Closing Time (25 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Closing Time
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“After knowing you for merely a week, I moved across the country just to be with you. I was sick of dating jerks
who didn’t understand how to treat a woman. Not only did you respect me and put me first, but you protected me and took care of me. Never in my life had I let a guy do that for me, but with you, I wasn’t scared. As you know, I’m an extremely logical person, and moving in with you was the first passionate and reckless thing I ever did. But my heart knew exactly what it was doing. You were the guy worth losing everything for.

“We clicked the moment we moved in together. Every time we fought, the argument stayed between us. Dishes were never thrown and no one ever walked
out. Like adults, we worked through our problems, making me realize how mature you were. Every day I wondered how I ended up with the perfect guy, the first person to make me believe in fairy tales. The fact you’re a tattoo artist and you love it drew me in immediately. Seeing a man so passionate about what he does is the biggest turn on you’ll ever find, and your exceptional nice body doesn’t hurt.” She smirked at me and a few people laughed. “I’ve never been into tattoos but when you put one on my finger, I didn’t hesitate. Because I know you’re my forever, my ever lasting love, and we’ll spend the years raising children and growing old together. Even years from now, we’ll still make love before bed like we always do. And you’ll tell me I’m beautiful and that you love me, just like you always do.

“Falling in love has been hard for me. I always found excuses why I didn’t want to commit to someone. The relationship was never right and I always wanted something more, but as soon as I met you, I couldn’t stop myself from falling head first into the deepest and most profound love I’ve ever known. All the year
s of heartbreak and disappointment were worth it, because you really are worth waiting for.

“I know we have our differences and we can fight like enemies
on the battlefield, but you understand me in a way my family and closest friends never could. Half of my soul is lodged inside you, impossible to escape, and I carry the other half of yours. Maybe soul mates are silly. Maybe they don’t exist. But if they do, I know you’re mine, Ryan. I know you hate chick flicks and would never read a romance novel if your life depended on it, but you’ve given me the joy of experiencing the greatest love affair, putting all those steamy romance stories to shame. You are the one to me. And I am the one to you.”

I took a deep breath and stilled my heart before it exploded. The declaration of love she gave was powerful and awe inspiring. It was enough
to make my heart flutter and tears to bubble all over again. “Damn, that’s hard to follow.”

Everyone laughed at my completely serious statement.

She smirked. “I’ll treasure anything you say.”

I cleared my throat and stopped myself from crying. “I’m not good with words like you and I’m not good at expressing myself or how I feel. I’ve been lucky enough to have a sister that can read my thoughts without asking how I’m
feeling. And I’m even luckier to find a partner who can do it even better. There are times when you look at me, and I know everything is going to be okay. There are times when you look at me and know the exact same thing I’m thinking. The level of love and connection we have is unique and special, something that belongs to us. And I’m a very selfish man and never want to share it with anyone. You’re my dirty secret, my treasure that I hoard just so I can stare at it, being vain about how rich I am with you. You’re my every dream, my every fantasy, and my every thought.

“I knew you were the right woman for me when I made a complete idiot out of myself.
Your unparalleled beauty and unbridled intelligence intimidated me to the point where I had to back away with my tail tucked between my legs. The whole time I kept thinking how you were out of my league—which you still are. But thankfully, you humored me and gave me a chance. And I worked my ass off to make sure that chance wasn’t wasted. Because, call me crazy, but I knew I loved you after the first sentence that came out of your mouth. I’ve been around and have experienced many things, but you’re the first woman to impress me and make me fall to my knees. You were the one the moment I laid eyes on you, making this strong man who’s stood on his own two feet for the longest time crumble beneath your perfection and glory.

“You love me for exactly who I am even though I can be a pain in the ass. You admire me for my passions and my talents, something I’ve always been insecure about. You tell me you love me unconditionally, filling the void inside me since I lost my father. You’ve completed me in more ways than you’ll understand. Now I have a best friend, the greatest lover I’ve ever known, a family, and a partner to experience life with. You claim I’m your hero and you look up to me, but in reality, I’ll never be good enough for you, baby. But I promise, for now and forever, I’ll never stop trying.
Because a life without you is meaningless to me.

“Thank you for saying yes to my proposal and thank you for being the dream I never expected to find. Coming home to you every day and sleeping with you every night is a domestic joy I never thought I would love. Being with the single most amazing woman in the world is the greatest decision I’ve ever mad
e, and you’ve made my life full and meaningful. If you really are the other half of my soul, you are the better half. The one that is beautiful with light that touches every corner of the earth, the one that carries the secret to my happiness, and the one that spreads joy to every person you touch.”

Janice’s eyes squinted as the emotion caught in her throat. She squeezed my hands, unable to express what she felt. I had prepared a speech but chose not to say i
t. Instead of going with something I spent hours working on, I just winged it and told her exactly how I felt as we stood across from each other. And it was the truest I’ve ever been. I wasn’t ashamed to admit how much I needed her to every person watching us. I wasn’t embarrassed to admit I was crippled without her. And I wasn’t concerned with what anyone thought of me. The only opinion that mattered was hers, and judging the light on her face, she approved of everything I said.

The pastor smiled while he watched us, both overcome with emotion. “Now you may kiss the bride.”

“You bet your ass I will.” I gripped her waist and pulled her to me, giving her a scorching kiss in front of everyone. My mouth crushed against hers, tasting the salt from her tears. She responded with equal passion and longing, clearly not giving a damn what anyone thought.

