Club Wonderland (15 page)

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Authors: Christine d'Abo

BOOK: Club Wonderland
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Talk about being between a rock and a hard place.

“Then you had to start with your flirting. Those looks you’d throw my way, begging me to pay attention to you.” As he spoke, he caressed her skin with his fingertips, occasionally pinching as he went. “Did you know what you were doing to me? Answer me.”

“No, Sir. I didn’t think you’d even noticed.” If she had, Alice didn’t know what she would have done.

“I noticed.” Three more spanks, though not as hard as the first. “Of course I noticed.” Another pinch. “Every.”


“That’s ten. You did well.” Gael maneuvered his hand between her legs, pushing her thighs wider. The first brush of his fingers against her pussy chased away the last bit of Alice’s control.

“Don’t move or else I can’t give you a treat.”

Treats are good.
Don’t move.

With one smooth stroke, he pressed two fingers deep into her pussy. “Nice and wet. Your clit is so big right now.” He pinched the engorged flesh, sending a shudder through her. “It would be so easy to make you come.”

“Please. Sir.”

“Not yet.” Without any warning, he pulled her up so she was on her feet. The blood that had pooled in her head rushed south so quickly, Alice nearly lost her balance. Thankfully, Gael was there to catch her. “Do you want your treat?”

Nodding only served to make things worse. When he guided her to the floor to take up a position between his legs, she was thankful.

“I’m going to let you suck me. If I like what you’ve done, then I might consider letting you come.”

Coming was a good thing. Alice lurched for the fly of his pants, only to have her hands batted away.

“I don’t trust you to be careful. Sit back.”

Forced to watch, Alice was sure to pay extra attention to him as he slowly popped each button of the fly. The head of his cock bounced free from its confines, revealing that he too had gone without underwear. Shit, they could have had a ton of fun in the car if she’d known that.

Maybe on the way home.

She didn’t need to be told to lean forward and run her tongue up the length of his shaft. The hand in her hair only confirmed he liked the way she sucked on his head, teasing the sensitive spot of his tip with her tongue. She went so far as to work her hand past the opening of the pants so she could scrape her nails across the small part of his balls that were exposed.

“Sir, would you take these off?”

“No. Make me come like this.”

Of course he wouldn’t make things easier for her. She suspected as much as Gael liked being in control, he also enjoyed the prolonged tease. The more he made her work for things, the longer it would be before he found his own satisfaction.

Well, submissive or not, two could play at this game. Alice wanted to make him come as fast as she could, wring out every ounce of pleasure from his body until he was left with nothing but an empty and completely satisfied husk. She wrapped her hand around his shaft and started up a punishing rhythm with her tongue. Slowly at first, she increased the tempo with the suction, until she could feel his legs shake beneath her.


Fuck that.


“No. Sir.”

He tried to tug her away by the hair, but she wouldn’t relent. Soon the tugs matched her beat and it wasn’t long before the taste of pre-come filled her mouth.


Come exploded across her tongue and she swallowed down every spurt he gave her. It shouldn’t have felt as good as it had to push him the way she did. Following his commands and still making her own desires known. Maybe this being a sub thing wouldn’t be as scary as she’d first thought.

The grip in her hair tightened, until she was forced to look up into his less-than-amused expression.

Oh shit?

“Bad girl.”

Gael picked her up as if she weighed nothing and threw her down to the couch. He pulled her legs apart, cupping her inner thighs with each of his hands, exposing her to him once more.

“Bad girl.”

Heat from his mouth enveloped her clit as he sucked hard. The pressure and rush of pleasure made it difficult to breathe. With her mouth gaping, Alice did her best to fight against the sudden sensual onslaught. He pressed three fingers into her pussy and curled them so they scraped against the top of her vagina. That was it—there was no way she’d be able to stop herself from coming.

The first waves of pleasure took away her vision. Her world became nothing more than the roll of release, the pain/pleasure mix as her sore ass was rubbing against the leather. When the sensations grew to be too much, she tried to push him away.

He wouldn’t budge.

The pressure on her clit lessened for a moment, but the reprieve was short-lived. Much as she’d done to him, he set up a rhythm, licking her clit as he fucked her with his fingers. This wasn’t what she wanted. She would have preferred to feel that thick cock of his filling her, driving her hard into the floor until she screamed her release.

