(Club Chrome MC 2) All Dogs Bite (12 page)

BOOK: (Club Chrome MC 2) All Dogs Bite
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Not want her? Was she fucking kidding? She was all he thought about — night and day. It was almost an obsession. Oh, his girl was playing dirty. And he liked it.

“That’s not fair,” he said, grinning as he gripped her hips and thrust against her. The mushroom tip of his cock slid across her clit and she shuddered with a sweet cry of pleasure and he knew he was sunk. “Don’t want to play nice, huh?” he said, rising up to roll her to the bed. He teased her neck with his stubble until she screamed with laughter and then he made his way to his favorite place. As he delved between her hot pussy lips, drinking in that sweet smell of lust and sex, he pushed aside anything that might sour the moment and just focused on his pretty, plump girl.

Because right now..that’s all that fucking mattered.

The rest would play out eventually. Why rush it?





Delainey popped into Zoe’s house armed with her favorite pastry and a latte and Zoe knew immediately she wanted something from her. “What’s this?” she asked with mild, yet playful suspicion. “You only come with goodies when you want something. Spit it out.”

“Okay, I won’t even try to lie…I have a favor to ask,” Delainey said, going straight to the point. “Can you do a little digging for me?”

Instantly alert, Zoe frowned and said, “Is this about that friend of yours you’ve been helping out? Is everything okay?”

“Yes, it is about my friend but I’m not asking you to dig into his past. Well, not exactly. I’m wondering…what is the statute of limitations for prosecuting child abuse?”

“Now you’ve got me freaked out. What’s going on?” Zoe asked, forgetting about her pastry and staring at Delainey with concern. “Is someone in danger? I have a contact in social services I can call.”

“Not exactly, I mean…well, if this happened…it happened a long time ago but I want to make sure that the people who allegedly did it…aren’t still taking care of kids.”

“Got a name?”


Zoe looked exasperated. “Well, then how am I supposed to do a search?”

“I have an address though and if they’re still foster parents, they’d have to be listed in the system, right?”

Zoe nodded and grabbed a pen. “Yeah, of course.”

“Okay, the address is 2219 Bluebell Lane. Can you run a check on the address and see if there are any foster parents at that address?”

“Yeah I can ask around…you going to tell me what this is about?”

“I don’t want to break my friend’s confidence but he shared a horrific story with me about a foster parent. I just wanted to make sure that those people are never in charge of children ever again.”

Zoe nodded, her frown told Delainey she felt the same. “How credible is your source?”

“Well, I believe him so he’s credible in my book.”

“Is he…trustworthy?” Zoe asked cautiously.

“Maybe not to some but he is to me,” she maintained stubbornly.

“Okay,” Zoe said, realizing Delainey was not going to budge. “I’ll look into it.” She tossed the pencil and then grabbed the pastry. “So, aside from this sordid business…anything else new?”

Delainey couldn’t contain the smile. “I’m in love. Totally completely and utterly in love with a man that I never would’ve imagined.”

At that Zoe grinned. “Do tell? I have to meet this guy. Maybe you could bring him by for drinks or something. It would be nice for Jax and Hunter to meet him, too.”

At first Delainey loved that idea — two couples meeting up for drinks or dinner — but then she remembered that Bronx was a Dog and Jax and Hunter were Kings, which would likely add up to gunfire at the dinner table…or at the very least, tense silence. But Delainey didn’t want to shut her best friend down so she said cheerfully, “I’ll see what he says. He’s kinda private and shy so I’m not sure but, yeah, eventually, that might be cool.”

“This mystery guy has me totally intrigued. My life as of late is consumed with the men in my life, one of which is still breast-feeding,” Zoe said, rubbing covertly at her breasts to add as she checked her watch, “which reminds me, I have to pump.”

At the mention of baby Gunnar, Delainey wondered, was she pregnant right now? Was she crazy to hope? She wanted to talk to Zoe about it but she held back, knowing how that conversation would end because she already knew it was nuts to do what she was doing. She didn’t need reality, she wanted to hold onto her fantasy for just a while longer.

“I’ll let you go do your thing,” Delainey said, rising. “I only had a few minutes anyway. We should get lunch soon, okay? Bring Gunnar. He’s a cutie.”

“Sounds good to me. I’ll call you with anything I find,” Zoe said, waving as she disappeared down the hallway. “Love you!”

