Closing Time (14 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Closing Time
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They barged in without saying hello. Scarlet spotted the crib first.  “Oh my god, I can’t wait to see her.”

Everyone moved around the crib and looked down at her.

Being a psycho protective father, I moved between them. “Okay, don’t scare her.”

“We won’t.” Scarlet looked at her and gasped. “Awe, Mike. She’s so beautiful!”

“She looks like your wife,” Sean said.

‘Thankfully,” I added.

Scarlet picked her up and held her like a pro, supporting her back and her head. Her eyes welled up. “My niece is so perfect.”

Sean stood b
eside her and looked down at Trinity. “She’s adorable.”

“When she’s not crying,” Cassandra added with a slight laugh. “Or sucking your nipples until they are raw.”

“Yeah,” I said. “My daughter has been hogging my wife, much to my annoyance.”

My dad came t
o Scarlet and stared down at Trinity. He said nothing for a long time. I couldn’t read his expression.

“You want to hold her?” Scarlet asked.

“Very much so.” He held out his arms and they made the switch. I watched carefully just in case my daughter might slip.

My dad held her small body in his hands and looked down at her. When he brought her close to his face, Trinity reached out and touched his nose. His eyes welled up and
he kissed her hand. “So lovely.”

My mom came beside him and grabbed one of her hands. “I’m so glad you had a girl. I’m sick of raising boys.”

My dad handed her to my mom, but she seemed slightly hesitant. Her hands moved in the wrong way, and I panicked. I rushed to them then grabbed my daughter.

“Be careful,” I snapped.

“Mike, your mother had her,” my dad said calmly.

“It didn’t look like it.” I held Trinity close to my chest.

“Let’s try it again.” My mom slipped her hands under Trinity.

I lifted her into my mom’s arms but didn’t let go until I knew she had her. Then I dropped my hands.

My dad gave me a fond look. “I can already tell you’re going to be a better father than I ever was.”

The words hit me straight in the heart, but my mouth didn’t move. I was speechless, unable to say anything.

“Mike watches her like a hawk,” Cassandra said. “He spends more time with her than I do.”

“Not surprised,” my dad said.

Ryan came over then took her from my mom, holding her like he’d done it a thousand times. He whistled then winked. “She’s going to be a looker one day.”

I glared at him. “If you weren’t holding my daughter, I’d punch you in the face.”

Ryan laughed. “Then I’ll hold onto her.”

Janice squeezed her toes and smiled. “Ryan, I want one.”

“You do?” he asked, still looking at Trinity. “I wouldn’t mind.”


“They’re pretty cool.” He swayed her from side to side gently.

“So…you want to try?”

“How about we get married first?”

She rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

Cortland came next. “Can I hold my niece now?”

“Sure.” Ryan handed her off.

Cortland stared at her fondly then passed her to Monnique. Trinity was like a hot potato being passed around. She finally returned to my arms and I had no intention of letting her go for a while.

We gathered around the couch
es while the television was on, but no one was watching it. Everyone had eyes for my daughter, who was lying on my thighs with my wife beside me.

Scarlet smiled. “She’s going to be a daddy’s girl.”

Cassandra chuckled. “She already is.”


I stayed home for the next few weeks, helping Cassandra with the baby and taking care of the house. I assumed I’d be anxious to get back to work by now, but that wasn’t the case. My daughter was the coolest and most amazing thing in the world. Every yawn and sneeze was fascinating to me. Most of the time, Cassandra and I were fighting over her.

I missed having sex because I hadn’t gotten any for almost a month, but I knew Cassandra was extremely sore down below. I wouldn’t make a move until she brought it up first. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt her. She just gave birth to my daughter so she could take all the time she needed.

I was lying on the couch with Trinity on my chest, her back against my chest. I was shirtless, the heat of my skin keeping her warm. My hand rested on her stomach, keeping her in place. We were lounging around the house, just being together.

Cassandra came downstairs, just wearing my t-shirt. “What are you two up to?”

“Nothing.” I rubbed Trinity’s stomach.

She leaned over the couch and smiled down at us. “We know who her favorite is.”

I smirked. “You think?”

“Oh, I know.”

I couldn’t stop smiling.

“Mike, I think it’s time for you to go back to work.”

