Clan and Conviction (Clan Beginnings) (50 page)

BOOK: Clan and Conviction (Clan Beginnings)
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Krijero nodded as best Gelan’s hold on his throat would allow.  “I’ll speak up immediately.”

Gelan spoke.  “So now that I’m reassured you still regard me as alpha, you can put
ass in the air.  From this position.”

Krijero lifted his legs, grasping the backs of his knees with his hands.  He bent his legs, rolling himself up, which made his ass leave the mat.  It was remarkably similar to one of his rehab exercises.

Gelan looked him over, curled nearly into a ball with his butt in the air.  “Yes, that’s just the way I want you.”  His hand left Krijero’s throat to wrap around the Imdiko’s primary cock.  He stroked up and down, and Krijero moaned.  Gelan’s grip felt tight and good.  Krijero hardened and lubricant seeped from his cock’s pores.

“That’s it.  Nice and slick for me,” Gelan encouraged.  “Good boy.  There, I think that will do.”

He released Krijero’s cock.  The Imdiko moaned again, this time from loss.

“Spread wide,” Gelan told him as he shifted to kneel at Krijero’s raised ass.  “Get those legs apart, my Imdiko.”

As Krijero obeyed, Wynhod lowered his mouth to his.  The Nobek’s tongue swept through his mouth, tasting.  Krijero sucked on the raspy appendage, his tongue twining to capture Wynhod’s, to assert his claim.

My Nobek.  Mine.

Wynhod responded, his kiss growing stronger, more demanding.  Meanwhile, Krijero felt the light touch of Gelan’s calloused fingertip, wet from Krijero’s juices, tracing over the puckered rosette of his ass.  An anticipatory shiver snaked down his spine.  The caresses and mouthings that had passed for sex these last few weeks would soon be past.  Once they got over this hurdle of discovering Krijero wouldn’t shatter into pieces because of penetration, it would be all right.

The lubed finger settled against him.  “Open, my Imdiko,” came Gelan’s soft call.

Krijero relaxed into the careful invasion.  It was nearly a relief to feel Gelan’s finger slip inside him, joining him to his Dramok once more.  His moan into Wynhod’s mouth was definitely a sound of pleasure.

The Nobek drew back to smile down on him.  “Starting to feel better?” he asked.

Krijero looked down the length of his body, between his splayed legs to see Gelan watching him carefully.  The Dramok’s thick finger worked in and out, stretching long-forgotten muscles to ease him open.

“It’s a start,” Krijero sighed.

“What about this?” Gelan asked. 

He shoved inside and touched something that made Krijero arch.  A thunderclap of sensation trembled in his gut, centering itself at the base of his cocks. 

Krijero yelled.  “Fuck!”

“I believe that’s the destination,” Gelan smirked.  He added a second finger to widen Krijero for his use.

Krijero panted.  The throb in his loins from that brief contact with his cum spot begged for more.  He wished Gelan would touch him there again, but the Dramok’s concentration centered on readying him for his cock.

Wynhod chuckled and leaned down to sweep his tongue over Krijero’s nipple.  Somehow the sensation managed to translate straight to the Imdiko’s cocks, making the rigid flesh weep.  He groaned and grabbed onto the granite shoulders of his clanmate.  He had to hang onto something or fly apart.

“My poor Imdiko,” Wynhod breathed, the air from his mouth a balmy warmth on Krijero’s hard nipple.  “You do need a decent fuck, don’t you?”

Krijero only groaned as the tip of the Nobek’s talented tongue flicked back and forth over the eager nub.  Sizzling pleasure darted through him.

Gelan’s fingers left his ass.  “All right, lover,” he said.  “We’re going to take this slow and careful, like it’s your first time.”

“It might as well be,” Wynhod said, moving so that he could cradle Krijero’s head and shoulders in his arms.  “A year makes you a virgin again, right?”

Krijero snorted, but the noise he made was breathless.  Damn, he wanted this.

Gelan tugged at his legs, making Krijero lay them over his shoulders.  The Dramok took himself in hand and placed the tip of his primary dick against Krijero’s anus.  The Imdiko swallowed to feel the hot, slick prod of him.

“Easy,” Gelan smiled, wrapping his arms around Krijero’s thighs to press them against his granite torso.  “You relax.  I’ll do the work.”

Krijero nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

“Open to me.”

