Coffee in Common (17 page)

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Authors: Dee Mann

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Slice-of-life Romance

BOOK: Coffee in Common
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A few minutes before noon, he gave up, threw his pencil down on the desk and explained his problem to the team. "I want to pick her up in a limo and take her to a quiet, romantic Italian restaurant. But which one? I'll never get a reservation anywhere nice on such short notice."

"Maybe I can help with that," said a voice from the doorway. Lisa walked in holding a huge basket that could only contain the fixings for a picnic lunch. She placed it on the corner of Rob's desk and walked around to kiss him.

"Hi baby," she said as their lips met.

Priya noticed the kiss lasted a bit longer than strictly necessary for such a greeting and smiled.

I wonder if that was conscious or not? Letting me know Rob's taken. I guess I'll have to have lunch with her too one of these days. Rob's been though enough lately. He doesn't need her wondering about me.

Rob introduced Lisa to Tom and Priya. After a short exchange of pleasantries, Lisa turned to Paul. "I take it you're really trying to impress coffee girl?"

Paul glared at Rob, who looked innocently away.

"Yes. I want to knock her socks off tonight. And her name is Jillian, by the way."

Lisa caught the glare and realization struck. She smacked Rob on the shoulder. "Fool. You set me up for that, didn't you? Coffee girl indeed. What if I'd said that in front of her someday?" She turned to Paul. "Sorry about that. He told me it was your nickname for her."

"That's okay. I'll make him pay one day soon."

"No, no. Don't you worry," she told him, a devilish gleam in her eye. "Leave it to me. I can make him suffer in ways you can't begin to imagine."

That cracked up everyone except Rob, who just sat silently, trying his best to appear repentant.

"So you want someplace quiet and romantic. What price range?"

"Doesn't matter. But it has to be

"My, my. This Jillian must be something special!"

"You have no idea," Tom said. He'd all but given up on the team getting any meaningful work done for the rest of the day.

Lisa's quizzical smile had everybody eyeing each other.

"Well, you might as well hear the whole story." Paul said, and proceeded to tell her everything that had happened since Wednesday morning.

When he finished the monologue, Lisa's hand was covering her mouth and her eyes were misty. For the second time, she smacked Rob on the shoulder. "All this happened and all you tell me is that Paul met a girl?" Shifting her gaze back to Paul she said, "That is so romantic. Now I see why… Okay, let me make a phone call."

She flipped open her cell and dialed a number as she headed out the door. "I'll be right back. Start thinking about what happens after dinner."

When she returned ten minutes later, she was all smiles. "Okay, how does this sound? You have a seven o'clock reservation at Casa de Luna. You know the place? When you get to the restaurant, ask for Gino. He'll take good care of you. You also have a New England Coach limo and driver for the night so you won't have to deal with taxis."

Paul stared at her, completely flabbergasted.

Casa de Luna?

You would expect the finest Italian restaurant in Boston to be in the North End, home to all things Italian. In an area roughly one-quarter mile square, you can find more than sixty restaurants and cafes, many of them world famous. But the most famous of all, the restaurant it was impossible to get into unless you made a reservation many weeks in advance, was located not in Little Italy, but on Tremont Street, right on the edge of Chinatown.

"How did you…"

"Anthony DiBenedetto, one of the owners, is a friend of my dad. And his daughter's wedding reception was at the Ritz, where yours truly is the function manager. So I called him and told him about you and Jillian. I was hoping he'd be able to squeeze you in for an early reservation or something. I should have known the old softy would…well, you'll find out later. Just be sure to ask for Gino, okay?"

"Okay? Are you kidding? Casa de Luna is perfect! I can't believe it! Thank you, Lisa!"

She wrote something on a scrap of paper and handed it to Paul. "That's the number for New England Coach. Ask for Davie. Your car and driver will be available from six o'clock until whenever. The driver's name is Gary, he's prepared for an all-nighter if it comes to that, and his tip will be up to you, but the limo itself is being covered by your good friend Rob."