“Love you, too,” Delainey murmured before letting herself out.

Maybe she was making a mistake digging into the past but she couldn’t let something so horrific go without some kind of retribution. No one had been there for Bronx when he’d needed them and certainly no one had saved poor Gage but if she could do something…anything…she wanted to try.


Later that night, Zoe was enjoying a glass of wine when Jax and Hunter walked in, talking animatedly about something going on at the club and when they paused to both kiss her in turn, she followed them into the kitchen to talk. “Do you have a minute?”

Both stopped and were instantly attentive. “Gunnar okay?”

“He’s fine,” Zoe assured them, loving that they were such good dads. “Did you ever stay in a foster home at 2219 Bluebell Lane?”

Suddenly both men hardened right before her eyes and fire blazed in Hunter’s eyes as he asked. “Why? Why would you ask about that place?”

Jax shot a look at Hunter and then said to Zoe. “Sorry babe, that house…not good memories if you know what I mean. We don’t like to talk about it.”

A cold chill chased her spine. “So you know the place?”

“Yeah. You could say that. Why?”

“My friend Delainey asked me to look into the place to see if they’re still operating as a foster home. I guess a friend of hers fostered there and some bad things happened. She just wanted to see if anything could be done about it.”

“Man, that’s a blast from the past. Who’s her friend?” Jax asked.

“I don’t know his name. Delainey is helping him out because he’s in some sort of trouble but she really likes him and I guess she wants to do something nice for him.”

“And what does she plan to do if they are still fostering?” Hunter asked.

Zoe lifted her shoulders in an unsure shrug. “I don’t know if she has a plan or anything but I think she hopes to file a complaint on his behalf.” She paused a moment, then dared to ask, “Did something happen to you while you were in that house?” Both men were still as the grave then Hunter shot Jax a look that gave Zoe a stomachache and she had her answer. “What happened?”

Jax shook his head. “Shit best left in the past. The bigger question I have is…who is your friend shacking up with?”

“I don’t know. She’s being kind of secretive about it.”

“Sounds fishy to me. Does Delainey make a habit of acting like this?” Hunter asked.

Zoe shook her head. “No, not at all. Delainey is the sweetest, most open person I know.”

“And trusting?” Jax supplied and Zoe nodded. “Maybe we ought to do some checking around, make sure this guy isn’t bad news for your friend.”

“I don’t want to invade her privacy,” Zoe said, worried. “She came to me for help. I don’t want to make her feel as if I went behind her back over this guy.”

“Fair enough. We’ll keep it discreet.”

Zoe smiled with relief, knowing her guys had her best friend’s safety at heart. After the whole Dimas incident — nothing like getting betrayed by a supposed friend — Jax and Hunter had been extra wary of who they let into their inner circle and that concern extended to Zoe’s friends, too. She liked that they were so protective even if they went overboard sometimes. Hunter came up to her and pulled her close. “Now that that’s settled…guess what I was thinking about all day…” and before she could answer, Jax was at her backside, sandwiching her between them.

“Same here,” Jax murmured against the shell of her ear. “Are you up to having us both tonight?”

Zoe shivered with delight as she nodded. “Yes,” she answered breathlessly, loving how considerate they were right before they shredded her clothing and railed her without mercy. She knew Hunter would be the rough one while Jax would soften the violence of his thrusts with sweet kisses. How did she get so lucky? Stepping outside of their embrace, she beckoned with a crooked finger as she headed toward their bedroom. “Well, what are you waiting for…”

And that was all the encouragement they needed.

By morning Zoe would be deliciously sore in all the right places.

She loved her dirty boys!


Pyro spied Bronx sitting in the back of the dive bar, nearly obscured by the hazy, dim light and slid into the booth opposite him. “Did anyone see you?” he asked and Pyro shook his head. “Good. I don’t want anyone realizing I’m still alive just yet, you feeling me?”

“Yeah, sure. So what the hell is going on? There’s all sorts of talk going on about you. Is it true?”

“That I ratted out Charlie?” he supplied with a wry twist of his lips. “And what do you think?”

“I think Charlie was a no-good piece of shit who couldn’t be trusted,” Pyro answered, his dark eyes unreadable as fuck.

“That’s not what I’m asking. Do you believe I ratted out Charlie to take the fall?”

