Cleopatra's Return: A Paranormal/Vampire Romance (7 page)

BOOK: Cleopatra's Return: A Paranormal/Vampire Romance
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In a blurring movement, she found herself under him, her lips possessed in a fierce kiss that left her breathless.
He pulled back to look at her while the head of his cock teased the entrance to her sex, and she caught a glimpse of his fangs.

“How come you didn’t bite me?” she asked with curiosity.
“I thought that’s what vampires did during sex.”

“I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about it.”

“Does it hurt?”

He lowered his head and tugged on her lower lip lightly with his teeth before answering. “It doesn’t hurt
, as my saliva releases endorphins into your blood, and if I do it at the moment of orgasm, it will hold you at that rapturous point until I stop sucking.”

“You mean
it would result in like multiple orgasms?”

“Multiple orgasms squared,” he replied
, thrusting into her welcoming channel.

Cleo grabbed at his shoulders, her nails digging in as he swirled his shaft inside her. “Do you want to bite me?” she asked on a gasp as his cock head prodded at her
G-spot, making her whole body clench in pleasurable agony.

“I want to claim you as mine and give you pleasure like you’ve never known,” he whispered against her lips before thrusting in and out of her in a sudden steady cadence that left no room for talk.

Her legs wrapped around his shanks as he pounded into her willing flesh, bringing her ripe body quickly to the edge again. As she hovered on the brink, in a day that had already brought so many surprises, she thought what the hell. “Bite me,” she whispered.

The moment the words left her mouth, she wondered if she should take them back.

Too late.

His mouth latched onto her neck
, and with a small pinch, his fangs sank in. Cleo screamed in absolute pleasure as her orgasm rushed over her. And over her. And over again.

In the foggy mist of pleasure that became her world, she could vaguely hear someone keening in rapture.
I think that’s me.
Further thought became impossible as bliss grabbed her in its maw and left her limp and more sated than she’d known a woman could be.

She would have said thank you, but wrung dry, she fell into a deep sleep, cradled in arms that held her tight. Before she passed right out, she could have sworn she heard a whisper.

My precious goddess. I shall worship you forever.”

Chapter Six

Cleo awoke alone in the gigantic bed
, even though she remembered, if faintly, falling asleep in Michael’s arms.


Just thinking of him made her smile.
Is this what love at first sight, or should I say bite, feels like?

She missed him already
, which was so unlike her.
I don’t need a man to be happy,
but the fact remained. She’d have loved to have woken up in his arms however, she’d wager the light streaming through the window probably accounted for his departure. Sunshine and vampires didn’t mix according to legend. What a shame, because there was nothing better than making love in the sunlight on a bed of soft green grass. But, as her sore body could attest, Michael had no need of exotic places to make her body sing. The man’s prowess was incredible and his technique…Mmm, the best she’d ever known.

To her annoyance
, thoughts of Julius rose. Her first lover, he’d introduced her to the pleasures between a man and a woman. A lot older than her, he’d lacked the vitality of a younger man, but he’d made up for it in skill. Even more astonishing, he’d listened to her, even when she, in her ignorance and youth, acted like an idiot.

When he
died, she mourned his death and even contemplated following him. In her twenties, though, and in full bloom, she’d boxed away her feelings for him and gone on, only to find herself in an abusive relationship with Marc Antony, who, in her grief and desire to feel loved again, had fooled her. Only too late had she realized her error—at the end of his fists—but as she’d done all her life, she’d grinned, born it, and survived.

Well until her suicide. Not that she’d had much choice. Octavian’s plans for her would have been a lot more painful and bloody, the sick bastard. But she’d gotten the last laugh, dying on her own terms.

And now I seem to have received a second chance at life—or unlife. I’m not sure who or what I am anymore.
Oddly enough, she looked forward to rediscovering herself, on her own terms this time. Which seemed at odds with her frolic with Michael the night before, but she got the sense he wanted nothing of her, but her. He wasn’t after power or prestige and didn’t seem interested in dominating her.
He just seems to want me.
As she wanted him.

Rolling over in the bed, she heard a crinkle of paper
, and she tugged a sheet of paper out from under her head.

Good morning
, my lovely goddess,

I hope that nickname meets with your approval, if not I shall find another that conveys my appreciation of your beauty and charm. Now that you’re laughing at me and my sappy side, I am sorry I wasn’t there to wake with you.
While I sleep, though, please know that you have full run of my home and staff. As well, you have carte blanche to spend what you need in outfitting yourself. I’ve amassed a fortune over my lifetime
that I could never spend even if I tried. Although, I do hope you’ll try your best.

I look forward to dining with you this
eve and even more to the dessert I have planned.

Your lover


Disgustingly cute and romantic, but despite that, Cleo couldn’t help a smile and sighing over the note. Michael was truly determined to win her over.
I’ll admit I like his style.
She especially liked his offer to spend his money on necessities. While her own funds were possibly accessible, a great concern of hers was that touching it would create a paper trail that would somehow lead Marc Antony to her again. Besides, it would be a refreshing change to spend a man’s money, given that, in her past life, her lovers had always taken advantage of her generous nature and coffers.

To start the first day of her new life, s
he showered, her soapy hands sliding over a body still sensitive from Michael’s touch the night before. Drying, she noticed the faint puncture marks in her neck. Actually they’d healed so much already they were more like red dots and would probably disappear in a few more hours. Her new self seemed to have healing abilities that exceeded that of a human.
How cool.
She dressed in her leathers, which Chester had miraculously cleaned somehow while she slept then skipped downstairs looking for food.

