(Club Chrome MC 2) All Dogs Bite (3 page)

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“I’m not that good,” she countered, lifting her chin. “I’m in the shower with a naked man that I just met.”

“True but you’re helping me when you don’t have to. Someone else might’ve just called the cops and let fate deal with me.”

“Maybe I’m a shallow person and just liked the way you look and I’m totally objectifying you right now,” she said, almost daring him to call her out. “I mean, you have a great body. It’s no terrible tragedy to be in the shower with you right now. And your p-penis is nice, too.”

is nice? Thank you. I think.”

She blushed and grabbed the soap. “I don’t know how to complement someone’s genitalia without it sounding weird but you seem to be nicely put together, that’s all I’m saying. I mean, I don’t have a whole lot of experience in that department but it seems to me that you’re…um,
as they say?”

“I’ve never had any complaints,” he said with a mild grin, watching her. “So when you say you haven’t had much experience…you aren’t a virgin, are you?” God, he hoped not. He tried to avoid virgins. He didn’t like the responsibility of being someone’s first. Too much drama afterward.

“N-no.” She shook her head —
thank God
— but her gaze remained riveted on his cock. She didn’t know it but she was driving him crazy with her obvious interest. He’d never been examined so thoroughly, so breathlessly.

This was the oddest conversation he’d ever had but he was enjoying it, just the same and he was curious as to where it was going. “Want to touch it?” he dared.

Her mouth gaped open but before she could answer, the soap sprang from her hand and hit him square in the cheek before thudding to the shower floor and skidding off. “Oh! I’m so sorry,” she cried out, her hands fluttering to smooth away the hurt and if he hadn’t been afraid of the pain any laughter might’ve caused in his side, he would’ve laughed his ass off. This chick was something else. He kinda liked her quirkiness.

“It’s okay,” he assured her, catching her hands and drawing them gently away from his face and placing them on his cock. “How’s that?” he asked in a low voice, enjoying the way her breath shortened and her fingers lightly squeezed.

“I’m touching your penis,” she stated unnecessarily before meeting his gaze, amazed. “I’m actually
it. You don’t mind? I don’t want to take advantage of you in your weakened state.”

Her concern for his welfare was irony at its best. He nodded gruffly, leaning back to enjoy her gentle touch. “I’m good. Go ahead, touch all you want. I don’t mind. Just don’t squeeze my balls, that will hurt.”

She bobbed a nod and then explored his cock with all the curiosity of an unabashed teen slut with a voracious appetite for sex.

“Take your top off,” he instructed her and she pulled her hand away, suddenly shy. “C’mon, it’s only fair, right? Here I am in my birthday suit and you’re standing there in a T-shirt.”

She shook her head and retreated, that beautifully curious light fading from her eyes. “We should get this over with before we run out of hot water,” she told him, retrieving the soap once more and gently began to wash away the blood and grime from the night before. He didn’t press but it bothered him more than it should that she didn’t want him to see her naked. She had nothing to be shy about. There was something incredibly sexy about her that he’d totally missed at first glance. Everything about her was soft and womanly. In fact, he was still sporting a rock-hard cock, in spite of the fact that she’d stopped touching him with anything more than a clinical touch. “How’s this?” she asked him, gently scrubbing the area around his wound. He winced but nodded, encouraging her to continue. “You’re really lucky. The bullet missed all your major organs. Your guardian angel was working overtime last night.”

He grunted in agreement but if he’d ever had a guardian angel, that bitch quit on him the day he was born. Luck was never on his side. All he had was his intuition and it’d been banging last night, telling him that something was off. She finished and then shut the water off, helping him into a towel and leading him to her bedroom. “I’m going to have to get some clothes for you because yours are ruined with blood and a bullet hole,” she said, scrubbing her dripping hair as he watched. “Do you think you’ll be okay for a little while?”

He unwrapped the towel and tossed it to the floor before lying on the bed with a devilish grin. “I like playing doctor with you. Come exam me again. I promise to be a good patient.”

She smiled bashfully and walked toward him. “Is it weird that I like looking at you?” she asked.

“Not to me,” he answered. “I like the way you look at me.”

Delainey sat gingerly beside him, her gaze drinking him in like he was a tall glass of cool water on a hot day but just as her hand reached for his cock, she pulled back with a frown to ask, “Do you have a girlfriend or a wife?”

“Does it matter?”