The Imdiko concentrated on doing that, and Gelan eased inside.  The Dramok’s face softened as he entered, showing the pleasure of joining.  The tip of his prick slipped past the ring of muscles guarding Krijero’s entrance.  More forged within, slow and careful just as Gelan had promised.  As the circumference of Gelan’s shaft grew, an ache bloomed in Krijero’s ass.  He caught his breath and Gelan froze.

“No, it’s okay,” the Imdiko told him.  Fuck the pain; he’d already known the worst of that.  He didn’t want Gelan to lose the euphoric expression he wore.  “You don’t need to stop.”

The Dramok arched a brow at him.  “I told you, we will take our time with this.  You’re not going to suffer just so I can dump a load of cum, my Imdiko.”

Wynhod pressed a very un-Nobek gentle kiss to Krijero’s forehead.  “Will you relax, already?  We’ve got all night to make this happen.  Hell, we have eternity, my lifemate.”

The Imdiko drew a breath and released it.  They were babying him too much, treating him just like a youngling virgin.  Yet at the same time, he could appreciate the compassion shown by his clanmates.  They cared about him.

For a moment, tears pricked his eyes.  It could be they would love him forever after all.  He knew he would feel that way about them.

Gelan slowly sank deeper and deeper into him, as gentle as any Imdiko had ever been with a new lover.  While his ass gradually accepted the careful invasion, Wynhod fed on Krijero’s mouth, sipping delicate kisses one moment, devouring hungrily the next.  Krijero lost all rational thought under that sweet assault, his mind burned cleaned by raw need.

Excruciating thunder resounded through his loins in a carnal wave.  The Imdiko arched hard, his fingers digging against Wynhod’s shoulders as he screamed into the other man’s mouth.  Gelan had slid against his hotspot, triggering near climax.  Krijero’s primary dick ached and dripped in reaction.

“That good, huh?” Wynhod chuckled.  “He’s not going to take much, my Dramok.”

“As infernally tight as he is, neither will I,” Gelan groaned.  “I’m in.”

Krijero’s voice was strangled.  “See?  You stuffed your dick in and I didn’t fall apart.  Now how about fucking me before my cock explodes?”

One of Gelan’s brows rose.  “Ordering me around?  You forget who is on top here, my Imdiko.  I should deny you climax just for that.”

Krijero nearly choked.  “Ancestors, don’t do that.  Please, Gelan.  I’m dying here.”

Gelan rolled his eyes to look at Wynhod.  The Nobek grinned.  “It is our clanning night.  And our first time truly together since that bastard tried to take him from us.  Cut him a break, my Dramok.  Just this once.”

Gelan snorted, but Krijero could see the amusement in his eyes.  “Oh, all right.  Spoiled Imdiko.”

Krijero gave him his sweetest smile.  “Thank you, my Dramok.”

They laughed at the sugary voice he said it with.  Gelan shook his head, his eyes bright.  “You are too much, Krijero.  If you only knew how wonderful it is to hear you call me that, even teasing.”

“I’m glad I got this last chance.”

Wynhod drew in a sharp breath at his words.  “Would you both please lay off the mushy shit and fuck already?  I swear, Dramoks and Imdikos talk too damned much.”  He shook his head as if disgusted, but Krijero felt how the Nobek’s arms had tightened around him.

Gelan winked at Krijero, as if to tell him he too knew their clanmate’s impatience covered some deeper emotions.  “Someone wants to see you get laid, my Imdiko.”

“He’s a smart man.  Better listen to him.”

Gelan laughed and leaned over to kiss Krijero. The position brought the Imdiko’s knees to his ears and ground Gelan in tight against his hotspot.  He cried out as the Dramok’s tongue swept his mouth.

Gelan leaned back again with a grin.  “Oh yes.  A lot more yelling.”

He moved his hips back, making his prick slide deliciously through Krijero’s channel.  The friction made Krijero’s toes curl, and he groaned.

Wynhod said, “Do you need him to be very loud?  I think that wide open mouth might be useful.”

Gelan shoved back in, finding Krijero’s prostate with near-heart stopping accuracy.  Erotic heat seized him and his cock spat a few drops while he writhed and howled.  It wasn’t quite enough to bring him all the way, just enough to make his guts clench and cocks burn with need.

“That does look nice, my Nobek.  Enjoy your new clanmate.”

The strong arms holding Krijero slid away.  He barely noticed as Gelan shoved harder into him, making that hot, tight spot throb.  He wanted to tell his Dramok to go even harder and faster, but every time he remembered how to speak, Gelan slammed into that special spot once more, robbing him of the ability anew.