But she hadn’t been a good girl, had she?

If this was more punishment, there were worse predicaments to have.

“Gael...” She carded her fingers though his hair, knowing he would do what he wanted to her. “Sir.”

His growl echoed through her body, and he starting to increase the pace. Licking around her labia, he added several random pinches to the insides of her thighs. The brief explosions of pain helped increase the pleasure. Within minutes, she could feel a second orgasm approaching.

“God.” She rolled her head side to side, knowing it was all too much. They’d never kissed, and here she was legs spread for a man she’d wanted to go out to supper with, talk, get to know before maybe getting to this stage.

Sex is the easy part.

Flailing, Alice lost control of her body as her pleasure surged inside her, cresting once more in a powerful rush. A scream ripped from her as she was torn apart from the inside out. All rational thought was gone, and she instead existed in a world of pure sensation. But like all good things, the pleasure ebbed until she was left a sweaty, disheveled mess.

Gael slowly got to his feet, but Alice was barely conscious of his movements. Keeping her eyes open required too much effort, so she didn’t even bother. Everything that had happened to her in the past two days, compounded by her lack of sleep and great orgasms, was more than she could handle.


She should probably answer him. It no doubt went against one of his rules.
Fuck it.
Instead, she let out a sigh and let her mind drift off to oblivion.

Chapter Sixteen

Gael sat outside on the back deck and watched the sunset. He’d had to go searching for a blanket when he realized Alice had fallen asleep. Although the warm July air would have been enough to keep her comfortable, he didn’t want to risk her getting a chill.

That hadn’t gone quite the way he’d intended. The plan had been to give her a quick spanking, have her suck him for a bit, then take her upstairs to the master bedroom where he would tie her up. His intent was to see how she’d respond to him, his demands, and encourage her where he could. He hadn’t expected her to be such a confident and pushy bottom. Far from the timid and confused woman who’d followed him into Wonderland, this Alice knew what she wanted.

And yet he suspected things weren’t going to pan out the way either of them expected.

The slide of the patio door being pushed open drew his attention, but he didn’t turn around. Alice stepped past his chair so she could lean against the railing. She’d wrapped the blanket around her shoulders, but her ass was visible from beneath the fringe.

“This place is beautiful.”

The backyard had been designed to require only a little maintenance as his parents couldn’t always come up. The in-ground pool had been an addition in recent years, but the small row of grapevines that edged the yard had been there since before he’d been born.

“I loved coming here in the summers. Mom always told me I was too serious, but when I was up here I felt as though I could relax.”

“I can see why.” She looked over her shoulder at him. “Is this Gael-and-Alice time?”

“Yes.” Being himself with her made him feel more uncomfortable than it should. “I was talking with my mom last night. She said they might be selling this place to help keep the business going.”

Alice turned around. “Oh no. That’s terrible.”

The thought of losing the cottage had made him ill. “I promised her it wouldn’t come to that. I’d sell my home first and give them the cash. I can always rent.” His parents had given him the initial down payment, so for him, it was the only fair thing to do.

“But your house—”

“Isn’t as important as this place. That’s just a building. This is home.”

Alice looked at him for several more moments before turning back around. “You’re a good man, Gael.”

Needing to get away from the sudden weight of the moment, he stood up. “I imagine you’re hungry. I brought some groceries. I put them in the kitchen while you were napping.”

“Sorry about that.” Her blush was as endearing as ever. “It’s been a while since I’ve come that hard. I’m slightly terrified about having actual intercourse with you.”

“I’d hate to disappoint you.” The rumble of Alice’s stomach reached him. “Let’s get some food.”

She padded behind him, stopping to look at things as they went. Gael turned on the lights and immediately went to the fridge. “I have eggs and ham. I brought some rolls, but I didn’t grab bread.”

“That sounds good.” She slid onto one of the stools at the island. “I didn’t do things right. Did I?”

“You were fine.”

“For a lawyer, you’re a terrible liar.”

He chuckled. Alice was one of the few people who could actually make him laugh that way. “I’m on vacation.”

“Then tell me the truth.”

“It’s not that simple.”

“Then make it simple. I’m still trying to wrap my head around everything here.”

The butter sizzled in the pan for a few seconds before he cracked four eggs. “For me, part of the appeal is the planning. The control comes from the preparations.”

“And I threw off the plan.”

“You’re a pushy bottom.”