From out of nowhere popped the distinguished butler with a solemn, “Br
unch is served. If milady would please follow me.”

Used to the pompous antics of staff
that took pride in their master’s status, she didn’t giggle like her new humor seemed wont to do but followed him regally.

He seated her and clapped his hands, starting the stream of platters that arrived by a platoon of servants, all dressed smartly in black and white uniforms.

How traditional. She liked it. As she ate, she made her requests. “I will need a car with a chauffeur for the day.” Driving, she’d discovered on her last trip to the modern world, was a knack she just couldn’t seem to acquire—or so the many dented fenders indicated. She preferred old style chariots with a team of horses.

“Already arranged milady, along with a trio of bodyguards.”

Cleo stopped eating and fixed the butler with a stern look. “I did not ask for nor do I need some pretty-boy muscle. They’ll be of no use against the threats I usually face. Just arm me with a pair of silver-edged daggers, and I can take care of myself.” For in the daylight hours, demons rarely dared walk. The nastiest predators tended to come out only at night. Well, except for her, stores beware.

“While I am convinced of milady’s prowess in defending herself, my lord was most adamant that you receive supplementary protection. But fear not, these are not regular mortals
I’ve selected to guard you.”

Cleo arched a brow. “Really? And what pray tell are they?”

“Lycanthrope,” said a gravelly voice from behind her.

Cleo didn’t turn, thus forcing the speaker to move until he and two other
s stood in her line of sight. Even then she did not speak, inspecting them instead, her eyes roving over their bodies.

Dressed in jeans and
T-shirts, the men were nicely muscled. As if they all shared the same barber, they sported close-cropped hair, clean-shaven jaws, and cocky attitudes.

The leader of the group was older and thicker than the young ones
, and he grinned at her stare. “Thaddeus, at your

She didn’t return
his smile, engaging as it was. As was her habit, she needed to ensure he understood who was in control, so she took the wind out of his sails. “You and your children will not do at all.”

The young ones growled
, and their brows creased in anger, but Thaddeus laughed. “My pups might be young, but I assure you, they are deadly.”

She mentally commended him for keeping his calm at her direct insult. “
I’m sure you are capable of killing, else Michael wouldn’t have assigned you guard duties. But where I am going, you will stand out too much. All will know I am guarded.”

Now it was his turn to frown. “That’s the whole point though.”

Cleo now smiled, even as her eyes remained flinty. “Not if I want them to attack me. It is best to take care of danger when you expect it than to have it sneak up on you unaware.”

His smile came back, but this time it was less jovial and
showed the predator that hid beneath his skin. “Understood. My men and I will change so that we blend into the crowd, and we’ll arrive in separate vehicles. I promise, you won’t see us, but we’ll be nearby should something happen.”

” Cleo would have to commend Michael later on his choice of head guard. Apparently he’d learned the lesson that muscle is nothing without a brain. The lycans left to prepare for their undercover mission, and she drummed her fingers on the table.

She would never admit it
aloud, but after the previous evening’s attack, she was a little nervous about going out. She could take care of herself against reasonable odds, but chances were the next time Marc Antony came after her he’d stack the deck in his favor. The werewolves would even things out, but they didn’t reassure her like she knew Michael’s presence would.

Which annoyed the fuck out of her. Yes she liked him, a lot. But, depending on a man, even a hot, super powerful one who seemed besotted was something she’d sworn not to do again.
And here I am falling in that trap quicker than ever.

But spending his money was another thing.
So shopping she went, alone with her invisible entourage.

Good as
their word, she saw not hide or hair of her bodyguards as she spent an obscene amount of money outfitting herself. She spent hours shopping, stopping only for coffee and a Danish. Nothing attacked her. Marc Antony didn’t appear to shout “boo!” like a bogeyman. And she went home almost disappointed.

She hated waiting
because she knew it was only a matter of time before Marc found her again. A hatred like his wouldn’t be scared off by Michael’s strength. Marc was stupid and sneaky. He’d wait for a moment when she least expected it and was alone to pounce.

Unless I hunt him down first.

Cleo rolled the thought around as she walked into the mansion, laden with bags, through the door held open by the efficient Chester.

“I trust milady spent an enjoyable afternoon.”

“Oh I spent all right.” Cleo laughed. She’d cemented her position with Chester, and now that he knew she was boss, after his master of course, it was time to win over his heart with charm. Loyal servants were priceless.

“Being paid for services rendered?”

The words, thrown at her in a mocking voice she’d once known so well but never thought to hear again, made her freeze. A cold chill swept through her.


Cleo whirled, bags falling from unfeeling fingers to thud on the floor. Her breath got caught in her throat, and her heart stilled for there
stood, halfway down the grand staircase. He looked younger than when she’d known him, his golden curls not yet touched by gray, the lines in his face smoothed, the sneer on his mouth ugly and the fury in his eyes heartbreaking.

us,” she whispered. Then she fainted.

Chapter Seven

The distress emanating from her
woke Michael abruptly.


Their bedroom antics the night before, along with the delicious blood he’d taken from her, had forged a bond between them, one he didn’t quite understand but which allowed him to sense her to a certain extent. He felt her sharp shock as something or someone upset her. Then her mind went blank.

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