Clockwiser (24 page)

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Authors: Elle Strauss

BOOK: Clockwiser
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I forced a smile. “Yeah, I’m fine.”


But there was still one question I needed answered. The catalyst to this whole nightmare.


I turned to Tim. “Who gave you the drugs?”


“Does it matter?”


“Yes, it does.”


He nodded and I leaned in to hear his answer just as Mom and Dad walked in the hospital room door, each with a coffee cup in their hands.




After a while the nurse shooed us all out so Tim could rest. Mom and Dad dropped me off at home before going off to their respective jobs. They felt rested and rest assured enough to put in a few hours of work, and I was glad to see them go back to doing something that resembled normal. Now that Tim was going to be fine, the heavy mood that had shrouded our house had lifted and life could find its regular rhythm once again.


Chase Miller was outside, ear buds in his ears, lounging in his favorite patio chair, wearing his signature jeans and tight t-shirt. I sauntered over the property line, my flip-flops making smacking noises and my heart racing just a little bit.


He looked at me from under his shades. “Howdy, neighbor.”


“Hey,” I said, offering a smile.


“How’s your brother today?” His concern was touching.


“Better. He’s getting stronger every day.”


“I’m glad to hear it.” He cocked his head and I couldn’t help mimicking him. I pushed a loose curl behind my ear.


“So, are we on for dinner, yet?” he asked confidently.


I laughed. “I can’t date you.”


“Why? Don’t tell me you still have that boyfriend?”


My heart sunk, but I didn’t answer him. Instead I said, “I think you’re going to be busy with other things.”


He flashed me a Hollywood smile. “I only want to be busy with you.”


Such a charmer. I didn’t have time to respond because at that moment a police cruiser pulled into Chase’s driveway. I recognized the officer who got out.


“Officer Porter,” I called out. It was so good to see her back at work.


Chase ran a hand through his short cropped hair and breathed out in relief. “Oh, she’s a friend of yours?”


I nodded. “Yeah.” You could say that.


Clarice walked steadily toward us, thumbs hooked in the belt of her uniform. She smiled at me, her brown eyes growing soft. She reminded me of someone, but I couldn’t place who just now.


“How’s Tim?” she asked.


“He’s good. Getting stronger.”


“He’s had quite the summer, hasn’t he?”


“Yeah, he sure has.”


Chase watched our exchange with interest.


“Oh, Officer Porter, I’d like you to meet my neighbor, Chase Miller.”


Chase stood and offered his hand.


“That won’t be necessary,” she said. “Unless you’d like to offer them both.” She dangled a set of handcuffs in front of Chase’s bewildered face.


“Mr. Miller, I’d like you to come with me. You’re under arrest for distributing drugs to minors.”


“What? That’s crazy?” Chase’s eyes darted at me. “Did you call her?”


I had, in fact. Before I’d left the hospital.


“Tim and Alex confirmed that you approached them shortly after you moved in,” I said.


I stared hard at the tattoo on his bicep, the raven, a symbol of a youth gang from New York. The same tattoo I’d spotted on the news story earlier. “You were recruiting members for your gang, and offered drugs as part of the buy-in.”


Chase’s jaw clenched and his lips formed a tight line. I imagined that he already knew all about not talking without a lawyer present. He went with Officer Porter without a fight, but instead of feeling victorious and smug as I watched his blond head through the window of the cruiser, I felt sad and empty.


I went inside and stood in the middle of the kitchen taking in all the quiet and order, and I felt unsure as to what I should do next. School started tomorrow, so I really needed to get ready for that. My cell rang as I headed up the stairs to my room. I checked the caller ID. Lucinda.


I picked it up.


“Hi, Luce.”


“Hey. Just checking in, wondering how things are going.”


I knew she was worried about me. I worried about her, too. Losing Willie suddenly like that wasn’t easy.


“They’re going okay,” I answered. “How about you?”


“Fine, I guess.”


I filled her in on the drama with Chase.


“No way. And he seemed so nice.”




“Except for that part where he unabashedly moved in on you while you were with Nate.”


I laughed a little. “Except for that part.”


“You still haven’t talked to him, have you?”


I reached my room and sat on the edge of my bed. “No.”