"W…What?" Rob sputtered. "What do you mean? Why am I paying for it"

Lisa smiled sweetly at him. "Oh honey," she began in a tone usually reserved for small children, "don't be like that. You're doing something special for your friend. And I'll bet it will also help you remember that it's not nice to play tricks on the girl who loves you."

His workmates erupted in laughter.

"I like your style," Priya said. "I
like your style."

"And I like yours. What you did for Paul this morning was amazing. Not many people would have put themselves on the line like that. We have to have lunch one day real soon."

Tom glanced at his watch. It was nearly twelve-thirty. Motioning to the picnic basket, he suggested Rob and Lisa might want to head off on their picnic. Then he asked Paul and Priya if they wanted to join him for lunch. He told them all he planned to take the rest of the day off and that they should do the same. Everyone was too caught up in the date drama to concentrate on work.

"Why don't you guys join us on the Common. There's plenty of food in here, although we may have to share plates and glasses. I know
be talking about the big date and I'm pretty sure that's what you guys will be talking about, so we might as well make it a party."

"Thanks, Lisa. Sounds good to me," Tom said. "And don't worry about plates and such. I'll grab some plastic stuff from the lunch room."


Forty-five minutes later, Paul swallowed the last sip of his now-cold coffee. He'd been too nervous to eat anything, but everyone else had thoroughly enjoyed the crudités, cold meats, cheeses, breads, and fruit.

All were in good spirits as they ate and discussed the various places he might take Jillian after dinner.

There were several good plays running at the Colonial and Shubert Theaters, the Stuart Street Playhouse, and the Wang Center, but none started late enough to avoid having to rush dinner.

Tom suggested they stop by Mike's Pastry but Priya reminded him the place was so famous it was always packed with locals and tourists.

Tom nodded. "I forgot about that."

"Besides," Paul added, "I have a surprise in mind for right after dinner that pretty much eliminates the North End."

"Oh, you romantic devil," Rob kidded after Paul explained his plan. "You are getting lucky
for sure

They kicked around ideas for a while longer. Various bars and lounges were mentioned for drinks, clubs discussed for dancing, even some unusual things like stopping at a local bookstore so he could see her work in the magazine and show her some of the books he'd edited. In the end, Paul decided on a plan that everyone agreed was a good one.

"You do realize this date will cost you more than the annual budget of some small nations," Tom said.

"Oh stop exaggerating," Priya chided. "I think it'll be very romantic and I'll be feeling very jealous tonight thinking about it."

"The cost doesn't matter," Paul said. "It's only money. I'll make some more tomorrow. Or Monday. I just want to make this date one she'll never forget."

Lisa leaned over and put her hand on Priya's arm. "You know, I think we'll both be feeling a little jealous tonight."

2:15 PM


Seated at her drawing table, Jillian combed her hair back with her fingers, then grabbed a handful in both fists and let out a screech of frustration. This was the fifth mistake she'd made today.

"Don't pull too hard or you'll have to do some fancy hairdressing for your date tonight." Cathy was standing at the entrance to her work space. "Let's see now, how many times have I heard that sound today? Three? Four?"

Jillian groaned. "Five. It's horrible. I can't concentrate. I keep thinking about what a fool I made of myself. He knows I was spying on him. I acted like a suspicious, clingy, insecure girlfriend…like he was cheating on me or something, and we've never even gone out." She groaned again. "What man in his right mind would want someone who acts like that?"

"I can think of one." Cathy lay her hand on Jillian's shoulder. "This boy likes you Jilli. I saw him when you and that girl, what was her name?"


"That's right. I watched him when you and Priya were locked in the break room this morning. Honey, that man all but wore out the tiles on the floor with his pacing. When he came into my office to ask to see you, he looked like someone had just died. You didn't notice that when you first saw him?"

Jillian shook her head. "Maybe I was too angry to really see straight."

"You were angry all right. But I think it was more than that, if you'll admit it to yourself. You were heartbroken. Heartbroken over a guy you've never gone out with. How do you explain that?"

