Clutch of the Demon (2 page)

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Authors: A. P. Jensen

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy

BOOK: Clutch of the Demon
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Talons wrapped around her middle and bit into her sides, cutting through her wetsuit and skin like paper. Cara's blood splattered over the floor. She rose into the air and faced a creature of legend, a dragon with the head the size of an airplane. When the dragon's mouth opened, Cara inspected its teeth, which were blinding white. She dazedly wondered how the monster kept its teeth so clean. She had a mental image of a crowd of people flossing and polishing the dragon's teeth. In her shell-shocked state, this struck her as hilarious.

The dragon roared again and her humor faded. Belatedly, she clapped her hands over her ears. Blood trickled beneath her palms from ruptured eardrums. The dragon's eyes were a stunning neon turquoise with a vertical slit down the middle like a cat. Its eyes were so bright that she closed her eyes against them. She prayed he'd eat her quick and whispered a prayer for her mother and sister before she reached for her depleted magic. Maybe she'd be able to reach her mother one last time.

That's when she heard a voice in her head.

A human? What trick is this?

"No trick," Cara wheezed.

The talons contracted around her, cracking several ribs. Cara groaned and slumped against the scaly hand, which felt like cold metal beneath her cheek.

Morgana sent you?

"Don't know Morgana," Cara breathed as her vision darkened. "No one sent me."

A terrifying pause and then,
What are you doing here?

"I need a favor," she mumbled before she lost consciousness.

Chapter Two

Two Days Ago

Cara listened as stilettos clipped down the hallway and paused outside of her apartment. She opened the door, yanked the possessed human inside and slammed her up against the door to close it. The demon was using the skin of a famous celebrity and Cara's lip curled when the demon grinned at her.

"Vanity," Cara acknowledged the demon that looked out through the human's eyes.

"Cara, you're suicidal," the demon informed her. "You're lucky I came at all."

"You know what he's done."

When the demon attempted to look confused, Cara slammed her against the door, hard. The demon tried to fight back, but Cara tightened her hand around the demon's skinny throat. It was clear from the woman's frustrated look that the demon regretted inhabiting an anorexic actress for this venture.

The demon yanked on Cara's wrist. "Yes, I know what he's done. So what?"

Cara debated whether she should kill the demon now or later. The demon, sensing the direction of Cara's thoughts, fluttered her hands anxiously.

"What do you want?" Vanity hissed.

Cara leaned in close. "You know."

"No one can undo his work."

"Someone must be able to," Cara insisted and tightened her grip.

The demon slapped at Cara's wrists. "He'll kill me."

"Or I kill you here, now."

The demon and Cara stared at one another, both on edge. Cara withdrew a dagger. The demon's eyes grew wide and she struggled in earnest, but Cara had no problem subduing her easily. The actress barely weighed one hundred pounds and Cara had been hunting demons for years.

"Okay, okay," Vanity said and Cara paused with the dagger inches from her throat. "I may have something for you."

Cara eased her grip, but didn't release the demon completely. "Talk."

The actress took a deep breath, hands fluttering over her throat. Cara knew the demon was dying to see her reflection to make sure the actress she possessed didn't have bruises. Vanity was predictable, but she knew her existence would end in seconds if she didn't give Cara something she could use.

"It's a long shot," Vanity said.

Cara bared her teeth in a snarl. "Do I look like I care? I don't have time for this! Tell me."

"The only one that can help you is an Ancient," Vanity said in a hushed voice.

"Ancient?" She'd never heard the term before and eyed the demon suspiciously.

Vanity nodded quickly. "They Ancient's are real. They used to keep us in check centuries ago."

"Centuries?" Cara echoed, heart sinking. "Where are they now?"

Vanity shrugged. "I've never seen one in the flesh."

Cara brought the tip of her blade to Vanity's neck. "Then why are you wasting my time?"

"They're immortal. They have to be around."

"Vanity, you have three seconds."

"They're powerful and legend has it, guardians of good." The demon gagged as if just the thought of doing nice things made her sick. "Rumor is, they've fallen from grace."

"Then how does that help me?" Cara asked and tried to hold onto her patience.

Vanity's expression turned crafty. "Maybe I could do a spell to help you on your way."


"Location spell, but it's going to cost you." The demon's brows arched haughtily.


The demon looked her up and down and then stared around the simple apartment with a grimace. "What
you have?"

"Money in the bank."

"How much?" The amount was enough to make the demon lick her lips in anticipation. "Deal."

The demon pulled a compass out of thin air and murmured dark spells over it before she handed it to Cara. The moment Cara's hands closed over the compass, her mind was captured. She stood at the very edge of a majestic cliff with the sea stretching out before her. The wind blew her hair back and it was so strong that she spread her arms wide and leaned forward. The wind took her weight and she hung there suspended for a moment before the vision disappeared.

Cara staggered and Vanity wagged a finger in her face.

"What about my cut?" Vanity asked.

"Where was I?"

"Ireland, Cliffs of Moher," the demon said impatiently.

Cara grabbed her phone and punched in the bank account the demon recited. While the demon waited for the transaction to show up in her account, Cara rummaged around in her closet. The demon watched Cara stuff a wetsuit into her backpack and hurry to the nightstand for her passport.

"If you didn't meddle in his business, your sister wouldn't be sick," Vanity said.

The murderous look in Cara's black eyes made the demon back away slowly. Vanity cleared her throat and rushed over to the cracked mirror in the corner of the room. Vanity fluffed her hair as Cara strode over to a laptop and pulled up flights to Ireland and any reference to the Cliffs of Moher.