Every breath ended in a shout.  His cocks were engorged, bouncing rigidly against his belly with each thrust.  He needed to come.

Wynhod crouched over Krijero, facing Gelan, his cocks jutting down towards Krijero’s face.  The Nobek lifted his smaller one out of the way and lowered his hips.  At the same time, Gelan pushed into Krijero once more, finding his hot spot yet again.  Krijero yelled.

The spicy sting of Wynhod’s slick cock slid over his tongue.  Hot, silky flesh traveled back towards his throat.  Krijero’s reacted instinctively:  he drew his lips tight over the member while sucking it as deep as he could take it.  He swallowed Wynhod’s lubricating juices with a moan.

“Shit!” the Nobek swore.

Gelan’s laugh sounded strained.  “I guess you won’t be lasting too long either.”

“Longer than him, I guarantee you.”

Wet warmth suddenly enfolded the tip of Krijero’s primary cock and moved down.  Wynhod’s mouth was on him, sucking and licking to make Krijero scream around the prick filling his mouth.

From that point on, no coherent thought visited his head.  He only knew the stark information his senses shared.  There was the sharp scent and taste of Wynhod filling his mouth with eager plunges of his cock, his muscular hips flexing as they drove him deep into Krijero’s throat.  There were the sounds that would never be mistaken for anything but sex:  moans, gasps, sudden cries, the moist noises of flesh within flesh, the slapping of Gelan’s groin against Krijero’s ass as he drove into the Imdiko faster and harder.

Above all, there was sensation.  The weight of Wynhod on top of him.  The solidness of Gelan against his thighs.  Smooth hot flesh stretched over rigid steel rubbing eagerly against his tongue.  Hard, demanding jolts deep in his ass that brought a tightening coil of ecstasy deep in his groin.  A tight, wet mouth sleeving his aching cock, sucking, licking, demanding his complete surrender.

A tight, molten knot of carnal fire unraveled at the base of Krijero’s cocks.  It blazed into his secondary prick and filled it to overflow into his primary.  Wynhod’s tongue rasped over the opening at the tip.  The inferno billowed up to meet it, shoving its way out of Krijero and into his Nobek’s mouth.

Everything below Krijero’s waist clenched in a massive spasm, driving the fire out of him in a steady stream.  He screamed as his world washed away in a white explosion of cataclysmic force.  Smaller eruptions followed to keep him suspended in agonized glory.

Little by little, the pulses faded.  Krijero drifted back into the world as something slammed up hard against his ass.  A loud groan rang in his ears, and heat pulsed in his anus.  He blinked to see Wynhod rising up off him, giving him a view of Gelan’s rapturous expression as he released into Krijero.

Wynhod turned around and crawled over Krijero once more, but this time facing the other direction.  He held his larger dick in one hand.  The other he slipped beneath Krijero’s neck and pulled him up towards him.  Krijero obediently opened his mouth.

“Lick the tip,” Wynhod gasped.  “Mother of All, I’m nearly there.”

Krijero swirled his tongue all over the tapered end of Wynhod’s cock while the Nobek stroked himself hard and fast.  Seconds later, the bigger man’s breath caught.  He groaned and watched as he sent ribbons of pleasure into Krijero’s mouth.

“Fuck.  Fuck!” he shouted, pulling hard to milk every drop from his straining body.

Krijero licked and swallowed the spicy-salty-sweetness, his eyes rolled up to watch Wynhod’s face as he did so.  He took pride in every shudder he gained from his clanmate, from every gasp that fell from his lips.

Wynhod didn’t lie down next to him so much as he collapsed.  Gelan crawled up on Krijero’s opposite side, looking every bit as satisfied.

“Hi clanmate,” Krijero grinned.  “Happy now?”

Gelan laughed and pulled him close so that they lay chest to chest.  He kissed Krijero.  “Happy beyond measure.  What about you?”

“Very happy.”

Wynhod drew up behind him, spooning his body around Krijero’s and slinging an arm and leg across him.  “Are you, my Imdiko?”

Krijero turned his head and looked into the Nobek’s eyes.  In truth, happiness didn’t begin to cover the warmth in his chest.  He wasn’t sure a word existed big enough to encompass how he felt at this moment.  Happy wasn’t it, but it was the best he could come up with for now.

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