Apparently, that was the wrong answer. She scowled. “Well, of course it matters. I can’t be fondling your junk when it belongs to someone else, now can I?”

“It belongs to
and if I say you can touch it, you can touch it,” he said, feeling the matter closed but it wasn’t to Delainey.

“Ugh. Men are all alike,” she said, rising to grab some clothes from her closet before disappearing behind the privacy of her bathroom door to yell. “And yes, it matters!”

So much for playing doctor, he sighed.

And things had just started to get interesting.





“Hello, earth to Dee?” Zoe’s fingers snapped in front of Delainey’s line of sight and she jumped, nearly knocking over a small display of umbrellas and causing people to stare at the commotion. Zoe made a “sorry, for making you look like a klutz” expression but still expected her to answer. “You’ve been a space cadet all morning. You’re the one who said you needed help doing some shopping and then you’ve gone all vacant-stare on me. What gives?”

Delainey wanted to tell her best friend in the world what was going on but she held her tongue. She didn’t know if she ought to share that she was harboring a Dog in her house when Zoe was sleeping with not one but two Kings. Could make for an awkward conversation that Delainey had no idea how to finesse so instead, she opted for a variation of the truth, wincing as she said, “I’m tired. Didn’t sleep very well last night.” She had a crick in her neck from sleeping on the sofa with one eye open. Let’s be honest, it’d been a pretty ballsy move on her part to let Bronx stay when she’d known nothing about him aside from the fact that he was a motorcycle club member. She grabbed something without really looking at it and held it up for Zoe’s opinion, if only to change the subject. “What do you think of this?”

Zoe grimaced just as Delainey realized what she’d grabbed. “Well, are you shopping for your grandfather? No one wears cardigans anymore, except hipsters and please, God, tell me you’re not dating one of those. I’d much rather accept that you’re dating Hugh Hefner than one of those pretentious idiots.”

Delainey returned the offensive sweater-thing with distaste. She couldn’t picture Bronx wearing something like that and she had a pretty active imagination. “No,” she groaned, feeling like the world’s biggest idiot. “I wasn’t paying attention. You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m a jumbled mess today. There’s a lot going on right now.”

“Which brings us back to the first question of the day, why are we shopping for men’s clothing for a man who is not here with us? What’s going on?”

“I can’t really give too many details,” she started and Zoe’s eyes widened with confusion. Delainey knew if she didn’t give Zoe something, she’d keep picking at her until Delainey sang like a canary. She tugged Zoe away from the throng of shoppers into a secluded corner before saying, “You have to promise to keep this quiet and I mean it.”

“Scout’s honor,” Zoe promised. “What’s going on?”

“Okay, I have a friend who’s in a bad situation and he’s staying with me for a few days but he had to get out of his place pretty quick and didn’t have time to grab some clothes, hence, the reason I’m picking up a few things for him.”

“Oh. Well, who is it? Do I know him?”

“No, no one you know,” Delainey assured her quickly. “Just a guy I met fairly recently and I want to help him out. No big deal.”

“But you like him, right?”

Damn that girl’s intuition. “I don’t know,” she admitted, not quite sure herself how she felt about Bronx. He was hot, for sure. He was dangerous, absolutely. And he had a lovely penis that she quite wanted to touch again — hot skin covering all that hard steel — but, well, she’d only known him a day. How could she possibly answer that question with any sort of real knowledge? “Can I ask you something about Jax and Hunter?” she asked.

“Of course,” Zoe answered. “What do you want to know?”

“Things happened pretty quick for you guys, I mean, they came into your life and before you know it, you were shacking up with them as their little love dove, right? Didn’t you think it was a little crazy that you fell so hard and so quickly for them?”

“Oh yeah, it was real quick. But when you know, it’s like a thunderbolt and there’s no denying how it makes you feel when you’re around them. Honestly, I know it’s not orthodox but considering our relationship, it seems pretty appropriate to the situation. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love my bad boys.”

“Yeah, you seem pretty happy,” Delainey agreed wistfully. Was it nuts to allow herself the tiniest bit of fantasy involving Bronx? She’d already lied to him. It’d seemed a harmless thing but it was her own business and she hadn’t wanted to put out on blast the moment he’d asked. “You still sleep with them both?” she had to ask.

“Every chance I get,” Zoe answered cheekily. “I mean, it’s not always a sex-fest. We’re not maniacs or nymphos. Most times, it’s sweet and loving. And sometimes it’s just dirty sex. I adore both styles. And don’t ask me to pick a favorite because it’s impossible.”