"You can't save her," Vanity said, watching Cara in the mirror. "He won't let you."

"We'll see," Cara said distractedly as she leaned closer to the computer screen.

"You're walking to your death. Even if you did find an Ancient, there's no guarantee they'd help. Like I said, they've been gone for centuries and they've fallen from their posts as guardians of good."

"I have no choice. Are you going to tell him?" Cara asked and glanced up briefly.

The demon cocked her head to the side and a catty smile curved her mouth. "He may be my master, but fucking with him sounds fun. Remember me, Cara."

"Remember you for what?" Cara asked.

Vanity blew her a kiss and without another word, walked out of the apartment.


Cara woke with a groan and moved her hands over shattered ribs. She didn't have the energy to heal herself. Distorted images filled her mind and her eyes flipped open. Once again, she was flat on her back and there was a monster looming over her. Sheer terror filled her. The dragon was as large as a New York building and nearly touched the top of the cavern. Unblinking turquoise eyes set in a silver scaled face were so focused on her that she looked around for the pool she'd come through. Drowning didn't seem like such a bad fate after all. The dragons razor edged teeth were bared and a tail set with spikes slithered restlessly nearby. If she lived through this, she would find Vanity and put a few holes in her body before sending her back to hell. Cara had been set up to be eaten by a freaking

You can hear me?

The voice in her mind was so loud that she clasped her head between her hands. Cara considered playing dumb, but she'd already revealed she was telepathic. The dragon's peculiar eyes dared her to lie. Slowly, she nodded.


"I don't know. It doesn't work with everyone," Cara said between pants as she pressed a hand over her aching ribs.

What's your name?



She shivered as she listened to the voice inside her head. The dragon was definitely male and had an accent long gone from this world.

Who sent you here?

She had a few choice words to describe Vanity, but she was sure the dragon didn't care to hear them. "I was set up."

By whom?

She noted that the dragon's tail began to curl and flick from side to side. She swallowed hard. Would she be impaled by a spiky tail or ripped apart by his teeth? "I was looking for someone."


"An Ancient."

The dragon's head dipped so suddenly that she cried out and raised her hands in a worthless attempt to protect herself. One huff from his nostrils knocked her hands from her face and slammed them down beside her. Turquoise eyes were mere feet from her own and made her feel as if she were in the middle of a spotlight.

Why are you looking for an Ancient?

She stared into his eyes and felt a spark of hope. "You know about the Ancients?"

I am
an Ancient

She wasn't sure whether to be relieved or terrified. Vanity warned her that the Ancients wouldn't be inclined to help her, but she hadn't expected to face a dragon. She had pictured the Ancient as an old man with a beard, not a scaly beast. So, maybe she wouldn't torture Vanity, she'd just send her back to hell. Would it have killed Vanity to mention that the Ancients were

How did you find me?

"A compass."

The dragon didn't move. She got the impression that he was trying to discern if she was telling the truth. She narrowed her eyes ever so slightly.

"I made a deal with a demon to get your location."

A growl rumbled in the dragon's chest. She had a split second of warning before talons gouged the rock on either side of her. The dragon tilted his head back and flames exploded from his mouth. Despite her broken ribs, she flipped over and crawled towards the only exit. She was several feet from the pool when the dragons tail slapped between her and the only escape route. She stopped where she was, engulfed by pain and fear. A talon flipped her over and she felt one of her broken ribs press against her skin. She muffled a scream as the dragon leaned down once more. Heated breath caressed her face and her eyes watered.

Only corrupt humans associate with demons.

"I had no choice!"

She and the dragon stared at one another. The urge to look away drummed through her, but she beat it back. She was here and couldn't show weakness. She would finish what she started. The dragon could fry her with one breath, but he hadn't... yet. As long as she could talk, she would barter.

What did you give the demon in return for my location? Your soul?

Cara's soul wasn't hers to exchange for favors from demons, but she couldn't tell him that. Despite her peril, the dragon's patent disgust for demons gave her hope. If he hated demons, the dragon was on her side, right?

"I gave her every penny I had," Cara said.

The dragon didn't seem too interested in the fact that she was bleeding out. The wetsuit acted like a bandage around her broken ribs. The tight material was the only thing that kept her from screaming in pain.

You summoned a demon to locate an Ancient. Why?

Cara swallowed hard. "I told you, I need a favor."

And why do you think an Ancient would grant a human a favor?

Her heart began to pound and she struggled to sit upright. "The demon said Ancients are guardians of good."

That was long ago.

"So this was all for nothing?"

Fear fled. Fury blitzed through her chest. She forced herself to her feet and faced the dragon. She might pass out, but she didn't care.

"I risked my life to get here! I flew halfway across the world, nearly drowned in that stupid ass tunnel and now you're gonna tell me you
to be good? I don't have time for this bullshit!"

Watch your tongue.

A flash of his teeth sobered her and she dropped her eyes in defeat. Her five year old sister's face rose in her mind, ravaged by pain no child should endure. Cara's heart sank and furious tears pricked her eyes. She tilted her head back and met those eerie eyes. She had to make one last appeal before he ate her. If he had a shred of good left in him, she prayed it would be roused from its centuries of slumber.

"My sister is sick. I came all this way because I need help."

The dragon shifted and the sound of his metal scales clicking as they slid over one another made goose bumps ripple over her arms. She trembled where she stood, fatigue and pain making her stand in a hunched position. She clenched her hands into fists and waited for the deathblow.

You associate with demons, yet you sacrificed your life to come here for your sister?

"I've always been able to sense demons. I don't have a choice," Cara mumbled.

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