“I think I don’t give a fuck. As far as I see it, whoever did it, did the club a favor. Charlie was a loose cannon and bad for business.”

Probably as good an answer as he could expect. Bronx accepted it and moved on. “Listen, what’s the word on the street? Who’s got it out for me?”

“Hell, Bronx…you’ve made enemies. The list is long. Just come back and we’ll sort it out. Besides, whoever it was wouldn’t be so stupid as to try again so soon.”

There was a certain level of logic in that statement but he wasn’t ready to leave Delainey just yet even if he wasn’t going to admit that to anyone but himself. “Nah, not yet. I’m not about to make a gamble on my life with those odds. Find out what that blabbermouth Randy is flapping his yap about. Monica said he was spreading rumors.”

“Monica? How the fuck did you talk to Monica?”

“I went and got my bike; unfortunately, she was at my place. Couldn’t be avoided.”

“I hope you didn’t fuck her. She’s been getting around, if you know what I mean.”

Bronx nodded, suppressing a shudder. Yeah, he knew. Now he really wished he’d scrubbed his dick raw. “No I didn’t fuck her. Listen, you’re the only one I trust right now. Can you be my eyes and ears?”

“Yeah, man, you know I can.” Pyro shifted his long legs under the table. “So who you holed up with? Anyone I know?”

“No. She’s just a friend and I want her to stay out of this. If anything happens to my friend…let’s just say, nothing will stand in my way of getting even.”

Pyro chuckled. “You must like this chick to be so protective.”

“She’s all right. I just don’t want the complication. I have enough to worry about.”

“You got that right. Jaime wants to meet with us. He’s getting antsy.”

Basic street sense: one deal goes sour, have another started. Since the fucking Kings swooped in a year ago and stole his chance at brokering the big deal, he’d have to make do with the smaller cash-out but either way you look at it, fifty grand was still a lot of money. The problem was, he didn’t trust Jaime any further than he could toss the fucker. “Just tell him to sit tight. He’ll get his shipment.”

Pryo shrugged as if he thought Bronx was making a bad call but whatever. “I’ll hold him off as long as possible. Just remember, the Kings took one deal…they could take another. I, for one, don’t like the prospect of losing again.”

“Neither do I,” Bronx replied with a hint of malice. “And I won’t. Nothing’s getting in the way of delivering that shipment. Just do what I asked you and find out where the threat is coming from.”

“I’ll see what I can see,” Pyro said and then edged his way out of the booth, leaving Bronx alone again. Why was Pyro so keen on knowing where he was staying? That was the second time Pyro had asked where he was holed up. Something felt wrong. Was he just being paranoid? Pyro was the closest thing he had to a best friend. But Dimas had been pretty close to Jax and Hunter and that hadn’t stopped the fucker from dropping their girl from the ceiling and trying to run off with their cash. Was he wrong to trust Pyro? Unsettled by his own misgivings, he left the bar and took a circuitous route back to Delainey’s place.

The irony at work was that Delainey was the only person he could trust and he was the one person
shouldn’t trust.





Delainey felt pretty sure she was channeling Betty Crocker as she surveyed her dinner creation for the night, tickled by how well everything turned out. Grilled asparagus, red mashed potatoes, breaded chicken breasts, and homemade applesauce — and for dessert…apple pie (because she’d overdid it with the apples and had to use them up). Yep. Pretty darn domestic. But she liked feeding Bronx. There was something so primal about feeding the man who was, for lack of a better phrase, screwing the life out of her behind closed doors and she loved it. Bronx walked through the front door just as she was putting the wine on the table. “Hi,” she said brightly, noting that at least he wasn’t as surly as yesterday. “Are you hungry? I hope so. I kind of made enough to feed an army.”

“I’m starved,” he answered, eyeing the food with open interest. “Let me go wash up.”

“Good idea.” Delainey took a seat and poured two glasses of wine. Everything was perfect. Perfectly fake, a voice whispered.
What are you doing playing house? This was a dangerous game
You’re going to get hurt
. Well, not tonight, she countered to the nasty little voice of reason that was wholly unwelcome in her head right now. Bronx returned and took a seat, eyeing the wine with something of a raised eyebrow and she realized he probably wasn’t much of a wine drinker. “I can get you a beer,” she offered.

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