Cloe: Two for the Bite of One (7 page)

BOOK: Cloe: Two for the Bite of One
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“That"s it baby, do you want me to do it again, or do you want me to rub you pretty, little clit? Do you want Darien to slam his fingers into you while I get you off? Will you clench his fingers hard when I push you over the edge?” Teagan said and that was all Cloe needed to scream her release.

Darien smiled when he felt her clenching his fingers hard. It was like she was refusing to let him pull them out. Gods that was going to feel good against his cock, continuing to stroke her, he stood and pulled at his pants until he freed his cock. Looking at Teagan, he nodded and he took one leg and held it wide while Darien took the other and hooked it with his arm and held her wide open for him. He positioned himself between her legs and while she was still coming down from her orgasm, he plunged into her.

“How does that feel, baby? His cock is so big and long, I bet he fills you up. Can you feel it against your pussy walls? I am going to fuck you when he is done. When you are filled with his seed, I am gonna use it for lube. When we have more time, I am going to eat your pussy after he comes in it. I want to taste both of my mates together. We are also going to fuck you at the same time soon. After we get this tight, little ass all stretched. I am going to fuck your ass while Darien takes your pussy. There are so many ways we can pleasure each other. You know, I want to be in the middle some time. Darien pounding into my ass, while pushing my cock into your pussy, would that turn you on?” Teagan said.

“Damn man, where do you get this shit? I am barely holding just listening to you.” Darien growled pumping in and out of Cloe quickly.

“Slow down a second, I am gonna give you both a little treat.” Teagan said and pushed her back so she was lying down across the table. He lifted her hips up which made him withdrawal just enough that he could get his face where he wanted it. First, he flicked his tongue over her clit and Cloe screamed at the sensation.

“Yes, Teagan, Darien, please fuck me!” She cried.

Then Teagan turned slightly and pushed Darien into her pussy and then pulled him out and ran his tongue over the top of his shaft tasting her arousal. Darien grunted at the sensation and Teagan smiled and did it again, flicking her clit and then his shaft. After a few more passes, he stood up and said, “Fuck her hard.” He pinched Cloe's clit and Darien slammed into her fast and hard, grabbing her waist holding her in place. It only took a few strokes when they both yelled their release and came. Darien leaned over and sank his elongated teeth into her neck, and made her orgasm again as he claimed her. They sighed when they felt the bond forming.

“Holy shit.” Darien said and slumped over his mate for a moment catching his breath.

“I feel both of you, how is that possible?”

“Blood bond, Cloe, and I were already mated; when you bit her, you claimed both of us.” Teagan sighed as he felt both of his mates feeling of satisfaction.

Teagan stepped back and smiled as he watched his mates trying to come down from their shattering orgasm. He unzipped his jeans and pulled out his straining cock.

Damn, he probably had zipper marks from where it had strained against his jeans.

“Oh no you don"t.” Cloe said as she noticed him stoking himself, intending to bring himself off. “That is ours.” She said scrambling from beneath Darien and falling on her knees in front of Teagan. “Darien, get your ass down here.” Teagan laughed at his demanding little mate. “Whoa, bossy pants.” Darien smiled and sank onto the floor next to her and they began licking his cock. Cloe took the head in her mouth, swirled her tongue over his slit, sucked a little, as Darien ran his tongue over his length, and cupped his balls with one hand.

“Oh yeah, baby, suck it.” Teagan said.

Cloe moaned around his cock and took more of his length in her mouth forcing Darien to move back. He reached around, ran a finger down his back entrance, and found his opening. Licking on finger for lube, he pushed just the tip past the tight ring and wiggled his finger a little. Teagan growled and grasped Cloe"s hair and began to fuck her mouth. Pushing his cock in her warm mouth as far as he could and then pulling back before plunging in again.

It did not take long for him to cry out. “Fuck yeah; I am gonna cum in your mouth!” Cloe nodded her head and sucked hard as he shot his cum down her throat. When she was done cleaning him she sat back and smiled up at him. Teagan brushed his hand over her cheek and said. “Thank you, love.”