Ugh. I was dreading it.
“I know. Are you sure you’ll be alright?”

“Positive. Trinity and I will be just fine.”

I didn’t want to put on my suit again and leave my family. It was so nice here.

“You’ll see us when you get home.”

I growled. “I know. How about you work and I just stay home?”

She laughed hard. “I never thought I’d hear you say that.”

“And I never thought I’d have something I love so much.”

Her eyes softened. “You’re so sweet, Mike.”

“She’s the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I can’t help it.”

She ran her fingers through my hair then kissed my forehead. “How did I get so lucky?”

“I ask myself that every day.”


I went back to work and hated every second of it. The first week was torture. Cassandra sent me pictures of Trinity every few hours but it wasn’t the same. I wanted to be there for everything. I wanted to hear her first words, see her take her first step. But I had to work and support my family. Sean stayed in the office so I could get the hang of everything before he left, which was a godsend. My head was somewhere else and I couldn’t remember how to do most things.

By the next week, Cassandra was getting tired.

“She hasn’t stopped crying all day.” She had bags under her eyes and she looked exhausted. She still had a slight stomach, but I thought she was perfect anyway. “I fed her, I changed her, I rocked her.” She gripped her skull. “Ugh.”

Trinity was l
ying in the crib, wailing the second I came home.

“I don’t know what to do,” Cassandra said with a sigh.

I approached the crib then picked her up, holding her to my chest. She immediately stopped crying and stared up at me, a fascinated look on her face.

“Oh, thank god.” Cassandra sat on the couch and rubbed her temple.

I sat in the recliner and swayed her slightly, my attention focused on her. Trinity kept starting at me, hardly blinking.

“You’re a natural,” she said.

I smiled slightly. “I think she and I just understand each other.”

“I can tell.” She lay back and rested on the couch. “I need to go to the gym and lay on the beach. Trinity is a full-time job.”

“I’ll take her to work with me tomorrow. You can have the day off.”

“You can’t take a baby to work,” she said immediately.

“I’m the CEO. I can do whatever I want.”

“But it’s not a good environment for her.”

“She’ll be in my office. It’s quiet in there. I’ll just bring a few bottles and some diapers. She’ll be fine.”

“But you need to watch her.”

“I know,” I said in an annoyed voice. I’ll put her on my desk so she can see me the whole time, and if I have a meeting, I’ll take her with me. And Sean is next door if I need him.”

“Are you sure? I really don’t mind taking care of her.”

“No,” I said. “We’re a team. You deserve some time off.”

“I feel bad. You work all day and I stay home and raise the kids. That’s the set up.”

I shook my head. “I love being with my daughter. I really don’t mind.”

She sighed. “Okay.”

“And skip the gym. Just lay on the beach and read a book. And don’t clean the house either.”

She smiled slightly. “You’re so wonderful.”

“I try.”


When I took Trinity to work the next day, I made sure I had everything before I left the house. The diapers were packed and the bottles were ready. I placed her car seat in the back then headed to work.

I took the elevator to my floor then headed to my office, carrying Trinity and the baby bag with one arm. Everyone in the office stopped and took a peek at my daughter, saying she was adorable.

Which she was.

I smiled proudly then walked into my office. I put the car seat on the desk so I could see Trinity then got to work.

“Is it bring your kid to work day?” Sean asked when he walked inside.

“Cassandra needed a day off.”

Sean pulled Trinity out of the car seat then held her in his arms, smiling down at her. “Hello, Trinity. I’m Uncle Sean.”

I skimmed through my emails while my brother played with her.

Sean sniffed. “I think she needs a diaper change.”

“She always poops in the morning, right on the dot.”

“You need help?”

“I know how to change a diaper,” I said, offended.

“You do?” he asked in surprised.

“Yes.” I opened the bag and pulled all the supplies out. Quickly, I cleaned her up and changed her, tossing the old diaper in the garbage.

Sean looked impressed. “Wow. You’re really good at this.”

“Not really. I’m a dad. I need to act like one.”

He smirked. “And you were worried.” He shook his head, amused. “You’re doing great.”


Sean returned her to the car seat. “I can’t wait until mine gets here.”

can stay home with Scarlet. I can hold down the fort.”

“Are you sure?” He studied me.