When it went on for a minute, Scarlet hit my shoulder. “Keep it in your pants.”

I smirked then broke our kiss, looking down at my new bride. “You ready to get out of here?”

She smiled while she looked back at me. “That better be a joke. The party hasn’t even started yet.”

“My kiss didn’t get you excited to leave?”

“Actually, it made me excited to stay.” She kissed me again, making my nerves tingle.

“For the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Sisco,” the pastor said while he clapped.

I grabbed her hand
and pulled her down the aisle. “Now you’re stuck with me forever. I don’t believe in divorce.”

“You’re catholic?” she asked in surprise.

“No. I’m just madly in love and a little crazy.”

“A little?” she asked with a laugh.

“Alright. I’m psycho. But you knew that already.”

“I sure did.” She rubbed her nose against mine, and together, we starte
d the rest of our lives, as husband and wife.


The sun had set, and my wife and I had the dance floor to ourselves. Everyone sat at their tables, finishing dinner, while she and I swayed slowly to the music. Her arms were around my neck and her face was pressed close to mine. My eyes never left hers, fascinated with her beautiful face and her emotional eyes.

“Your vows were really sweet,” she said.

“They came straight from the heart.”

“I know.” Her forefinger moved through my hair then twisted a strand, something she did when we watched TV together after sharing dinner. The little things she did never went unnoticed.

“You look beautiful tonight.”

“Thank you. That’s what I was going for.”

I pressed my lips to hers and gave her a slow kiss. Public affection with Janice never bothered me, and since it was our wedding night, I cared even less about offending other people. The lights overhead set the mood of the night. Distant sounds of glasses tapping against each other and people laughing while having a good time came to my ear, but they were ignored. The only person who mattered to me was my wife.

“I can’t believe I’m a married man,” I whispered.


“I just never thought a happy ending was in my cards.”

She smirked at me. “You couldn’t have been more wrong.”

“No, I couldn’t.” I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear then returned my hand to her hip. “I really want to head into
the bathroom so I can take that dress off you.”

“That’s sweet,” she said sarcastically.

I laughed lightly. “You knew what you were signing up for when you agreed to marry me.”

“That’s true.”

“But I do want to make love to you.”

“And where were you planning on doing this?”

“Somewhere special—private.”

“I like the sound of that.” She pressed her chest into mine, her cleavage becoming more noticeable.

“I just hope my sister doesn’t pop in the middle of our honeymoon.”

“Knowing your sister, she will.”

I grinned. “She is a brat, set on ruining my life.”

“But you love her no matter what.”

“Unfortunately,” I said with a growl.

“But now you love me no matter what.”

“That’s always been the case, baby. You’re my family, my everything, and I will spend my life taking care of you and being devoted to you.”

She sighed happily. “How
did I win the jackpot? You’re hot, sweet, and a hard ass all at the same time. And my god, you’re good in bed.”

My cheeks tinted at her blunt honesty.

“Wow, is my husband showing some humility?”


“I think so.” She rested her lips over mine, just hovering, and then she pulled away. “I can’t wait for you to rock my world tonight.”

My cheeks tinted again. “Right to the point, huh?”

“You knew what kind of girl I was when you asked me to marry you.”

“That I did.”

After she and I shared a few more dances, everyone joined us on the floor, pairing up with their partners.

“Can I have this dance?” Scarlet said, her heels now off.

“Nope.” Janice pulled me away. “He’s mine now.”

Scarlet laughed. “I guess I had to let him go sometime.”

“But you can dance with me.” Sean swooped in and dipped her carefully.

Scarlet giggled while her head pointed to the ground. “You always want to dance with me.”

“I do.” He pulled her back up and danced with her, trying to be gentle with her showing stomach. “Now let Ryan be with his wife.”

“Fine,” Scarlet said. “But you need to stop hogging me.”

“Never,” Sean said.

I ignored them and kept my attention on Janice. “Thanks for putting my sister in her place.”

She smiled. “She knows I’m kidding. I’ll always have to share you with her but I’m okay with that.”

“You are?” I asked in surprise.

“Yes. Because without Scarlet, there is no Ryan.”

“That may have been true before, but that’s not the case anymore. Without you, there
is no me. You’re the number one woman in my life. My mind and body are yours alone.”

“I never thought I’d see the day.”

“Well, you were wrong.”

“Ambush!” Mike shouted.


Mike cut in and took Janice away from me, dancing with her across the floor. “Sucker!”

“Did you just steal my wife?” I asked.

“Yep.” Mike spun her around then held her close.

“Asshole,” I mumbled.

The rest of the guys followed them, ready for their turn.

“Back off,” I said.

“Nope,” Flynn said. “We all get a turn with the bride. Go find someone else to dance with.”

Sean was in line to dance with Janice so Scarlet stood next to me. I looked at her enormous stomach then had no interest in dancing with her. She looked like humpty-dumpty.

I turned to Cassandra, who was laughing while she watched Mike steal my wife away. “Let’s dance.”

“Why won’t you dance with me?” Scarlet asked, her hands on her hips.

“Moo,” was all I said.

Scarlet rolled her eyes then took a seat.

Cassandra smiled while she danced with me. “You look so handsome, Ryan.”

“Why, thank you.” I winked at her. “But you and I would just never work, darling.”

She laughed. “Darn.”

I danced with her close to Mike, hoping I could tick him off for dancing with his wife.

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