“My pleasure.” She said and stood up. Darien stood as well and they kissed and caressed each other for a few moments before they broke apart.

“I can"t wait until we have a little more time together.” Darien said kissing both of his mates before turning and pulling his pants up. “I am gonna fuck you into the mattress when we finally make it to a bed, Teagan.”

“Looking forward to it.” He grinned and pulled his pants up as well. They were silent while they dressed; when they were finished, they all turned and smiled at one another.

Cloe was certain that their lives were going to be full and happy.

“Tell me something.” Darien said quietly. “The humans do not seem to be freaking out about what is going on. Why is that?”

Cloe chuckled and looked at the large handsome man before her. “My father actually has a different view of the way Packs should be run. All the humans who reside in Milliken know about shifters. They have been involved in decisions by the Pack, and welcome new members. We also have more than just wolves here. There are various shifters in the Pack and we work together to keep our town a secret. We don"t want anyone walking in and trying to take over or expose us. So, they have a system set up for allowing people to join the town. Strangers are encouraged to visit, but if anyone makes an inquiry about moving to Milliken, there is a whole process that we follow.” Teagan watched the man as the emotions flitted across his face. First, there was shock because humans actually knew about shifters, then it went to amazement and finally what he thought was pride. “I would bet that in the next few minutes you will see just how protective and fierce our humans are. All of them will defend the Pack with everything they have. So will the rest of the shifters. Dad will protect them though; he will have them stay in town unless needed. He won"t want everyone to know we have bears and foxes roaming around.” He said quietly.

“Well, I would guess that Quin and the rest of the Council are going to be very interested in your little town, especially since it so close to Denver. Once I can get through to talk to them, I will see how we are going to proceed. Do you both realize the New Council is going to be in Denver? Are you willing to move?” Darien asked cautiously.

“Like I said, we are going to have to talk about this. My parents told me about the Prophesy when I was younger, but I have no clue really what it means. For now, let"s deal with the immediate threat and we can go from there.” Cloe said.

Darien and Teagan nodded as they walked toward the door, then Darien paused and turned blocking any of them from opening the door. “I agree we need to deal with this later, but I really have to get this out of the way because my wolf is clawing at me.” He said and pulled Cloe to him and kissed her hard. Teagan laughed until the man pulled him with his other arm closer and broke his kiss with Cloe to kiss him. Well this was a surprise and one that obviously Cloe approved of since she moaned while she watched them.

“Fuck yeah.” Darien moaned as he lifted his head. Darien had been with other men before; he was openly bisexual but was not sure about his mate. He guessed from the surprised looked on Teagan"s face the man had never thought about a man that way. He smiled at both of his mates and said, “Well?”

“Nice.” Cloe said and kissed him lightly and then turned and kissed Teagan.

“Not bad.” Teagan said and laughed. “I think the next few days are going to prove to be interesting.”


The three of them exited the room holding hands and saw that her father had stationed two Enforcers outside the door to guard. She smiled and ordered them to gather the rest of the Enforcers so they could give assignments out. Cloe wanted to be able to walk into the meeting her father called and give an update about what was going on. They were not under attack yet, but they will be soon, she thought and followed the men as they walked out into the street. Cloe knew the attack this morning was just a warning, the Rogues had sent more wolves, and it was just a matter of time before they got here.

Everything seemed to be normal, although there were no people on the street. It was like a regular hot summer day, the people of the town could all be in their air-conditioned homes and businesses. No one wanting to come out into the heat, until after it cooled down a little, Colorado weather was very strange. Even in the summer in the mornings, it could be cool and brisk, then by lunch time the heat could be oppressive, until the sun went down again and then it would turn cool again. There was no humidity, so it was a dry heat, which was nice for a wolf since their coats tended to be thick.

Cloe looked again at the downtown area and noticed the signs on the storefronts already said closed. Her father had already ordered the town to shut everything down and go to the meeting room. If she had to bet, she would also assume that everyone of the Pack, even on the outskirts of town were already on their way.

