she said, ignoring the second

“Too bad. But I have reinforcements.” Sabela came the rest of
the way into the hall and held up a bottle of merlot.

Valeria grinned. “Is that for me?”

“You and your best friend.” Sabela followed her into the apartment.
When Merry bounced off the couch to greet her, she handed Valeria the wine so she
could swing Merry into the air. “Guess what? A certain little girl is at my mother’s,
asking to see you.”

“Katie?” Merry’s face lit up.

“You got it.”

Katie was Sabela’s niece and an adorable three-year-old who idolized
Merry. Merry, in turn, loved playing mother with her.

Merry turned to Valeria. “Go ahead,” she said, “but be back by
eight thirty.” She followed Merry into the hall, watching until she disappeared
into Sabela’s parents’ apartment.

When she returned, Sabela had the wine open. She handed Valeria
a glass and lowered herself gracefully onto the couch, folding her long legs beneath

“That was one hot kiss,” Sabela remarked with a grin.

“Which one?” Valeria shot back and they both chuckled. Valeria
twisted the wine glass in her fingers. “Go ahead. Tell me I’m a fool. That he’s
just going to hurt me again. We both saw him with Beatriz tonight.”

Her friend took a sip of wine. “I might have said that a month

“You did,” Valeria pointed out dryly.

“Whatever.” Sabela flicked her crimson nails. “But I have to
admit, he’s making an effort. Rodolfo says he’s training as hard as any of the cadets.
And if he’s drinking, no one’s seen it. You weren’t facing him and Beatriz, I was.
I couldn’t hear them, but it was clear he was telling her to back off.”

“That’s what he told me.” She took a sip of the merlot. “We haven’t
done anything other than kiss.”

“How do you feel about that?”

“I don’t know,” she burst out. “Sometimes I want more so badly
it hurts. He looks at me in that dark, brooding way until my skin feels too tight
and I just want to shove him down on the couch and have my way with him. So yeah,
I’m frustrated.” She expelled a breath. “He’s coming back—later, after Merry’s in

Sabela regarded her over the top of her glass. “Face it,
he’s your mate. Maybe it’s time to stop fighting it. He wants you. He’s not going
to give up, and no other man’s going to touch you with his scent all over you. But
you don’t have to make it easy. Take him back, but on your terms.”

“Which are—?”

“Well, for one thing, he’d better be faithful this time or you’ll
break every bone in his body.”

“Damn straight,” Valeria said and they both chuckled and clinked

“Now,” Sabela said with a disparaging glance at Valeria’s tank
top and shorts. “Let’s take a look in your closet. By the time I’m through with
you, the man’s going to be on his knees, begging you to take him back.”


“No buts. You don’t have to say yes tonight. You just want him
praying to everything he holds holy that you will.”

Valeria considered that. Then her lips curved slowly up. “On
his knees begging, huh?”

* * *

.” Sabela stepped back with a satisfied
nod. “You look beautiful.”

Valeria regarded herself in the mirror. Sabela had ferreted out
her one black dress, picked up on a whim a few months ago when she’d decided to
start dating again. The dress was a cotton knit that dipped low in the back, with
straps that crossed over her shoulders and came around to hold up a heart-shaped
bodice. Sabela had helped her weave her hair into a thick braid that fell over one
shoulder and talked her into using scarlet lipstick.

She looked good. The dress’s bodice exposed a tasteful amount
of cleavage before nipping in at the waist and smoothing over her hips to end at
mid-thigh. Her cheeks had a slight flush, the lipstick set off her full mouth and
she could see those stars in her eyes again.

“Well?” Sabela demanded.

“You’re right. I

“Damn hot,” her friend finished with a wicked grin.

.” Valeria pulled Sabela into a tight hug. “For

“No problem. I just wish I could be here when Rui sees you. He
won’t know what hit him.”

After that, all she had to do was wait for Rui to return. Sabela
helped her put Merry to bed, then left, leaving Valeria to spend the next half hour
moving restlessly around the apartment: washing the dishes from Merry’s bedtime
snack, returning a few scattered toys to the box in the
, plumping the
pillows on the couch.

This was it. Rui had been patient, something she knew didn’t
come easy to him. She loved that he’d spent the past month taking things slowly—courting
her, as he’d promised. That as much as anything had convinced her that he was serious
about winning her back. The mate bond was more proof: it wouldn’t be rejuvenating
if he wasn’t ready for that kind of commitment. The bond was a mystical, hard-to-explain
linking of two souls, entwined with fate and slightly different for each pair, but
it couldn’t come into full flower unless it was right for both of them.

When the knock came on her door, a flutter went up her spine.
Placing a hand on her abdomen, she took a deep, steadying breath before grasping
the doorknob with firm fingers. She pulled open the door and there he was, big and
dark and gorgeous in a forest green button-up shirt and black jeans.

.” He regarded her unsmilingly.

Her heart thumped in her chest, hard and slow. “Hello.”

He took in the black dress with hooded eyes. For a few seconds
he said nothing as his gaze traveled from her head to her toes. Then he gave a heartfelt
shake of his head.

“Damn. Sometimes I forget how beautiful you are.”

Her lips curved. Rui was never going to give her pretty words,
but it was just as good knowing you’d made a man all but swallow his tongue.

He glanced past her. “Merry’s in bed?” When she said yes, he
placed a hand on the doorjamb, his bicep bulging in the arm beside her head. “Invite
me in.” He showed her a small white box topped by a gold bow. “I brought you something.”

She glanced at the box, then back at his face. He still wasn’t
smiling. Instead his expression was almost stern, but with an undertone of vulnerability
that made her throat stop up.