“I’m more than sure. Go home to your wife. I’m sure she’s having a hard time. Cassandra was extremely uncomfortable for the last two months.”

“Well, I’m sure it was worth it.” He looked at Trinity.

“It was definitely worth it.”

“Alright, then. This is where I leave you.”

“Good.” I hit his shoulder. “Now get out of here.”

“Call me if you need anything.”

“I know.”

He squeezed Trinity’s hand then walked out.

After work was over, Trinity and I headed home. I felt weird driving my daughter in a Jaguar. I’d have to get something baby-friendly. When I came home, Cassandra was sitting on the couch eating a box of chocolates.

“How was your day?” I asked.

“Amazing.” She stood up then gave me a kiss. But her attention was quickly averted to Trinity. “But god, I missed her.”

I smiled. “She was a good girl today.”

“She didn’t cry?”

“She never cries around me.”

Her eyes narrowed in hatred.

Maybe I shouldn’t have said that…

Cassandra picked her up and gave her a few kisses before she set her in the crib. “You’re such a good father, Mike.”

I am? At least it wasn’t the opposite
. “I’m doing my best.”

She came back to me then wrapped her arms around my neck. “I think you deserve to be rewarded…”

I liked where this was going.

“Let’s leave the baby monitor down here and head upstairs.”

It’s getting even better.
“Baby, if you’re still…hurting…it can wait.”

“No, I’ve waited long enough.” She yanked me toward the stairs, clearly as horny as I was.

Thank god. My dick was about to fall off.

We put the monitor in the crib then went into the bedroom. When I entered inside her, I was surprised how tight she was. I assumed having a baby would change everything. But she was perfect just like she used to be. She didn’t have any stretch marks, just a few extra pounds from the pregnancy, but she was still sexy and perfect. It didn’t take long for both of us to reach our threshold. Together, we reached the edge then spiraled down, moaning the entire time. As soon as we were finished, Trinity started to cry.

“Damn, that didn’t last long,” Cassandra with a laugh.

“She misses her mother.”

“No.” She gave me a serious look. “I’m pretty sure she misses her dad.”




Okay. I was going to do it. I was going to finally ask Hazel to marry me.

We’d been together less than a year, but whatever. When you know, you know.

I knew I wanted to wake up to her every morning and see her every night before bed. I wouldn’t miss the random hook ups and the sex with supermodels. Those rendezvous
’ were empty and meaningless. Most of the time, I wanted to burst into tears because I was so depressed. I pretended to be cocky, but in reality, I was just an empty shell. I was terrified Hazel would leave me, so I acted confident and arrogant, giving her the illusion that I was catch.

Let’s be real; I’m not.

I bought the ring when she moved in with me. I didn’t know when I was going to ask her, but I had it just in case I decided on the spur of the moment. When we were in bed a few weeks ago, when she was drunk off her ass, I wanted to ask her then. The best part of her being wasted was how vulnerable she was. She told me every feeling in her heart, secrets she would never tell me when she was sober. I was scared I’d ask her the big question when she wasn’t ready, but she clearly was.

Now I just had to do it.

Hazel was a very unique person. She’d been damaged and broken irrevocably, but she was so strong. She didn’t ask for help and she figured out her problems on her own. And all those horrible things that happened to her weren’t even her fault. She was a good person that accepted less than what she deserved.

I’m glad I turned that around real quick.

I wanted to get my happily ever after and settle down. I’d only been in one serious relationship besides Hazel, and frankly, if she hadn’t wanted to take a break, I probably would have married her. But that’s not what happened. We did break up, I did get my heart broken, and I did spiral out of control.

But then Hazel came into the picture.

She’s so much better for me than any other girl. The relationship is passionate, but fun and care-free. She’s my best friend but also the best sex I’ve ever had. She hated her body, her small chest and flat stomach, but I loved it. She was perfect to me. I didn’t need a girl with a big rack and endless curves to be satisfied. Hazel was all that I wanted.

But shit, I was nervous. I never asked anyone to marry me. What do I say? Was the ring good enough? Would it fit her? What if I slipped it on her finger and it didn’t fit?
God, that would be embarrassing. I would die. It had to be perfect.

“Why are you acting weird?” Ryan asked after he made a shot.

My thoughts were shattered. We were playing ball on an abandoned court, but my head wasn’t in the game. “Sorry. I guess my mind is elsewhere.”

