Classified as Murder (36 page)

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Authors: Miranda James

BOOK: Classified as Murder
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Sean’s face reddened slightly. “Not exactly. I, uh, talked to Alexandra Pendergrast about it. I’m just repeating some of what she told me.”
“I see.” I suppressed a smile as I decided not to risk embarrassing my son by asking any further questions. Given his previous antipathy to Alexandra, I was surprised to know that he had spoken to her. Perhaps he had decided that not all female lawyers were like his former boss. I hoped so, because Alexandra was a most attractive young woman.
Helena Louise shot me a glance of pure amusement. I had told her enough about Sean and his interactions with Alexandra Pendergrast that she probably knew exactly what I was thinking.
“Going back to the villain in the piece,” Helen Louise said, “I’m sure that if anyone can prove he committed both murders, Kanesha can. She’s tougher than a terrier and a bulldog combined.”
“Amen to that,” I said. “By the time she gets through with him, Truesdale may decide to confess to get her off his back.”
Helen Louise raised her cup of coffee. “I propose a toast. Here’s to Kanesha, the criminal’s worse nightmare.”
Stewart, Sean, and I raised our cups. “To Kanesha,” we said.
“Here’s another one,” Sean said. “To my dad, who actually figured it out first, and let Kanesha take the credit.”
I blushed as they toasted me. I’ve always felt uncomfortable in situations like this, but I tried to endure it with good grace.
“And to Diesel,” Stewart said. “The clever kitty who went for the cheese but found something incredibly valuable.”
Diesel meowed when he heard his name, and we all had to laugh as he put his paws on my leg and raised his head above the table to look around. I rubbed his head and hugged him to me for a moment. Dante barked, perhaps feeling left out, and we all laughed again.
“I think it’s my turn,” I said as I picked up my cup again. “Here’s to family and friends, old and new.” I looked at my son, who regarded me with a relaxed and happy smile that filled me with joy. “And to new beginnings.”
Berkley Prime Crime titles by Miranda James

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