“Is that bad? I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that was bad.”

“It depends on what your idea of good and bad is. And no, you weren’t bad. You surprise me, which hasn’t happened in a long time.”

“I’m glad.” She smiled down at the counter.

She wasn’t like any submissive he’d spent time with before. He could simply write that off as having known her outside of the club. But watching her toy with the salt and pepper shakers on the counter, fascinated by the way her delicate fingers played with them, he realized it was more than that. Alice spoke to something in his soul.

No one had ever done that before.

The eggs cooked quickly, pulling his attention away from her for a few minutes while he finished with the plate. “Here we go. I promise I’ll make something better tomorrow.”

“Thanks.” Alice pushed the egg around for a minute, toying with the unbroken soft yolk before she stabbed it with her fork. “We haven’t had intercourse yet.”

“No, we haven’t. There is a lot more to sex than fucking.”

“I know that. We haven’t kissed either.”

A prickle marched its way down his spine. “Kissing is what people in relationships do.”

“And you’re not looking for a relationship.”

“I wasn’t. Before.”

Alice stared at him for several heartbeats before scooping up the remains of her egg and swallowing them down. “So what do you have planned for us for the rest of the night?”

Originally, he’d intended to reintroduce her to his flogger. She’d responded incredibly well to that at Wonderland. Maybe there was a better option.

Abandoning his food half-eaten, he went in search of his bag of tricks. “I’ll be right back.”

* * *

Alice watched Gael leave, her gaze drifting to his ass and the sinful way the leather hugged him. She’d been unable to shake his words from her mind.
Did that mean that things had changed for him? That he was willing to risk getting the loan for his parents, simply so he could be with her?

She had occasionally been accused of being self-centered in the past, even when that was far from true. Some men were attracted to her looks and would do some outrageous things to make an impression. Gael had never fallen into that category. She couldn’t believe that despite having known each other for several months now, he was ready to throw everything away just to be with her.


Gael’s return was punctuated by a weird metallic clunking sound. As he emerged from the hallway, she saw he now had a large black duffel bag slung over his shoulder.
That had potential.

“Come with me.”

“Are we back to Sir and sub? Because I don’t want to get in trouble needlessly.”

He smiled again. Damn, he looked good. “We’re still Gael and Alice. Come with me.”

The main living room of the cottage was now lit, highlighting exactly how beautiful this place was. Far from any cottage she’d ever seen in her life, this home would have looked perfectly in place in any of the better neighborhoods in Toronto. The oak staircase was snuggled against the side of the wall. As they went upstairs, Alice squeezed her toes against the polished wood, enjoying the way it felt.

“We’re staying in here.” Gael pushed the French doors open and flicked on the light to the master bedroom. “The sheets are fresh.”

Alice clutched the blanket around her naked body. Although she wasn’t cold in the least, she was ready to cover herself up. There was such a thing as being too naked. “Mind if I grab a robe?”

“Yes I do.” He threw the duffel bag to the bed.

“I thought you said we weren’t being Sir and sub right now?”

“We’re not.” He looked her over from top to bottom. “Or else I’d be spanking your ass for still having that blanket around you.”

Alice gasped. Her ass was still a bit tender from before. There was no way she’d be able to handle another one of his
so soon. “Thanks for that.”

Apparently, it wasn’t as big a deal as he’d made it out to be, because he’d turned his attention to the bag, taking items out and placing them on the bed.

“So...what’s in the bag?”

“A lesson.”

“Kinky lesson?” This might be fun.

Gael didn’t respond, but she could make out his smirk.
Too handsome for his own good.

With nothing else to do, she sat down on the corner of the mattress and watched him unpack his implements of doom into neat rows. Leather, metal—was that a dildo? No, a butt plug. She’d seen more than a few pictures of those in the past two days. And there was one in real life. Yes, it did look as big and painful as she thought it would be.


Tossing the now-empty bag to the floor, Gael finally turned his attention to her. “Welcome to Kink 101.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

He growled. It was kind of fun being a pushy bottom.

“I thought you might appreciate knowing what some of my favorite toys and tools were to use before I subjected you to them.” He picked up a large flat paddle that looked as if it was meant to take bread out from an oven. “This is a pretty basic paddle.”

He tossed it back on the mattress and reached for the next item. “This is a flogger. The same one I used on you at Wonderland.”