“And where is it exactly?” He dribbled the ball and made a shot.

“Where it always is,” I said with a sigh.

He laughed. “Yeah, my head is usually in the gutter when I’m at work.”

“I heard you walked out on Janice.” He hadn’t brought it up so I thought I would.

Anger washed over his face. “I was being a dick.”

“And why were you?”

“Because she’s so much better than me, but my actions just proved my theory. I’ve always been a little
touchy about the fact I ink for a living while Janice is a college girl. I was stupid and let my insecurities get to me.”

“You’re right. You were stupid.” I took the ball from him and made a shot.

“Thanks for being so sensitive about it,” he said sarcastically.

“If I pulled that stunt with Hazel, we’d be over.”

“Yeah…” He looked ashamed. “She slapped me hard a few times, knocked the senselessness out of me. Then she fucked my brains out and forgave me for it.”

“You got a good woman on your hands.”

“I know I do.” He took the ball then dribbled it between his legs. “I’m lucky she took me back.”

“You two love each other like crazy. It would take World War III to end your relationship.”

“Probably a zombie apocalypse, actually,” he said with a laugh. “So, you and Hazel are doing good?”

I decided to be honest about my intentions. “I’m going to ask her.”

He dropped the ball. “Seriously?”

I nodded.


“This weekend. I have reservations at
Eleven Madison Park

“Whoa…that’s like three hundred bucks a plate.”

“I want to take her somewhere nice.”

“You can’t get swankier than that.” He forgot about the ball and fist bumped me. “Congratulations.”


“I’m here for you if she says no.”

I faked a laugh. “Very funny.”

“You sound confident.”

“I know she’ll say yes.”

en though it was a little quick?”

“When you know, you know, right?”

He smiled. “I do know. Janice and I moved in together when we knew each other for, like, a week.”

“What?” Both of my eyebrows shot up.

“Yeah. She moved from New York to Seattle and she moved in with me because she had nowhere else to go.”

“She moved across the country after she knew you for a week?” I asked incredulously.

“Yep.” He acted like it was totally normal.

“So, you knew you were soul mates the moment you met?”

“Um…I wouldn’t say that.” He dribbled the ball then spun it on his finger. “But I knew she was the one for me. I’ve been around and no girl ever made me lose my tongue before. Everything changed the second I saw her. I just knew. And when we had sex for the first time…I knew even more.” He had a smug look on his face.

“Which happened the night you met, I’m guessing?”

He laughed. “No. We took it slow. On the third day we got down and dirty.”

“Oh, my bad,” I said sarcastically.

“And she was down for anal in the first week.”

“Okay…too much info, bro.”

He laughed. “I knew we were perfectly compatible. She was just as slutty as I was, so we connected pretty quickly. And even though she slept with Sean, I let it go and forgot about it.”


“I forgot you didn’t know that.”

“Damn, you guys go way back.”

“Yeah. We’ve known each for a while. I’ve known Sean for about ten years. As soon as he met Scarlet, they were inseparable.”

“But they didn’t hook up until ten years later?”

He rolled his eyes. “I don’t get it either.”

I wondered why they didn’t end up together sooner. It was pretty obvious they had a strong relationship, built on trust, friendship, and
love. I couldn’t be friends with Hazel for ten years and pretend I was okay with just being her friend. Interesting…

“Did you ask her parents?” Ryan asked.

“Fuck no. They can burn in hell.”

“Damn…what did they do?”

“They are both fucking assholes.” My anger came out. “They treat Hazel like shit. I have no respect for them and I never will. I shouldn’t have to ask for permission. I’ve already taken her.”

“Well, I guess that makes things easier.”

“I’m going to ask her brother.”

“That’s cool,” Ryan said. “Sean asked me before he proposed to Scarlet.”

“That doesn’t surprise me at all.” They were the weirdest siblings I knew.

“I’m sure he’ll say yes.”

“Yeah, I know he likes me.”

He passed me the ball. “Now let’s finish this game and stop acting like girls.”

I laughed. “Deal.”


After I left work, I met Peter for a cup of coffee.

I noticed him the moment I walked in because he had the same exact hair
color as Hazel. “Hey, man.” I shook his hand before I sat across from him.