“I know. I will soon. He’s going back to class in Boston this week. I’ll call tonight.”


“Are you sure you want to do this?”


No. I wasn’t sure. “I think it’s already been done. He’s stopped calling.”


“Well, duh. If someone doesn’t answer your calls, you have to take the hint.”


I fell flat onto my back and closed my eyes. “It’s for the best.”


“If you think so. It’s just that you two seemed so right for each other, you know?”


Thankfully the doorbell rang and I could end this agonizing call. “Sorry, someone’s at the door. I have to go.”


A strange man with a bouquet of flowers stood on the front patio step. He studied his note book. “Casey Donovan?”




“These are for you.”


I took the flowers--a mix of red roses, daisies and blossoms I couldn’t name. I opened up the little card, but all it said was “


“I” what?


I carried the flowers to the kitchen and pulled a vase from the corner cupboard. I no sooner had the bouquet in water when the door bell rang again.


Another delivery, this time from a different flower company. This bouquet was bigger and brighter than the first. I ripped open the card.




My heart started to flutter. I took these flowers to the kitchen, but I didn’t even have time to find a vase before the door bell rang again.


Another new guy and a new flower company. This bouquet was completely white. Roses, lilies, baby’s breath. My hand trembled as I opened the card.




My eyes stung with tears. I searched the yard and up and down the street, but there was no one. I made my way back to the kitchen. Found two more vases, filled them with water and arranged the flowers.


Maybe I should call him.


The doorbell rang again.




No flower delivery guy this time, but there were flowers. The whole front patio was filled with flowers of every color and kind, like I’d opened my own floral shop.


Then Nate stepped out from around the corner. His hands were tucked in the pockets of his jeans, and his beautiful eyes looked up at me through gorgeous dark lashes. He mouthed the words, “Forgive me?”


I nodded and ran to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, breathing in the scent of him.


He cupped my cheeks in his hands and whispered. “I’m sorry I wasn’t first. I always want to be your first.”


His lips brushed mine, and I gasped, pulling him closer. I couldn’t believe I almost let him go.


“Casey,” Nate said between kisses. “Can you promise me something?”




“Don’t pull away again. No matter how badly I screw up.”


“I thought you wanted to go.”


“I didn’t and I don’t. That will never change.”


An explosion of happiness bubbled in my belly. “Okay. I promise.”


We sat on the step and I snuggled close to him, breathing deeply of the floral scent that surrounded me.


“They’re beautiful,” I whispered.


He kissed my forehead and held me tight.


“By the way,” he said. “Was it my imagination or did I see Chase Miller going for a ride in the back seat of Officer Porter’s cruiser?”


I arched an eyebrow. “You’ve been staking out my neighborhood?”


His eyes twinkled. “Well, you know, undercover stuff. Operation Blossom.”


“I see.” I told him about Chase, and what a bad neighbor he’d turned out to be.


Nate scowled. “I knew that guy was trouble.”


He was right. Note to self. Listen to Nate more often.


A cool wind stirred, a reminder that the seasons were about to change. I shivered and pressed into him, hating that this day would have to end.


“School tomorrow,” I said. “I don’t want you to leave.”


“I’ll be home every night and on weekends,” he said. He cupped my chin in his hand. “It’ll be like I’m not even gone.”


“What about college girls?” I asked. “Do I need to worry about them?”


“Do I need to worry about high school guys? Criminals or otherwise?”


He brushed my lips with his.


“Nope,” I said with a big, sappy grin. “You don’t have to worry.”






The End








I have to thank my family first, for believing in me and cheering me on, especially my daughter Tasia and my husband Norm. Your unwavering support means so much to me.


A huge shout out to my wattpad fans! If it weren’t for your calls for a sequel, Clockwiser wouldn’t exist and I’m so glad it does!


Thanks to my beta readers, Lori, Angelika, Sandra and Bethany for reassuring me that I was on the right track, and to my editor Leigh Moore for making it sing.


A special thanks to Alice Lynn and Eryn LaPlant Rask for your comments and guidance on authenticity.


My Friday morning Noble Girls --you rock!


Thank YOU, reader for making time in your lives for Casey and Nate and for loving them (I hope) as much as I do. =)


And always to God. I’m so glad I’m not alone in all of this.




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