She had fond memories of that. “Can I see it?”

Gael handed it over. The leather tendrils were soft against her fingers. It was hard to believe that something so delicate could bring such pain in the hands of the right person. Pushing the blanket away from her thigh, she tried striking her skin.

“It’s all in the wrist.” Gael moved so he stood beside her, placing his hand on her wrist. He pulled her arm up, then just as quickly, snapped it forward. The leather stung as it connected with her skin. “See.”

Dammit, her pussy was getting wet again. “What else do you have here?”

He didn’t release his hold on her immediately, taking an extra moment to run his thumb across the back of her hand. “Dildos, butt plug, handcuffs, rope, nipple clamps, blindfold and a ball gag.”

Alice hated how easily she reacted to his proximity. He’d become a drug to her, and it was going to be a painful withdrawal when the time came. She needed to regain some control over her libido if she was going to survive this weekend with her soul intact.

“Rope? Were you a Boy Scout?”

He picked up the bundle, unraveling it until it covered many of the other items on the bed. “I was. I excelled with my knot badge too.”

Think boring thoughts
Beige pants
empty rooms that don’t have rope used for tying you up with.
“So you tie your women up to chairs?”

“Not my women. My subs. And I don’t need a chair.”

Helping her to her feet, Gael took the blanket she’d been clutching and let it drop to the floor. “Arms up.”

Alice was embarrassed how quickly she responded to his command, shocked at how seamlessly they’d shifted from Gael and Alice, to Sir and sub. And that shift had indeed taken place. Something in the air sizzled between them, a spark that ignited a heat that would consume them both.

Gael passed the nylon length around her chest, above her breasts, twice, before repeating the action beneath her bust. Within seconds, her nipples were peaked and her skin tingled. Things only got worse when he looped the rope between her breasts, securing the two parts together.

“This type of binding is simple enough. It was one of the first things I learned when I became fascinated with ropes and suspension.”

“You took a class?” Dear God, she hadn’t considered there were actual classes you could take to learn this sort of thing.

“There are a variety of get-togethers in the city. One or two a month where people can go and learn from people who have mastered certain techniques. Jon isn’t a Dom, but he loves tying women up. It’s practically artwork for him. He spent a lot of time teaching me the basics.”

He hadn’t been idle as he’d been speaking. The remaining length of rope had been working into a series of knots that now dangled freely from the binding below her breasts. He dropped it so the rope now teased her pubic hair. Alice wanted nothing more than to move, force him to do something with this, do something to

Holy hell, he was turning her into some sort of sex fiend.

Resisting the urge to squirm, Alice let out a breath and met his gaze. “What would you normally do next?”

His eyebrow lifted into an elegant curve. “Nipple clamps. But only after I took the rope between your legs and bound your hands behind your back.”

“Between my legs?” Her heartbeat had picked up into a full-scale riot, pounding in her chest. “How would that work? I mean, I’m curious. From an educational perspective.”

“Educational?” He nodded once. “It’s always wise to be well educated.”

Without being told, Alice moved her legs apart to give him room to work. Gael didn’t give her exactly what she wanted, and passed the rope between her legs without touching her skin.

“I then loop it beneath the binding around your chest. Normally I would have added additional rope around your waist, but I think you get the idea.”

“And my hands?”

“Again, I normally have more rope to work with. However...” He turned her around, his large hands on her waist. “Hands behind your back.”

Her whole body shook, but whether it was from nerves or anticipation, she didn’t have a clue.

“There’s a lot that can be done to a person bound like this. You can be suspended from the ceiling with the right rigging. I can lead you around like a pet, showing everyone my property.” Gael tugged hard, securing her hands at the small of her back. There was no way Alice would be able to get free. She was at his mercy. “The knots can be strategically placed on your clit. I can tug on them, teasing you for hours if I want.”

“But we’re not being Sir and sub right now.”

He bit down on her shoulder, sucking the abused skin afterward. “Says who?”

Alice closed her eyes and shivered.

“I changed my mind.” Gael nipped again, harder this time.

“But your plan—”

“Was to seduce you. To teach you. To fuck you.”


“BDSM isn’t simply about spankings and floggings. What’s it about, Alice?”

Her mouth had gone dry as he ran his tongue up the side of her neck to her earlobe. Biting down, Gael chuckled. “Answer me.”

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