“I like your shirt.”

“Oh. Thanks.”
That’s right, he’s gay
. “I got it online.”

“Cool.” He nodded. “So, what’s up?”

“Well, I know this is unorthodox, but I hate Hazel’s parents and I didn’t know who to ask…”

He smiled wide. “I think I know where this is going.”

“So…are you cool with it? I know you don’t know me very well, but I really love Hazel and I promise I’ll take care of her.”

He laughed. “I don’t need to know you for a great length of time to figure that out. I’ve seen you with her, and it really took some guts to tell my parents off like that. You’re a good guy for her. It’s as clear as night and day.”

Well, that was easier than I thought. “Thanks.”

“And as a lawyer, I can read people pretty well. I know you’re an honorable guy. Be
sides, you’re already feeding her and housing her. She’s your problem now.” He laughed.

“She’s a problem I love having around,” I said honestly.

“So…when are you going to ask?”

“On Friday night. I’m taking her to a nice restaurant.”

“Cool. Good luck with that.”

“What do you mean?”

“Hazel is weird about expensive things. She’s been poor her whole life so she doesn’t accept nice gifts.”

I laughed. “You think I don’t know that already? Every time I buy groceries she barely touches anything because she feels bad. It’s really annoying.”

“Are you sure you want to marry her? She can be a brat. For her birthday I got her a Tiffany’s bracelet that cost me a few hundred bucks and she acted like I sold my kidney.”

I couldn’t stop laughing. “God, that’s exactly what she does to me.”

“Not to overstep my boundaries, but are you loaded?”

I smirked. I wouldn’t tell anyone this besides Hazel or people she was close to, or people I respected. “I’m worth a few million. I live off royalties and mutual funds.”

He nodded. “Well, good luck getting her used to that.”

I chuckled. “Yeah…it won’t be easy.
She insisted on working at an office because she needs to support herself. I keep telling her to quit and only do the things she loves, but fuck, she’s stubborn. She doesn’t want me to take care of her and she refuses to accept any money I give her.”

that sounds like her. Are you sure you want to marry her?”

I laughed at the teasing sound of his tone. “Completely.”

“Phew. I’m glad I don’t have to worry about her anymore.”

“You certainly don’t.”

“So…you have my blessing, or permission, or whatever the hell you want to call it.”

“Cool. Thanks.”

We sat in silence for a while.

“So, how’s your boyfriend?” I asked.

“Great,” he said. “He’s been working at lot lately. But at least we have the same schedules. We get off work around the same time.”

“We should go out,” I offered. “Maybe on Saturday night so Hazel can show off her ring to you?”

“That would be cool,” he said excitedly. “I really want to see her. I know she’ll be happy.”

“Yeah, she will be.”

“Thanks for being cool about me being gay,” he blurted.

I shrugged. “There’s nothing to be cool about.”

“Yeah…not everyone feels that way.”

“Did someone do something to you?” I felt the anger rise.

“Some guys in our building wrote graffiti on our door, calling us faggots. But whatever.”

“Did you report it?”

“Yeah. But we can’t prove anything.”

“I think you should do something.”

“Oh, my boyfriend already did,” he said with a smile. “When one of the guys was carrying groceries into his apartment, he beat him into the ground. I don’t think they’ll bother us anymore.”

I smirked. “Well, that’s good.”


“Let me know if you ever need my help.”

“Sure.” He sipped his coffee then looked at his watch. “I should get home. We’re having a dinner party tonight.”

“Cool.” I stood up to shake his hand but he hugged me instead.

“I’m so happy for my sister.” He patted my back then walked out.

I watched him go, feeling the warmth spread through me. Everything was ready, and Friday was only a few days away.


I couldn’t stop sweating.
My palms were slippery and my brow started to glisten.

What the hell was
wrong with me? I always kept my cool. I needed to calm down otherwise Hazel would know something wasn’t right. I patted cold water on my face while I stayed in the bathroom until my temperature decreased.

“I’m starving!” Hazel yelled from the living room.

I patted my face dry then walked out.

“Where you two going?” Cade asked.

“Out to dinner,” I said coolly. He had no idea what was about to go down. After Hazel said yes, we would head to the Plaza where a booked room was waiting for us. It would be a perfect beginning to our engagement.

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