She nodded to the Enforcers who had all gathered in front of the Pack house. They quickly assigned duties to each of them. Cloe and Teagan decided that they needed to find out if there were any more of the Rogues in sight. So, each of them were going to shift and in pairs run a certain part of the limits of town. Teagan and Cloe were going to go together.

“I am coming with you.” Darien said firmly and she looked at him surprised. “The rest of my Enforcers will help and we can get this done quicker. I am going to order my wolves to pair up with yours, and to see if they can get a cell signal anywhere out of the city limits, and call the Denver Pack. We are going to need some help.” Cloe nodded in agreement and sent the first two Enforcers off to the east side of town.

While they waited for a report, Teagan got a map of the area and began looking to see if there were a place, they would be able to sneak the humans out if needed. The rest of the Enforcers made a makeshift control center around them, so they were sheltered.

They could have gone into the Pack house but Cloe did not want to scare the rest of the Pack until she had to. The first pair returned and the second left.

They reported the Rogues stationed wolves around the perimeter surrounding the town; they had been unable to see a way to get out without the Rogues seeing them. Whoever they were, they were organized, and they had a lot of wolves. With every team that returned and then went out, they heard the same story. So far, there was no way they would be able to get anyone in or out of the town. It was looking bleak. They were going to have to make a stand, and if the numbers were any indication, they were severely outnumbered.

Cloe, Darien, and Teagan were the last to go out. They headed to the South of town, where her house was. The air around them shimmered when they shifted. If a stranger were looking, they may have thought it was a magic trick. Though how they could explain a wolf stood where a human had just been standing without sounding kinda crazy was impossible. But humans, generally speaking, would try to say anything to let them feel like they had not just seen a shifter. Their minds were just not ready for that yet. Cloe had been impressed when they first shifted. Darien was as big as Teagan and just as beautiful in his wolf form. They were both light brown colored with black streaks running through; her black wolf approved, and was turned on by the sight.

They ran in the trees that bordered the road. When they reached the edge of town, they could see a plume of smoke rising. Cloe growled and took off in a sprint, she knew what she was seeing was her house on fire. Someone had gone into her house and torched it.

It pissed her off. Just before they reached the tree line that surrounded her house, Darien grabbed her by the back of the neck and pulled her down. He could see her house surrounded by men. He knew they were shifters, probably the Rogues they had been searching for. They had made a makeshift command center right in her front lawn.

They were bold.

Using the trees as cover, Darien shifted first and then Teagan and Cloe followed. None of them seemed to care that they were crouched in the trees naked.

“Do you recognize any of them?” She whispered to Darien.

“No, but then we had no idea who we were fighting in the first place.” Darien said quietly.

They watched for a few minutes. Teagan shifted back and ran parallel to them, trying to see if there was a way to get around the Rogues. When he returned he just shook his head and remained in wolf form. Darien and Cloe shifted back and they returned to the Pack house.

“Well, this is going to really suck.” Cloe said after she had dressed again.

“Let's go and tell your father.” Teagan said and held out his hand.

Darien took her other side and the rest of the Enforcers went to their posts, with back up from Darien"s wolves. They were to watch and make sure that none of the Rogues tried to get into town. He took her hand and guided her and Teagan into the meeting room where the rest of the Pack had gathered. He was surprised at the number of people that were in the room.

“How big is this Pack?” He asked quietly.

“Actual Pack members are around seventy, but all the humans in the town hold an honorary position, and we have members who do not always live in Milliken, they migrate.” Cloe said.

“Holy shit.” Darien said under his breath.

Cloe and Teagan chuckled and made their way to the front of the room where Cloe"s parents were standing. Her mother turned and frowned at them as they approached.

She pulled her daughter into a hug and whispered something into her ear. Cloe leaned back and frowned.

“What?” Cloe said.

“You heard me, I wish you would have had more time with your mates, the first time you have sex is amazing isn"t it?” Adele said and laughed at her daughter"s astonished expression. “What? I am not so old that I don"t know what the pull feels like.”

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