"I don't know.
I don't know!
" She was so frustrated she couldn't stand it, and it was showing. "I haven't been able to figure out any of this. Two days ago I meet this guy who acts like a goof, so I shoot him down, but something happens when I see his expression, so I tell him where I'll be for lunch, and then he's so charming at lunch where
make a fool of myself, and suddenly I'm all starry-eyed and can't think of anything else, and then… It's crazy, just crazy. I don't act like this."

"Maybe it's time you started," Cathy said gently. "You know, it's possible this guy is just a big loser who's so desperate to get laid he'll put up with anything for a date with a pretty girl."

Jillian's nostrils flared with anger. "He's not a…"

Cathy cut her off, laughing. "I know he's not a loser. But see how you reacted when I suggested it." She watched Jillian's face flush. "You like this guy as much as he likes you. Who knows why? Is why
all that important?"

She let the question sink in for a few seconds before she continued. "What
important is that there's something special happening between the two of you. Maybe it's hormones, maybe it's destiny. Maybe you two will be shooting stars or maybe you'll build a brave new world for yourselves."

"Brave new world?"

"I know, sorry. I read the book last week and couldn't resist." She sat in Jillian's desk chair.

"Did you consider that he may have found it charming you cared enough to follow him? Perhaps he realized you wouldn't have been so upset if you didn't feel something for him. There's no way to know, Jillian, and worrying about it will only make you crazy.

"Go out with him tonight. Go out and see what happens. Worst case, you wasted an evening, best case…"

She was interrupted by the sharp ring of the phone. Jillian glanced at the clock. It was too early for it to be Paul. "Please. I don't want to talk to clients right now. Will you…"

Cathy was already reaching for the phone. "Jillian Marshall's desk. May I help you? … Hold on a minute, please." She pressed hold, held out the receiver and said, "It's him. Now talk to him like last night and this morning never happened."

Jillian closed her eyes for a few seconds to compose herself, then nodded to Cathy who pressed the line button. "Hi, Paul!"

"Hi. Look, I know it's early but something came up and I didn't want to wait to call you."

Cathy saw Jillian's face and shoulders droop as she anticipated hearing Paul cancel their date tonight. "Uh-huh."

"Is something wrong? Is this a bad time? I can call back at four-thirty if you want. It's just that I'm kind of anxious about tonight. I've made some interesting plans and…"

Jillian straightened up, beaming. He wasn't canceling at all!

"Plans? What plans?"

"Oh no. You said to surprise you so now you'll have to wait. But the thing is, we have an early reservation somewhere and, well, I'll need to pick you up around six-thirty. I know that's awfully early and I'm sorry but I, well, I can't tell you why." He paused for a second. "Will that be okay? Will you have enough time to get ready after work?"

"Six-thirty is fine." She started to panic inside, wondering how she'd be able to get home, shower, and get dressed and everything in time.

"Great!" There was no mistaking the excitement in his voice. "I'll see you then. Oh, and you might want to wear something a little dressy. Bye."

Jillian filled in her boss on the side of the conversation she hadn't heard.

"See, what did I tell you? He probably already forgot about the whole thing." She stood up to return to her office. "Why don't you leave early? That ad can wait until Monday morning. If you stay until five-thirty you'll never be ready by six-thirty. Go home now. Have a nice hot bath and relax for a while." Her eyes bright, she grinned and added, "And when you're walking in front of him tonight, make sure your cute little backside puts on a good show for the boy! I have a feeling he's going to earn it."


2:40 PM


As the elevator descended, Jillian surveyed her nails, then pulled a small mirror from her purse for a peek at her hair.

Maybe I'll lose the clear polish and add some color. And I could put my hair up. But maybe he'd it better down. Or maybe…

The door opening interrupted her thoughts. She stepped out and started across the lobby, mentally rummaging through her closet, searching for something she and Liz might have forgotten earlier. One by one, she dismissed each outfit, even the skirt and blouse combination mentioned last night.

No, they're nice, but nowhere near special enough. I need something fabulous…something simple but elegant. I want him to drool when he first sees me.

Her soft giggle turned some heads.

He said to wear something a little dressy. That's guy talk for ‘don't wear pants.' So he wants to see me in a dress. Hmmm.

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