She reached for his hand and drew him inside. He matched her,
step for step, his gaze never leaving hers as he nudged the door shut with his foot.
And then her back was against the door with him staring down at her with smoldering
green eyes. His hand went to her braid. He smoothed his fingers down the thick rope
of hair to where the tip curled over her breast. Her nipples hardened against the
thin cotton of her dress.

He smiled, a knowing uptick of his lips that did funny things
to her stomach. “I’m going to kiss you,” he murmured, his mouth a breath away from

,” she whispered, mesmerized.

He placed his hands on either side of her head and slowly, carefully,
brought his mouth to hers, tasting her as if she were the most special, delicious
treat. Their tongues twined. His body crowded hers against the door. She grasped
his shoulders and kissed him back, drowning in his scent, his taste, the feel of
his hard muscles against her breasts and thighs.

When he lifted his head, they were both breathing hard. Valeria
understood that what came next had already been agreed to by them both, but she
hadn’t forgotten Sabela’s advice:
You don’t have to make it easy. Take him back,
but on your terms.

His hands were still on the door. She ducked under them and sent
him a smile over her shoulder. “How about some coffee?”

He blew out a breath. “That would be nice, thank you.”

He placed the box on the coffee table and took a seat on the
couch where he could watch as she moved about the kitchen. Neither of them spoke.
A month ago, Valeria might have been unnerved by the charged atmosphere, but suddenly
she was completely calm. He might be a male and several notches dominant to her,
but in this, she was the one in control. That was the gift of his courtship. Even
now, if she said no, he’d leave. He might not be happy about it, but he would leave.

She finished the coffee and then brought in two cups along with
a plate filled with small fruit tarts from the clan bakery. Rui helped himself to
one, washing it down with coffee before setting the cup on the low table.

. I needed that.” He sat back
with a sigh and rested his head on the couch back. “It’s been a long day.”

She frowned at the exhaustion shadowing his face. “You’re pushing
yourself too hard.”

He lifted a shoulder. “It won’t kill me. But it’s not the physical
stuff—it’s some of the other warriors. Not Luis or Rodolfo, thank
. But
a few of the younger men are having a hard time accepting that I’m second again.”

“It’s been two years.”

“Nobody knows that better than me. And
, I know it’s
my fault I lost their respect.” He rubbed a hand over his face. “I just don’t want
it to come to a challenge.”

She bit her lip. “It won’t, will it?” A dominance challenge wasn’t
supposed to be to the death, but things could go wrong.

“I don’t think so. I took on a couple of the most dominant in
hand-to-hand combat today. They’re not going to be challenging me in a hurry.” He
raised his arms in a long, bone-cracking stretch. The hem of his shirt lifted, exposing
his abdomen.

She murmured something, her gaze on all that smooth brown skin.
Maybe he was pushing himself too hard, but she couldn’t argue with the results.
One hand came to his stomach, idly scratching the firm ridge of muscles. A line
of black hair disappeared into his jeans.

He stilled, and she jerked her eyes back to his face. He was
gazing back at her, a smile on his lips. Suddenly he didn’t look so tired after

He crooked a finger at her. “Come here,

Her body recognized that husky tone. Her nipples hardened and
a lush heat filled her belly. But she heard again Sabela’s words:
On his knees

She concentrated on setting her cup on the table.

“Come here,” he repeated.

She moved closer and he traced a finger over her collarbone.

Her thighs clenched at that low, seductive growl. She swallowed.

This close she could see the flecks of gold in his deep green
eyes, feel the heat radiating off his body. She found herself inhaling slowly, taking
in his wild male spice, the scent still familiar after all this time.

He moved his hand to her breast, rubbing a knuckle over one hard
crest. “No more running, hm?”

“No,” she agreed.

His big hand covered her breast, squeezing gently. “Say it, Valeria.
Tell me what you want.”

And suddenly, she didn’t want to make him beg. She just wanted
him. That was all she’d ever wanted.

She moistened her lips. His eyes darkened as they followed the
movement of her tongue. She thought he might say something but he waited patiently,
his fingers massaging her breast.

She slid her fingers down the outside of his forearm. “I want

“Yeah?” Both his hands cupped her breasts now. He continued the
slow, almost-hypnotic massage. Sensation slid up and down her spine, pricks of heat
and light and pleasure.

“But,” some instinct for self-preservation made her add, “that
doesn’t mean I’m agreeing to the mate claim.”

“No?” His brow lifted. “I can make you want me.” He pinched her

Her reply was half-laugh, half-moan. “You already have.”

“So what do you mean, you’re not agreeing to the claim?”

“That I’m not making any promises. I have to be sure this time.”
She glanced away. “You…you broke my heart. Not just with Cleia, but with all the
women after you came back. I can’t go through that again. I
go through
that again.”

He stilled. “Ah,
. I wish I had words to tell you
how sorry I am. I won’t ask you to forgive me. Not yet. But I swear it will never
happen again. That from this day forward there will be no one but you. Can you believe
that at least?”

She moved her hands in a helpless gesture. “I’m trying.”

His eyes met hers. “Thank you. I know I don’t deserve it, but
thank you.” He framed her face and pressed a soft kiss to her lips, then moved his
mouth to her eyes, placing a kiss on each lid, before laying his cheek against hers.

,” he murmured in husky tones. “I love you. So much.”

Something inside her shifted, loosened. She tried to recall her
spurt of anger in the dining room at Rui and all his women, but he’d spent the last
month focusing on her and Merry. He was polite to his past lovers, but he’d made
it clear he belonged to one woman now.

Her. Valeria.

She lifted a hand and stroked his head. And in that moment, she
realized she’d already forgiven him, already begun to trust him again.

When he lifted his head, his eyes were wet. He blinked and turned
his head, trying to hide it, but she saw.

Her heart squeezed. “Come.” Rising to her feet, she took his
hand and led him to her bedroom.

BOOK: Claiming Valeria
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