“I can’t imagine,” Delainey murmured, thinking of Bronx. She didn’t think she could handle two men at once. Not that she had any practical experience because she was still…yes, a virgin. At the ripe old age of twenty-seven she was still rocking the V-card. How was it possible, you ask? Well, dating was difficult at best and frankly, she was always disappointed in the brief backseat fumblings from previous dates that she hadn’t been all that interested in seeing what else was going to happen. So…yeah, she’d held onto her V-card. But then Bronx had asked and she’d lied because, well, she’d been a little embarrassed to admit that she was lacking in the horizontal mambo experience.
So there. Sue me
. “You weren’t a virgin before Jax and Hunter, right?” she asked her friend.

“No, but I’d had precious little experience to call my own and frankly, after having been with Jax and Hunter, I’m not even sure I can call what happened with Teddy as truly being deflowered, if you know what I mean.”

“Yeah,” Delainey agreed but then realized she didn’t know what she was agreeing to. “Actually, I don’t know what you mean. Isn’t it all basically the same? I mean, the act?”

“God no,” Zoe answered emphatically. “Girl, I thought the same thing until I was with Jax and Hunter. Boy, was I misinformed. Sex with someone who knows what they’re doing is a whole new experience — it’s better.”

What if she had no basis of comparison? What if Bronx was a terrible lover? What if he ranked as a zero on the love meter? She’d have no way of knowing. Damn, she should’ve lost her virginity years ago so she’d at least have some level of knowledge.

“Dee…are you…a virgin?” Zoe whispered. When Delainey remained silent, her friend gasped in surprise. “I thought…what happened to Garth? I thought you gave it up to him.”

She sighed. “Garth…well, I might’ve been willing if he hadn’t, um, started without me. He did his thing in his pants and then I think it embarrassed him because he never called me again.”

“Ouch. That sucks,” Zoe said in commiseration. “Well, you’re better off without a guy like him if he goes off like a cannon prematurely, you know? You want a guy who can last longer than six seconds.”

“I’ll take your word for it,” Delainey quipped and Zoe laughed. “I hadn’t meant to stay a virgin this long but I guess I just put the V-card situation on the back burner.”

“So…this guy you’re helping out…you want to sleep with him?” Zoe surmised.

“I don’t know,” Zoe answered, unsure. “I like him. He’s hot. I’m talking underwear-model-hot. But…what if he doesn’t like what he sees when I’m naked?”

Understanding dawned in her friend’s face and as tears welled in Zoe’s eyes, they pricked Delainey’s eyes as well. “If he doesn’t like what he sees, then he’s an idiot,” Zoe declared, wrapping her arm around Delainey. “How does he act around you?”

“Sort of interested.”

“What do you mean?”

Delainey thought of the erection Bronx had been sporting earlier and she blushed. “I mean, he seems to like me.”

“Then forget about that crap the media force feeds us about men only being attracted to stick figures. It takes all types to make the world go ‘round, you know? My guys love my curves and chances are, your guy will too. Give him a chance. Remember how you told me to grab opportunity and live life in full color? Well, time to practice what you preach, girl.”

Delainey wiped at her eyes. “Yeah, well, it’s a lot harder to put into practice than I realized. I’m afraid he’ll reject me and I can’t take that kind of embarrassment. Reminds me too much of high school.”

Having known each other since freshman year, Zoe knew exactly what Delainey was talking about. The laughs, the jeers, the mocking stares and the worst — the false prom invitation — God, they were two girls happy to leave high school in the dust. Zoe put on a bright, brave smile for Delainey and said, “Leave your baggage where it belongs. If he seems interested, go for it. If he turns out to be a jerk, his loss, and move on. There’s a whole big world out there for women like us and we just have to stop allowing other people to tell us where we can go.”

Delainey nodded, bolstered by her friend’s advice. She was right. Why was she suddenly feeling so emotionally vulnerable? If Bronx didn’t want her, why had he practically invited her to jump on his dick and go for a ride? Maybe he hadn’t said as much in so many words, but his eyes had definitely said, ‘C’mon, girl, let’s have some fun’ and why shouldn’t she? She was a grown adult. No one could tell her who she could knock boots with and if it just so happened that her head was turned by a really bad boy with a gunshot wound…so be it.

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